Diagnosis of language diseases: how to determine the disease by language - its color, shape and other features? Problems that the color of the language can tell about

Diagnosis of language diseases: how to determine the disease by language - its color, shape and other features? Problems that the color of the language can tell about

The body is able to signal about health problems in a variety of ways and one of the reflections of the internal processes of the body is language. A simple examination in front of a mirror or at a doctor will help identify signs of various diseases.

Gastroenterologists always check the color of the plaque in the tongue. Hematologists draw a parallel between the appearance of the nipples in the language and diseases of the blood. Language helps oncologists conduct primary diagnostics. The most amazing property of the language is to show the symptoms of the disease in advance, a few days before the appearance of obvious signs of pathological processes.

Diagnosis of diseases by human language: the relationship of language with human organs

For accurate diagnosis of the disease, the language is divided into separate zones:

  • Tip of the tongue Reflects the work of the heart, lungs and small intestines.
  • Faces on the sides of the tongue Characterize the liver and gall bladder.
  • The central section of the language Reflects the work of the stomach and spleen.
  • The rear section of the tongue Reflects the condition of the genitourinary system.
  • Left and right point from the root of the tongue - Left and right kidney, respectively. The left side is associated with the spleen, and the right with the liver.
  • Longitudinal fold along the tongue characterizes the spinal column.
  • Vthe figurative strip between the tip and the centerb corresponds to the work of the respiratory and immune system.
Diagnostics of diseases by the language of the picture
Diagnostics of diseases by the language of the picture

Language diseases: etiology, diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis of language diseases They make up in the morning - before the first meal and without hygiene procedures. A cup of coffee or a smoked cigarette can distort the picture. The tongue must be stuck in such a way that the root is visible. High -quality language diagnosis is carried out in stages.

  • At the first stagestudy Language structure. The color, shape and mobility of the tongue is fixed. The totality of these signs allows us to conclude about the life of various body systems.
  • At the second stageassessed Language density. A solid language speaks of the excess of the norm, a normal language characterizes a healthy organism, a soft tongue speaks of a non -destination to normal.
  • At the third stageheld plaque assessment. The color and thickness of the plaque is important. The environment in the tongue can be wet and dry. The plaque lies with an even or loose layer. Each of the listed features characterizes various pathologies.

In a healthy patient, the surface of the tongue is velvety with a pink tint. A small amount of white plaque is allowed. Papillae are clearly visible, but not distinguished.

Diagnosis of diseases by the color of the plaque in the tongue

The appearance of a raid in the tongue is a kind of signal for a person. Depending on the site of the accumulation, density and color of the plaque in the tongue, we can talk about a specific pathological process.

What is the color of the raid in the tongue:

  • Toraspberry raid - It occurs against the background of infectious diseases with elevated body temperature.
  • Tcapacity with a crimson tintit occurs against the background of alcoholism, kidney problems, metabolic disorders.
  • Blood plaque on the tongue -a sign of heart disease and blood vessels. Blue color occurs with heavy metals poisoning. Blue plaque accompanies dysentery.
  • Yellow coating on the tongue -one of the symptoms of jaundice, liver failure, abuse of bad habits. During the period of exacerbations of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder, the yellow color will become more saturated. The yellowness can occur when overheating of the body.
You need to look at the shape and color
You need to look at the shape and color
  • Gray raid on the tongueindicates violations of digestive processes. A greasy silty layer occurs with stagnation of food phenomena.
  • Green plaque on the tongue -a sign of the fungus in the oral cavity. The thick green plaque is formed with the progression of the disease.
  • Brown plaque on the tongueindicates problems with the respiratory system, in particular with the lungs.
  • Purple plaque on the tongue Indicates stagnant phenomena in the blood vessels.
  • White plaqueit occurs with colds and fungal diseases. White stripes along the edges of the tongue are associated with lung diseases.
  • Black plaque Indicates failures in the work of the digestive organs.
Plaque colors in the tongue
Plaque colors in the tongue

Most often, the tongue is covered with a white coating. This phenomenon does not cause concerns in the absence of specific stench and pathological diseases. If the white film leaves after brushing the teeth, then the plaque is a consequence of night sleep. If a white plaque after time is replaced by another shade, then this is a sign of the transition of the disease to the next stage.

Diagnosis of language diseases - raid at the place of localization:

  • On the basis of the language Indicates deviations in the work of the intestines and kidneys. A permanent plaque in the rear section appears as a result of excess of the norm of toxins. With a characteristic whitish shade, enterocolitis can be suspected.
  • Constant raid in the center of the tongue - A sign of toxins in the stomach.
  • White plaque throughout the tongue It occurs with dysbiosis, thrush, stomatitis.
  • Whitish clusters at the base of the language Indicates the malaise of the kidneys.
  • The central section of the tongue turned white - You can suspect problems with the duodenum.
  • Whitish plaque covers the side sections of the front part language with bronchitis.

At the initial stage of the disease in the language there is a thin plaque. If over time it becomes thicker, the disease progresses and has acquired a new form. In the process of recovery, an existing plaque should light up.

Diagnosis of language diseases: forms of language and disease

Language deformation can occur as a result of problems in the oral cavity. In this case, a person feels clear discomfort in his mouth. If a person does not notice changes in the language, then the doctor connects deviations with the problems of the body.

A well -aimed in the tongue can be found out about the disease
A well -aimed in the tongue can be found out about the disease
  • Curvature of the central strip The language indicates the deformation of the spine.
  • Traces of teeth on the sides of the tongue And on the front are formed in the process of neurosis. The disease can occur in a hidden form.
  • Asymmetric form of the language Or a pronounced angle of inclination in one of the sides occurs after a stroke and with improper coordination of the cerebellum.
  • Convex front of the tongue Reflects the inflammatory process in the respiratory system.
  • An elongated form of a language with a protruding tip - a sign of weak work of the heart and improper blood circulation.
  • Thickening of the language It occurs with liver failure and improper digestion.
  • If when diagnosing diseases by language is observed The trembling of the tongue, then you need to check thyroid gland.

Diagnosis of diseases in language and its condition

In addition to plaque and thickening in the language, various rashes and inflammation may appear. When diagnosing diseases in language, it is important to consider several signs of ailments in the body:

  • The tongue bakes like after sharp spices - Violation in the cartilage tissues of the neck, neuralgic malaise.
  • Convex, compacted plaques appear in the tongue - A sign of candidiasis.
  • Rash in the form of bright multi -colored spots -violation of the processes of vital activity in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Point inflammation on the tip of the tongue with a red tint - The disease in the organs of the pelvis.
  • Foci of inflammation in the language - A sign of high acidity in the stomach. Bubbles with liquid on the tip of the tongue - oral herpes.
  • Too dry, rough surface of the tongue It occurs against the background of diabetes, fever, intestinal obstruction, and lack of fluid in the body.
Why does the roughness of the tongue arise?
Why does the roughness of the tongue arise?
  • Too wet language - a sign of exhaustion of the body.
  • Redness of the tongue in the form of a chess pattern It occurs with vitamin deficiency. Red points on the back of the tongue appear with mononucleosis.
  • Lacked language It has an ideal shiny surface. Papillae are practically not visible and most often atrophied.
  • Language with uneven desquency of epithelium It is formed against the background of allergies, helminthic invasion, pregnancy, diathesis.
  • Bright red spots in the tongue and poorly viewed papers may be a sign of anemia. It is also important to pay attention to other colors of spots.
White spots
White spots
Red color
Red color
Spots on the tongue
Spots on the tongue
The dark color of the spots
The dark color of the spots
Blue spots on the tongue
Blue spots on the tongue
  • Coarse It is formed with tonsillitis, hepatitis.
  • Rashes with a peeling whitish surface can be attributed to flat lichen.
  • The keratinized surface of the tongue -a sign of oncology.
  • The relief surface of the tongue It occurs with a lack of vitamins of group V.

If visible language deviations are accompanied by a metallic taste, that is, problems in the work of the stomach. Such a sign of a significant occasion will consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of language diseases: signs of oral diseases

Language changes shape and color not only with pathologies of the body. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the mouth, a number of characteristic symptoms appear in the language:

  • swelling and redness;
  • abundant salivation;
  • reducing the quality of taste - with prolonged loss of taste, consultation of an endocrinologist and neuropathologist is required;
  • discomfort in the language when eating;
  • pain Against the background of the inflamed surface of the tongue.
Diagnosis of health as a language
Diagnosis of health as a language

Complications with the tongue often arise against the background of prolonged medication. In particular, after taking antibiotics. With drug intoxication, cracks and characteristic itch appear on the tongue. When diagnosing diseases in language, symptoms are manifested both separately and in complex.

How to support the hygiene of the tongue?

Behind the tongue, as well as your teeth, you need to take care of. It is enough to carry out the procedures at the beginning and at the end of the day. A brush for teeth is carried out along the tongue from root to tip. In this process, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Several tools are designed to clean the tongue:

  • A double -sided brush for teeth with a relief coating for the tongue.
  • Nozzle for cleaning the tongue in the shape of a spoon. As an alternative, a simple teaspoon.
  • A scraper for the tongue in the form of a plastic blade.

Brushing of teeth without cleansing the tongue leaves a large number of bacteria in the mouth for the development of pathological diseases.

Proper cleaning of the tongue
Proper cleaning of the tongue

Earlier in Russia, silver spoons with three slots in the form of three months and a special face were very popular, taking into account all the anatomical features of the language. Now plastic products that need to be updated at least than toothbrush are popular.

From the following articles you will learn about the diagnosis:

Video: How to determine the state of health by language?

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