How to change the shape of the nose? Rinoplasty of the nose. Nose after rhinoplasty: photo before and after. Rinoplasty of the tip of the nose

How to change the shape of the nose? Rinoplasty of the nose. Nose after rhinoplasty: photo before and after. Rinoplasty of the tip of the nose

Rinoplasty is a procedure popular among celebrities and the powerful of this world, which is capable of radically changing the appearance. What is its features, what does the nose look after the correction and what the consequences can be - read about this in the article.

  • Women's nose is a significant part of the face, and if it is not quite aesthetic in shape, then such the highlight Immediately cling to third -party views and spoils the overall impression of the appearance of her owner
  • Moreover, according to statistics every second woman unhappy with the shape of her nose, even if there are no significant problems and defects
  • Unwillingness to put up with this complex Makes women and even men to go under a surgeon knife to correct their nose. Let's try to figure out what is it Rinoplasty And how can she change the appearance

Plastic surgery on the nose, surgical nose correction

Many women are unhappy with the shape of their nose

Rinoplasty - surgical intervention in order to correct the shape of the nose or its complete recovery In the absence.

This modern operation is designed to eliminate various defects of the nose And not only cosmetic. Rinoplastics resort to in the event of a nose fracture, a strong injury during an accident or other cases when it comes to the fullness of the respiratory function, not the aesthetics of the face.

Indications for surgical correction the nose is:

  • nose hump
  • pointed tip
  • too expanded nostrils
  • unnatural nose length
  • violation of the respiratory function
  • displacement or curvature of the nasal septum
  • congenital defects
Nasal defects can be both real and imaginary

Rinoplasty is contraindicated in such cases:

  • age until 18 and after 40 years
  • the presence of mental disorders
  • diabetes
  • oncology
  • follicle inflammation in the zone of alleged surgery
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • skin diseases
  • kidney and liver diseases
  • low blood coagulation
Inform the doctor about all available diseases - this may affect the result

Before the operation The patient must undergo a psychologist’s consultation in order to determine if his desire to change his appearance is a symptom any mental disorder.

If the patient does not have psychological problems and the desire for changes is due to objective, real existing reasons, then computer is produced Modeling the future nose and only after that make rhinoplasty.

Rinoplasty operation: photo before and after

Correction of humps
  • As a rule, rhinoplasty lasts from 40 minutes to several hours - It all depends on the complexity of surgical intervention and the desired result
  • Work plastic surgeon It is rightfully considered jewelry after intervention, in most cases, there will be no scars left On the surface of the nose
  • The cuts are carried out through the mucous membrane of the nose, and after the completion of rhinoplasty, tampons are inserted into the nostrils. You can only take them out after two days after operation
Before and after
The phased result of rhinoplasty
The effect of rhinoplasty
Correction of the tip of the nose
After rhinoplasty
Correction of nose defects
Correction of the tip of the nose
The result of the operation

Nose after rhinoplasty: photo before and after

After operation You should not be afraid of the appearance of your nose: be prepared for the fact that it will not immediately be beautiful And even from the cover of the magazine.

Often the nose becomes swollen, painful, bleeding, with far from aesthetic bruises. But this is only at first - after a long rehabilitation and healing Everyone will envy your nose.

Nose after rhinoplasty

Another unpleasant consequence of surgery is nose edema. Increased mucous membrane it makes breathing difficult And such a state can last about a month.

This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and soon the swelling will disappear and the breath will recover.

Swelling and bruises

Be prepared for the fact that you may have to do repeated operation, if any errors were made or fabrics are growing incorrectly.

Quite often can occur whistle during breathing, nasal bleeding, aesthetic problems after surgery, which can only be solved repeated rhinoplasty.

The postoperative period has the following features:

  • a nose subject to surgical correction at the first time after the operation and in the future it is necessary take care of various blows and injuries
  • the patient is prescribed nasal drops, in which saliva, which are necessary to moisturize the nasal mucosa and prevent the occurrence of infections
  • if the swelling is significant, then are prescribed cold compresses
  • in the first weeks after the operation, it is prohibited sleep on the stomach or on the sideTilt your head down
  • the nostrils are processed antiseptic
  • in the early days, it is necessary to exclude water hit on a co -operated nose (for example, when washing), as well as in the next weeks it is forbidden to use cosmetics
Ashley Simpson
Victoria Beckham
Celine Dion
Unsuccessful rinoplasty of a celebrity
Scarlett Johanson
Ashley Simpson
Megan Fox
Cameron Diaz
Kim Kardashian
Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Aniston

Rehabilitation is completely completed only after a year from the day of operationOnly then can you see the final result of surgical intervention.

Rinoplasty of the tip of the nose: photo before and after

Correction of the tip of the nose is the second most popular procedure After removing the hump. The peculiarity of its implementation is that the structure of fabrics in this area in each person individually and the surgeon cannot have a preliminary action plan - Everything is decided on the situation.

Not everyone is happy with the tip of their nose

Only determining the structural features of the patient’s nose, the doctor establishes what cuts it is necessary to perform and which way will be produced correction.

Before and after
Correction of humps and the tip of the nose
Correction of the tip of the nose of Janet Jackson

Has its own characteristics and Recovery after rhinoplasty The tip of the nose. Since bone tissue does not hurt during surgery, and manipulations occur with cartilage and soft cloth, then the rehabilitation period lasts significantly less than with other types of nose plastic not accompanied abundant edema, bruises and pains.

After operation

Rinoplasty nose with potatoes: photo before and after

Nose with potatoes

Correction massive tip of the nosewhich is popularly called Nose with potatoes, is one of the most justified plastic procedures, since this feature can be very disfigured for a woman. A similar phenomenon is caused by the fact that cartilage fabric on the tip of the nose branches And it is overgrown with a soft cloth.

You can achieve changes in the shape of the tip of the nose with potatoes by removing the part cartilage fabric.

Before and after

The consequences of rhinoplasty

Unfortunately, any operation can have its own negative consequencesEven if the best of professionals worked on your face.

Most of these undesirable consequences do not happen at all through the fault of the doctor, but through the fault of the patient himself, who did not adhere to the recommendations of a specialist regarding the recovery period.

The most striking example of unsuccessful rhinoplasty

Most frequent negative consequences Nasal corrections are:

  • bleeding
  • discovery of seams
  • infection

Your future appearance depends on the actions of the surgeon and even the slightest inaccuracy of the doctor It can disfigure him.

So, if more than necessary cartilage fabric from the tip of the nose, there is a great risk that the nose can lift up like a pork pitch or go downwhich will also not decorate the appearance. There is also a big risk asymmetry of the nose.

These errors can only be fixed by repeated surgery.

Video: sad consequences of rhinoplasty

Non -surgical rhinoplasty

For those, who does not want to go to scalpel Plastic surgeon Modern rhinoplasty offers an alternative - non -surgical correction nose.

Thanks to this method, you can quickly, painlessly and for relatively small money get the desired shape nose. In addition, the nose will not acquire a beautiful view through long months of rehabilitation, but almost immediately.


This method consists in introducing special substances under the skin - fillers - who play the role of peculiar implants, giving a certain form. Thus, you can model the shape of the nose, Removing shortcomings and forming the perfect nose.

Fillers are able to create the perfect nose

Unfortunately, the effect of such rhinoplasty is not preserved for life - it will last from six months to a year and a half.

But if you take into account the fact that the price of the procedure is quite democratic and there are no contraindications regarding the number of procedures, then you can easily change their appearance. Repeat non -surgical rhinoplasty again and again.

It is important to understand that fillers unable to radically change serious defects - They can only adjust the minor flaws.

Where can you do plastic surgery on your nose?

  • Today, plastic surgery is in great demand and in almost every large city There is more than one clinic providing such services
  • But this does not mean that you need to immediately run at random to the first doctor and trust your face its manipulations
  • Before going to such a serious step, you need to find a good specialist who will really solve the problem, and will not create new
Plastic clinic

First of all, you need to find out what the reputation has a clinichow long it functions, whether there are relevant documents for this type of activity (all this information can be found at various stands - There is nothing to hide a good clinic and it is absolutely open to its clients).

Plastic surgeon

If the clinic there is no doubt, then you need to choose in it an experienced doctor who will show you his portfolio - The results of work during practical activities.

It would also be nice to find among his friends a person who used services this plastic surgeon remained satisfied with the result.

Trust your face only to a professional

Plastic surgery - a wonderful achievement of mankind, thanks to which millions received desired beauty.

If you are facing the choice to fix your appearance or not, then do not forget that after the intervention may occur negative consequences, which will be much worse than small defects, pushed you under the surgeon’s knife.

Passion for plastic operations can lead to unexpected results

Otherwise, thanks to rhinoplasty, you can significantly transform your appearance, lose complexes and get the desired - the main thing it will stop in time And enjoy the result, and not arrive in the eternal search for yourself perfect.

Video: rhinoplasty. Answers to all questions

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Comments K. article

  1. I learned so much new .... And I saw !!! But Selin Dion still had a terrible shnobel !!! :)))

    1. And not only her! Alas, the famous beauties are not as beautiful as it seems. Plastic and makeup change the state of things_)

  2. In addition to beauty. This is also a medical procedure in some cases, so there are several reasons for this type of plastic. But if the form itself becomes even more beautiful, then this is very cool)

  3. Sometimes I want to fix the nose, but scary go to the surgeon. But, it turns out, there is a way to solve this problem without surgery.

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