Morris syndrome: genetic causes, symptoms, main forms, diagnosis and therapy, famous people with Morris syndrome

Morris syndrome: genetic causes, symptoms, main forms, diagnosis and therapy, famous people with Morris syndrome

Testicular feminization syndrome - morris's syndrome It is purchased with birth and has a number of hidden features. In most cases, a key feature of a person with a similar disease is female appearance with male genetics, symptoms can have both a pronounced form and a veiled one.

Pathology called morris's syndrome It is very rare and familiar with very few. Patients with a similar disease have a set of female and male signs, some of which are more expressed. The likelihood of developing a genetic feature in one person out of 60 thousand. A complete study of the syndrome was conducted by an American gynecologist in the middle of the 20th century and was called in honor of his name.

Genetic causes of Morris's syndrome      

  • Each embryo has its own chromosomal set. In the female fruit - XX chromosome, in the male HU chromosome. Up to a month and a half, embryos develop the same way. Characteristic sexual differences are formed under the influence of hormones From the 7th week of conception.
  • The feminine is laid thanks to estrogens. Under the influence of androgens, male sexual characteristics develop. Fruit with the disease morris's syndrome It has a male genotype, but mainly female hormones participate in its development. A failure in the work of androgenic receptors reduces the ability to perceive testosterone and lay female signs in the development of the body.
  • The carriers of the disease are women who convey the mutation X-chromosomes to their sons. The disease can be transmitted from maternal relatives.

Symptoms of Morris syndrome

Feminization may have an absolute form or in part. With one hundred percent non -perception of androgens, natural female features are formed, a beautiful full -fledged appearance is not in doubt in the normal development of the child.

The first symptoms of Morris syndrome appear during the ripening period:

  • Lack of hair under mice and genitals.
  • Lack of menstrual cycle.
  • Similar symptoms are a significant cause for addressing a gynecologist. To detect the testicular feminization syndrome, the doctor needs to conduct a comprehensive examination.
  • Pronounced changes in the genitals make it possible to determine Morris's syndrome in the first week of the life of babies. For a complete picture, a blood test is additionally given. In rare cases, pathology is found only when the inguinal hernia is removed. Until the moment of contacting the doctor, neither patients nor others have suspicions of relatively inferior development of the patient.
  • Deviations in the development of the genitals very often lead to protrusion of hernias in the inguinal region, inflammation of the urethra, to tumor formations.

Classification of the main forms of Morris syndrome

  1. For the first degree characteristic natural male appearance. Instead of a male timbre, a high sonorous voice characteristic of the female can remain. In the transitional age, a slightly increased size of the mammary glands is observed. The limited perception of male hormones leads to male infertility.
  2. The second degree is also characterized by male features in appearancebut pronounced deviations in the development of the genitals. Most often, there is an improper placement of the urethra and deviations from the norm in the size of male genitals. In a teenage figure, there are often no courageous features. Increased mammary glands and fat deviations are observed.
  3. For the third degree of Morris's syndrome, a male phenotype is preserved, but pronounced defects in the size of male genitals are characteristic. The size of the penis is too small. The scrotum has an asymmetric shape, often resembles female labia. In the male figure, too wide hips and narrow shoulders are noted.
  4. For the fourth degree The female appearance with the improper work of the genitals is characteristic. The form of the vagina is not adapted for intercourse, the labia is often fused.
  5. For the fifth degree of testicular feminization syndrome A full -fledged female appearance and deviations in the development of the clitoris are characteristic. During puberty, its shape is often stretched and resembles a small penis.

Diagnosis and therapy of Morris syndrome

  • Patients with incomplete form of Morris syndrome need hormonal therapy. Correction of the phenotype is carried out only after puberty, that is, after reaching 13-15 years. In each individual case, the individual characteristics of the patient are studied.
  • Hormone therapy and surgical intervention allow bring the phenotype closer to a full -fledged natural state With a full sexual life. Gonad and testicles are removed.
  • Informative research for the establishment of Morris syndrome is Visual diagnosis and X -ray of the pelvic organs. A molecular genetic study on mutation genes is carried out. A similar analysis is a final indicator in the presence of several symptoms.

From a medical point of view, patients with Morris syndrome more rationally choose rehabilitation methods to approach the female sex, since male therapy is less effective.

  • The disease allows fix external data, But medicine is powerless against the infertility of patients with testicular feminization.
  • After detecting the disease, patients must undergo a course of therapy for a psychotherapist.

Morrisa syndrome: famous people

Among the historical personalities, Jeanne d’Arc had visual symptoms of Morris's syndrome. The geneticist Vladimir Efroimson came to such a conclusion.

Its conclusions are based on several obvious factors:

  • Inexhaustible source of male force in the female body.
  • A tall, slender figure and beautiful facial features.
  • Lack of female sentimentality, a constant desire for heroism.
  • The predominance of the male style in clothes.
  • High organizational qualities and developed intellectual abilities.
  • Lack of menstrual cycle.
Warrior Jeanne
Warrior Jeanne

The listed qualities indicate Morris's syndrome only in aggregate. The presence of so many advantages in one woman may be either an exception to the rules or a consequence of an innate disease.

  • The behavior of another volitional woman led historians to scientific conclusions about the presence of testicular feminization syndrome. English Queen Elizabeth Tudor She coped with managerial functions, but could not ensure a continuation of a kind. Historians associate its barrenness and strong -willed character traits with Morris's syndrome. In one of the historical documents containing correspondence with the queen, it is mentioned physical differences between Elizabeth and ordinary women.
  • Among modern women morris's syndrome attributed to the Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen. Its genetic features caused failures in her personal life.
  • After official medical recognition morris's syndrome There was a need to conduct additional genetic studies of women athletes. High endurance and intellectual development of women with Morris syndrome gives them obvious advantages against the background of ordinary women. Based on the results of the tests, unusual ladies have been repeatedly identified.
  • Women with Morris's syndrome Successfully implemented in many areas of activity. Strong character traits allow them not to yield to the opposite sex and defend their rights.

Video: Morrisa Syndrome

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  1. Here are freaks. And where does such data on the intellectual advantages of “men in the female body” come from? The genius whispered in the ear, or what? Misoginical nonsense, and nothing more. And such incredible geneticists who draw conclusions on medieval (!) Texts, when it was believed that the woman is dirty during menstruation (therefore, Dark most likely “deprived” them), linch in the name of science. The most nasty thing is that this rarely mentioned Untermens said it once, and society took and intercepted, and smashed, not knowing the hero of these statements. What, in general, doesn’t matter to them, because he said that everyone wanted to hear for a long time: brilliant women are men!

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