Disinfectants from viruses, coronavirus on the surfaces: list, description, folk recipes. Does alcohol kills, viruses, coronavirus on the surface?

Disinfectants from viruses, coronavirus on the surfaces: list, description, folk recipes. Does alcohol kills, viruses, coronavirus on the surface?

During the aggravation of various viral infections, and even more so in quarantine conditions, it is very important to know which means can be used to eliminate viruses on different surfaces. After all, simple actions and elementary cleaning in the house using special tools minimizes possible risks of getting a viral infection, including coronavirus.

Shop shelves are breaking from various disinfectants for surfaces. At the same time, it is very important to choose those tools that are really effective and able to kill viruses on the surfaces.

Disinfectants for viruses for surfaces

Here is a list of effective and affordable disinfectants from viruses for surfaces:

  • "Disargent." The product is available in the form of a solution that effectively kills various viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including easily eliminates pathogens of such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis. Use a disinfectant for cleaning surfaces By spraying it with any aerosol generator, a spray gun, etc. The product is safe for a person, after its use there is no need to ventilate the room without fail.
  • Deo-Chalor. This tool has powerful fungicidal, bactericidal, virulicide properties and great for disinfection of different surfaces, objects of the situation. It can also be used for disinfection of dishes, toys, sports equipment. it a disinfectant for wiping and irrigation of surfaces.
  • "Granoks +". The remedy copes with the destruction of bacteria, viruses (hepatitis B pathogens, C, HIV, etc.), mushrooms. In addition, the product is good washing and bleaching properties.
Be sure to disinfect according to the instructions and carefully
Be sure to disinfect according to the instructions and carefully
  • "Edel Spray" 100 ml. The tool has a complete spectrum of antimicrobial activity, no less actively in relation to especially dangerous infections. Since “Edel Spray” is produced in a 100 ml bottle, it is convenient to use it for disinfection of door handles, small surfaces. They can also impregnate dry towels and napkins for further use and process hands, legs, etc.
  • "Avansept." The disinfectant is perfect for home, for all surfaces, hard furniture, toys, etc. Avansept has established itself as an effective antiseptic that has antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and detergent effect. As practice has shown, “Avansept” is also effective in processing during bird, pork flu, atypical pneumonia.
  • "Deo-chlor luxury." The tool has the following properties: bactericidal, glasty, that is, kills pathogens of parasitic ailments, sporocydal, fungicidal, virulicidal. With this tool you can process surfaces, toys, linen. You can also use Deo-Chalor Lux for disinfection of air through its aerosol spraying.
  • Oxivir Excel ™ Foam. An effective remedy against most pathogens, viruses, for example, flu A, adenovirus, rotovirus, herpes, etc. The product is suitable for disinfection of all surfaces that are not afraid of water and acids. The product can be pushed directly on the surface pre -peeled from dirt or on a napkin, a towel, a rag.
  • "Suma Bac D10". Another effective one a disinfectant for surface processing, Which, in addition to antiseptic, also has detergents. Ideal for disinfection of kitchen surfaces, hard furniture, washing of kitchen surfaces from fat, dirt, spots.
  • Amway ™ Pursue ™. " it Universal disinfectant, which cleans and disinfects all washing surfaces well. The remedy kills almost all bacteria, for example, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, viruses, for example, flu, rotovirus, fungi. The advantage of "Amway ™ Pursue ™" The fact that it does not contain chemistry, only natural ingredients, it is safe for children from the first days of life, can be used to process surfaces and objects in contact with food.
Natural and concentrated agent
Natural and concentrated agent
  • "Domestos". Effective and loved by many a universal remedy, with which you can disinfect any surfaces, for example, floor, walls, furniture (after testing the product on a small and inconspicuous section of the object), bath, handles, switches, etc. Domestos effectively kills viruses, bacteria and fungi. In addition, the product perfectly eliminates plaque, spots, dirt, etc.
  • "Alaminol." A product with the following properties: bactericidal, virulicidal, tuberculocide, fungicidal. It can be used to destroy viruses, bacteria, etc. On the surfaces in rooms, on hard furniture.
  • Optimax. The tool effectively kills bacteria, viruses, for example, coksaki, flu, polio, enteroviruses, etc., especially dangerous infections, for example, tularemia, plague. Effective against parasitic ailments, mushrooms.
  • "Septolit-antiseptic." Curns viruses, for example, HIV, all hepatitis, bacteria, fungi. It is used to disinfect surfaces, equipment, equipment, hard furniture, rubber carpets, etc.
Do not forget about the processing of these surfaces
Do not forget about the processing of these surfaces

All these funds must be used strictly according to the instructions that you receive along with the product. The price of a disinfectant varies from 45 rubles. Up to 38,000 rubles. Expensive compounds have a large volume and are most often used for professional de -rendering - in hospitals, laboratories.

Disinfectants for surfaces: Folk recipes

If you disinfect the room, the surfaces are needed now, and there is no professional disintections at hand, you can use folk remedies that kill viruses.

Disinfectants for surfaces processing - folk recipes:

  • A solution with hydrogen peroxide. Such a solution can be used to wash floors, walls. For 10 liters of water, 250 ml of peroxide will be needed.
  • If you need to kill viruses on a glass surface, use vinegar disinfectant solution. To do this, the water is mixed with vinegar in a proportion of 1: 3. If the smell of vinegar for you is too caustic and sharp, replace the ingredient with lemon juice. Save proportions.
  • Surfaces in contact with food, and the kitchen as a whole is best disinfected salt solution. To do this, 1 kg of salt is taken per 2 liters of water - the solution must be very concentrated.
Salt as a disinfector
Salt as a disinfector
  • Also, kitchen surfaces can be removed using an alcohol solution. Add 1 liter of water 20 ml of ammonia.

Also, in any home desk, you can add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil, mint, bergamot. This will make the solutions more fragrant and effective if essential oil has an antibacterial effect (lavender, peppermint, cloves, rosemary)

An alcohol disinfectant for surfaces: does viruses kill alcohol?

On the agenda, the question is about whether alcohol kills viruses on the surface?

  • Yes, indeed alcohol is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against microbes, bacteria, viruses, including coronavirus.
  • What is the effectiveness of this product? It is able to denature, that is, to deploy and “neutralize” microbes and viruses by destroying their active substances.
  • Alcohol is most effective in the fight With those viruses that have a shell (coronavirus). With viruses without a shell, sometimes he copes a little worse.
Kills if the concentration is at least 60-65%
Kills if the concentration is at least 60-65%

Please note that alcohol will already have been proven that it will be an effective disinfectant only if its concentration is at least 60-65%. Consider this information when you make an antiseptic at home, adding glycerin, oils and other components to alcohol, that is, diluting alcohol and reducing its concentration

Disinfectants for surfaces processing: does virus kill viruses, coronavirus on the surface?

Based on the above information, it becomes clear that vodka, as in principle, and any other alcohol, having a fortress of less than 60-65%, does not kill viruses and coronavirus, including.

  • Experts recommend not using alcohol drinks even with a fortress above 60% for making homemade antiseptics. It is better to use for these purposes pure alcohol.
  • Disinfectants for surfaces, furniture, handles, arms and things like a wallet, phone - A real way to protect yourself and relatives from a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, including coronavirus, and, therefore, from the most dangerous ailments that can even lead to death.
Be sure to process the surface of the phone
Be sure to process the surface of the phone
  • Wash your hands, disinfect the surfaces and be healthy.

We advise you to read the following articles to be healthy:

Video: a universal remedy for washing any surfaces

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Comments K. article

  1. Useful article, thank you very much! Now all the information regarding coronavirus is valuable.

  2. To protect against coronavirus, I buy an antiseptic Lavrik lotion. It does not dry the skin and is sold in different containers. I bought it right home and with myself, and to the office.

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