What unpretentious flowers to plant on the balcony on the southern and north side? How to organize a flower garden from perennial and annual plants on the balcony with your own hands, blooming all summer: tips, ideas, care

What unpretentious flowers to plant on the balcony on the southern and north side? How to organize a flower garden from perennial and annual plants on the balcony with your own hands, blooming all summer: tips, ideas, care

In the article you will find the ideas of designing a balcony and loggia with flowers on the sunny and north side, the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning a small balcony, you will learn which flowers can be planted on the balcony.

Balcony design with flowers: ideas and useful tips

City apartments can be well equipped, but without a green zone they look faceless and empty. At least, so lovers of plants think. The culture of designing floral arrangements, green plants of balconies and loggias is gaining momentum. We will tell you and show you how to make a balcony beautifully, given the location and size of the balcony.

Before buying or planting with your own hands, plants for a balcony or loggia should be considered:

  • How to organize space;
  • What will be containers for flowers;
  • What flowers are suitable for your conditions;
  • How to ensure planting plants.

First you need to remove all unnecessary from the balcony. For many, the balcony is a place of storage of various unnecessary things. The combination of beautiful flowers and the warehouse of trash is not the best solution. The beautiful view of the flower garden will be spoiled, so the first thing is on the balcony it is necessary to carry out general cleaning.

Then you need to make sure that the parapet is reliable if you place flowers on it. Given the space of your balcony, you can determine exactly what area you are ready to highlight to flowers.

The next step will be selecting type of landscaping:

  1. On the large balconies You can arrange mini-ames from flowers. In addition to floral combined compositions, large single plants can be placed. You can also decorate the composition with various decorative elements.
  2. On the medium -sized balconies Horizontal compositions located narrow by the walls and parapet will be appropriate. You can hang light pots with flowers on the railing, compact stands for plants are also suitable.
  3. On the small balconies You can save space by installing vertical compositions.

Important: there should be a place for free movement and access to plants on the balcony, because you often have to water them.

When choosing plants for landscaping the balcony, it is important to consider whether the balcony is heated in winter. On the balcony you can plant such types of plants:

  • Annual
  • Two -year -old
  • Perennial

If the balcony does not heat up in winter, it is better to get annuals that will please you with their beauty only in the warm season. Two -year and perennial flowers are suitable for heated balconies. You can also plant perennials or two -year -olds, if for the winter, move the plants to an apartment or house, to suitable climatic conditions.

How to decorate the balcony with flowers: Useful tips

The most unpretentious flowers for the balcony: Names, photo

If you want to have a beautiful flowering balcony, but do not like or do not know how to take care of plants, unpretentious flowers will suit you. Also unpretentious in care, flowers are suitable for busy people who do not have time to care for capricious plants.

Important: there are many unpretentious colors, the main care of which is to water.

Consider which plants are considered the most unpretentious for the balcony.


These flowers are one of the most popular for growing on the balcony. A variety of varieties, many colors, the duration of flowering - these factors allow you to create an original design of petunias on the balcony.

Petunias are ampelous and bothers. In terms of flowers, they are divided into large -flowered, medium and small -flowered. You can buy ready -made petunias in pots or plant them yourself for seedlings.

Petunia love summer heat, but need regular watering. Watering flowers must be under the root so as not to damage delicate flowers. If you periodically loosen the soil so that there is no crust, Petunia will thank you with its magnificent and flowering look.

Petunia on the balcony

If you decide to put Petunia in long boxes, you can do one -row or two -row planting.

  • With one -row planting, alternate several suitable colors, so the flower garden will look more spectacular.
  • With a two -row planting in the background, it is worth planting straight -growing varieties, and on the front - ampelous.
Petunia landing scheme


Unpretentious flowers with terry or semi -aged heads in bright colors. Velvetsy are of different colors: yellow, orange, red with yellow, orange with brown.

You can plant marigolds in oblong boxes or pots on the balcony when a temperature of at least +5 ° C is set at night on the street at night. This is relevant for unhealthy balconies. Under good temperature conditions, marigolds will give out in a week or even earlier. Velvetsy are stunted and straight -growing large.

Care for marigolds consists in daily watering with sultry summer, as well as in the removal of wilted buds. If you notice that the marigolds began to bloom, cut them a little. The haircut will provoke new abundant growth and violent flowering.

A variety of marigolds


The people call this flower nails. The calendula is undemanding to the soil, grows in the shade and in the sun. In order for the calendula to bloom for a long time, it is necessary to tear off the faded inflorescences. For balconies, low -growing varieties up to 30 cm are suitable. To get early flowering, calendula is planted in February for seedlings.

Important: in addition to flowering unpretentious plants on the balcony, you can plant useful greens: parsley, salad, dill. Thus, the balcony will be beautiful, and there will be benefits from plants.

The unpretentious flower of calendula

Video: unpretentious flowers for the balcony

What flowers to plant on the balcony on the sunny side?

The balcony, which goes to the sunny side, is not uncommon. But there are a lot of plants that love the sun. Therefore, decorating a sunny balcony is not very difficult. From the point of view of microclimate, a sunny balcony is a mini-garden. The sun and air are a natural environment for plants.

The only disadvantage of growing colors on an uninfilled balcony is a possible wind. In the garden, flowers are protected by trees and highly growing plantations, and on an open balcony they are open and can be damaged by the wind. If on the lower floors this problem is almost imperceptible, then on the upper floors the wind is felt stronger.

Often the balcony located on the south side is decorated with these flowers:

  1. Snapdragon. The dwarf varieties of lion's pharynx, in addition to their beautiful appearance, exude a pleasant aroma. The plant blooms in the second half of summer, flowering continues until October.
  2. Pansies or viola. The plant loves good lighting, so suitable for the sunny side. However, the scorching straight rays of the sun can burn the Viola, and already in the middle of summer it can lose its appearance. Therefore, a shadow should be created for her: it can be curtains or white paint on the windows.
  3. Pelargonium or geranium. Many grow geranium as a houseplant. But it is great for landscaping balconies and loggias. Geranium will bloom in conditions of good illumination by the sun, only you can not allow scorching rays. Even when geraniums blooms, the bushes look neat in pots or boxes.
  4. Nasturtium. A great option for the south side. The plant is planted with seeds immediately in pots. Nasturtium blooms all summer. There are many varieties of nasturtium: ampel, bushy, vines.
  5. Verbena. The main advantage of verbena is that even under direct sunlight, the plant does not wither for a long time. Verbena is not afraid of frosts, so you can plant a plant in May in a permanent place on a permanent place or a loggia. Abundant flowering is achieved thanks to moderate watering, removing faded inflorescences and good illumination.

Important: most colors love good lighting, so they are suitable for southern balconies. However, straight scorching rays of the sun can destroy almost any plant. Therefore, the southern side needs to be shaded.

For shading, you can buy a special net or hang curtains.

Anyutins eyes in kashpo
Blooming geranium on the balcony
Flowers for the sunny side: Verbena

What flowers are suitable for the balcony on the north side, for growing in the shade?

Planting photophilous plants on the north side, you should not expect miracles. Even greens will not develop well in the shade, especially the basil. From the greens for the shaded side, parsley and onions are suitable.

But still on the north side you can also create a beautiful flower garden. The following plant species are suitable for this:

  1. Fuchsia. For flowering and growth of fuchsia, a little light and abundant watering is enough. Fuchsia has beautiful drooping flowers. There is a tree -like, shrub and carpet fuchsia. It is important to ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out, otherwise the plant, alas, will not restore the plant.
  2. A great addition to fuchsia will be ivy or hop. Climbing plants will give a liveliness to the balcony, while both species of plants take root on the north side.
  3. Balsam. The people call the flower "Vanka is wet." Balzamine seeds quickly move on, Balzamine should be planted in seedlings in March. To get the first buds in May. The coloring of colors is different: orange, pink, red, scarlet. This allows you to arrange a northern balcony in bright colors.
  4. Fern. In a natural environment, the fern grows in shadeed and humid places. Therefore, the northern balcony is a great place for an evergreen plant. At the same time, it is important not to pour the fern, but to keep the soil slightly moistened all the time. What the fern does not like is drafts. Consider this factor when placing it on the balcony.
  5. Begonia. Thanks to many species and rich colors, as well as unpretentiousness to lighting, begonia has become a real star of balconies. You can plant small straight -growing begonias or sprawling ampelous on the balcony. The shape of the flowers is also of different shapes.
  6. Mimulus. For the wrong shape of the flowers, the plant was called gubastik. For enhanced tuning mimulus, you need to pinch. Care consists in abundant watering. But if holes appear on the petals, watering should be reduced.
Flowers for the northern balcony: Fuchsia
Landscaping of the northern balcony

Video: Flowers for the Northern Balcony

What flowers and how to plant on the balcony to bloom all summer?

The balcony looks beautiful on which plants bloom all summer. Continuous flowering can be achieved with the correct selection of colors.

There are plants that open their flowers only in the morning or evening hours. If the goal is to create a blooming oasis on the balcony, then such plants will not work. Such plants include mattiol. But if you want to enjoy the aroma that comes from the plant at night, then this option is one of the most suitable.

Another fragrant flowering plant is alissum. The plant has small beautiful flowers with a honey aroma. Alissum blooms all summer. Alissum seedlings are planted in May, and seeds in March. If Alissum begins to bloom not very abundantly, the plant is cut to half. Following this, a new flowering should be expected.

Lobelia ampel - Blooming spherical plant. When lobelia blooms, the leaves are almost not visible, so many flowers on the plant. Often you can meet the lobelia of saturated blue, less often yellow or white. Lobelia flowers are similar to bells. Plant the seeds of lobelia in a permanent place at a temperature of 18 ° C. Then the seedlings will quickly appear. In order for the plant to take a spherical shape, it is necessary to pinch it.

Lobelia ampel

Annual plant brahcoma From the Astrov family blooms from June to October. The brachikom was popular due to long -term flowering. In this case, the plant is completely undemanding to the conditions.

Important: tall flowers with a small number of flowers and abundant foliage are not entirely suitable for decorating the balcony with flowering plants. It is better to plant stunted and ampelous plants.

Such plants also include those that we have already talked about. These are marigolds, petunias, pansies.

How to do it continuous flowering on the balcony:

  1. One of the earliest colors are narcissus, hyacinths, crocuses. But due to the short flowering period, these flowers are not very often used to design balconies, although in oblong boxes they look very impressive.
    If you want your balcony to be decorated with such flowers, add other varieties of colors with a long flowering period that will replace faded early plants to the composition.
  2. In the hot summer months, unpretentious flowers that we have already talked about will show off on the balcony.
  3. In the autumn months, up to the first frosts, they can bloom on the balcony viola, asters.
Flower garden on the balcony

What flowers can winter on a glazed balcony or loggia: a list of perennial flowers for a balcony with names and photos

Many flower growers believe that it is impractical to plant annual plants on the balcony every year. Given the costs of pots, on the ground, for seedlings, many think about making the balcony with perennial plants. At the same time, I want plants to winter on the balcony.

If you have indoor flowers, in the summer you can take them to the balcony. Most species of indoor colors will grow well and develop in the fresh air.

Important: if you decide to take indoor flowers to the balcony in the summer, do not send them there immediately for a permanent time. It is better to gradually accustom flowers, put flowers into the room in a dinner hot watch.

It is also important to consider the air temperature. The night temperature can be below 12-15 ° C. In the afternoon, the temperature can rise to 22-25 ° C. If the balcony is sunny and glazed, the temperature will be even higher. The difference in night and daily temperatures may not affect the colors.

If the balcony or loggia is glazed and insulated, some species of plants can even winter on the balcony. At the same time, they can tolerate summer heat, if we provide proper watering and shading.

The following types of perennial plants are suitable for wintering on the balcony:

  • Cacti normally tolerate the temperature to +5 ° C. And some species winter well at minus temperature.
  • Geranium, fuchsia, chrysanthemums calmly survive the wintering on the balcony at +5-6 ° C.
  • Dwarf coniferous plants are suitable perennial plants for the winter balcony. These include thuja, cryptomeria, araucaria.
  • Decorate the balcony in the cold season camellia. They withstand the temperature up to -5 ° C.
  • Hydrangea Adapted to cool air. Makes the temperature to +5 ° C.
  • Dwarf roses. Many women are not indifferent to these colors. Therefore, many want to admire the beauty of roses on the balcony. Roses can bloom in the warm season for a very long time, throughout the summer. In winter, some varieties may remain on the balcony until the next season. But they must be covered with a puffy film, fir branches. Under the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to put a board or piece of foam so that the earth does not freeze. In this state, the roses will safely be wintering and will again delight with their flowering. Suitable varieties of roses for the balcony: floribunda, Montana, Madyi, Hummingbirds, Rosemaryn.
  • Clematis. A popular perennial plant with bright colors. Varieties of clematis are with blue, red, white, pink, purple shades of flowers. Clematis curls well and can beautifully braid the entire balcony. But for this you need to install special nets or supports that will allow clematis to curl in the right direction. In the winter, the plant is cut under the root, covered with a warm cloth and left winter on the balcony. The main condition is not to leave clematis against the cold wall and prevent drafts. For this, a glazed insulated loggia is suitable. If the balcony is not glazed, clematis will not survive until the next season, it is better in this case to bring it into the room. Every three years, Clematis needs a transplant.
Dwarf roses
Dwarf roses

How to organize a flower garden on the balcony with your own hands: ideas and photos

It is possible to successfully arrange a cozy flowering corner on the balcony by thorough selection of plants and a competent arrangement of containers with flowers. You can even make a sketch or a scheme for yourself, which will allow you to understand where which plants are put.

One of the possible options for placing plants:

  • On the side of the wall or in the background, place vines or the highest plants.
  • Large plants can also be placed at the corners of the balcony.
  • Ampel flowers can be placed at the ceiling in suspended pots.
  • Low plants can be located on the shelves of the parapet. They must come to the fore.
  • In the corners of the balcony you can place climbing plants with supports installed upward. So the loons will be able to create a green arch or wall.

You can arrange a flower garden on the balcony in this way:

  1. Flower pockets. Small containers in the form of envelopes or bags are attached to one wall of the balcony. They plant curly or straight -growing low -growing flowers. When planting flowers in your pockets, keep in mind that curly flowers can interfere and prevent other colors.
  2. Pots. Can be from different materials, different colors and sizes. Set large pots on the floor, small and medium -sized pots can be put on pre -nailed shelves. Shelves can also be beautifully decorated with paint, colored paper or film.
  3. Suspended pots. They are placed under the ceiling on hooks or crossbar. Kashpo should not be huge, and must be reliably fixed. Danging ampel flowers need such pots.
  4. Long boxes. Can be wooden or plastic. Installed at the parapet level. For such boxes, marigolds and other low -growing straight -growing flowers are ideal.
  5. Sleepers. Vertical supports in the form of nets, grilles, cords for climbing plants. Without trellises, such plants will not be able to grow in the right direction.
  6. Cracks. Multi -tiered stands allow you to place the maximum of plants on the minimum area. The designs with wheels are convenient, which can easily be moved to any other place.
Blower garden organization on the balcony: treaches for climbing plants
Blower garden organization on the balcony: long boxes
Blower garden organization on the balcony: Flowers stands
Blower garden organization on the balcony: vertical landscaping

How to care for plants on the balcony?

It is not enough to plant plants on the balcony, they need to be taken care of. Without elementary care, no plant can exist. Caring for flowers on the balcony is in such procedures:

  • Watering. In summer, watering should be frequent. So that the water does not leak on the floor through the pots, before planting flowers, put broken skills or pebbles on the bottom of the pot. It will retain moisture. Also, many plants need spraying.
  • I ventilation. If the balcony is glazed, you can not keep it closed. Plants need fresh air. If the wind broke out on the street, close the balcony or cover the plants so that the wind does not damage them. Plants should also be protected during heavy rain. Flowers with delicate, fragile stems can be damaged.
  • Loosening the upper soil layer. On the balcony, the upper layer of the earth quickly dries and prevents the penetration of fresh air, moisture. Therefore, it is periodically shallow necessary to loosen it, the flowers are thanked with lush herbs and abundant flowering.
  • Cutting. Flowers will fade, dry. From time to time, you need to clean the plant from dead parts so that it can increase new flowers and green mass. It will also give the flower a tidy look.
  • Top dressing. Complex fertilizers for colors will be useful. You can also feed each plant, for this you need to understand the features of top dressing of each species.

Examples of designing a small balcony with flowers: ideas, photos

A small balcony can be beautifully designed with flowers if you approach the matter with the soul.

Do not clutter up a small balcony with flowers. Better less, but with taste.

Ideas for the design of the balcony with flowers
The idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating a small balcony with flowers

Vertical landscaping is ideal for a small balcony. You can decorate the window opening and parapet with curly plants.

Vertical landscaping of the balcony

Pots with the possibility of installing on the rail will help save space.

Flower pots for the balcony
Beautiful design of the balcony with flowers

A beautiful floral oasis can be made on any balcony, the main thing is to make efforts and turn on imagination.

Video: What flowers to plant on the balcony?

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