Physical schools in verses - preschoolers, schoolchildren: the best selection

Physical schools in verses - preschoolers, schoolchildren: the best selection

A selection of physical education for children of different ages.

Modern schoolchildren are so loaded that sometimes they do not have enough time to fully restore strength. They have to spend most of the day in the classroom at home. And at the same time, almost all the time their body is in one position, and the worst, they move very little.

All this leads to stagnant processes in the body, and as a result, to health problems. But in order for the child all the time to remain awake and full of strength, he must periodically normalize the operation of the circulatory system. This can help physical education for children.

Physical education in the lesson for relaxation

Physical education in the lesson for relaxation

IMPORTANT: So that the child treats physical education, as a rest, in no case do not announce how many times you need to sit down, jump, lean. The child should do physical exercises as much as his strength. The main thing is that he at least moves a little.

Physical education in the lesson for relaxation:

  1. And blueberries grow in the forest
    And blueberries grow in the forest,
    Strawberries, blueberries.
    To tear the berry,
    It is necessary to stroke deeper. (Children should squat.)
    I walked in the forest.
    I carry a basket with the berry. (Children should go still.)
  2. Squirrels jump on the branches.
    Jump and bracket, jump and bracket!
    They often take away
    High, high! (Jumping in place.)
    We will play classics
    We will play classics,
    To ride on one leg.
    And now a little more
    On the other, we’re a diving leg. (Jumping on one leg.)
  3. In the evening, the girl is sweet (Children begin to walk on the spot.)
    In the kindergarten she broke the flowerbed, (they make light jumps.)
    Her brother, boy Ivan
    I also broke ... a glass! (Children clap their hands.)
    You see, the butterfly flies (children wave their hands.)
    He counts flowers in the meadow.
    One, two, three, four, five. (Children clap their hands.)
    Oh, count not count! (Make easy jumps.)
    For a day, in two and a month ... (go to a slow step.)
    Six seven eight nine ten. (Repeat pops.)
    Even a wise bee (wave their hands.)
    I could not count!
  4. Here under the Christmas tree is green(Children take places near the working area.)
    Crows jumped cheerfully. (Easy to tear.)
    Kar-car-car (clapping above the head.)
    They shouted all day, (turning the body.)
    They did not let the guys sleep. (Tools of the body.)
    Kar-car-car! (Clinkling overhead.)
    Only by night they silent (wave their hands.)
    And all together fall asleep. (Square, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)
  5. A bunny came out for a walk.
    The wind began to subside. (Walking in place.)
    Here he jumps down the slope
    Runes green into the forest.
    And rushes between the trunks,
    In the middle of herbs, flowers, bushes. (Jumping in place.)
    Bunny little bunny is tired.
    He wants to hide in the bushes. (Walking in place.)
    Frozen a bunny in the midst of grass
    And now we’re a dead and we! (Children sit down.)

Physical school for preschoolers

Physical school for preschoolers

IMPORTANT: So that children clearly understand what you want from them, perform physical exercises as the poetic physical education is pronounced. In the right place, begin to squat, make turns, inclinations, make pops, and ask the children to repeat everything after you.

Physical school for preschoolers:

  1. Ducks went out into the meadow
    Krya-Krya-Krya! (Walk.)
    A cheerful beetle flew by
    Zh-Zh! (Wash with your hands.)
    Geese of the neck are bent,
    Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
    The feathers are straightened with its beak. (Turning turns.)
    Did the wind of branches swing? (Swarm with our hands raised up.)
    The ball also growled,
    Rrr! (Hands on the belt, leaned forward.)
    Whispered in the water reeds,
    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Raised up their hands, reached out.)
    And again the quiet came
    Shhhh. (Sat down.)
  2. Stork, stork long -legged,
    Show home the way.
    Stomp with the right leg,
    Stomp the left foot,
    Again - the right leg,
    Again - the left foot.
    After - the right leg,
    After - left foot.
    And then you will come home.
  3. Tick-so, tick-so,
    In the house, who knows how?
    This is a pendulum in the clock
    Repulses every beat (tilts left-right.)
    And in the watch there is a cuckoo,
    She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)
    The bird is coming up
    Again hid behind the door, (squats.)
    The arrows move in a circle.
    Do not concern each other. (Rotation to the right to the right.)
    We will turn around with you
    Against the shooter of the sentry. (Rotation torso to the left.)
    And the clock goes, go, (walking in place.)
    Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.)
    And it happens that they are in a hurry
    As if they want to run away! (Running in place.)
    If they are not started,
    Then they completely get up. (Children stop.)
  4. The seagulls are circling above the waves,
    We will fly together together.
    Spray of foam, the noise of the surf,
    And over the sea - we are with you! (Children wave their hands like wings.)
    We are now sailing by sea
    And frolic at the open.
    Groke more fun
    And catch up the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)
  5. There is pine in the yard,
    She reaches for the sky.
    The poplar grew up next to her,
    He wants to be more authentic. (Standing on one leg, stretch out.)
    The wind fired strongly,
    All the trees swung. (Tilting the body back and forth.)
    The branches bend back and forth,
    The wind shakes them, oppressed. (Jerking with your hands in front of the chest.)
    We will squat together -
    One, two, three, four, five. (Squats.)
    We crumble from the heart
    And we are in a hurry in place again. (Children go to places.)
  6. And now a step is in place.
    Above the leg! Wait, once, two! (Walking in place.)
    We raise the shoulders higher,
    And then we lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)
    Put our hands in front of the chest
    And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking hands.)
    You need to bounce ten times,
    We jump above, jump together! (Jumping in place.)
    We lift our knees -
    We perform a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)
    We stretched from the heart, (stretching - hands up and to the sides.)
    And they returned again to the place. (Children sit down.)

Musical physical education

Musical physical education

Musical physical education, as a rule, likes more children. And all because in this case their rest becomes more like entertainment. The simplest children's songs are ideal for such physical exercises. The guys can hum them, and at the same time make the movements that the teacher shows.

Musical physical education:

1. lived with a grandmother
Two cheerful geese:
One gray,
Another white,
Two cheerful geese.
They pulled their neck -
Who has longer!
One gray, the other white,
Who has longer!
The geese were washed
In a puddle near the groove.
One gray, the other white,
Hid in the groove.
Here the grandmother screams:
Oh, geese disappeared!
One gray,
Another white -
My geese, geese!
Geese came out
They bowed to the grandmother -
One gray, the other white,
They bowed to the grandmother.

2 You are standing on the site, charging begins.
Hands up raised above, lowered - we breathe clearly.

One, two, three, four, five - we repeat everything again.
Everyone needs flexibility in the world, dads, children leaned.

Once - to the right, two - to the left, we all do skillfully.
Squats every day drive a dream and laziness.

Well, together, well, together, you need to repeat after us.
This is not a disco for you, this is a sport-top.

Let it become beautiful, like your favorite dance,
And now we repeat it like that, we breathe deeper in the vastness.

Simple tasks - jumping and squats.
Twins of the arms and swings of the legs, the sport of healthy helped to be.

Dad, mom and friends charge like me.
We added strength very, amaze and stomp together.

It turned out a pirouette - a silhouette became slimmer.
The figure has become a fashionable, this is what physical education means!

3. I'm lying in the sun,
I'm looking at the sun
I am lying and lying
And I look at the sun.

Crocodile-dil-dil is coming.
The rhino-rog-rog is coming.
Only I - everything is lying
And I look at the sun.

Near the lion lies
And moves the ears,
Only I - everything is lying
And I look at the sun.

4. Chung-Changa! Blue sky!
Chunghah! Summer - all year round!
Chunghah! We live cheerfully!
Chunghah! We sing a song!

Wonder-Ostrov, miracle fasteners!
Living on it is easy and simple!
Living on it is easy and simple!
Our happiness is constantly -
Cheat coconut, eat bananas!
Cheat coconut, eat bananas!

Chunghah! There is no better place!
Chunghah! We do not know troubles!
Chunghah! Who has lived here for an hour!
Chunghah! Will not leave us!

5. If for a long time, long, long, if long along the path,
If for a long time along the path, stomp, go and run,
Then, perhaps, that, of course, then, probably, alar
That, possibly, can you come to Africa.

Ah, in Africa the river is such a width.
Ah, in Africa, the mountains are such an embodiment.
Ah, crocodiles, hippos,
Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ah, and green parrot,
Ah, and a green parrot.

Physical education with movements - the best selection

Physical education with movements

Physical schools with movements are interesting to children in that they give some freedom. In this case, an adult can simply expressly read poems, and children should understand what movement to make them. Of course, children may not do what they need from them. But since motor activity will be present, the child in any case will feel more vigorous.

Physical education with movements:

1. We play loudly too much!
And clap your hands, clap!
We stomp all with our feet, stomp!
We inflate the cheeks!
Dry your socks!

And even to each other
We will show languages!
Operate the ears!
Tail on the crown!

2. We bring the finger to the temple!
We will jump to the ceiling together!
We will open the mouth wider!
We will build a funny grimace!

As I say, the word "three"
All with grimaces!
Once! Two! Three!

3. Jump - bracket, jump - bracket!
Standed a bunny on a stump
Jumping forward - backward
Built everyone in order
He began to show exercises.
Once! They walk in place.
Two! They wave their hands together.
Three! We sat down, stood together.
They scratched everything behind the ear.
Four reached out.
Five! Cooked and bent down.
Six! Everyone got up again in a row
They walked like a detachment.

4. Pinocchio reached out
One - bent down, two - bent down,
He spread his arms to the sides,
The key, apparently, did not find.
To get the key to us,
You need to stand on the socks.

5. Worky guys,
And now everything is for charging!
We will all get up together now,
We will rest on a halt.
To the left, turn right,
Lean, rise.
Hands up and hands to the side,
And in place jumping and bracket!
Now we run to jump,
Well done, you kids!
Slow down, children, step,
And stand in place! Like this!
And now we will sit together
We still need to work.

Physical education on the topic of fairy tales

Physical education on the topic of fairy tales

All children love fairy tales, and therefore even ardent opponents of physical education are perceived positively such a pastime if it is associated with fairy tales or fairy -tale heroes. You can accompany such rhymes with movements - jumps, claps, turns of the body, inclinations.

Physical education on the topic of fairy tales:

  1. The king walked through the forest
    The king was walking through the forest, in the forest,
    He found a princess, a princess.
    Let's jump with you, jump,
    Once again, jump, jump,
    And we pat the hands, pat, pat.
    And we stop by the legs, sink.
  2. Kolobok, Kolobok, warm and ruddy.
    Jump and bracket, jumping and bracket, our friend has come
    It turned right to the right, then he turned to the left,
    Then with a leaf twisted,
    That made friends with the little white.
    Rolled down the path
    And he came to my hands.
  3. Our cheerful tower: it is not low, not high.
    In it, the frog jumped and jumped,
    Sparrow Chick - Chirik,
    The cockerel pulls the toe
    And bunny skok and skok.
    The fly waves wings
    The mouse is dancing with a handkerchief.
    The hedgehog closed the door lock,
    He guards the tower.
  4. We will mix the princess Nesmeyan all day,
    Like snowflakes, like fluffs, we will joyfully circle.
    We will stare like crayfish, despite the buuse.
    Let's hide like a mole in a hole and appear in the morning.
    Nesmeyana laughs, he wants to play with us.
    He will tell us: “And all the preschool children are funny guys.
  5. The turnip grew large. That's what! That's what!
    Grandfather and grandmother pull the turnip, but she settled tightly.
    The granddaughter runs to them, runs, the turnip is in a hurry to pull out.
    The bug wags a tail, a grandfather with a grandfather helps.
    The cat bent the back, the cat releases the claw.
    Helps to pull the turnip, but she settled tightly.
    With the mouse quickly and skillfully, the turnip pulled boldly.

Physical education in kindergarten

Physical education in kindergarten

For children's age children, it is best to choose the most simple as possible, and most importantly, not very large physical education. It is still very difficult for such children to concentrate on one thing for a long time, because physical exercises should take the minimum time. If the kids move little, just more often carry out motor charging.

Physical education in kindergarten:

  1. The legs, legs ran along the path.
    Fled the forest
    We jumped on the bumps.
    Jump-jump, jump-skok,
    They ran to the meadow
    Lost a boot.
  2. Mosquitoes and midges,
    Thin legs
    Dance on the path.
    The night is close - flew away!
  3. A warm -up begins.
    We got up, leveled backs.
    To the right - tilted to the left
    And repeated again.
    This is the necessary work -
    Muscles of the legs train
    And now jerks with your hands
    We perform with us.
  4. Here are our palms-clap-chill-clap
    Here are our legs-top-top.
    Here are our cheeks-a plow-plow-plow.
    Here are our lips-a smack-chok-chok.
    Here are our teeth-click-shred.
    And here are the children themselves - (stroking themselves on the head)
  5. We clap with our hands: Clap-chill-clap.
    We stomp our feet: top-top.
    Cool head, cool
    We knocked in the chest, in the chest.
    Pigs top-top.
    On the knees of the clap-chill-clap.
    We are candy: AM-AMA,
    And stroke on the sides,
    And then the tummies,
    The mouths smiled.

Physical education to the school

Physical education to the school

Physical education schools:

  1. Once again we have a physical education,
    Leaned, well, well, well!
    They straightened up, reached out,
    And now they bent back.
    We knead hands, shoulders,
    It was easier for us to sit,
    To write, read, count
    And do not get tired at all.
    The head is tired too.
    So let's help her!
    Left-and-free, once and two.
    Think, think, head.
    At least the charging is short
    We rested slightly.
  2. So we shook our hands
    As if surprised,
    And to each other to the ground
    They bowed to the belt.
    Below, children, don't be lazy,
    Bow, smile.
    We will put your palm to our eyes,
    Strong legs are arranged.
    Turning to the right,
    Let's look at the magnificent.
    And left too too
    Look from under the palms.
    And - to the right! And further
    Through the left shoulder!
  3. Up the hand and down the hand.
    They pulled them slightly.
    Quickly changed their hands!
    We have no boredom today.
    Cotton squat:
    Down - cotton and up - cotton.
    We knead your legs, arms,
    We know for sure - it will be Pro.
    Twist the head of the head,
    We knead the neck. Wait!

Physical education in English

Physical education in English

Physical schools in English are more difficult to perceive, but still it is worthwhile. In addition to physical activity, they have one more advantage - they help to memorize English words.

Physical education in English:

  1. Hands Up! Hands Down!
    Hands on Hips! SIT Down!
    Hands Up! To the sides!
    Bend Left! Bend Right!
    One, Two, Three! Hop!
    One, Two, Three! Stop!
    Stand Still!
  2. Hands on your Hips, Hands on Your Knees,
    Put Them Behind You If You Please.
    Touch Your Shoulders, Touch Your Nose,
    Touch Your Ears, Touch Your Toes.
  3. Look Left, Right
    Look up, look down
    LOOK Around.
    Look at your nose
    Look at that rose
    Close Your Eyes
    Open, Wink and Smile.

Physical education for the eyes

Physical education for the eyes

Physical education for the eyes:

  1. The guys are tired of the eyes.
    Look at the window
    Ah, how high the sun is high.
    We will close our eyes now
    In the class, we will build a rainbow,
    Let's go up the rainbow,
    To the right, we turn to the left,
    And then we roll down,
    Click strongly, but hold on.
  2. Eyes see everything around
    I will circle them with a circle.
    Eye to see everything
    Where is the window and where is the movie.
    I will circle them with a circle
    I'll look at the world around.
  3. Hands behind the back, heads back.
    Let your eyes look at the ceiling.
    Let's lower the heads - look at the desk.
    And again up - where is the fly fly there?
    We turn our eyes, look for her.
    And again we read. A little more!

Physical education about children

Physical education about children

Physical education about children:

  1. We’ll raise your hands up - once
    Above the nose, above the eyes.
    Put your hands right up
    Do not swing, do not tremble.
    Three - dropped their hands down,
    Stand on the spot do not spin.
    Up once, two, three, four, down!
  2. We have a glorious posture,
    We brought the shoulder blades.
    We walk on socks
    And then on the heels.
    Let's go softly, like foxes
    Well, if you get tired.
    Then let's go all the clubfoot,
    How bears go to the forest.
  3. So we shook our hands
    As if surprised.
    And to each other to the ground
    They bowed to the belt!
    Leaned, straightened up,
    Leaned, straightened.
    Below, below, do not be lazy,
    Bow and smile.
  4. Children got up early in the morning,
    For mushrooms went to the forest.
    Squat, squats,
    White mushroom in the grass was found.
    Wraply grow on the hemp,
    Lean to them guys,
    Tilt, once or two, three,
    And dial in a basket!
    There is a walnut tree.
    Who will jump above all?
    If you want to reach
    We must stretch hard.
    Three hours in the forest roamed,
    All the paths came.
    The long way tired of everyone -
    The children sat down to rest.

Winter physical education for preschoolers

Winter physical education for preschoolers

Winter physical education is best carried out in the fresh air, for example, during a walk. Thanks to them, the kids will warm up and have fun.

Winter physical education for preschoolers:

  1. Winter evening in the sky blue
    Get up from the table
    The stars lit a blue
    stand on socks, stretch
    Branches pour blue hoarfrost
    shaking your hands, slowly sit down
    On a snow -capped meadow.
  2. One, two, once, two -
    The game begins.
    We rake the snow with a shovel,
    We build a hill in the yard.
    White and fluffy cotton
    The yard is decorated in December.
    Once, two, one, two
    So the game ended.
  3. We went to the forest lawn,
    Raising the legs above
    Through bushes and bumps,
    Through branches and pencils.
    Who walked like that high -
    He did not stumble, did not fall.

New Year's Physical Culture for schoolchildren

New Year's Physical Culture for schoolchildren

New Year's physical education people are ideal for festive matinees and New Year's entertainment. If you make motor movements for musical accompaniment, then they can replace sports competitions.

New Year's Physical Culture for schoolchildren:

  1. Close the windows
    Close the doors (connect your palms together)
    Close your ears (close the ears)
    Close your nose. (Close our nose)
    Walks, wanders along the roads
    Old grandfather Frost! (We walk with the index and middle fingers)
    Pinches the ears, pinches the nose (pinch the named parts of the body)
    Santa Claus pinch the cheeks.
  2. We sink, we will pat.
    We will have fun dancing, we will warm our hands.
    We sink, we will pat,
    So that we are more fun, we will jump soon.
    A white snow fell
    We all gathered in a circle
    We sink, we will pat.
    We will have fun dancing, we will warm our hands.
    We sink, we will pat,
  3. So that we are more fun, we will jump soon.
    Our Christmas tree is great
    Our Christmas tree is high
    Above mom, above dad
    He takes out to the ceiling
    We will dance merrily.
    Eh, oh, oh! La-la-la!
    So that the Christmas tree wanted
    To visit us again!

Video: Super Physical Culture for the lesson

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