Homemade ketchup from tomatoes for the winter: the best recipes, secrets of cooking. Ketchup "Fingers lick" for the winter in banks: delicious recipe

Homemade ketchup from tomatoes for the winter: the best recipes, secrets of cooking. Ketchup

The article contains the best recipes for making a home ketchup.

Ketchupfor a long time loved many sauce on the basis ripe tomatoes and seasonings, which the wonderful complements favorite dishes, in the first turn meat. The homeland of a home ketchup is China. In the 17th century, the sauce began to be made in England to enhance the taste of dishes, but its composition was very different from the composition of modern ketchup. Its ingredients were nuts, anchovies with brine, mushrooms, beans, wine and spices. AT America The first ketchup recipe was compiled in 1801 year, a already to 1837 year in country it was established industrial production this product.

Home ketchup always superior store, how on composition, so and on taste qualities. To that the same, cooked in home conditions ketchup rich lycopine, which the capable warn development some form cancer.

It is known lots of options preparations ketchup. AT article collected the most popular recipes, on which each maybe prepare darling sauce on the mine taste.

Compound ketchup: water70%, carbohydrates25 %, fat and squirrels5%. Calorie content: 100 kcal/100g product.

Home ketchup, workpiece for the winter
Home ketchup, workpiece for the winter

Ketchup « Fingers lick» on the winter: recipe


  1. Clean tomatoes.
  2. Skip them through a meat grinder or juicer, put on the the fire, before boiling mix.
  3. Clean apples from core, skip through juicer or use meat grinder.
  4. Add obtained apple mass in tomato, mix.
  5. Grind onion and garlic, also add them in ketchup.
  6. Cook ketchup before necessary density.
  7. Add salt, seasonings, sugar and vinegar per 57 min. before readiness.
  8. Pour ketchup hot on banks and hermetic close them.
  9. Cool under blanket.
  10. Store clogging in cool.

Advice: If a lower tomatoes in boiling water on the 7 minutes, peel s  them will be easily clean.

Ketchup "Fingers lick" for the winter: Recipe

Video: Home ketchup "Fingers lick"

Ketchup homemade from tomato and bell pepper: recipe


  1. Clean the tomatoes, cut each into 4 parts, place in a deep pan.
  2. Remove the middle with seeds from the peppers, cut the peeled fruits in small pieces, add to the tomatoes.
  3. Clean and cut onions and garlic, add to prepared vegetables.
  4. Put a pan with vegetables on low heat, stir all the time so that the mass does not burn.
  5. When the vegetables are slightly overwhelmed and the juice will be allowed, slightly increase the fire, without stopping stiring.
  6. Reduce the fire immediately after boiling the mass.
  7. Rede to reduce volume for twice 1 - 1.5 hours.
  8. Cool the resulting mass.
  9. Grind with a blender or food combine.
  10. Skip through a sieve.
  11. Pour into the pan and put again on a slow fire.
  12. Cook to reduce volume to half, do not forget to stir.
  13. After boiling, add salt, sugar, spices and crushed dry greens.
  14. Cook another 20 - 30 minutes.
  15. Add vinegar and boil for another 10 minutes.
  16. Pour the ketchup into pre -prepared glass jars and close hermetically.
  17. Cool upside down under a blanket or towel.
  18. Store in a cool place.
Ketchup homemade from tomato and bell pepper
Ketchup homemade from tomato and bell pepper

Ketchup of tomato apples and bell pepper: recipe


  1. Fasten the cans and lids for blockage in advance.
  2. Wash and clean the vegetables.
  3. Peel the apples from the core, cut each into 4 parts, do not clean the peel.
  4. Skip peeled tomatoes through a juicer (mainly) or a meat grinder.
  5. Put the resulting tomato juice on the fire.
  6. Grind with a blender or combine in turn onions, pepper, apples.
  7. As soon as the juice boils, add salt and sugar to the pan, try the filling to taste, adjust it to your own taste.
  8. Place cloves and pepper in a small gauze cut, tie up gauze securely.
  9. Place a gauze bag with spices in a boiling tomato.
  10. Add cinnamon (optional).
  11. Wait for boiling.
  12. Add chopped onions.
  13. Let it boil for 10 - 15 minutes, stir and remove foam from the surface.
  14. Add apples, let boil for 20 - 30 minutes.
  15. Add pepper, boil another 10 minutes.
  16. Remove gauze bag with spices.
  17. Add vinegar to the pan.
  18. Dissolve starch in warm water and carefully, thin stream, constantly stirring the ketchup, pour into a pan.
  19. Let the mass boil, stirring continuously.
  20. Pour the finished ketchup into jars and close the lids.
  21. After cooling, store in coolness.
Ketchup of tomato apples and bell pepper
Ketchup of tomato apples and bell pepper

Video: Ketchup for the winter. Homemade ketchup with apples

Tomato ketchup for the winter from tomato: recipe


  1. Prepare the ingredients that will be needed.
  2. Cut the tomatoes small cubes, place them in a pan, put them on the fire.
  3. Bring the tomato to a boil, stirring it continuously.
  4. Grind bitter pepper, garlic and greens, add a tomato boiling over low heat, add cloves after a few minutes.
  5. Give the tomatoes well to boil.
  6. Add salt, sugar, pepper and wait for boiling.
  7. Remove from heat, cool.
  8. Wipe through a sieve.
  9. Add vinegar, boil.
  10. Dissolve starch.
  11. Gently pour into the tomato, stirring it continuously, boil until boiling.
  12. Fill the banks with a ketchup, roll up.
  13. Cool cans with ketchup inverted, under a warm blanket.

Video: Ketchup from tomato

Tomato ketchup for the winter from tomato
Tomato ketchup for the winter from tomato

Ketchup from tomato and drain for the winter: Recipe


  1. Pass vegetables and fruits, peeled and cut, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour into the pan, put on the fire, stir.
  3. Cook for 2 hours, to thicken and reduce the mass about half, stir so as not to be buried.
  4. Cool and strain.
  5. Boil the filtered about 1 hour.
  6. Add sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, cloves, mix.
  7. Let it boil another 0.5 hours.
  8. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.
Ketchup from tomato and drain for the winter
Ketchup from tomato and drain for the winter

Video: ketchup from tomatoes and drain recipe for the winter

Ketchup for the winter from tomato without sterilization


  1. Scroll the tomatoes and onions in a meat grinder (the vegetables can be chopped with a knife, and after cooking, pass through a sieve).
  2. Put a container with a tomato-onion mass on the fire, add a grated apple.
  3. Let it boil.
  4. Add salt, sugar and spices mix.
  5. Cook, stirring, 1.5 hours.
  6. Add vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes.
  7. Pour into jars and roll up the finished hot ketchup with lids.
  8. Leave to cool at night, then remove for storage.
Ketchup for the winter from tomato without sterilization
Ketchup for the winter from tomato without sterilization

Video: delicious home ketchup

Sharp ketchup from tomato for the winter


  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Cut finely all the pepper along with the seeds.
  3. Peel the tomatoes and cut it as smaller as possible.
  4. Also, finely chop the peeled onion.
  5. Place in a pan.
  6. Boil, mixing.
  7. Reduce the fire and continue to cook for another 0.5 hours.
  8. Add salt, garlic, vinegar, a mixture of peppers.
  9. Cook, stirring, to the required density.
  10. Pour hot in jars and close them with lids.
Sharp ketchup from tomato for the winter
Sharp ketchup from tomato for the winter

Ketchup Chili Ketchup recipe for the winter sharp

Ketchup Chili is one of the most popular. Its piquant acute taste perfectly complements dishes of meat, poultry and vegetables.


  1. Grind the chili pepper with a knife with the seeds.
  2. Scroll in a meat grinder tomatoes previously cleaned of the core and peel.
  3. Put a mixture of tomatoes with pepper on fire, stir.
  4. After boiling, salt, chopped garlic, sugar and peas of a mixture of peppers.
  5. Let it boil, then pour in vinegar.
  6. Stiring, boil until the desired density.
  7. Lay out the banks and close hermetically.

Home ketchup Chili can be used to give sharpness to cucumbers and zucchini that you close for the winter.

Ketchup Chili Ketchup recipe for the winter
Ketchup Chili Ketchup recipe for the winter

Simple home ketchup from tomato for the winter


  1. Cleaned and sliced \u200b\u200bcubes tomatoes, onions and apples chop in a blender.
  2. Put a pan with the resulting mass on the fire.
  3. Stiring, cook half an hour without covering with a lid.
  4. Go through the blender to make the ketchup more homogeneous.
  5. Add sugar, salt, cloves.
  6. Mix and boil 30 - 40 minutes to the required density.
  7. Add red ground pepper and vinegar, mix, cook for 2 - 3 minutes.
  8. Pour into banks (for convenience, use a food funnel).
  9. Clog, cool under a blanket or blanket.
Home ketchup tomatoes
Home ketchup tomatoes

Video: How easy it is to cook thick home ketchup for the winter? There is no easier.

Ketchup from tomato for the winter without vinegar

Ketchup, cooked completely without vinegar, cannot be stored for a long time. To make a ketchup reserve for the winter, vinegar will have to be used, but its number can be reduced as much as possible.


  1. Grate the onion on a fine grater add oil to the onion mass.
  2. Place on a slow fire and boil a little until the onion becomes soft.
  3. Clean the tomatoes, chop in a blender.
  4. To give homogeneity, pass tomato juice through a sieve.
  5. Boil juice mixed with other ingredients, except vinegar.
  6. Let it be boiled to the required density, add vinegar.
  7. After 10 minutes, pour into banks.
  8. Cool, keep in coolness.
Ketchup from tomato for the winter without vinegar
Ketchup from tomato for the winter without vinegar

Catchup sweet from tomatoes for the winter

The taste of ketchup depends on the ingredients used in the process of it. To prepare a sweet ketchup for the winter, you can in the son -in -law as a basis recipe for a classic ketchup, exclude bitter pepper from it in any form, and 1.5 times increase the amount of sugar. The number of tomatoes, sweet pepper and other products should be left unchanged.

Catchup sweet from tomatoes for the winter
Catchup sweet from tomatoes for the winter

Ketchup of tomato with onions for the winter


  1. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer.
  2. Cut onions and pepper, add to the tomato.
  3. Stiring, cook 1 hour.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients, but without vinegar.
  5. Railed until the size of the ketchup is 2 times decreases.
  6. To achieve maximum homogeneity of the mass, go through a submersible blender.
  7. Add vinegar, remove from heat after boiling.
  8. Pour into sterile jars, after sucking, cool upside down.
Ketchup of tomato with onions for the winter
Ketchup of tomato with onions for the winter

Secrets of delicious ketchup

Ketchup will come out tasty and fragrant if:

  1. Tomatoes for its preparation are juicy or ripe, moreover, grown without the use of chemical fertilizers.
  2. Vinegar, cinnamon, mustard, cloves and raisins added to ketchup not only give a special taste to the sauce, but also contribute to its long -term storage.
  3. To achieve the necessary density of ketchup, it is not necessary to use starch. The sauce can also be “thickened” by prolonged boiling.
  4. Vinegar for the preparation of ketchup should be taken apple or wine, 9%. If you use 6% vinegar, its amount must be increased 1.5 times.
  5. Cetchup can burn during cooking. So that this does not happen, mix it as often as possible.
  6. Do not use plastic dishes for long -term storage of ketchup. After some time, plastic begins to secrete substances that are dangerous to human health that pass into the product.
  7. If there are no fresh tomatoes, but I still really want to pamper households with a home ketchup, you can replace them with canned tomato juice.
Tasty homemade ketchup
Tasty homemade ketchup

If during storage in Ketchup air bubbles appeared, this means that during its preparation the technology was broken and now the product has deteriorated. It is no longer possible to eat such a ketchup.

Use to prepare home ketchup with proven recipes and enjoy your favorite taste all year round.

Video: ketchup with onions for the winter

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Comments K. article

  1. "... Ketchup cooked at home is rich in lycopine, ...!" - In the same way as industrial production.

  2. According to your recipe, I made a “chili ketchup recipe for the winter” and say that I liked the ketchup, this is nothing to say. I advise everyone who loves very sharp (for my taste is not so acute) it is necessary to cook it.

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