Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, medication and popular treatment, prevention, complications. Is there trichomoniasis in women without symptoms? What will happen if you do not treat trichomoniasis in women?

Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, medication and popular treatment, prevention, complications. Is there trichomoniasis in women without symptoms? What will happen if you do not treat trichomoniasis in women?

In our world there are a large number of infectious diseases. Trichomoniasis is considered a fairly common disease in all countries, but few people know what it is? Some carriers of this infection do not think about the consequences. Even if this is not the worst diagnosis, you should not relate to your health irresponsibly. In the written article below, we will just analyze this disease in detail.

Trichomoniasis - what kind of disease?

Trichomoniasis (trichomonosis) is an infection that causes inflammation of the genitals and genitourinary system. The causative agent of the disease is vaginal trichomonas. Every year all over the world this disease is getting sick of up to 180 million people, of which more than half are female sex. In girls who do not live sexual life, the disease is rarely detected.

All infectious diseases have a specific degree of development called the incubation period. This is the term from the beginning of infection of a healthy person with an infection to the moment of manifestation of signs of the disease. The development of this disease does not contain temporary boundaries. Most sick people do not treat this disease only because they do not know about infection. The incubation stage of the vaginal trichomonads varies from 2 days to 2 months. It is very easy to infect a partner at this time.

Pathology is diagnosed very often, therefore it is considered a serious problem for both men and women.
Pathology is diagnosed very often, therefore it is considered a serious problem for both men and women.

Trichomoniasis: manifestation in women, the first signs

This disease differs from other diseases in that it can not be clinically revealed. In the incubation stage, it is impossible to identify the presence of trichomonas in the body with laboratory methods. It is possible to suspect the disease only with the active development of Trichomonas. This means that the incubation period is already completed, and the disease began to progress. Due to the fact that this disease is asymptomatic,  it became  most  common among  humanity.

If you do not begin to be treated in time, then the disease will begin to flow from acute form into chronic, after which a person will become a carrier of infection.

Trichomoniasis manifests itself in womendifferent signs:

  • foamy  discharge with a specific smell;
  • false,  frequent urination;
  • painful sensations after  sexual  proximity;
  • uncomfortable emptying of the bladder;
  • increase in temperature;
  • headache;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • decreasing disability, loss of strength.

D.olgo course of disease without proper therapy, violates  microflora  vagina, which later threatens  dysbiosis.

Discharge  with trichomoniasis  among women

Trichomoniasis  manifests itself  not only  unpleasant sensations, the disease is also accompanied by unpleasant discharge with specific fish  smell. Signs of the disease  women have certain,  diverse  type  and color,  discharge. The color of the discharge changes to yellowish, with green or  gray  shade, and in a chronic form they whiten.

The values \u200b\u200bof the discharge in women:

  • at  lack of pathogenic  bacteria  discharge  thick,  white  and mucous membranes;
  • curdled  discharge means infection with a fungus  candidate;
  • the greenish color characterizes  availability  gonococci infection;
  • brownish discharge  characterize infection with cavity infection  uterus.

Absence  direct treatment may  provoke distribution  inner infections  organs that  may result  to such  diseases like  vulvit, urethritis,  endometritis. The disease can also occur without symptoms. Such a course of the disease is more than  half of infected women and in an even larger half of the infected  men.

Women get sick after sex with an infected man in 100% of cases.
Women get sick after sex with an infected man in 100% of cases

Is there trichomoniasis in women without symptoms?

Very often, trichomoniasis occurs in women without symptoms. As a rule, this leads to the chronic course of the disease.

Define asymptomatic the course of trichomoniasis in women can:

  • Inspection  the gynecologist. During the inspection  for indirect reasons, the doctor may immediately determine the presence of an infection.
  • Testing tests. Periodic  the test will help  avoid the hidden flow of the disease, as it will reveal it in the early stages.
  • Identification of infection in a partner. The disease can be confirmed in a number of laboratory  research and when passing various  tests.

Trichomoniasis - all transmission paths

Sex is not always the cause of infection. This information is refuted. You can get infected not only during sex, but also in domestic conditions. In order to prevent prevention, you need to know how Trichomonas can be transmitted.

  • Broadcasttrichomoniasissexualby the way

The most basic is the sexual path of infection. In this way the disease is transmitted  through sperm or vaginal discharge, and the sex should be unprotected, or when a condom has broken. You can become infected as with  vaginal  sex, and with anal and oral. Based on this, you should always remember about contraception.

  • Broadcasttrichomoniasishouseholdby the way

Alien dishes are a source of infection. Trichomonas can be in saliva, and therefore can eat a person who used not quite pure someone else's dishes. The risk of infection is high in catering establishments. So baths, pools, saunas serve as a potential source of infection, because the infection survives in a humid environment. Infection is also quite likely with a kiss.

  • Infectionin the officegynecologist.

You can get infected when the doctor uses poorly sterilized medical instruments or one -time diapers. Risk  infection is quite high from the boots or when the medical staff does not fulfill sanitary standards between patients.

  • Broadcastfrom the motherto the child.

In the process of delivery, the child may become infected from the mother. The method is also quite common. The disease is better to cure by childbirth. In the womb, the baby can also become infected, as it is directly connected with the mother. This can bring to invasion.

The constant presence of infection lowers immunity and makes it difficult to conception and development of the fetus.
The constant presence of infection lowers immunity and makes it difficult to conception and develop the fetus

Trichomoniasis - tests, terms of obtaining the result

For a more accurate result, men from the urethra are taken from men. Biomaterial is taken from women  from the vagina  or  from cervical  channel, it has the highest level of trichomonas.

D. la Smoking for analysis, the doctor gives several recommendations to patients:

  • do not devastate the bladder for about four hours;
  • do not take fatty, spicy and salty food on the eve of the test;
  • it is necessary to wash with warm water without any cosmetics;
  • women are forbidden to take any medication, they can affect the result of the analysis.

To identify the level of antibodies of Trichomonas, you can also donate blood. The requirements are standard for this type of analysis. Come early in the morning at the clinic on an empty stomach.

  • Trichomonade analysis - deadlines

The terms in which you can get your results of the analysis differ significantly. It all depends on what kind of analysis was, and the loading of the laboratory where the material was given is taken into account.

For example, a woman can get the result of the smear analysis immediately. But if sowing has surrendered, you will have to wait about a week, since bacteria needs to germinate.

Medication treatment of trichomoniasis in women: a list of drugs, recommendations for use

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics "Nystatin" and "Trichopol"They are appointed very often.

If such treatment is not enough, then antiprotozoal medicines are prescribed.

  • Metronidazole -this is a medicine  the most created  the first of the nitroimidazols. It is included in the list of vital  in medicine.
  • The original drug is considered Flagila. Metronidazole in the composition of the drug blocks DNA  trichomonas, which leads to  their death. This substance is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract.
  • Ornidazole -refers nitroimidazolem. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is strictly prohibited. Treatment with such a drug is also in the form of candles. It differs from metronidazole  the fact that you can take alcoholic beverages.
  • Tinidazoleprescribed the first in the presence of an infection. It is contraindicated in nursing women, so  how penetrates  in breast milk. If it was still appointed him, then the baby is excommunicated from the chest for three days. It is forbidden to take with alcohol. Taking this drug can change the color of urine,  but this is not a pathology. After stopping the reception, the color will return to normal.
Metronidazole has a democratic price.
Metronidazole has a democratic price

In protzess of medicationtrichomoniasis treatment in women:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages. They are not excreted from the body and lead to poisoning. It is accompanied  nausea, vomiting, migraine, tachycardia.
  2. You can not drive a car or other vehicle, deal with business that require a maximum of concentrated attention, this may bring  to dizziness.
  3. Supporting therapy is also necessary - physiotherapy, immunotherapy, massage and instillation of urethra in women.

Forms of dosage,  used in treatment  trichomoniasis

Forms of dosage,  used in treatment  trichomoniasis:

Tablets.This method of therapy has several advantages:

  • the patient may undergo treatment outpatiently;
  • available method of therapy;
  • democratic price;
  • absence  discomfort.  

Candles.An addition to the complex therapy of women can use vaginal candles. They directly affect the focus of infection. This type of therapy helps a lot during pregnancy, because tablets are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

For therapy, the doctor prescribes a complex of drugs:

  • Antiseptics in the form of suppositories (hexicon), liquid - miramistin and chlorhexidine;
  • Metronidazole and ornidazole antiprotozoal drugs-vagiferon, flagiel, metromikon-neo, vagisept, neo-penotran.

The listed drugs with the exception of flagila  have antimycotic components: fluconazole  and Mikonazole. These components prevent the development of candidiasis when taking antibacterial drugs. Candles  you can also  replace the vaginal gel.

Injections. Treat such ailment  you can also injections. They are prescribed if  a sick person does not tolerate other methods of therapy. Also, injections are prescribed for complications in illness.

After treatment, it is imperative to re-take tests in order to confirm the fact of cure or make sure that there are no complications.
After treatment, it is imperative to take the tests again to confirm the fact of cure or make sure there are no complications

Folk remedies,  as an addition  to the drug treatment of trichomoniasis in women: infusions, decoctions, tampons,  juices, douching

For treatment, many use folk remedies, but such treatment can  be long enough. For  complex  treatment is used a lot  ways. It can be infusions,  decoctions for  admission inward  or  baths and douching. Only on the basis of control, repeated results  can  judge the patient's health.

Folk remedies,  as an addition  to the drug treatment of trichomoniasis in women:


  • A glass of partitions  from Grezt  the nut must be thoroughly chopped. Mix the resulting powder with 200 ml of vodka and put in a dark place for a week. After  strain and drink 15 drops on an empty stomach. It is necessary to drink until the signs of the disease completely disappeared.
  • Grind the cup and mix the cup with honey. Insist a week. After  pass this consistency through  sieve and mix with 100 ml of the skate. Drink 5 ml in the morning and evening for 3 days, then  10 ml for two weeks.
  • Finely chop 4 heads of garlic  and pour 100 ml of vodka. Remove in a dark place for a week. Filter and drink 20 drops 2 times  two weeks per day.


  • Pass the berries of cranberries through the juicer. Mix 100 ml of the resulting drink with an equal amount of water. Use small sips 1 time  per day, in the morning. Soften the taste and make the drink more  useful, you can add honey to it. With high acidity of the stomach, it is better not to take the drink.
  • Pass the black radish through the grater and squeeze the juice. You need to consume 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon. It must be prepared immediately before use. It is not subject to storage. The enzymes in the drink are killed by Trichomonas.
  • Grind the face root on a fine grater  and squeeze the juice. Dear 50/50 with water. Use 20 ml of 3 weeks in the morning and evening.

Infusions and decoctions

To  prepare infusions  and decoctions use medicinal fees:

  • Leaves  birch trees, yarrow, mountain ash berries, corn stigmas, nettles, mint, immortelle flowers and knorious grass.
  • Linden flowers, leaves  raspberries, bark  oak,  husy -fingering grass.
  • Yarrow, oak bark, sage,  rosemary, chamomile flowers.
  • Dog-rose fruit,  linden flowers, leaves  raspberries.

All  components  mixed in the same amount and stored in dark  place in a rag bag. To prepare the infusion  need 2 dining rooms  mixing tablespoons mix with half a liter boiling water  in thermos. Before use, strain and drink 250 ml in the morning and evening. The infusion is stored for a week, then you need  brown again. This treatment lasts a month.


It is possible to treat the disease with tampons that are impregnated with special infusions.

  • Juice  dilute cranberries  boiled  water 1 to 4. Following  then  need  nourish  tampon with infusion and place  in the vagina for about 2 hours. The procedure is done once a day, and treatment lasts 7 days.
  • Mash the sea buckthorn of the sea buckthorn into the gruel, mix with the same amount of olive oil. Insist a week in the refrigerator, then grind through a sieve. Throughout the week, tampons are put at night.


For such a procedure, they use drug fees:

  • Calendula, sage, oak bark and birch, chamomile flowers.
  • Sage leaves, oak bark, an elderberry flowers, mallow flowers.
  • Calendula, chamomile, yarrow grass, oak bark, immortelle flowers.

The ingredients are mixed in the same proportions. Prepare a solution 1 hour before the procedure. 20 grams of the collection are poured with 500-700 ml of boiling water and covered with a lid. Strain. Douching is done once a day. The procedure lasts 10 days. At the time of menstruation, treatment stops.

Traditional medicine is considered additional therapy
Traditional medicine is considered additional therapy for the disease

Chronic trichomoniasis in women: what is dangerous, what are the consequences?

There are every chance of developing negative consequences if there is no treatment for the disease for a long time. Complications begin in a short time. The consequences are different.

Chronic trichomoniasis in women:

  • Inflammation of the walls of the uterus (endometritis);
  • Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  • Kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis);
  • Infertility;
  • Complications after childbirth;
  • Defects in the development of the fetus;
  • Abortion.

The chronic form is the most dangerous. Propagation of pathogens leads to the development of inflammation in the body. To avoid infection infection, doctors strongly recommend that you follow personal hygiene rules, use contraceptives and be examined in the doctor every six months. Take care of yourself!

Read also:

Video: Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms. How and what to treat?

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