Hyro -scooter for Aliexpress in Russian: how to order and buy? How to choose a gyro scooter for Aliexpress, which gyro scooter is better?

Hyro -scooter for Aliexpress in Russian: how to order and buy? How to choose a gyro scooter for Aliexpress, which gyro scooter is better?

Hyro-scooters, or mini-senes are a hit in 2016. With these mobile means today you will not surprise anyone and more and more children dream of receiving such a gift for the New Year. You can buy a "skateboard" of a new generation in specialized stores or on the Internet. The most profitable is the purchase for Aliexpress. Indeed, with the help of this Chinese site you can buy a gyro scooter by saving about 5-10 thousand rubles on such a purchase.

How to order and pay for the goods for Aliexpress

Buying on Aliexpress is very simple. To do this, you need to register on this site, find the right product and pay. If you have not yet bought at Aliexpress, read our instructions How to do it or use it site memo.

How does a gyro scooter work, how to manage it?

A few years ago, a new generation vehicle appeared. It was two wheels and a control handle. This remedy was called Sigwei. A gyro scooter is a reduced copy of such a means of transportation. He also has two wheels and a playground for setting the legs. But, unlike Sigve, the gyro scooter does not have controls.

If you pay attention to the name of this device, you can understand that its work is based on gyroscopic sensors. Thanks to them, the gyro scooter has a self -balance function.

The device of the gyro scooter
The device of the gyro scooter

Take your smartphone and turn it from a vertical position to a horizontal one. The picture will adapt to the screen location. A gyroscope is responsible for such a adjustment of the picture. Similar sensors are installed in mini-sigrows.

In addition to the sensors of the gyroscope in such devices, electric motors and an electronic controller are installed. The gyroscope sensors send him the information and the computer “brain” of the device, processing it gives the command to electric motors that drive one wheel (when turning) or both (when moving forward and back).

Since the gyro scooter requires energy for work, it is accumulated in batteries. It looks like a smartphone battery, only has a larger size and container.

It seems to many that it is very difficult to ride this vehicle. But this is not so. Any person with a healthy vestibular apparatus can only master a gyro scooter in just a few minutes. To move forward, you need to press on the “board” with socks, and for reversing, the weight must be transferred to the heels. For turns on a gyro scooter, you need to transfer the weight to one side of the board.

How to manage a gyro scooter
How to manage a gyro scooter

How to choose a gyro score for Aliexpress?

In order to find a gyro scooter on Aliexpress Need to write in the system of search "Hoverboard". Or go to section "Sports and entertainment", find the subsection "Cycling", and in it the category "Self Balance Scooter".

The price of the cheapest gyro scooter on this site with free is 11,500 rubles. If you are ready to buy such a device with delivery at your expense, then you can choose a cheaper option. More advanced models of gyro scooters are like a used domestic car.

Which gyro scooter is better: overview, characteristics, gyro scooters for aliexpress?

When choosing a gyro scooter, you need to take into account many parameters. The comfort in using this vehicle depends on them. But, do not forget that additional functions will surely affect the price of the device.

Wheel weight and size

The most important characteristics of such a device are the weight and size of the wheels. These indicators are important to determine where you can use the gyro scooter: on the flooring, on even asphalt, grass or country road.

According to these characteristics, you can conditionally divide all mini-sygwees into three categories:

  • Wheel diameter 6.5-7 inches weight 10 kg. Such gyro scooters develop a speed of not more than 10 km per hour and can only move on a flat coating
  • Wheel diameter 7-8 inches weight 11-12 kg. The mini-sigwi of this category can only be used to move along a flat asphalt or pavemented tile road
  • Wheel diameter 10 inches. The most optimal gyro score has a wide scope of use. On such a vehicle, you can even move along country roads
The diameter of the wheels is indicated in the name of the model
The diameter of the wheels is indicated in the name of the model


An equally important parameter that must be taken into account when choosing a gyro scooter is the battery capacity. How much you can use mini-sigwi without recharging. Such devices use lithium-ion batteries. This is a fairly expensive part of the gyro scooter. The larger the battery capacity, the more expensive the cost of the device.

The average for the configuration of the mini-sigvey has a battery, the charge of which is enough to move at a distance of 20 km. At the same time, you can completely charge such a battery in 1.5-3 hours.

Maximum carrying capacity

This indicator is not the main thing when choosing a mini-sigve. But, you also need to know him. Especially if the gyro scooter is intended for use by a person with weight above average.


Another is not the most important characteristic. Hyro -scooters accelerate to 30 - 60 km. Choose such a mini-sigve, the speed of which will be comfortable for use.

The maximum speed of the gyro scooter can be found from the description of the model
The maximum speed of the gyro scooter can be found from the description of the model


It makes no sense to write something here. There are no comrades to taste and color, as they say, as they say.

Avatar, Xiaomi, Smart Balance 10 (Smart Balance 10 inches), Genesis, Like Bike for Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

On the Aliexpress Hydro -scooters of various brands are represented. Here even “lit up” a device from a famous Chinese manufacturer with a worldwide name Xiaomi.

Mini-sigve Xiaomi, The Aliexpress presented on the website has a stylish design and a bright color scheme. But, the main feature of this device is its synchronization with a smartphone on Bluetooth protocol. The reserve of the battery will be enough for 15-30 km of path.

Guir -scooter Xiaomi
Guir -scooter Xiaomi

Avatar This is a fairly famous brand in the market of such technology. The original models are not presented on Aliexpress. But you can find the replica of this devicewhich is not inferior in quality to the original, but has less cost.

This gyro scooter works from the Samsung battery. But, as its manufacturers claim, it is not explosive.

Gyro scooter Smart Balance with 10-inch wheels You can buy at Aliexpress at this link. It is also a replica of a famous brand. But, this is not reflected in quality. This mini-sigvey is made of aluminum alloy and durable plastic. He is able to withstand the load up to 120 kg, and thanks to the capacious battery, to drive without recharging about 25 km.

Accurate copy Smart Genesis Pro

Smart Genesis Pro gyro scooter
Smart Genesis Pro gyro scooter

Like Bike does not sell its gyro scooters on Aliexpress. But, on this site you can find an analogue of such a device. For example, this girbord With wheels with a diameter of 10 inches is an analogue of the Like Bike i10x.

View the catalog with gyro scooters for aliexpress you can here.

Mini gyro scooter for Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

Mini giros-scooters have compact dimensions and a small stroke. Such devices can be used even at home. The best representative of this category of mini-sigvests on Aliexpress is this is the device from company Shenzhen Samezone Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.


This gyro scooter can be controlled in a traditional way or using your smartphone.

Choose a mini-hut can be in the catalog on Aliexpress is here.

The cheapest gyro score for Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

The cheapest gyro score on Aliexpress is koowheel mini-sigve. This “board” costs 13,000 rubles, but delivery will cost more than half of its cost.

The gyro scooter, unlike the majority of goods purchased for alesspress, has great weight. What makes a problematic search for free delivery of such a product. But, even if you find a gyro score with such delivery, this will only indicate that the price of delivery is included in the price of the goods.

Therefore, it is best not to look for the cheapest gyro score with free delivery, but to pay attention to the delivery method. And it can be different. Both in delivery time and cost. Moreover, some sellers of such goods have warehouses not only in China, but also in other countries. Even in Russia.

The cost of delivery of the gyro scooter is 6 times more than its price
The cost of delivery of the gyro scooter is 6 times more than its price

As for the ways to deliver goods you have bought on Aliexpress goods, then the cheapest is SELLER’S SHIPPing METHOD. With it, you can deliver a gyro score for 2-5 thousand rubles. Such delivery means that the transport company will bring your product from China, but in Russia it will most likely be delivered by Russian Post.

Cheap delivery with aliexpress

You can also choose delivery from China parcel. This method is usually a little more expensive than the previous one. At the same time, you will be issued an international track number to track the parcel.

Options for sending a gyro scooter from China
Options for sending a gyro scooter from China

But, the best way to deliver a gyro scooter, is delivery from Russiaand. It is usually free (at the expense of the seller) and faster. Firstly, you win the time of passing the package of customs control and delivery of goods from China to Russia.

You can choose an inexpensive scooter in the catalog Aliexpress is here.

Ordering a gyro scooter for Aliexpress with delivery from Russia
Ordering a gyro scooter for Aliexpress with delivery from Russia

Gyro score is white, red on Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

Almost all presented on Aliexpress Hyro -scooters have several color solutions. You can choose your favorite color when choosing a product. To do this, you need to go into the product card and find the field with the indicated colors.

Color selection
Color selection

Some sellers in one product card place gyro scooters of various design. You can choose the appropriate way in the above way.

Hyro -scooter for children on Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

For children, it is best to choose a light gyro scooter with a wheel size of less than 5 inches. The best representative of this category of mini-sigvests for Alespress is this model is from Easones. The case of this gyro scooter is made of carbon fiber and has a slight weight.

Choose a scooter for a child You can in the catalog Aliexpress is here.

Hyro -scooter with a steering wheel to Aliexpress: how to find and buy?

As we recall, the gyro scooter owes the appearance of his “eldest brother” - Sigwey. But, today you can purchase a gyro scooter, which, like Sigwi, has a steering wheel. Let it be smaller, but with the help of such a steering wheel you can provide greater maneuverability.

In order to find such a device, type the word in the search line "Sigway". Almost all the found gyro scooters will have a steering wheel. Here this is a vehicle It has one of the best characteristics and has good reviews on Aliexpress.

View gyro scooter with the steering wheel in the catalog Aliexpress is here.

Hyro -scooter with the steering wheel
Hyro -scooter with the steering wheel

Hyro -scooter for Aliexpress: reviews

Kirill. I bought a gyro scooter here by this link. The device was about a month, but the package was tracked only in China. When I unpacked, I saw that one of the headlights was conceded inside. It has already begun to worry that he spent such money that they sent me a marriage. But then he was able to bend the lantern on his own.

Immediately on the day of receipt, I experienced this "miracle" technology in business. And I revealed two problems. First, the gyro scooter when braking was published by squeak. It turned out that the sound signal meant a discharged battery.

The second problem is bad control. I already thought to put the "board" for sale. The Chinese would hardly have managed to return, but found it at a specialized forum how to calibrate the work of a gyro scooter. It is done simple.

The gyro scooter must be put on an even floor so that the risks coincide. After that, the power button is pressed (hold for three seconds) and released. After that, we wait until the bulb blinks eight times and turn off the device. With repeated inclusion, the work of the gyro scooter was perfect.

Eugene. I thought for a long time to buy a 6-year-old nephew. Once on the Internet I saw an advertisement for a gyro scooter and decided to order. At first I was looking for in Russian online stores. But then I accidentally saw link to this product On Aliexpress. Prices and choice on this site struck me. I chose for a long time, read reviews, watched the description and characteristics. I chose this gyro scooter. I did not pay for delivery, so the goods were about a month. But, to the birthday of his nephew managed. In my opinion, it was his best gift that day. His parents say that he does not part with him. Every free minute takes a gyro scooter and runs out into the street.

VIDEO. Smart Balance Guir -score 10 inches Wheel Suv / Arstail

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