Gilbert syndrome: symptoms, genetic diagnosis, treatment, diet, is it taken to the army, can it be sunbathed, playing sports, drinking alcohol?

Gilbert syndrome: symptoms, genetic diagnosis, treatment, diet, is it taken to the army, can it be sunbathed, playing sports, drinking alcohol?

Gilbert's syndrome is not a terrible disease. In the presence of this syndrome, people can live an ordinary life, almost without any restrictions, but let's learn more about it.

Unfortunately, our body is very susceptible to various diseases and hereditary including. One of these ailments is Gilbert's syndrome, which can also be found under the name simple family cholemia or non -hemolytic family jaundice.

Gilber Syndrome: What is it in simple words?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about this disease, however, not every person, by virtue of his knowledge, can correctly understand it and analyze it.

  • Speaking in simple words, then gilber syndrome - This is such an ailment of the liver, in which bilirubin (gall pigment) is accumulated in the blood of a sick person. For comparison, it is worth immediately explaining that in a healthy person this pigment is processed by the liver, after which it is independently displayed naturally.
  • The reason for the violation of the capture, neutralization and removal of bilirubin is the mutation of the gene and as a result Defect of the enzyme uridindyndifhosphate glyukuronyltransferase. Actually, this enzyme is responsible for ensuring that the above processes are clearly and constantly.
  • Due to ignorance, many people are afraid to become infected with this syndrome, however, in fact, there can be no talk of any infection. This congenital disease can manifest itself at different ages, but it is impossible to transfer it to someone, for example, with a handshake, an airborne droplets, etc..
  • The same goes for the question, gilber syndrome, what is dangerous? Despite the fact that due to the lack of a blood in the blood, the level of bilirubin increases, the syndrome itself is practically not dangerous. In any case, experts argue that the presence of this ailment in the body with the due attention of the patient does not affect his life expectancy.
  • As for treatment, it is not always required, sometimes, it is enough to exclude factors that contribute to increasing the gall pigment. In severe cases, doctors prescribe drug treatment. Such treatment helps to bring the level of bilirubin to normal, while all the symptoms of the disease are also disappeared.

Gilbert syndrome: symptoms and factors provoking the ailment

It is worth noting that this disease can prove itself at all at different ages. At the same time, experts argue that men suffer from Gilber syndrome Much more often than women.

The most common symptoms of this syndrome are the following:

  • Fatigue. A person can get tired very quickly, even if he did nothing much.
  • Dizziness and nausea.
  • Violation of sleep regime, which is most often manifested by insomnia.
  • Painful sensations and discomfort in the right hypochondrium.
  • The yellowness on the skin, as well as yellowing of the sclera.
  • Also, the patient can be disturbed by heartburn, an unpleasant bitter taste in his mouth, less often vomiting, flatulence, loss of appetite, problems with the chair.
  • It must also be said that sometimes Gilbert's syndrome exacerbates asymptomatic and may not disturb a person, or disturb a slightly.

As already mentioned earlier, gilbert's syndrome is innate. He “accompanies” a person all his life, however, he can be in “hibernation” or aggravated.

Here is a list of those factors that contribute to the exacerbation of this disease:

  • Severe physical exertion. This includes both hard physical labor and excessive physical activity
  • Reception of alcohol. In principle, alcohol does not do anything good for our body, and with such a syndrome it worsens the liver, increasing the load on it
  • Incorrect food. With Gilber Syndrome, you do not need to adhere to a strict diet, however, fatty, fried and all harmful products, which greatly loads the digestive tract, must be excluded

Gilber Syndrome: Diagnostics

Diagnose the presence of Gilber syndrome The human body is quite simple, since there are a number of tests and examinations for this.

  • First of all, of course, the doctor collects an anamnesis and analyzes the patient’s complaints, and also examines his examination: evaluates the color of the skin and sclera.
  • Further, the patient is prescribed a general blood test and blood biochemistry. We will talk about these analyzes in more detail a little later.
  • Also recommended take a general urine analysis. The indicators should be in the chapels of the norm.
  • Also, if this disease is suspected, an ultrasound is prescribed. At the same time, it is worth preparing for the examination in advance. 2-3 days before the procedure, it is worth abandoning all food products that can cause excessive gas formation, if necessary, you need to use medicines that eliminate flatulence.
  • Also, on the recommendation of a doctor, a day before the procedure, you need to make a cleansing enema. With the help of an ultrasound, the specialist will be able to visually inspect the organ, evaluate its size and see if he has any defeats.
  • Duodenal sounding. With this research method, a biological fluid is taken for analysis, which is formed by gastric and pancreatic juice, as well as bile. Such a study makes it possible to objectively assess the condition of the liver and see the problems that are at this stage.
  • In some cases, a biopsy is performed to exclude the presence of a disease as cirrhosis.
  • 100% analysis, which accurately confirms the presence of Gilbert syndrome, is genetic analysis For this ailment. Using this analysis, experts can identify a mutated gene, which actually affects the process of capture, neutralization and removal of bilirubin. To conduct such an analysis, the patient is taken by his biological material - venous blood. Therefore, to find out the presence gilbert Syndrome - take the analysis - That's all that is required.

Further, the doctor decides the analysis:

  • (TA) 6/(TA) 6 - There is no pathology.
  • (TA) 6/(TA) 7 - With this result of the analysis, it is impossible to say exactly whether there is a given disease in the body. It is recommended to undergo a more detailed analysis.
  • (TA) 7/(TA) 7 - We can say that the body has this syndrome.

Also, the following medicinal tests are very often carried out as additional methods of establishing such a diagnosis:

  • The use of drugs with nicotinic acid. The patient is administered a certain amount of the drug and waited for 3 hours, after the analysis is again carried out. If the level of gall pigment has increased significantly, doctors suggest the presence of a disease
  • Medicines with phenobarbital. The patient takes such drugs for some time, after an analysis is carried out. If the amount of gall pigment has decreased, the presence of simple family cholemia is expected
  • The use of drugs with reampicin in the composition. Such a tool is introduced into the body of the alleged patient, after which the blood is again examined. If the level of gall pigment has increased, then a person has a simple family cholemia
  • You can also conduct a test without the use of any drugs. For this, a person must take blood on the empty stomachAnd then starve for 2 days and re -donate blood. The doctor compares the results of 2 tests and draws a conclusion. If, after starvation, the level of bilirubin has grown 2 times, then a person has this disease.
Take on an empty stomach
Take on an empty stomach

Blood test for bilirubin, Gilber syndrome: preparation, decoding

One way diagnosis of Gilbert syndrome A blood test for bilirubin is. To begin with, let's figure out how to prepare for the delivery of the analysis, since the correctness of its results depends on this.

  • Blood blood on the morning on an empty stomach. The last meal should be in 12 hours. before blood donation. Please note that you can’t not only eat, but also drink coffee, tea and all other drinks, except for pure water.
  • 3 days before the test you need completely limit yourself in fried, fatty and harmful food, Also, you need to refuse alcohol without fail.
  • In addition to food restrictions, there are also limitations in physical exertion. A few days before passing the material, refuse difficult sports, exclude stressful situations if possible and observe sleep mode.
  • Also, before passing the analysis in 2-3 days, taking all medicines, especially those that can affect the concentration of the gall pigment in the blood, stops.

In case of non -compliance with the above recommendations, the analysis may be incorrect.

Deciphering indicators
Deciphering indicators

If such a syndrome is suspected, a general blood test and blood biochemistry are done:

  • If in the general blood test will be the reference value of hemoglobin has been changed, immature red blood cells up to the larger way, and there will also be an increased content of bilirubin, the doctor will conclude that the body has problems with such an body as the liver. However, a general blood test cannot accurately determine exactly what problems arose with this organ. Therefore, after a general blood test, other examinations and tests are carried out.
  • Biochemistry of blood. This analysis is also not the main in establishing a diagnosis of Gilber syndrome, But it is mandatory for execution.

In this analysis, the presence of this syndrome is indicated by the following indicators:

  • Increased bilirubin.
  • Increased level of alkaline phosphatase.
  • Increased concentration of ALT, AST.

As for the normal level of the total bilirubin in the blood, it is 3.4-17.1 μmol/l, from it indirect, which actually increases with the ailment under consideration-to 13.7 μmol/l. If an indirect bilirubin indicator in the presence of Gilber syndrome is up to 60 μmol/l, and the patient has no complaints, treatment is usually not prescribed.

That is, we can say that with Gilbert's syndrome, the level of bilirubin can be normally up to 60 μmol/l, while it is considered to be optimal to consider 21-24 μmol/l. However, when evaluating this indicator, it is also very important to consider the patient's condition and his complaints.

Gilbert Syndrome: Do they get to the army, is it possible to sunbathe, play sports, drink alcohol?

In the presence of Gilber syndrome, people ask a number of questions that relate to certain restrictions. It is worth noting that, in principle, the presence of such an ailment does not greatly affect the life of the patient and does not particularly worsen its quality.

  • Sunbathing both in the sun and in the solarium is undesirable, since ultraviolet rays negatively affect the liver and its functioning. If you still decide to sunbathe, then do it right: firstly, you are not in the sun for too long, and secondly, be on the beach before lunch or evening.
  • As for sports, everything is also ambiguous here. Serious sports, exhausting, etc. People gilbert is prohibited with the syndrome, but light physical activity, like all people, of course, is shown. By the way, the presence of this syndrome will not affect the service of this syndrome, since there is no syndrome of Gilbert in the list of diseases in which the service is prohibited.
  • At the expense of alcohol, the answer is unequivocal - it cannot be consumed, in principle, like all people, even healthy. Alcohol gives a huge load on the liver, so it must be completely excluded from its diet.
It is important to eat right
It is important to eat right

Well, if we talk about general clinical recommendations in the presence of Gilber syndrome, then they are as follows:

  • It is necessary to observe a non -thorough diet, it is recommended to give preference diet "Table No. 5".
  • It is also worth it to stop or at least reduce the use of hepatotoxic drugs if possible.
  • Do not load the body with excessive physical activity, such as squats with a barbell, standing thrust, etc. One lesson should not last longer than 45 minutes.
  • It is recommended to regularly undergo an examination by a hepatologist and a gastroenterologist. If necessary, you need to take prescribed drugs, it is strictly forbidden to ignore the appointment of a doctor.

Diet for Gilbert syndrome: approximate menu

Diet in this syndrome is necessary, but, fortunately, it is not too strict. In the presence of such a disease, you can eat:

  • Rye and wheat bread.
  • Light soups on vegetable broth with the addition of cereals, vegetarian borscht, not on meat, fish, mushroom broth, dairy soups.
  • Low -fat meat, for example, rabbit, veal.
  • Low -fat fish, for example, pollock, hek.
  • All dairy products with low % fat.
  • Omlet of eggs, soft eggs.
  • All cereals.
  • All vegetables, with the exception of spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, garlic, mushrooms.
  • Fruits and berries are nonsense.
  • Tea, juices from vegetables, fruits and berries.

Please note that you need to eat fractional, that is 4-5 times a day in small portions. In no case should you overeat and starve, it is very important to observe the food intake - try to eat all the time at about the same time.

For the table
For the table

An approximate menu for a day may look like this:

  • Breakfast: soft egg, sandwich of wheat bread and low -fat cheese, herbal tea.
  • Snack: berries, nuts in small quantities.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge with boiled chicken breast, fresh vegetables.
  • Snack: low -fat kefir.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes, baked hack, vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Observing proper nutrition, you will significantly reduce the chance that Gilber's syndrome will worsen.

How to lower bilirubin in Gilber syndrome: Recommendations

If the bilirubin indicator is not much increased, it can be reduced by excluding all the factors that contribute to its increase:

  • Exclude all stressful situations and rest. You need to calm down and restore strength.
  • Stop for some time playing sports if before that you had significant physical activity, completely exclude them.
  • Remember the food intake in order, do not starve in any case, eat 4-5 times a day.
  • If necessary, restore the water balance.
  • Be sure to sleep at least 7-8 hours. per day.
Taking drugs
Taking drugs

If the amount of bile pigment significantly exceeds the norm, to all of the above, drug treatment is added:

  • The doctor may prescribe a hepatoprotectors, in this case it will be necessary to take them in the course.
  • Phenobarbital may also be prescribed.
  • It is important to understand that only your attending physician can prescribe any drugs and their dosage in this case. Self -medication in this case will only aggravate your health.

What drugs are needed and cannot be taken with Gilber syndrome: a list with names and recommendations

If it speaks in general, then you can not take any drugs, except for those that your doctor will prescribe to the treatment of the disease after all the necessary studies and establishing a diagnosis.

But, if we analyze the practice of doctors, then we can say that most often for the treatment of Gilber syndrome they prescribe the following drugs:

  • “Fenobarbital”, “Noxiron”, “Valokardin”, “Oroty acid”.
  • Such adsorbents as coal, Smecta and Dufalac.
  • Preparations that have a choleretic effect, for example, "ursodeoxycholic acid".
  • Vitamin complexes, Vitrum, Centrum, Aevit, etc.
  • Hepatoprotective agents, for example, Hepabene, Heptral.
  • Preparations such as Mezim, Creon, Maaloks can also be prescribed.
Not all drugs can be used
Not all drugs can be used

It is worth refusing to take the following drugs:

  • Tsimetidin, Furadonin.
  • All psychotropic drugs.
  • It is also worth stopping taking all hepatotoxic drugs and drugs that can cause severe acute hepatitis.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that effective and safe treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist, so do not do self -diagnosis and self -medication. It is important to remember that the main thing in the presence of Gilber syndrome is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, in which case the ailment will be much less common, and perhaps it will not be at all.

Video: What is Gilbert's syndrome?

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