Herana is beautifully flowering and fragrant: varieties with names, photo, video

Herana is beautifully flowering and fragrant: varieties with names, photo, video

In this article you will get acquainted with different varieties of geranium.

The birthplace of geranium, or its other name is pelargonium, is considered South Africa. These popular flowers are annual and perennial. What types and colors do geranium do? Why is it useful? We find out in this article.

What do you need to know about geranium?

The basic requirements for a long flowering geranium:

  • Can bloom all summer and autumn until winter, if the flowerpot with it is on the window from the south side
  • Loves direct sunlight
  • In summer, geranium grows well and blooms at room temperature, in winter it has a rest period, at this time we rarely water it, and hold it in a cool place with a temperature of about 15 degrees of heat
  • In summer, water the geranium is abundantly and often, as soon as the earth dries on top
  • We feed the flower 1 time for 2 weeks with complex mineral fertilizer for flowering, starting from the end of March, and ending with the middle of November
  • We cut the plant in autumn, leaving shoots with 6-7 leaves
  • For abundant flowering, spring and summer, we pinch young shoots after 4-5 leaves have grown up
  • Geranium can multiply with shoots and seeds

Attention: You can prepare geranium for flowering when there is a lot of sunlight, at least 4-6 hours a day.

Types of geranium

Now geraniums have up to 400 varieties. These are all hybrids bred by breeders. They are grown in the winter in the apartment, and in the summer you can plant on a small piece of earth, warmed up by the sun. The whole variety of geraniums (and it is red, pink, white, orange, purple), is divided into 2 groups:

  • With beautifully flowering flowers
  • Fragrant

Geranium is beautifully flowering

Geranium is bordered or zonal

This variety of geraniums is the most popular in the world. The plant got its name, because in the middle of its leaves a kind of bordering brownish color. The flowers are usually two -tone, can be the following forms:

  • With 5 petals - simple
  • With 6-8 petals- semi -double
  • If the flower has 8 petals and it is more called makhrov

If the geranium is not to pinch the zonal, it can grow up to 1 m. The peculiarity of the geranium is zonal - round inflorescences, usually protruding above the leaves.

Note. Only geranium zonal loves very bright light, other types of geraniums can grow in partial shade.

Herana is zonal terry

Generals in the form of roses

Terry flowers of this geranium are similar to small roses. There are up to 20 pieces in one inflorescence. The petals are plain or two colors, their outer side is lighter.

Generals in the form of roses

Geranium in the form of tulipans

Flowers (in a diameter of 1.5 cm) of this species resemble not blushing tulip. They are half -closed and remain until the end of flowering. In one inflorescence of flowers, there are up to 40. Flowers of pink or red, there are white, but rarely.

Geranium in the form of unsolved tulipans

Geranium is unique

The geranium has heavily dissected leaves that have a weak smell. It can grow 1 m or more. The stems are overgrown. They have small red flowers, less often pink or white, with dark veins or spots on the petals, like a royal geranium. The petals become lighter by the middle.

Geranium is unique
Geranium is unique

Geranium angel

This geranium grows by a bush to 35 cm, no more. The flowers are small, usually two -tone, like pansies. The upper petals on the flower are larger than the lower. Geranium has a wide variety of shades.

Heran is unpretentious, can grow both in a sunny and shaded place. Where there is little light, a flowerpot with geraniums is suspended, and a flower hanging down is grown. And if there is a lot of sun, then the geranium bush grows up, and blooms abundantly.

Attention. The heralds of the varieties “Angel” and “Royal”, the white small moths are terrible - whiteflies that amaze them.

Geranium angel
Geranium angel

Royal geranium

Geranium was called royal because of beautiful large colors (with a diameter of 5-7 cm). The flowers are usually multi -colored, there are such coloring:

  • Darker or bright in the middle
  • With nettles
  • Spotted or with veins

Geranium petals are applied to each other, like a fan.

The edges of the petals are:

  • Simple
  • Wavy
  • Corrugated

The bushes are small in height-30-60 cm. On the leaves of the zabina, they are not smell. The royal geranium blooms less than other geraniums-3-4 months. It is more capricious - it grows only as a room flower, dies in the open air.

Video: Royal Generals of Unusual colors

General is variegated

Geranium is valued for beautiful leaves:

  • On the green sheet, white or brownish spots
  • On the green sheet of the border of a different color
  • On the sheet of the vein of a different color
  • Rounded or openwork
  • Tricolor

Geranium of this variety blooms very rarely, and some varieties do not bloom at all.

Attention. To maintain the decorativeness of the leaves in a variegated geranium, a lot of sun is required in the summer, and in winter you will have to additionally illuminate a place with flowers.

General is variegated
General is variegated

Geranium is cocked

Geranium flowers have cacti -shaped, sometimes needle or twisted petals. There can be either one color or several. This type of geranium is rare.

Geranium cactus
Geranium is cocked

Geranium is tilted

The shape of the leaves of this geranium is similar to ivy leaves. Just like iv, geranium ivylitte nisphes with leaves along with flowers down. It can grow up to 1 m in length. The leaves are smooth, glossy, plain, sometimes variegated, similar to artificial flowers. Geranium flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, with 5 or more petals.

Geranium is tilted

Geranium dwarf

Geranium height is 12-30 cm. It blooms abundantly. You do not need to pinch the shoots, geranium itself forms a neat bush.

Geranium dwarf
Geranium dwarf

Varieties of fragrant geranium

Fragrant geranium now has up to 150 varieties. Geranium leaves have the following smells:

  • Fruits (apples, peaches)
  • Tropical fruits (lemon, pineapple, orange)
  • Berries (strawberries, strawberries - variety Lady Scarborough)
  • Flowers (roses, lavender, lily of the valley, wormwood)
  • Spices (nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon)
  • Candies (caramel)
  • Chocolate
  • Coconut (Grossularioides variety)
  • Mint
  • Evergreen plants (pine, cedar, juniper)
  • Almond
  • Coca-Cola (Dorcas Brigham Lime)
  • Mentola (Dark Lady variety)
  • Balm
  • Men's perfume with a note of tobacco (Brilliantine variety)

For a fragrant geranium, the main leaves. They are used as a natural flavor for tea, in cosmetics and perfumes. Her flowers are usually nondescript, and some varieties bloom very rarely.

Video: fragrant pelargonium: varieties, varieties, aromas

General or fragrant geranium

The round, slightly dissected leaves of this plant smell of apples. It grows a small spreading bush.

General geranium
General geranium

General or fragrant geranium

In grayish-green, heavily dissected leaves of the plant, the smell of a rose along with a weak aroma of mint. The plant itself is branched, grows to 30-60 cm in height, with bright pink colors.

In addition to the main species, there are also subspecies that reacted to the geranity of fragrant:

  • Geranium with leaves, strongly smelling of mint and campara
  • Geranium with leaves, with lighter borders, the smell of eucalyptus, blooms lilac pink flowers
Geranium aroma
Herani is aromatic

Herana is head -headed

Heart -shaped leaves, pubescent, very dissected, with a rich smell of roses. The plant grows up to 60 cm in height. The flowers are small lilac-pink, to the base of burgundy.

Herana is head -headed

General is pink

This geranium can grow one and a half meters in height. It smells of roses with the addition of a thin aroma of lemon. It grows like a shrub, blooms with pink flowers. Her leaves are very dissected into narrow strips.

Besides, the geranium geranium is the subspecies of the geraniums:

  • With palm-dissected leaves, this geranium is also called “goose legs”, with brighter colors than that of the main type of geranium pink
  • With even more crushed leaves than the main geranium pink and lilac-pink flowers
General rose "Goose paws"

Herana is rough

The leaves of the geranium Shershava look very strict, but it is better from all fragrant geraniums destroys viruses.

Herana is rough

Herana is curly

The leaves of the geranium curly are small, rounded, dissected, with golden borders, have the smell of citrus fruits. The flowers are light pink, on the petals at the base of the burgundy dashes.

Attention. Kurchavaya geranium contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as substances such as apigenin and crisis, suppressing the growth of cancer tumors. Its leaves are brewed like tea, add them to soups, desserts and baking.

Herana is curly
Herana is curly

General is felt

The plant grows small, up to 30 cm high, new shoots hang a little. The leaves are medium-sized and large, rounded, half dissected into 3-5 blades, pubescent, with the smell of mint. The flowers are small, weakly pink with purple pestles, on petals of the same color as pestles, purple spots.

General is felt
General is felt

Geranium is oak -up

This geranium has large, dissected into 5-7 blades, sticky leaves, with a balsamic smell and a light aroma of vanilla. The plant grows to 1 m. In the inflorescence of up to 10 pink flowers. On light petals are darker strokes.

Geranium is oak -up
Geranium is oak -up

Geranium is plowing

The plant has small velvety, dull green leaves with a smell resembling cinnamon. Blooms with white flowers, raspberry spots on the upper petals.

Geranium is plowing
Geranium is plowing

Herana chocolate

The leaves of the chocolate geranium are large, similar to maple leaves, with a large brown spot in the middle of the sheet. The smell of chocolate with mint. The plant can be planted in suspended pots, and formed so that it grows a pouring cascade.

Herana chocolate

Why is a fragrant geranium useful?

Fragrant geranium contains about 120 useful components: organic acids, flavonoids, but the main ones are terpenoids. The essential oil of a fragrant geranium is capable of:

  • Increase the performance of the brain system
  • Effectively when applying on wounds, burns, frostbite, rinsing with stomatitis, driving in the nose with sinusitis
  • Stimulate the pancreas and liver
  • Help if they lubricate them with sore spots with acne and dermatitis
  • Together with warming ointments, improve the condition with arthritis and myosite
  • If you drop a few drops of essential oil into an aromatic lamp, it can calm the headache and nerves with nervous disorders, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure
  • Pink geranium is able to improve the work of the endocrine system
  • Useful to diabetics

Example. Essential oils of some varieties of fragrant geraniums act 6.5 times stronger than a strong antiseptic - carbolic acid.

What diseases does the fragrant geranium help?

All varieties of geranium are fragrant. Leaves of the fragrant geranium are the most healing, to less useful roots, branches and flowers. Of them are popularly prepared healing drugs:

  • Decoction. Helps with insomnia, nervous disorders and digestive problems.

For decoction: 1 tbsp. l. The dried geranium leaves are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, let it boil, insist for half an hour. We drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. per day, during meals.

  • Infusion. The infusion of a fragrant geranium heals wounds on the skin, in the mouth, relieves inflammation of the eyes.

Washing infusion: We tear off 10 geranium leaves, finely cut them, pour 1 cup of cold, but boiled water, add 1 tsp. honey, insist 8 hours.

To stop for a long time without passing diarrhea, we prepare infusion for taking orally: 2 tbsp. l. The crushed leaves of the geranium is pour 0.5 l of boiled cold water, insist 8 hours. Drink through the day in small sips.

Tincture. We wash the wounds with tincture from a fragrant geranium with a throat and oral cavity with colds, drink 0.5 tsp. 2 p. per day with insomnia.

We do the tincture like this: chop fresh leaves, they need 3 tbsp. l., pour the leaves of 0.5 cup alcohol, insist in a closet at room temperature for 7 days.

  • Fresh leaves. Leaves of the fragrant geranium can reduce increased pressure if they are kneaded and smell. For the same purpose, you can drip a geranium with a burdened leaf on a handkerchief.

A geranium sheet will help cure hemorrhoids if it is kneaded, and attach it to a sore spot.

Contraindications to receiving funds from the geranium fragrant

The geranium has many positive qualities, but there are negative ones.

Who should not take folk medicines from the geranium fragrant?

  • People who have increased blood viscosity
  • People with reduced blood pressure
  • Children under 12 years old
  • Pregnant women
  • Lactating women
  • People in old age
  • People with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, and kidneys during the period of exacerbation
  • With varicose veins
  • People with bronchial asthma
  • People with individual intolerance to the smells of a fragrant geranium

If you acquire fragrant geranium, and put it on the window in your room, it will kill all harmful microorganisms, and you will get sick less. Beautifully flowering geraniums do not have healing properties, but they bloom very beautifully.

Video: Geranium will bloom magnificently all year round

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