Good deeds: a list for children, schoolchildren

Good deeds: a list for children, schoolchildren

Lists of good deeds for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Education of a child is a difficult and long process. In this article, we will talk about how to accustom a child to good deeds, but not to self -sacrifice. And also present lists of good deeds for kids and schoolchildren.

What are good deeds for?

Many thousands of years ago, when our civilization was born, people realized that with mutual assistance, the chances of survival have increased significantly. But in order for a person to help another person disinterestedly, and at the same time enjoy it, you need to accustom good deeds since childhood.

So, start instilling good from the first minute of life. Namely with yourself. The baby only seems uninteresting. But he captures every movement of his parents, every mood of the world around him. Before studying the lists of good deeds for children, look at the same adult lists. Analyze how often do you adhere to these recommendations? How often do you help others?

Now let's move on to the next stage. Education on their own example. What are good deeds for? Help your grandmother cross the road. Going to the supermarket, look at the lonely elderly neighbor and offer your help in the purchase and delivery of products. Gather small things and take it to the charity fund with the baby, albeit a tiny. These tiny grains will germinate in the baby, and by the age of 3, he will be aware of how nice it is to do good to others.

From the age of 2, it is recommended to talk with the baby on the topic of good deeds. Ask what he feels by doing a good deed and collecting toys. Having handed her mother a plate or rubbing the table. What does he feel when he gives for a while to play his toy, and sees happiness in the eyes of another baby. Everyone where Altruism noticed.

Good deeds
Good deeds

But in good deeds there is also the reverse side of the coin. Namely - self -sacrifice. And if the student is late for the lesson, as he helped his grandmother cross the road - everyone will be touched by his kindness. But when an adult father is late for several hours to the garden for a child, as he helped a stranger to transfer the cargo, here the society will rebel. But in fact, in both cases, self -sacrifice is traced.

And if in the first case, everything seems insignificant. What will solve 10 minutes of the lesson? Then, praising the child, and without explaining the situation to him, you can raise a person who will pushes into the background both of himself and your family, just to help outsiders.

One more example. If the child has money for several school dinners, buy dinner to someone who does not have money is a good deed. But if the child regularly gives most of the portion of food, since another child does not have it - a good deed can result in gastritis. And this is no longer a good deed, but only self -sacrifice. In this case, it is necessary to explain to the baby that his good deed is to notify adults, and they will already provide help to the child without food. And to eat a portion of food yourself.

Important:under the idea of \u200b\u200bgood deeds, parents often offer the child to share their toys or things. For parents, the value of toys is low and they do not see a problem. And the child’s refusal is perceived as greed and the presence of bad manners. But do you give your neighbor your smartphone for a month, since she doesn’t, but really want to? Or give a car because a distant relative really needs it? For the baby, the value of the toy is equivalent to the value of your car, and good deeds should be different.

List of good deeds for preschoolers

Kids do good deeds, imitating adults. They study and are often mistaken. You can never scold and punish if the baby did not want to do a good deed. Do it yourself, show the example. And encourage the baby to good deeds with words, not punishments.

Good deeds - for each age its own
Good deeds - for each age its own

So, the list of good deeds for preschoolers:

  • Remove toys and help parents;
  • Collect garbage and help parents and older sisters;
  • Feed homeless animals;
  • Participate in the creation of a birdhouse or feeder, and then take crumbs and cereals every day to the birds;
  • Water flowers and plants in flower beds;
  • Participate in the planting of seedlings;
  • To give (only if he himself revealed desire) toys and things to needy children;
  • Wipe the dust;
  • Hold the doors.

As soon as you saw that the baby did a good deed - praise him. Be sure to focus on the fact that a good act is a noble business, and from its implementation on the soul it becomes warmer.

List of good deeds for primary school

As soon as the baby becomes a schoolboy, the list of good deeds expands significantly. Parents begin to introduce a student with this list, and a detailed analysis takes place at school. To begin with, the teacher gives homework - write a list of good deeds. And then, in the lesson, children voiced their lists, analyzing good deeds and complementing their lists from the lists of classmates.

An example of work in the lesson on the assignment list of good deeds
An example of work in the lesson on the instructions "List of good deeds"

We have prepared a basic list of good deeds for schoolchildren:

  • Make easy cleaning in the classroom, at home, at an elderly lonely neighbor;
  • Wash the floor and free time to mom;
  • Remove in the kitchen and wash the dishes;
  • Hang linen after washing;
  • Pour flowers at school, at home. Pour flower beds at the entrance;
  • Take out the trash;
  • Help parents and lonely neighbors with small purchases;
  • Pick up parcels from the mail;
  • Tear out weeds in a summer cottage, on a flowerbed around the house;
  • Organize or participate in a subbotnik;
  • Feed homeless animals, organize warm booths for winter with the elders;
  • Remove in the entrance;
  • Collect garbage and throw into the urns on the street;
  • Organize and participate in the construction of bird feeders, as well as birdhouses;
  • Make a hill of snow for crumbs;
  • Wash the swings and shops on your site;
  • Plant flowers, bushes, trees. Water and care for them;
  • Cheer up to someone who is sad;
  • Take on part of the weekend's duties in order to quickly organize leisure with parents;
  • Prepare breakfast parents and please fragrant tea or coffee;
  • Prepare a surprise for friends, teachers, grandparents, parents;
  • Make an ad with good wishes and hang ads on the boards;
  • Smile and wish a good day!
  • Greet, going into shops, cafes, educational institutions;
  • Tell relatives that they are loved and always waiting at home;
  • Make peace with those who do not like it. It is not necessary to be friends, but to show that you do not hold resentment against them;
  • Transfer grandmother across the road;
  • Make compliments to cheer up;
  • Charge others with a good mood;
  • Become a mentor who needs a child's help;
  • Arrange a holiday for familiar kids.

As you can see, for each age there are many opportunities to do a good deed. Take advantage of the case and give good! The more such people in the world, the more interesting it is to live!

List of good deeds for high school

In the period when the child becomes an adult, he still has a lot of free time, but there are no duties of an adult - golden time to do good deeds.

So, a list of good deeds for adolescents:

  • Become a volunteer and make fees of things, gifts, books for orphanages and boarding schools;
  • Organize care with activists for stray animals;
  • In working with adults, organize help homeless. Try to improve their lives by organizing the help of social services;
  • Give a book to a stranger. For example, a bored child in transport or a sad student at a break;
  • Drive standing, giving way to a pregnant woman or an elderly person;
  • Organize support to lonely neighbors. It can be small purchases, cleaning, or maybe elementary setting of TV channels;
  • Line as a gift. For example, become a circus queue, and when the turn is suitable - give those who are at the very end. This magic can be especially evaluated by parents with kids in their arms!
  • Show the road, accompany the road;
  • Organize and oversee the help of nature. For example, once a week to pass with a bag in the park, removing garbage and ennobleing the territory;
  • Plant seedlings, flowers, shrubs. Offer assistance in landscaping the city to the city council and become a volunteer;
  • Visit orphanages in the image of an animator and arrange a holiday for children;
  • Set in turn at school out of turn.

The list of high school students can be continued endlessly. Do good deeds and do the world better!

And in conclusion of a video about good deeds.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bgood deeds just like that

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  1. Thank you for the very important and timely information

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