Diet 90 daytime food. Diet results

Diet 90 daytime food. Diet results

The article contains the positions of a diet 90 days of separate food, a detailed menu for each day, delicious recipes for each stage of the diet. You will also learn about the results of weight loss and see a photo of the weighty.

A three -month diet of separate food was invented by 2 friends of journalists specializing in a gastronomic theme. Tired of strict diets, after which the food breakdown inevitably follows, and with it discontent and depression, the Slovenes of delirium chronic and the piles of the meadow collected their knowledge in the field of nutrition and developed a unique 90 daily scheme. In this scheme there was a place for evening cake, and for pasta and potatoes.

90 daily diet: table

The basis of 90 daily methods are the principles separate nutrition. Separate nutrition is an effective scheme, following which you can not only lose weight, but also significantly improve the body. This is especially true for the digestive system, which, with our usual nutrition, works for wear.

In order to digest certain products, an alkaline or acidic environment is created in the stomach. The wrong combination of products forces the stomach to cope with food with any one environment that is not always suitable for splitting all components of the meal.

As a result, no product is 100%absorbed. The body loses a significant share of nutrients, and not digested pieces of food begin to rot, emitting toxins.

The main chains of relations between products
The main chains of relations between products

Guided by a separate nutrition table, the Slovenes and created their diet. The idea to develop a new method of weight loss appeared after numerous failures of women who want to lose weight.

The girls noticed how much suffering the weaker sex endures during diets. These are tough restrictions on the choice of products, abandoning your favorite treats, a clock, half -starved mode.

There are no 90 days in the system. The diet is a repeated 4 -day cycle, every day from which is dedicated to a certain group of products. Since the menu changes with each new day, the diet does not bother even in 3 months. One of 4 days, it is allowed to enjoy the cakes, ice cream and other sweets, which makes the diet incomparably lighter than other methods.

Important: the advantage of the system is 90 days in that in 3 months it helps not only lose excess kilograms, but also instills the right food habits.

After a 90 -day diet, you will no longer want to overeat. You will begin to feel the true taste of food, enjoy every piece, and craving for harmful and fatty products will disappear.

Video: Separate nutrition table. Product compatibility

Separate diet for 90 days: menu

The principles of diet regarding the diet and menu:

  • Frying in vegetable oil is prohibited. Stew and boil dishes, bake without adding fat and steam
  • The technique does not prohibit the use of bread, but bring its amount to minimum
  • Try to eat fruits only at the time allotted for them, despite the permission to sometimes have a bite
  • Buy unpeeled and unprocessed products. This is the flour of rough grinding, whole grain products, bran bread, brown rice
  • Use only natural and fresh products. Do not eat semi -finished products, cook yourself. So you will be sure of the useful composition of dishes and the absence of toxic additives in them
  • Instead of store, add your own sauces to food

  • Improve the taste of dishes with all the variety of spices, greens and herbs
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. This is necessary to accelerate metabolism and remove toxins from the body and decay products of fats
  • First, keep records of calories. It is important not to overeat, therefore, control the calorie content of each day, especially for carbohydrate days
  • For breakfast, eat 1-2 fruits and a glass of berries. This rule applies to every day
  • Imagine a dining portion that will saturate you. Eat exactly half of this volume
  • Plan dinner no later than 8 pm. It should be a slight meal, half in volume than lunch
  • Between 3 basic meals in the event of an insurmountable hunger, it is allowed to eat a couple of fruits

Important: 90 daily diet is adapted to sports, so you can not worry about a lack of energy in training. If you are far from sports, the authors of the technique recommend increasing physical activity to at least 15-30 minutes a day for greater weight loss efficiency.

Separate food by day

The power cycle consists of 4 days, which cannot be changed in places. The cycle is constantly repeated. When it ends the 7th time, that is, 28 days of the diet passes, a fasting day occurs. Thus, every 29th day of weight loss should take place under the sign of unloading and purification. A total of such days per course of weight loss will be 3.

So, what days are included in the repeating cycle? Remember that these days go in strict order, ranging from protein and ending with fruit.

  • protein - you eat foods rich in protein
  • starch - you eat products that have starch in the composition
  • carbohydrate - Slow and quick carbohydrates Day
  • vitamin (fruit) day - a day passing under the sign of the whole variety of fruits and dried fruits
  • unloading - only water, tea, coffee, mineral drinks


Important: do not forget that, regardless of the day, breakfast remains unchanged: a couple of fruits and a glass of any berries.

Protein day 90 daytime diet: recipes

Zrazy is in Varvskiy



  • beef meat - 600 g
  • onions - 1 pc
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt to taste

Cut well -washed meat along the fibers in thin pieces so that in the future they can be twisted into rolls, and beat off. Mix the onion finely with salt, pepper and butter. Dip this mixture in this mixture and roll into a roll, sprinkle with salt on top.

IMPORTANT: Rulete can be fixed with toothpicks or special threads.

In a low pot with a dense bottom, fry each roll from all sides. Then pour the water to cover the bottom, and cook over low heat with a closed lid for about an hour and a half.

Stewed cabbage with chicken


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
  • white cabbage - 0.7 kg
  • tomato paste or puree - 3 tbsp.
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Sliced \u200b\u200bonion passiriy in the oil right in the pan. Chop the chicken with medium cubes and brown with the bow. When the fillet is browned, completely pour it with boiling water, put the paste, chopped cabbage, salt and pepper. Cook with a closed lid for about half an hour. 5 minutes before finally, put chopped garlic in the dish.

Important: the dish will be even less high -calorie if you do not use oil when extinguishing.

Starch day 90 daytime diet: recipes

Warm potato salad


  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • onions - 1 pc
  • french mustard - 3 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper to taste

Boil potatoes with a peel, peel and cut with narrow cubes. Grind the onion with rings and mix with potatoes. From mustard, oil, salt and pepper make a homogeneous sauce. Cover potatoes and onions with this mixture.

Vegetable Bifstek


  • potatoes - 200 g
  • carrot - 200 g
  • white cabbage - 200 g
  • green peas - 200 g
  • rice - 2 tbsp.
  • flour
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Boil all the vegetables, weld the rice separately. Combine the components, pierce the potatoes. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, dip them in flour and cook on an anti -stick surface with a small amount of oil.

Important: brown, not white polished rice, as well as the use of buckwheat or bran flour instead of wheat, will make a more dietary dish.

Carbohydrate day 90 daytime diet: recipes

Beetroot salad with bananas


  • beets - 2 pcs
  • banana - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Cut cooked beets, connect with a banana chopped into cubes, season with sour cream with sugar.

Radish salad


  • carrot - 3 pcs
  • radish - 1 pc
  • white bread - 4 pieces
  • raisins - 100 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil

Grind raw vegetables with a coarse grater. Cut the bread in small cubes, soak in water with dissolved sugar, dry on an anti -stick surface with the addition of vegetable oil. Combine all the components, pour in vegetable oil.

Results 90 daytime diet. A photo

The result of your efforts will be uniform weight loss without harm to health. On average, the monthly plumb line is 1-3 kg, which experts call weight loss comfortable for the body. With a high body weight index for the entire course, you can lose up to 25 kg.

Diet 90 days of separate food: tips and reviews

The authors of the 90 -day diet give advice on how to leave the diet, so as not to gain lost kilograms:

  • Continue to have breakfast with fruit
  • Start your day with a glass of boiled water with 1 tsp. honey
  • Follow the basic principles of separate nutrition, do not combine incompatible products in one meal
  • The volume of food and the calorie content of the diet increase, but do not overeat

Video: Separate nutrition myths

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