The spleen, liver: reasons, treatment of an enlarged spleen, which spleen should be normal?

The spleen, liver: reasons, treatment of an enlarged spleen, which spleen should be normal?

If the spleen is increased, what does this indicate what diseases can be and how to treat? Read about this in this article.

The spleen is called the "second mother" in the body. It goes as follows in importance after the liver and kidneys. Its function is to cleanse blood and lymphoid fluid. If the spleen is increased, then health problems may occur in the body. Read this article, what this body should be normal, what are the causes of the increase and what the consequences of the disease of the spleen, its rupture or removal can.

The reasons for increasing the spleen, liver: which spleen should be normal?


The liver is a protective filter of the body. The spleen is also responsible for the processing and filtration of harmful substances in the human body.

Which spleen should be normal? Here's the answer:

  • Normal sizes: length-12-16 cm, width-6-8 cm, thickness-2-4 cm, weight-100-200 gr.

The liver has its own performance:

  • The width of the gland - from 23 to 27 cm, length-14-20 cm, transverse size-200-225 mm, the edges of the organ are clear and even.

If the liver is increased:

  • It can be an alarm.
  • It is necessary to examine the body as a whole, and especially this gland.
  • Normally, the liver is not increased. If, after an ultrasound, the doctor said that the liver is increased, then treatment products are needed.
  • Normally, the liver should not protrude from under the costal arc and there should be no pain.
  • If the liver is increased in size, the tumor or infection should be excluded using additional studies.

The reason for the liver increase:

  • It can be hidden in hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcohol intoxication.
  • The liver increases during intoxication due to taking antibiotics and hormonal agents.

Liver treatment:

  • It depends on its size and on what diagnosis the doctor will make.
  • Medicines are prescribed.
  • It should be added to this that the nutrition schedule is important. You need to eat often, in small portions. You need to eat about six times a day. The interval in food should be about 4 hours. Dinner - it is advisable to spend no later than 19.00.
  • Fat should be abandoned.
  • Process products, including vegetables, thermally.
  • Diet No. 5 according to Pevzner is shown.
  • It is also necessary to add more plant fibers, products rich in antioxidants and amino acids to the diet.

If the spleen is increased:

  • If this organ begins to grow and a person feels strong heaviness in its area, you need to contact the therapist.
  • Initial inspection helps the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis.
  • Then the patient is sent to a narrow specialist.
  • If there are heartburn, aching sensations in the left hypochondrium, bloating, gases, weakness and sweating - you need to see a doctor, these are signs of a sick spleen.
  • It is possible that this is an infection or toxins that have entered the body.

The reasons for increasing spleen can be different. Perhaps such pathologies are developing in the body:

  • Mononucleosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Tularemia
  • Typhoid
  • Purulent reactions to some problems in the body
  • Endocarditis
  • Problems are most often related to infections
  • There may also be stagnant phenomena in the spleen

Treatment of increased spleen:

  • Therapy in the field of spleen diseases is aimed at reducing the activity of the underlying disease.
  • It is important to stop the growth of the organ.
  • There are many specific and highly specialized medicines, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

Remember: Self -medication is dangerous!

  • If doctors diagnosed oncology, then chemotherapy will be needed.
  • Autoimmune diseases are not subject to cure, but they can be stopped.
  • In some cases, an operation to remove the spleen is being done.

Currently, many people prefer to be treated at home on their own, without addressing doctors. But this is wrong. The doctor must diagnose, prescribe treatment and only then you can start making useful healing decoctions of herbs.

Can the spleen decrease after the increase itself?


The spleen may decrease and grow. This is due to the presence of an infectious process in the body or physiological indicators, for example, in children. If the body has an inflammatory process, then the function of the spleen is aimed at capturing “bad” blood cells. Upon receipt of a large number of pathogenic blood cells, the ability of the organ and the size of the spleen increases. This can be seen even with an external examination of a person: on the stomach, under the ribs on the left side, a bulging lump from under the skin will be visible.

It is worth knowing: The spleen can decrease after an increase in itself without the use of medications. But it is important that the food consumed is diverse and rich in beneficial substances. If the condition continues to deteriorate, consult a doctor.

Treatment of enlarged spleen: Folk recipes

Shepherd's bag for the treatment of spleen
Shepherd's bag for the treatment of spleen

Treatment of an enlarged spleen with folk remedies involves normalizing the indicators of this body, but as mentioned above, treatment needs an integrated approach. Therefore, using folk recipes is better under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Suitable from some diseases is suitable for honey with glycerin, from others - herbal infusions of herbs:

  • Shepherd's bag
  • Hop cones
  • Grass and leaves
  • Chamomile
  • Calendula flowers and leaves
  • Plantain
  • Sorrel
  • Nettle
  • Sagebrush
  • Rose hip

There are many folk recipes to reduce an enlarged spleen based on herbs, berries, seeds:

  • Treatment of an enlarged spleen with yarrow: Mix yarrow and calendula in equal proportions. Brew 20 g of the mixture, 0.5 l of boiling water, insist in a closed vessel for about 40 minutes, strain through gauze. Take one third of a glass twice during the day.
  • Strengthening agent with tsikoria. To do this, brew 2 grams of ground root with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for about 40 minutes, strain. Take three times a day for 2 tbsp.
  • Berry recipe for mountain ashAs a prevention against a tumor. Brew a mixture of mountain ash fruits with chicory, in a ratio of 1 to 2, one glass of boiling water. Insist for about 40 minutes, strain and take three times a day for 2 tbsp.
  • Grape fruits. Since August, when there are all seasonal fruits and vegetables from the household and freely, pay attention to grape clusters. The great benefit of this fruit will be freshly consumed. It helps to reduce the spleen, and also copes with the ailments with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases.

Advice: Enter grapes in the diet in the amount of 1-1.5 kg day in the diet. You can replace the clusters of this fruit, for example, dinner or eat it between meals.

Each product that is used daily in the kitchen in cooking has therapeutic properties. It has long been known that our food is our medicine. But the food should be cooked correctly: for a couple, extinguished or boiled in water, from high -quality and fresh products.

It is worth knowing: Food should be balanced and rich in vitamins and trace elements. All products of natural origin should be without impurities and additives, because nitrates in the products adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hop cones for the treatment of spleen
Hop cones for the treatment of spleen

Infusions of plants with a medicinal effect to reduce an increased spleen are proven and safe products to reduce the size of an increased spleen to the norm. There are many recipes for the infusion of herbs, for example:

Shepherd's bag.

  • This is one of the plants that helps to improve the condition of the spleen.
  • It is necessary to prepare a decoction, for this you will need 10 grams of raw materials.
  • Pour it with 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes.
  • When the liquid temperature is at room temperature, it is necessary to strain the decoction and take five times a day on a tablespoon.

Inflammation in the spleen is easily eliminated using hop cones.

  • Pour the hop cones with alcohol: mix 1 part of the cones and 4 parts of alcohol (40 %).
  • The composition insist 10 days in a dark place.
  • Take the infusion of 40 drops 3 times a day.

Saturated composition of the collection.

  • Sheets of nettles, strawberries, violets, and a series - this collection has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spleen.
  • It is necessary to mix all herbs in equal quantities and grind.
  • Mix the collection and close in a glass container.
  • Before use, brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiled hot water.
  • In an hour, the infusion can be drunk. The resulting volume is designed for use within a day.

The infusion of raisins is a good remedy for inflammation and a spleen tumor.

  • Ingredients - raisins and a solution of vinegar.
  • To prepare the infusion, rinse raisins from garbage and twigs (1 tablespoon).
  • Pour raisins of 100 ml of grape vinegar.
  • Then withstand the composition in a dark place during the night.
  • In the morning you need to eat all the raisins and drink about 10 grams of infusion.
  • Such a tool is suitable if you do not have gastritis or ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. Before use, consult a doctor!

A decoction of rosehip fruits is a tasty, healthy product.

  • Grind the fruits of rosehips (1 tablespoon) to the state of gruel.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water and insist by wrapping the solution with something warm.
  • The infusion must be taken after eating
  • The healing properties of such a solution have a cumulative effect in the body, so the prepared composition must be drunk during the day and you need to do this every day for 7-10 days.
Juices of fresh fruits and vegetables for the treatment of spleen
Juices of fresh fruits and vegetables for the treatment of spleen

Juices of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Pomegranate juice and white cabbage juice, have a beneficial effect on an enlarged spleen in the direction of reducing sizes.
  • The juice should be freshly squeezed.
  • The technique of preparing and using juice should also be observed.
  • It should be heated before use up to 40-50 degrees. Be sure to drink before meals, in a small amount - 1/3 cup enough.
  • You can make mixes of different fruits and vegetables or take mono-soko-therapy.

The summer season has already begun to bear fruit. With an enlarged spleen, use dried cucumber seeds:

  • Dried seeds of overripe cucumbers, grind to the state of gruel.
  • This powder is taken before meals, three teaspoons, washed down with warm water.

It is worth knowing: A decrease in the spleen is possible only if you observe the principles of a healthy, balanced diet, saturating your body with useful substances from various infusions, dishes, juices, and so on.

In any case, first you need to undergo drug therapy, and only then the doctor can prescribe herbal decoctions. Traditional medicine does not always help in terms of monotherapy, so trust your doctor and if you have a desire to supplement the treatment with a product of herbs or honey, inform the doctor about this.

Gap of spleen in the human body: symptoms, causes

Rupture of the spleen
Rupture of the spleen

The rupture of the spleen in the human body is a state when its integrity is disturbed, through external influence, such as injury. The symptoms should include the following:

  • Sensation of a small push or pulsation in the left side of the abdomen.
  • Darming in the eyes.
  • A feeling of weakness and dizziness appears.
  • The first signs of nausea until vomiting.
  • Growing pain that does not subside, so that you do not do.

The reasons:

  • External injury is the most common reason.
  • Viruses and bacterial infections leading to an increase in the size of the spleen and as a result of its gap.
  • Severe physical work in combination with an already passing inflammatory process in the organ.
  • Pregnancy. Due to the increase in blood in the body, the affected organ does not withstand pressure and breaks.
  • Fast birth provoke excessive load, both on the abdominal cavity and internal organs, which can also cause the gap.
  • The advanced stages of the course of diseases, such as tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver and various forms of hepatitis.

Important: With any malaise, see a doctor immediately. Do not self -medicate!

Cyst of spleen: symptoms of the disease, how to treat?

Cyst of spleen
Cyst of spleen

Symptoms of the disease of the spleen cyst depend on the location, size and type of cyst. Small -sized single cysts (up to 2 cm) They develop asymptomatic, for a long time do not make themselves felt.

  • The first symptoms occur with an increase and inflammation of the affected area. The victim begins to feel dull, aching pain in the left hypochondrium. The temperature rises, a person is overcome by weakness, dizziness and apathy.
  • The cyst is growing, and behind it increases in intensity and pain. A feeling of nausea and vomiting joins the general symptoms, after eating in the left hypochondrium, severity occurs.
  • At the last stage, with an increase in the spleen by more than 7 cm, shortness of breath and breathing, dry cough, unpleasant sensations during a deep breath in the chest area will join.

How to treat?

  • With a small -sized non -parasitic cyst (up to 3 cm), the patient prescribes an ultrasound of the spleen. The procedure must be taken from 1 to 2 times a year. The doctor will observe the state of the body, a change in its size.
  • In case of infection, suppuration or rupture, development of bleeding, the presence of several pathological cavities, a surgical method of treatment is prescribed.

Even if it seems to you that you have other symptoms and you know how to treat the pathology you have, first contact the doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Removing the spleen: in what cases, the consequences for the body without a spleen


In some cases, in the presence of severe pathologies, doctors remove this organ from the human body. These are the reasons for the removal of the spleen:

  • Severe injury or its gap.
  • Oncological diseases of the blood. In this case, the dimensions of the spleen increase to such parameters that it becomes larger than the liver, filling most of the abdomen. It is removed due to the fact that the operation (splenectomy) in this case helps to suspend the process of the disease.
  • With parasitic and infectious lesion of the spleen.
  • Remove the abscess (cluster of pus in the organ), which cannot be opened and drained.
  • In an acute lack of blood supply to the organ (heart attack).
  • Secondary hypersplenism.
  • Cyst formation.

Usually during the disease, blood cells are destroyed, which is an indication for the removal of the organ. This occurs in the following diseases:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Typhus and malaria
  • Portal hypertension

Life without spleen and consequences for the body:

  • The spleen during its normal functioning takes part in the hematopoietic process: it accumulates iron, destroys old platelets and red blood cells, regulating their volume in the blood.
  • Removing an important organ from the body is stress, immunity is reduced, the likelihood of an infectious disease increases.
  • The functions of the spleen are taken by other organs.

People whose spleen is removed continue to live a normal life. But they always have to follow their health, increase immunity and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

It is necessary to protect the abdomen from the strokes, because any physical impact on an enlarged spleen can lead to an organ break, and to a threat to life. Eat correctly, use vitamins and drink juices of fresh vegetables and fruits. This will help to extend the life of such an important organ as the spleen.

Video: Instructions for use. Spleen

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