Wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide for the face: can you use?

Wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide for the face: can you use?

Unfortunately, youth is not eternal. If you want to maintain a well -groomed and healthy look of the skin longer, you need to correctly clean it and moisturize it.

On the bedside table of each self -respecting woman should be facial care products. It is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. If you do not know the basic principles for care, then you can only aggravate the condition of the skin of the face. Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide. This is what will be discussed in this article.

The properties of hydrogen peroxide

  • The pharmacy applies to antiseptic drugs of universal purpose. It is not difficult to find, because it is sold not only in pharmacies, but also of the nearest stores. Hydrogen peroxide does not belong to toxic substances, and has a bactericidal property.
  • It can be applied to the skin to remove inflammation. That is why some women prefer to wipe their faces with a means. The main purpose of hydrogen peroxide - Create such a microflora in which pathogens cannot survive.
Useful for the face
Useful for the face

If you regularly wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, you can:

  • disinfect the skin
  • reduce inflammation
  • dry the rashes

In addition to the fact that hydrogen peroxide helps fight acne, it can be used to bleach the skin. If you have age spots, this tool will help return lost beauty. Also used by peroxide for bleaching of teeth and lightening dark circles under the eyes.

Some women mistakenly believe that hydrogen peroxide will help in the fight against black dots. But, this is completely wrong. The liquid only bleach black dots by removing the upper lipid layer and oxidation.

Is it possible to wipe your face with peroxide and how correctly?

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a well -known remedy used for medical purposes and usually used as antiseptic. But women have long discovered other beneficial qualities of this composition, in particular, using it to care for the skin. The effect of this drug begins at the time of its application to the skin, as a result of which occurs oxidizing reactionwhich gives several effects.
  • Cosmetologists and doctors, confirming the antiseptic properties, still do not advise using hydrogen peroxide to wipe the face, since improper or excessive use can harm the skin, causing burns and other problems.
  • It is better to apply peroxide local, in problem areas, or combine it with other home products used to care for the skin. Most of all, it is suitable for those who have oily skin, occasionally you can use those women who have a normal skin. It is unnecessary to say that the drug needs to be applied to pre -cleansed skin, making Caution soft movements.
Wiping with local soft movements
Wiping with local soft movements
  • It is necessary to use only a 3%solution purchased in a pharmacy, and not to use it often-2 times a week, according to doctors, is enough. You should not hold the mask on the face for longer than a quarter of an hour, and you must also carefully ensure that the peroxide does not get to the mucous membrane, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  • After wiping your face, apply with peroxide moisturizing cream. If you do cleaning for therapeutic purpose, then the course should not exceed a month.

Hydrogen peroxide from acne and black dots

  • Some cosmetologists advise wiping the face with hydrogen peroxide with closed comedones and a large number of black dots. This tool allows you to dry inflammation, and disinfect it. It is enough to moisten a cotton wool in peroxide, and apply it to the inflamed area.
  • The procedure is recommended 2 times a day (morning and evening) after washing. Next will be the most common recipes for home cosmetology in which hydrogen peroxide is used.
Noticeable result
Noticeable result


  • If you need to dry the inflammation and improve your complexion, then use your usual lotion with hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to mix 100 ml of your favorite face lotion and 10 drops of pharmacy. Mix thoroughly so that the components are evenly distributed to each other.
  • Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton pad and wipe your face. It is better to do this after washing, when there is no protective layer on the skin. The course of treatment of inflammation - 7 days.


  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of black dots at home. Only a specialized cosmetologist using special acids and equipment can help this. At home you can make black dots less noticeable. This will help hydrogen peroxide.
  • To prepare the cleanser, mix 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam and 1 tsp. Cod with peroxide. Mix the ingredients with a cotton wool. Apply the product to the skin of the face, and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  • Massage the skin so that the particles of soda exfoliate keratinized particles. Wash with warm water and wipe the face with paper towels. After applying such a tool, it should be applied to the skin moisturizing emulsion and cream. If this is not done, peeling may appear that worsen the appearance of the skin.

Piling with peroxide

  • With the development of cosmetology, peeling is a very popular tool. Unlike a scrub, he does not injure the epidermis, and is well exfoliable with keratinized cells. To make homemade peeling, you need glycerin soap and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Foam soap and mix foam with a pharmacy. When the foam settles a little, mix the components thoroughly.
  • Apply the product to the skin and rub with massaging movements. Literally after 1-2 minutes of such actions, spools are formed. This means that dead skin cells are removed. The procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

  • You can prepare a home mask against black dots and acne. To prepare it, you need white clay and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mix clay with clean water in a ratio of 1: 1. Add 1 tbsp to the mass. l. peroxide and 3 drops of tea tree oils (it has a bactericidal effect). Apply the mask to the face and leave for 10 minutes. After rinse it with warm water, and apply your usual care.
For clarification of the face
For clarification of the face

Hydrogen peroxide for bleaching a face

  • If the complexion has become heterogeneous or spots (pigmentation, traces of acne or freckles) appeared, then you can wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide at home to whiten the epidermis.
  • Next, the most popular recipes that can be easily done at home will be considered.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

  • To prepare an effective mask, prepare fresh yeast. If this is not possible, you can take dry yeast.
  • Combine 1 tsp. yeast from 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Do not make a mask too liquid, because this will reduce its effectiveness. Apply the prepared mixture to the face and leave for 15 minutes. After rinse the mask with warm water, and apply your usual cream.

Oats -based mask

  • If you want to align the complexion, prepare a mask of oatmeal and hydrogen peroxide. Previously, the flakes must be chopped with a coffee grinder. Soak the crushed cereal culture in boiling water to form porridge. Add half a teaspoon of peroxide to the mass, and apply the mask to the face.
  • Leave the product on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. If you make such a mask once a week for a month, you can notice that age spots will become much lighter.
For bleaching
For bleaching

Wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide: benefit and harm

If you regularly wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, then you can notice the following effect:

  • The hair on the face is brighten up, and it becomes difficult to notice them. Therefore, lightening hair on the face with hydrogen peroxide is quite effective.
  • Lightening freckles, acne stains and pigment spots.
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process. This helps to reduce the number of rashes on the face.
  • Drying acne. They disappear faster and leave no traces.
  • Cell saturation oxygen.
  • Destruction pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Elimination of dead cells.
  • Improving blood circulation.
It is important not to overdo it
It is important not to overdo it

Despite the large number of advantages, hydrogen peroxide for the face also has disadvantages. Among them:

  • It is likely to provoke allergies.
  • Burns on the skin are possible.
  • Not suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Before proceeding with peroxide, make a test for allergic reactions. Apply a little product on the wrist and wait a few hours. If redness or rashes did not appear, it means that you can use peroxide to improve the condition of the skin. If allergies are manifested, then the use of the product must be abandoned.

Side effects

If you wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide in unlimited quantities, you risk provoking such side effects:

  • An disorder of the stomach, which manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting.
  • The occurrence of rashes on the skin.
  • Slide problems (insomnia, nightmares).
  • Neuroses.

Facial wiping hydrogen peroxide: reviews

  • Scientists, to prove the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide for the skin of the face, conducted research. Some volunteers should have applied the means pointwise on inflammation. Just a few days later, acne dried, and began to disappear.
  • Some women were supposed to add peroxide to home face masks. After 2 weeks, they noticed that the skin became more even, smooth, and began to decrease wrinkles.
  • The third group of women had to apply the remedy on the face without prior tests for allergies. Since they had sensitive skin, irritation and new rashes began to appear.
Efficiency is scientifically proven
Efficiency is scientifically proven

As you can see, wiping your face with hydrogen peroxide, you can get rid of the defects on the skin. But, for this you need to know the basic rules of use. Find out your skin type, and also make an allergy test. After all, incorrect application of the product or uncontrolled use can cause big health problems. If everything is done correctly, then you will become the owner of clean and healthy skin.

Useful tips on beauty:

Video: Results of use of face peroxide

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me that it will only spoil the skin with a microbia .... Therefore, it is definitely not worth risking like that. And in order for the skin to be always moistened, clean and smooth to me only Evalarov hyaluronic acid. I always only take it, because production is Swiss and high dosage. There is nothing to complain about, I look younger than my years, and this already says a lot.

  2. I also think that the peroxide of face care should not be abused. Moreover, there are a lot of special tools that help to solve any problems. If the skin is dry, then you can use Radevit - ointment with vitamins A, E, D.

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