The husband beats, and nowhere to go - what to do and where to go: the phone of the crisis center, the trust center, reviews

The husband beats, and nowhere to go - what to do and where to go: the phone of the crisis center, the trust center, reviews

Unfortunately, violence over a weak sex existed at all times. Let us recall at least a domostroy - then a woman was not that she had no vote, she had to walk in front of her husband, a kind of god and the top of her fate.

As they say, step to the right, step to the left is shooting. And do not picke - no one will understand you and will not regret it. And in Soviet times it was not much better. The keeper of the hearth most often kept silent that the head of the family periodically shakes her. Why, they say, to take out of the hut. In addition, then law enforcement agencies did not really react to internal family affairs, except that beatings led to a sad finale.

The husband beats - means loves?

  • Our dear women should not be seduced, a folk saying is lying about the fact that "The husband beats - means loves." Most likely, your life partner is asserted in this way.
  • At work, he can be an intelligent, quiet and executive employee, and in the circle of his family is a real despot.
  • It is generally accepted that only alcoholics, drug addicts and other asocial elements fall into the riot, and then they destroy everything and everyone who comes to their arm. Not at all - the higher the status of a man, the more intelligent he looks, the sophisticated his torture over his household can be.

It should be remembered that if you have raised your hand once, then, as a rule, attacks of aggression will follow in the future. Do not blindly believe in the sincere repentance of such a person. There is only one way out of such a situation - to quickly tear all kinds of relations with him.

What to do if the husband beats, but nowhere to go?

  • Every woman should know and remember, now there are places where she can always handle her problem. And no matter how insoluble she would seem to her, she will not be left in trouble and will certainly help find a way out of the situation.
  • Sometimes when you hear from the mouth victims of violence their heartbreaking confession, That's just that the hair on the head begins to move with horror and misunderstanding. The misunderstanding of how one could endure mockery of yourself for such a long time.
  • Women broken morally and physically, If the husband beats, they usually say that there is nowhere to run, nobody needs them with children, no one awaits them, they have no other place in this world. And even if they decide to escape or submit an application for divorce, the husband can fulfill his threats to find her, take her life or make a cripple, and take away children with him.
It happens that there is simply nowhere to leave
It happens that there is simply nowhere to leave
  • Of course, if you feel the moral forces of the rapist to part peacefully - dare! It is possible that you will succeed, and you do not particularly injure the psyche at the same time, but, on the contrary, feel the taste of victory. However, if you felt a real threat, Hanging over your life, you must first be saved!
  • But when the danger to you and your household will pass, then you can slowly come to yourself, think about further life.

The main thing is to love and appreciate yourself and your children, and humiliation and beatings are not for you!

What to do if the husband beats the child, but nowhere to go?

  • So what to do if the husband beats Does his wife or raise his hand on defenseless frightened children, while injuring their psyche? The answer is unequivocal - run! In case of beating, grabbing you by the throat, throwing you all that comes to hand - you must definitely run!
  • Do not take on the faith of his apology, excuses and promises of correction in the future. Take off your legs until it became too late, and trouble has not leaked to your doors with a monster-then it will simply be impossible to change anything.
  • Often the outrageous of the world in the family are accepted to prove that the households themselves are to blame for the fact that they brought him to “white heat” with their behavior. Although usually the victims of domestic violence behave quieter than water, below the grass, fearing anger soon to reproduce the tyrant. Absolutely any trifle can get it out of itself: The wife did not look like that, poorly (in his opinion) shirt was fooled, the children did not greet very respectfully or they brought a bad mark from school ...
  • And even if later he apologizes to you for this “physical education”, he will live confident in heart - he is not to blame for anything. No need, dear ladies, to amuse themselves with illusions - men with sadistic inclinations do not change their essence. On the contrary, beating you, each time they will be more and more to taste. But how, because he wants a gentleman - punishes, but wants to - sweetly.
  • Among women there is an erroneous opinion, and very often they voiced it: “He is with a roller (Lenka, Katka, etc.). And we have love with him, and everything will be different. ” But, unfortunately, life provides us with completely different examples. And brutal disappointments in the so -called “love”, because the despot just needed another slave and a victim in return for the escaped. No concessions on your part, no love and affection, no kind words - Nothing can affect the behavior of a person who tasted the “sweetness” of violence.
  • There is still such a type of barrier. He does not offend his wife, but at the same time arranges real executions to the child. He sincerely believes that the most effective method of educating his offspring is Beating and humiliation. If a the husband beats the childfrom the part of the mother, in no case should you take the tactics of non -interference, they say, he is a father, let him raise his child as he considers necessary. Believe me, such a position on your part is real crime!
You can not tolerate mockery of the child
You can not tolerate mockery of the child
  • From injuries (physical and moral) obtained in childhood, the psyche of the child suffers. As a result of this, a whole “bouquet” of various complexes and phobias in adulthood. It is necessary to raise and educate children only in love and understanding - only in this case, having matured, they will become harmoniously developed personalities.
  • So what to do in this case, if children suffer? The answer suggests only one, to run as far as possible from such a “loving” dad. You are a mother, and the nature of you should be laid down in a child, who is entirely dependent on you now. That is why you should immediately engage in his salvation, even if in this case you will lose any material wealth. The life and health of your children - That is what should be in priority for you.
  • Dear women, if such problems have arisen in your family, you should not fall into despair! You just have to decide to take the first step, recognizing yourself A victim of home tyranny. And if you apply for support, then legal, psychological and even material assistance is guaranteed to you.
  • Indeed, often our women do not even suspect the presence of their rights, and therefore, day after day, beats the beaten from a fuss. Completely demoralized, they have no idea who you can share your problems with, from where to wait for help and how to live on, even if you manage to escape from the presumptuous tyranny.

First of all, you need to know about the existence of special centers of assistance to women - they are in almost all cities. Be bolder and more decisive!

  • It is there that you should turn in first of all. The phone number and the address of the center you need can always be found on the Internet by issuing requests: "Crisis Center", "Center for Assistance to Victims of Violence" or "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children".
  • Do not tolerate beatings, humiliations and other encroachments on your personality from your husband. If you have no one to wait for protection and help, contact the crisis center!

The husband beats, but nowhere to go - where to go: what help can be counted in the crisis center?

  • The Center for Assistance can provide women and children who have become victims of a home tyrant. There you will be reliably covered by his persecution.
  • Psychologists of the center will provide free psychological help, if you felt what it is when your husband beats - After all, you need support now, more than ever. With their help, you can soberly assess the current situation. Do not worry, only high -class specialists work with such centers, quite familiar with the terrible consequences of the manifestations of home tyranny. Therefore, they are by no means They will not bow you to reconciliation with a tyrant muzh And to prove that it is the woman who herself is guilty of all her troubles. Namely, this approach to the problem happens mainly from Vedic and "practical" psychologists.
Tyran at home
Tyran at home
  • Many centers are equipped round -the -clock trusts of trust. Call, do not hesitate, and the necessary assistance will be provided to you at any time of the day.
  • You can get free legal assistance. Lawyers will inform you in detail about your rights, which can be counted on in the future, what is best to do in your case. And if such a need arises, your interests will be represented in court. After all, you not only need to find a refuge from the monster, but also achieve the section of the living space and receiving alimony.

In addition, the assault is qualified as a crime, and the home tyrant must bear a well -deserved punishment for him. And ignorance of the laws will not save him: even just threatening you with a murder, he can go to jail for this for this.

Husband beats, but nowhere to go: a trust phone

  • If your husband beats you and you cannot cope with the problem yourself, you should wait for your husband to control you, and sit down for the computer. We find on the Internet Address and phone number of the nearest crisis center And we keep it in our mobile so that he is always at hand. As they say, for every "fire case".
  • No one knows in advance - suddenly you will have to run away in a hurry from home today, so you should be fully armed. Unfortunately, not all crisis centers have their own sites where you could find useful information for yourself. But we have schematic women, it will be enough for them to use the phone, address or e-male center for assistance to women.

If you could not find information about the existence of such a center there in your city or area, then you should use the “universal lifesaver” All -Russian free trust phone for women affected by violence in the family: 8 800 7000 600.You can make a call there daily (there are no weekends and holidays), from 9.00 to 21.00 (in Moscow). Calls are free (also from mobile phones), and you can call the above phone from all regions of Russia.

  • For consultants of the trust phone, a special training. All of them are inherent in the skills and qualities necessary for effective consultations to women who have fallen in a crisis. So moral and information support on their part will be guaranteed to you.
Do not surround yourself with myths
Do not surround yourself with myths
  • In Moscow, the Department of Social Protection of the Population exists "Crisis Center for Help Women." He is the only state institution in the capital, its main activity is to assist women who have received physical violence by their husbands. In the stationary departments of the crisis center there are 70 beds for temporary living women (one or with a child) who received psychophysical violence in the family. True, only Muscovites are accepted there.

On "Phone Trust": 8-499-977-20-10 or 8-488-492-46-89 you can call from any region of the Russian Federation.

  • Many women, having talked with the consultants of the “helpline”, subsequently contact the center and agree to undergo rehabilitation. Nonresident women are usually sent to specialized organizations located as close as possible to their place of residence.

Husband beats: when is it worth contacting the police?

  • Analyzing cases of family aggression, employees of the crisis center concluded, usually physical violence applies to women immediately. At first they are subjected to a long psychological attack - these are constant insults, evil ridicism, criticism For any reason. You should not endure such a situation, because it can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression - there will be no superfluous helping the psychologist.
  • If it takes place physical violence by her husband (given the cases when traces of beating on the body are not visible), you need to carefully consider the plan for how to protect yourself and children and ask for help from workers of a crisis center for assistance to women and children.
Feel free to seek help
Feel free to seek help
  • If you are applied injuries (The skin, the presence of fractures, hematomas, etc.) are dissected, immediately contact the police, fix the injuries and urgently look for a place where you can hide from the spouse mocking you.
  • If a woman has chosen a hospital, she will immediately receive triple support - psychological, medical and social. If relatives are hidden from a ragged monster, she also has the right to help a crisis center. This applies not only to those who were directly injured, but also to witnesses of violence, including children.

Dear women! Do not despair, do not fall into depression, thinking that if your husband beats you, no one in the world is able to help you. If Tyran-Muzh spreads his hands and humiliates you in every possible way, seek help immediately!

The husband beats, but nowhere to go - what to do and where to go: reviews

  • Anna, 15 years old: I realized 4 years ago that violence in the family is scary. I had a classmate, his name was Seryozha. He was some kind of quiet, even intimidated, probably therefore no one really wanted to be friends with him. Although the cool Balamuts did not touch him, they were bypassed. Probably, they were not interested in mocking those who at all could not repulse them. There is such a Seryozha in the classroom, and there is - it is neither cold nor hot from him. He studied, in principle, not bad, but he did not grab stars from the sky. After the lessons, the guys usually gathered, walked in a crowd on some kind of business. And he-no, no! He was always in a hurry home. And so, on one far from a beautiful morning, having come to school, we learned the terrible news, Seryozha hanged in a tree in the courtyard of his house. As it turned out later, his father beat his mortal battle and scolded the last words for the slightest fault. On that fatal day, he received a bad mark at school, for which he received another portion of humiliation and bullying from his dad. Apparently, he could no longer endure such cruelty. And mom did not protect him. And we, his classmates, are also good. If we were kinder and more attentive to him, maybe he would have discovered our souls, and he would have become easier for him from our sympathy. Maybe then he would not have made his fateful step.
  • Vera, 48 years old:One of my friends died from violence by her husband at the age of 30. It was her second marriage, there were no children. Everywhere they walked in pairs, even by the handle sometimes held. I thought that for Lyudmila this marriage became successful, she looked quite happy in public. And then it turned out that he beat her - often and sophisticated. He worked as a security guard in the zone, probably there, he hone his skill on prisoners. He beat Lyudmila so that the traces were not visible. He beat, and told how he loves her, and how jealous, and therefore beats. And she suffered, believed that she loved. She had a hernia, and when her husband “from great love” hit her with her foot in her stomach, she burst. The doctors failed to save Lyudmila, she died, but before her death she said that she had fallen from the stairs. Everything was written off for an accident. True, Vladimir himself did not trample the earth for long after this incident. He washed down in black, he was kicked out of work, walked and picked up for people, and after a few years he was gone. Here is such a sad love story ...
  • Eugene, 35 years old: Personally, I was enough for me once when my husband raised his hand at me. Although he swore and swore that it was the first and the last time that he loved me without memory and that I had such only so in the world, I never doubted it, I had to leave! But she said nothing, pretended to believe in his repentance. In the morning he went to work, and I gathered my little daughter then and went to my parents. She had no doubt that both the father, brother, and the neighbors would intercede for us. And so it happened, they gave him all together from the gate. And this "very" in love in me "has since been converging with a good dozen women. And they all ran away from him over time, losing slippers. Leopard change his spots. So here, once beat a woman, I liked it. They say that he even began to raise his hand to his mother. As soon as the Earth wears such freaks? At one time, even if I had nowhere to go, I would have left it anyway. The world is not without good people, in the village, for example, some would have left with her daughter, and would learn to milk cows, and weed beds. It is better to work hard physically than to walk periodically. And now it’s easier - you can turn to the center of assistance to women, and they will help there. At least the first time to catch your breath, come to your senses and understand how to live on.

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