Simple and safe chemical experiments for children, schoolchildren at home: description, instructions, reviews. Chemical experiments for children for birthday, holiday, matinee

Simple and safe chemical experiments for children, schoolchildren at home: description, instructions, reviews. Chemical experiments for children for birthday, holiday, matinee
Instructions for chemical experiments for children at home.


One famous psychologist said: “If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money on them, and twice more time.” This is true, because the only way to understand the child is to spend enough time with him. Children's interesting chemical experiments for children will help you with this. In this article we will tell you how to conduct the simplest experiments for children with benefit. 


The chemical experiments that are carried out on the birthday should be spectacular, and very simple, absolutely safe. There are many options for which there is no need to spend a lot of money. 

Birthday spectacular chemical experiments: 

  • The Farano snakes. One of the simplest options for experience is the use of calcium gluconate. 
  • For this experience, you will need a metal surface, you can choose a conventional cover for a metal can. Need a tablet of calcium gluconate, dry alcohol, as well as a lighter. 
  • It is necessary to lay out a tablet of alcohol on a metal surface, and set fire to it. Put calcium gluconate into the fire. As a result of the combustion process, ash and insoluble sediment, which increases in layers, will form. 
  • It will turn out something similar to worms, snakes. This experience is relatively safe, but it must be carried out in the presence of adults. 
The Farano snakes
The Farano snakes

How to get foam: chemical experience 

For experience, you will need the following ingredients and products: 

  • Potassium permanganate 
  • Hydroperitis 
  • Soap 
  • Water 
  • A container with a narrow neck, a regular bottle or flask is suitable 
  • Large spin, preferably deep 

How to get foam, chemical experience: 

  • It is necessary using a hammer or an ordinary mortar with a pestle to crush two hydraititis tablets into powder. They can be purchased at any pharmacy, they are sold without a prescription and cost a penny. 
  • Next, it is necessary to fill the powder obtained from the tablets of hydraetite into the container, pour the water a little more than half, and add a few drops of liquid soap. After that, it is necessary to add a little potassium permanganate. 
  • As a result of a chemical reaction, oxygen bubbles will form, which will fill the foam. Due to the presence of liquid soap in the flask, a huge amount of foam will flow from the bottle. 
  • Please note that due to the content of potassium permanganate, the foam will be pink. 

It is desirable that the children do not contact this foam, as it leaves traces on clothes, which later are quite difficult to wash. 

Experiments with foam
Experiments with foam

Chemical experiments for schoolchildren with acids 

An excellent option to interest schoolchildren in chemistry lessons is to conduct simple chemical experiments that explain the interaction of some substances with each other, characterizing their physical and chemical properties. Below we present several chemical experiments with acids For schoolchildren.

Chemical experiments for schoolchildren: 

  • Thick smoke. Experience is carried out with the release of a large amount of smoke. It is necessary to pour potassium carbonate into a small container to the bottom so that it evenly covers it. It is necessary to pour a 25% solution of ammonia. Further, it is necessary to add concentrated hydrochloric acid with a thin stream. As a result of a chemical reaction, a large amount of white smoke comes out. Please note that this experience is carried out exclusively in a chemical laboratory. You cannot conduct experience at home, because dangerous chemicals are used to carry out it. 
  • Fire of money. It is necessary to take a small bill, alcohol, tweezers, matches. Place the money in a solution with alcohol so that it is evenly saturated. After that, it is necessary to squeeze the bill with tweezers and set fire to it. It is worth waiting for the fire to go out. As a result of such an experience, the bill will remain intact. This happens for the reason that the alcohol combustion temperature is much lower than the paper combustion temperature, so the bill will not suffer. 

Chemical experiments for children 6-8 years old 

Experiments for children of 6-8 years old should be absolutely safe, as kids of this age are inquisitive, want to taste, touch their hands. Accordingly, it is impossible to use aggressive fluids in experiments. Below are several common, interesting experiments for primary school children. 

Chemical experiments for children 6-8 years old: 

  • A dancing coin. It is necessary to take a beer bottle, thoroughly wash it, pour the contents and immerse it in the freezer for about one hour. Next, you need to take a coin that will completely close the neck of the bottle. After that, the coin is wetted with water, the bottle is taken out of the freezer. They put a coin on top and wait. As a result of this, the air that is inside the bottle gradually heats up, and thanks to this expands. Accordingly, the coin on top of the bottle will begin to tremble and dance, moving from top to bottom. This is due to the extraction of warm air flows from the bottle. 
  • Luminous lamp. For experience, you will need a beautiful vessel. It is necessary to fill it with 2/3 with water. Next, 1/3 of the oil is added. Food dye is poured onto the oil on top. On top of the dye it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of salt in small portions. No need to strive to pour everything at the same time. Under the weight of salt, drops of oil will begin to sink to the bottom of the vessel, and sink in the water. Due to the presence of dye, multi -colored bubbles are obtained. The spectacle is very beautiful, especially if you direct the beam of light from below or from the side. These oil bubbles will rise up again. 
Luminous lamp
Luminous lamp

Chemical milk: Experience 

An interesting, unusual experience that will please children, both on a weekday and at any holiday. 

Chemical milk, experience: 

  • It is necessary to take a bowl of large diameter and small depths. Pour about 100 ml of fatty milk. It is best to take homemade, since it has a higher percentage of fat. Now, on top of different areas, it is necessary to pour small portions of dry food dye. It is best if these are dyes of different colors. 
  • In a small container, dissolve a tool for dishes in water. It is best to choose a high -quality detergent, such as fairies. A cotton wool is wetted in a detergent solution, it must be touched on the surface of the dye. As a result of a chemical reaction of fat and detergent, fat seems to run away, as a result of which the drops are mixed, creating an unusual effect of mosaics or rainbow. 
Chemical milk
Chemical milk

Chemical experience smoke without fire 

It is better to conduct an experiment in a well -ventilated room, or under the hood. 

Chemical experience smoke without fire: 

  • To do this, pour photographic fixation into a cup or metal saucer. 
  • It is worth applying a hydraitite tablet, which is pre -wetted with water to the powder. 
  • Thanks to the reaction of these two substances, gas forms, and vapors of water. 

Chemical experiments for kids 

They must be safe, without the use of aggressive components and reagents.

VIDEO:Chemical experiments for kids 

Chemical experience of volcano with potassium brahromat at home

The experiment can be supplemented by imitation of a volcano. It can be made of plasticine or dough.

VIDEO: Chemical experience of volcano with potassium brahromat at home

Chemical experiments with carbon dioxide, soda 

Chemical experiments with carbon dioxide are based on the interaction of soda and vinegar. With the help of these two simple substances that are in the arsenal of any housewife, you can make several interesting, unusual experiments. 

Chemical experiments with soda and carbon dioxide: 

  • Balloons. It is necessary to take several bottles and cut off the tops from them, about 5 cm. As a result, you will get a kind of funnel. On the neck of the bottle you need to put on a ball and do it with the rest of the neck. In the resulting funnel, it is necessary to add a teaspoon of ordinary sodium bicarbonate. That is, food soda. You need to dial a little water in the bottles and add an approximately a tablespoon of vinegar. It is also advisable to add dyes. This will make the experience brighter. Now you need to very carefully, clamping soda in the ball, put on the funnels on the bottles. With smooth movements, it is necessary to fill the soda into the bottle. Do not forget to tightly press the funnel to the bottle so that carbon dioxide does not go through the cracks. As a result of the chemical reaction of soda and vinegar, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, which fills the balls, inflating them. 
  • Rocket. To do this, you need a 2 liter plastic bottle, three pencils, about 50 g of baking soda, a glass of vinegar, tape, wine cork, paper towels. It is necessary that the cork is very tightly adjacent to the bottle. It is necessary to glue the pencils to the top of the bottle so that it can stand. Next, you need to add vinegar to the bottle. It is necessary to wrap soda in a paper towel and twist the ends so that it does not get enough sleep. As a result, you will get something similar to a candy with soda inside. Next, it is necessary to enter the candy with soda into the container, and block with a traffic jam, closing the hole in the neck with another bundle. It is necessary to turn the rocket and put on the ground. It is advisable to conduct experience on the street, since the explosion is very powerful and is observed a few seconds after the start of the experiment. It is advisable to run away from the scene of about 20 m. As a result of a strong chemical reaction of strong vinegar and soda, a large amount of carbon dioxide accumulates in the bottle. The cork opens from the bottom, and the bottle itself takes off. 

Experience Chemical Hall: Description 

A chemical heating pad is often used by fishermen and tourists to warm up a small amount of food, or simply hold your hands in warmth. This method is used as an extreme case, if more successful options are not suitable, or deteriorated on the road. Below in the video you can see how to conduct this experiment. 

VIDEO: Experience chemical heating pad, description 

Chemical chameleon: Experience 

A rather interesting, unusual experiment is chemical chameleon. Based on the interaction of alkali with potassium permanganate. As a result of this reaction, a substance of another shade is formed, so the solution of pink turns into blue, and then into green. Below in the video you can learn in more detail how to conduct this experience. 

VIDEO: Chemical chameleon: Experience

Artificial blood: chemical experience 

Experience artificial blood is based on the interaction of potassium thiocyanate with iron chloride. As a result of the chemical reaction, dark red salt is obtained, which is very similar to the blood. Below in the video you can find out in detail how to conduct this experience. It is ideal for a draw of acquaintances or classmates for Halloween. 

VIDEO: Artificial blood: chemical experience 

Chemical experiments with glycerin 

Glycerin is a fatty substance that is used in cosmetology. With his participation, you can conduct many interesting, unusual experiments.In particular, Experience with potassium permanganate and settings is carried out, as a result of which sparks appear, unusual overflows that form when glycerol with water and dye are mixed. Below in the video you can see interesting, unusual experiments with glycerin. 

Video: Chemical experiments with glycerin 

Hot ice: chemical experience with salt 

Hot Ice- this is Experience, which is made from available products. 

Hot ice, chemical experience with salt: 

  • For the test, you will need only soda, vinegar and salt. It is necessary to pour about 200 ml of vinegar into a container. 25 g of soda are introduced into the mixture. It is necessary to wait until the foam disappears and the chemical reaction passes. 
  • This mixture must be put on fire and cooked with constant stirring. Wait for when a crust begins to form on top and sides. This is nothing but the loss of sodium acetate. As a result of boiling, it is deposited on the walls. As soon as you saw salt on the walls, you need to turn off the heating and put the container on the table. 
  • Further, dropped, you need to add hot water from the kettle. This must be done until the resulting sediment is completely dissolved. As a result, get a completely transparent solution. It must be put in the refrigerator and wait until it cools. Next, you need to take a pinch of salt and add to the solution. In places of contact of salt with the solution, white flakes will fall, which are very similar to ice. 
Experience scheme
Experience scheme

Harm of smoking and alcohol: chemical experiments 

Children do not perceive information about the dangers of drugs, alcohol. That is why it is necessary to create interesting, visual experiments that demonstrate the harm of smoking.

VIDEO: Harm of smoking and alcohol: chemical experiments 

Chemical experiments with water 

The bewitching sight of the dissolution of ink in water. 

Chemical experiments with water: 

  • It is necessary to take a three -liter jar and collect water almost by the neck. It is necessary that the water is standing, and chlorine comes out of it. 
  • It is necessary to introduce about 2-3 drops of ordinary ink into the solution. 
  • As a result of the dissolution of ink, which occurs unevenly, something similar to black puffs of smoke is obtained. 

Experience chemical algae 

The experiment is based on crystallization of certain chemical compounds.

VIDEO:Experience chemical algae

Chemical clock experience 

The experiment is based on the oscillatory reaction of Briggs - Rausher.

VIDEO: Chemical clock experience 

Chemical experience of gold rain for chemical balance 

Based on the interaction of iodide potassium with lead salts. This is an experience in chemical balance. The fact is that the lead iodide, which is formed as a result of a chemical reaction, dissolves very well in hot water, but does not dissolve in cold. 

Chemical experience of golden rain: 

  • To conduct a test, it is necessary to pour into a large jar of very hot water, almost boiling water. Make sure that the container does not burst. It is necessary to add 7 g of lead nitrate to the jar. 
  • Further, in small portions it is necessary to pour a solution of potassium iodide. It should be sent and strong. When this substance is added, a yellow sediment of lead iodide is formed. But due to hot water, it instantly dissolves. 
  • It must be gradually mixed so that the temperature remains hot. As the solution cools down, lead iodide will settle on the bottom of the flask in the form of golden flakes. 
Golden Rain
Golden Rain

Chemical traffic light: description of experience 

For experience, you will need an indigrine dye. This tool is used in the food industry for staining sausages, and in the manufacture of desserts, baking. Below in the video you can see how to implement this experience. 

VIDEO: Chemical traffic light, description of experience 

Set of experiments "My laboratory - chemical experiments" 

There are a lot of ready -made options for chemical sets that contain the optimal amount of necessary substances. They are quite affordable, but making them with their own hands is much cheaper. Below in the video we represent the unpacking of the experiments "My Laboratory". 

VIDEO: Set of experiments "My laboratory - chemical experiments" 

Dishes for chemical experiments 

Please note that to conduct experiments, you need to use special dishes. Of course, it is best if it is chemical glasses and flasks, but they are not in the hands of ordinary residents of our country. In addition, such dishes cost decent money, so you will have to use containers that are in the public domain. 

Dishes for chemical experiments: 

  • It is best to take unnecessary for experiments with dyes with dyesdishes in case She will be painted. It will be quite difficult to wash it. For these purposes, three -liter jars, unnecessary glasses are usually used. It is best not to use enameled dishes, since a layer of dye remains on the walls that does not wash. 
  • Do not use aluminum as well as cast iron dishes for chemical reactions with acids. There is no protective film on the surface, so chemicals can react with the walls of the dishes, oxidizing it.
  • In addition, experience may not work due to the passage of additional chemical reactions. Plastic showed himself pretty well. Very often they conduct experiments in plastic bottles. They are inert in relation to most chemical compounds that are used to conduct children's experiments. 
Chemical vessels
Chemical vessels

Chemical experiments with hydrogen peroxide 

Chemical experiments are often carried out with the participation of hydrogen peroxide. This happens for the simple reason that the product can be purchased at any pharmacy. Experiments are based on the interaction of peroxide with other reagents, with the release of carbon dioxide, or oxygen bubbles. As a result of this, when adding soap, you can observe a huge amount of foam with large bubbles. Below in the video you can see what experiments are carried out with hydrogen peroxide. 

VIDEO: Chemical experiments with hydrogen peroxide 

Sugar: chemical experience with crystals 

This experience is ideal for the smallest. The fact is that in the course of its conduct, pretty candies are obtained, which can be consumed inside. To conduct experience, it is necessary to mix a glass of sugar with a glass of water and bring the solution to a boil. Now you need to moisten a stick in it. It can be a toothpick, a snack for snacks.

Sugar, chemical experience with crystals:

  • It is desirable that it is not slippery, but wooden, rough. A wet stick is immersed in sugar and allowed to dry. After that, it is necessary to add one glass of sugar into the solution used to make a skewer, add the dye.
  • Boil the mixture until sugar is dissolved. As a result, you will get a very viscous mass. The wand must be fixed on a paper mug, or just tie the thread with a toothpick so that the workpiece holds, but does not reach the walls and bottom of the vessel.
  • A prepared solution of sugar is poured into the vessel, a wand is left in a hanging position. It is necessary to wait for something similar to a Christmas tree to form on the surface of the sticks. You will have to spend one week on this. Try to ensure that the children do not touch the workpiece for 7 days, do not turn the solution over. Experience is based on a solution of a solution in which sugar particles crystallize.

Chemical experience with iodine

Everyone has iodine in the medicine cabinet, but not everyone knows that with its help you can conduct a lot of experiments.

Video: Chemical experience with iodine

Contecking: chemical experiments

Unfortunately, the potassium permanganate was ranked for precursors, so it became more difficult to purchase it. Despite this, there are a lot of experiments for children using potassium permanganate.

Video: potassium permanganate: chemical experiments

Chemical experience "Polymeric worms"

To conduct experience, you need to prepare two solutions.

Chemical experience "Polymeric worms":

  • One container will contain sodium alginate, and in the second calcium chloride. Now it is necessary to dial a solution of sodium alginate in a syringe. A thin stream must be squeezed into a solution with calcium chlorine.
  • Please note that after 10-15 seconds, strips that are very similar to worms will begin to form inside. This process is widely used in cosmetology, as well as in molecular cuisine.
  • Sodium alginate when interacting with calcium chlorine forms gel strips. For the game, they must be washed in cold water.

Chemical experiments of hand gum for hand

Instructions for creating sticky lizun. It is best to conduct an experiment in gloves, since the mass is poorly washed.

Video: chemical experiments of hand gum for hand

Chemical experiments "Lizun"

There are many ways to make lizun. However, the simplest option is the use of PVA glue, dye, starch.

Chemical experiments "Lizun", instructions:

  • It is necessary to dilute starch in water, and measure the same amount of glue. It is necessary that water, glue and liquid starch turn out in equal amounts. As a result, you need to add PVA glue to the container and mix.
  • It is necessary to add the dye to this paste and averaged thoroughly. You can mix several dyes to get fantasy colors. After you select the color, it is necessary to pour liquid starch.
  • It is worth constantly mixing the mixture so that it thickens. You can learn more about how to cook Lizun at home here. This article is not only a recipe for making lizun from starch, but also many other methods.

Video: Children's sets of chemical experiments


Chemical experiments: reviews

Of course, if you do not have time to bother with the experiments, you can buy ready -made sets and follow the instructions. Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have acquired such sets.

Chemical experiments, reviews:

Elena. On the day of the birthday at school, the son was presented with a “young chemist” set. It has a lot of different mixtures. The most vivid, memorable experiments of typhoon in a bottle, also pharaoh snakes. In fact, the ideas are very simple, and the cost of ingredients is low. But it is much easier to buy a whole set.

Veronica. We acquired a set with chemical experiences of our daughter 8 years. These were polymer worms. The set is very simple and inexpensive. There are several disposable syringes, plastic cups and reagents. I really liked the experience, the youngest son also played with these worms. I did not worry, because I know that these worms are absolutely safe, even if they eat them.

Matvey. I acquired a set of experiments "Young Scientist" to my son. The most remembered for the experience with hydrophobic sand. True, there were some problems with disposal, as this cannot be poured into the toilet. I had to drain the water, and throw the sand into the bag. The child was delighted. Purchased for birthday. The holiday was a success, this set of experiments interested many invited guests. And not only children, but also adults.


The easiest way is to purchase a box with children's chemical experiments. However, they are not always cheap, so we advise you to choose experience yourself. The right choice will help to make experiments that kids and schoolchildren will appreciate.

Video: Chemical experiments for children

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