Liver intoxication - 10 obvious signals that the liver gives when the toxins appear in it

Liver intoxication - 10 obvious signals that the liver gives when the toxins appear in it

Causes, symptoms, signs, treatment of liver intoxication.

Toxic liver damage is a common ailment that is observed in 30% of patients. It is worth noting that this disease can be caused by a huge number of causes. In this article we will talk about the causes and symptoms of intoxication of the liver. 

The reasons for the intoxication of the liver

In most cases, under the term “intoxication”, many imagine poisoning with some harmful substances. Few people think that even the usual food products that we consume every day can cause a toxic lesion of this gland.

The liver is a huge gland, the weight of which is 1.5-2 kg. The work of almost the whole organism is tied on this gland. It is filtered by blood from toxins, as well as the production of some hormones that take part in digestion. Without normal functioning of this gland, the adequate functioning of the body is impossible. 

Type of intoxication of the liver

The reasons

intoxication of the liver

Symptoms The principle of treatment Medications
Alcohol A large amount of alcohol Absent in the initial stages Cleaning using drug treatment, diet Karsil, hepabena, enzymes,

Meding without a prescription,

antibiotic abuse

Pulling pains on the right, under the diaphragm Toxins, diet Darril, Essencial, Heptor, Ornitin
Hepatosis Consumption of a large amount of fatty foods Sharp leaps in weight Normalization of weight and metabolism, diet Orlistat, Metformin, Adelfan
Viral Enjoyable sexual life, drug addiction, blood transfusion, infection in medical institutions, manicure rooms A sharp deterioration in the state of health with an increase in temperature, yellowing of the sclera, digestive disorder The fight against viruses, an increase in immunity Interferon -based preparations, Sophosbuvir, Ladypasvir, Grodinosin, Inozin

The reasons for the intoxication of the liver:

  • Uncontrolled medication. Oddly enough, but taking medication often becomes The reason for the accumulation of toxins. This iron simply does not cope with a huge load, and cannot filter all toxins in time, therefore, due to excessive tension and load of the organ, the death of some gland cells is observed. That is, necrosis is observed, and fibrous tissue grows in place of dead cells. It is connective, and in its essence is not dangerous, but with excessive growth of such tissue, the functions of the organ are worsening, and it cannot completely cope with its tasks.
  • Accordingly, this causes a huge number of diseases of the food tract, as well as fluctuations in the concentration of hormones. Recently, intoxication of drugs has become very common. This is due to the availability of drugs that are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Even the most ordinary aspirin, paracetamol and citramon are very affected by the health of the organ. These are dangerous drugs that, with frequent use, can cause the development of organ fibrosis. 
  • Reception of high doses of alcohol. Alcohol intoxication It is observed in almost 40% of all Russians. This is due to the culture of the weekend, since people very often abuse alcohol. Yes, iron can process alcohol in small quantities. When consuming a huge amount of alcohol, it does not cope, which is why disorders of work are observed, part of the cells is dying.
  • When drinking alcohol, obesity of the gland is often observed, in which some cells are replaced by fat. It also negatively affects the work of the gland, helps to increase it. 
  • Poisoning is possible not only because of the effects of drugs, alcohol, but also because viruses attacks. In acute hepatitis A, B, C and D, almost all the symptoms that are indicated above are also observed. In chronic hepatitis, yellow skin is not observed, but other symptoms are present.In particular, There is lethargy, deterioration of the general condition of the body.
  • Intoxication of the organ It can also provoke work in harmful production, as well as eating low -quality products, dirty water. 
Liver functions scheme
Liver functions scheme

Liver intoxication: symptoms

The biggest problem is that the toxic lesion of the organ does not appear immediately. More precisely, in the initial stages of the lesion, no symptoms are observed.

Symptoms of liver intoxication:

  1. Only in advanced cases can it be observed swelling, pain in the right hypochondrium, colorless feces, the color of urine becomes like a dark beer, there is a decrease and increase in temperature, sharp jumps.
  2. This happens if the lesion is acute, and the body has a huge number of toxins. In chronic ailments, there are no such symptoms. At the same time, very often the disease remains unnoticed and manifests itself only on the last degrees of damage.
  3. Manifestations in chronic intoxication are not characteristic, they can be confused with anything. In chronic violations in the work of the organ there is a violation of sleep, mood problems, frequent depression, a breakdown, fatigue.
  4. Accordingly, these symptoms are not acute or specific, so it is difficult to suspect liver intoxication. 
  5. The yellowness of the skin It is not always observed, only in acute diseases. This occurs when acute hepatitis is observed, and the outflow of bile is disturbed, as a result of blockage of the bile ducts with stones. In these cases, pain in the right hypochondrium is also observed.
  6. The most interesting thing is that the organ has no nerve fibers. In this area, practically nothing hurts. Pain can be observed only if the iron is increased in size, and as if inflated the film in which it is located. It is on this shell that there are nerve endings that can make themselves felt Dumb, aching pain. There are no manifestations of acute pain in chronic ailments. 
Palpation of the liver
Palpation of the liver

Signs of liver intoxication in chronic ailments

At intoxication of the organ You can assume a diagnosis based on nonspecific symptoms. 

Signs of liver intoxication:

  1. Raspberry language, fairly bright and edematous 
  2. Red palms 
  3. The yellowed shell of the eye 
  4. Fingers in hand do not completely bend and do not straighten up 
  5. On the upper eyelids there are often growths resembling plaques 
  6. Fingers can resemble drum sticks, quite swollen, with pronounced joints 
  7. Hair growth in men in armpits and on the face is disturbed. This is due to hormonal imbalance 

If, together with all these symptoms, vascular stars are also observed in the upper body, on the face and on the nose, the doctor can send the patient to additional diagnosis. In this case, a fecal analysis is given, and a general blood test. Quite often, a person can walk around doctors for a long time and not understand the source of poor health, weakness and rapid fatigue. 

Specific signs of intoxication of the liver It is a rash, as well as hemorrhages on the surface of the skin. It often appears to itch, cracks, as well as peeling of the skin. Pain in the joints, as well as muscles, can be observed, while the mucous membranes of the mouth, as well as the eyes, dry. A person is forced to constantly blink to moisten the eyeball or use special drops. Deteriorations are observed in the general blood test. However, it is almost impossible to diagnose the disease using a general blood test.

It is necessary to take biomaterial for the concentration of bilirubin, as well as hormones and enzymes. In addition, a poor urine analysis may be observed. After all, very often iron processes toxins, and the kidneys remove them. If the body does not cope, this leads violations in the work of the kidneys. Urine becomes dark color, its smell is not for the better. The content of protein and other components that should not be present in this liquid may be observed. 

The liver hurts
The liver hurts

Alcohol intoxication of the liver: symptoms, degree

Alcohol intoxication of the liver is quite dangerous, as it can cause serious disorders in the body. The most interesting thing is that usually when drinking a large amount of alcohol is observedsteatosis - gradual overgrowing of gland fat with an increase in its size.

Hepatitis is often observed, as well as the formation of fibrosis, cirrhosis, as well as cicatricial tissue. All these diseases appear with prolonged and frequent intake of large portions of alcohol. Even 100 g per lunch can cause these ailments. Alcohol intoxication- this is Poisoning, which should pay a lot of attention, since now a large number of clinics are engaged in its treatment. 

Alcohol intoxication  liver It happens of varying degrees, depending on the amount of alcohol drunk.

Types of alcohol intoxication of the liver:

  • The minimum amount of alcohol with a concentration of 1.5 ppm is characterized by an increase in mood, sometimes slowing down colloquial speech. The person becomes fun and fools around. 
  • The second degree- this is Neurological lesion, when alcohol disrupts the functioning of the brain, as a result of which there may be a violation of coordination of movements, a shaky gait. 
  • Third The degree of poisoning is manifested by loss of consciousness and is observed with the concentration of alcohol more than 4 ppm. Chronic alcoholics with such a concentration of alcohol in the blood feels well enough, do not lose consciousness, are able to talk and carry out some movements and actions. 
Symptoms of intoxication of the body
Symptoms of intoxication of the body

A large amount of alcohol is perceived the hardest.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication of the liver:

  • The next day or a few hours after the accepted alcohol, a person may begin vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Yellow color of the eyeball appears
  • The smell is aggravated
  • Body temperature may increase
  • Often characterized by a stool disorder
  • The color of feces may change, as well as urine
  • In severe lesions, urine is painted in brown or dark brown color, like non-refilled beer
  • During the inspection, on palpation, the organ is increased and quite painful

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication of the liver Very often observed in chronic alcoholics, which for a long period of time use large portions of alcohol. This condition does not pass on its own, but requires treatment. Now such services are provided by narcological dispensaries. During the cleaning of the body, droppers are made, hepatoprotectors are given, a large amount of glucose and saline is introduced.

All this helps in a short period of time to remove toxins from the body and force the gland to work adequately and at full strength. At the same time, after discharge from such an institution, a person will have to take tablet drugs within a month in order to contribute to the complete recovery and restoration of organ cells. 

Alcohol intoxication
Alcohol intoxication

Liver drugs for alcohol intoxication 

It is worth noting that there are several types of drugs that are used for the lesion of the gland with alcohol. 

Alcohol intoxication of the liver, drugs:

  1. Plant drugs are natural antioxidants that contribute to the restoration of liver cells, their growth. 
  2. Homeopathic preparations that contain a small amount of active substances, and also help restore organ cells. 
  3. Phospholipids. These are drugs that strengthen the iron, and also contain nutrients that improve the composition of bile. At the same time, these funds can improve and increase the number of enzymes that participate in digestion. 
  4. Drugs from the liver and blood of animals. They are prescribed infrequently, exclusively under the supervision of doctors. Usually used in hospitals, due to a large number of contraindications, but high efficiency. 
  5. Amino acids. They form, accelerate chemical reactions in the body, and stimulate the production of phospholipids. In addition, they improve the condition of the gland cells, contribute to their normal growth. 
  6. The bile acids that improve the immunity of the liver, while reducing the concentration of cholesterol in bile, and also stimulate the pancreas. 
Drugs for intoxication of the liver
Drugs for intoxication of the liver

Treatment of liver intoxication

In general, for these purposes, both drugs and a therapeutic diet are prescribed.

Intoxication of the liver, treatment:

  • Indeed, do not neglect proper nutrition and observe the diet prescribed by the doctor. The amount of fatty products is usually limited, and the concentration of viscous porridge, as well as low -fat meat, increases in the composition of the daily diet. How to do cleaning, tubing of the liver, you can find out here
  • There is a diet with damage to the liver, you can find out more about it here. In addition, intoxication is treated with drugs that are selected depending on what caused the violation of the gland.
  • Typically, hepatoprotectors, medicinal herbs, as well as droppers for quick cleansing of the body from toxins are prescribed. This is most often in acute alcohol poisoning, or some poisonous, toxic substances. You can find out more about effective drugs for the liver here

In fact, toxins cannot be removed from the liver after a few days. With severe lesions, sometimes treatment is impossible, the only way out is the liver transplant. Take care of your health.

Video: Intoxication of the liver

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  1. Due to taking antibiotics, I had such intoxication. Of the obvious signs of refinement, the lack of appetite and pain in the right side. Then she began to take hepatrin and dark smoothies to drink green, .. Gradually, well -being became better. Now everything is in perfect order with appetite, and there are no pains)

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