Antiviral candles for children: list, reviews. Antiviral candles Viferon

Antiviral candles for children: list, reviews. Antiviral candles Viferon

List of effective antiviral candles for children.

Children are the most susceptible category of population to various diseases. In their body, the response of the immune system is not always adequate, in some cases it may be completely absent. In this article we will talk about the most effective and popular antiviral candles for children. 

What antiviral candles are better for a child?

In most cases, preschool babies, as well as infants, are more advisable to give not syrups and capsules, but to introduce rectal candles. The fact is that the absorption in hemorrhoidal veins is very high, so the rate of administration of the medicine is the same as with intravenous administration. That is, the suction rate is such as with intravenous injection. This is very fast, which is important if the child suffers from very high temperature. Antiviral candles are not all the same and work differently. 

What antiviral candles are better for a child:

  1. Based on interferon. This is a substance that is produced in the body of each person and helps to fight the virus. In this case, immunity does not produce anything on its own, since interferon is found from the outside. These are the most effective drugs for children under the age of one year. The fact is that infants have practically no immunity, and there is only the one that fell into the child’s body along with the mother’s milk. 
  2. Antiviral candles that block the virus. These are substances that are introduced into the protein shell of the virus and destroy it. Such drugs are rarely used for infants and preschool children, because they have a large number of side effects. 
  3. Candles that stimulate the production of interferon And they spur their own immunity. Interferon is not introduced, but the composition contains components that stimulate its production. 
  4. Homeopathic preparations Based on herbs and medicinal plants. In most cases, an adult who picked up a cold may not take any medicine at all. It is enough to drink warm tea, a large amount of fluid, administer vitamin C or just relax. In just a few days, the manifestation of the virus will weaken, or completely come to naught. In the child’s body, everything happens in a slightly different way, due to inadequate immunological reaction. 

Antiviral candles for children up to a year: List

Most often, children are prescribed for interferon -based products. They work most effective.Below we present a list of the most effective candles based on interferon for children.

Antiviral candles for children under a year, list:

  • Genferon 
  • Kipferon 
  • Viferon 

These are drugs that are based on special immunoglobulin complexes, as well as interferon. Their composition is different. Despite the high concentration of active substances inKipperoneHe is not the best choice for children. Despite the large amount of interferon, the composition contains components that can be harmful to the body of the child. 


Antiviral candles Viferon

Why should the baby introduce additional candles based on interferon, if this substance can be produced in the body on its own? In most cases, interferon is produced in the child’s body at temperatures above 38.5. This is a very high indicator, especially if the child is prone to febrile seizures.

In order to avoid this side effect, which is observed after an increase in temperature to critical marks, an antipyretic is used. In this case, interferon is not produced. In order for the body to adequately fight the virus, it is necessary to introduce funds from the outside in the form of candles. 

Many parents believe that the child is able to independently transfer the flu or SARS. The fact is that in an adult, indeed, all these viruses are burned inside much faster than in children. This is due to immaturity of the immune system. Therefore, children feel much better if from the first day of the disease to give them antiviral drugs. They can be different. Weak children are recommended to give substances based on human interferon.


Antiviral candles Viferon:

  • Among the most popular, you can distinguish candles of viferon or Genferon. Please note that if a child tolerates a high temperature to 39 degrees well, then you can not give him an antipyretic, and reduce the dose of antiviral drugs.
  • Indeed, at high temperatures, a large amount of its own interferon is produced in the body, which fights with the disease.
  • At the same time, many parents note, if you often get involved in such candles based on human interferon, the body ceases to produce its own. There is scientific confirmation of this, such drugs should be extremely rare. 

Good antiviral candles for children

The antiviral drug is quite popular among young mothersLaferobion. In its composition, it is almost the same as Viferon. Containsinterferon Alfa-2b Human recombinant. Accordingly, such funds must be given only according to the testimony and purpose of the doctor.

These funds are not suitable for prevention. That is, it is desirable to use them only in extreme cases. This is due to the fact that the frequent introduction of human interferon preventsor Reduces the production of its own.  

Good antiviral candles for children:

  • In viral diseases, influenza is often prescribed. In its composition, it is absolutely the same as Viferon.
  • In addition to all these drugs, the choice of candles is not very large. Most of the antiviral drugs are mainly prescribed for children, starting from 4 years old. Therefore, they are often released in tablets or introduced in the form of vaccines.
  • It is quite famous for its most effective drug is Cycloferon. Its main advantage is that it does not contain interferon, but is an immunomodulator. That is, it stimulates the development of his own interferon, in no way replaces it. 

What antiviral candles are better for a child: the expediency of use

There is a lot of information regarding the fact that antiviral agents that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription are drugs with unproven effectiveness. Many rumors went on the fact that drugs based on human interferon are also ineffective and worsen the production of their own interferons. 

What antiviral candles are better for a child:

  • Yes, indeed, such drugs cannot be used for prevention, because it can reduce its own immune defense of the body. However, in critical situations, it still makes sense to give such candles.
  • Many pediatricians are of the opinion that there is no need to introduce some antiviral candles during the illness. Everything that the child needs to fight the virus- this is Water, bed rest and fresh air. Therefore, more often give your child. After all, it is with the urine that a large number of dead cells come out, and the body as a whole is restored. 
  • Regarding the feasibility of using antiviral drugs, some doctors are of the opinion that the most effective are the means that are introduced into the body in the form of injections. However, they are not prescribed for influenza and SARS. Most often, these drugs are used in the treatment of such serious ailments as herpes, human papillomavirus, as well as cytomegalovirus, or meningococcal infection caused by the virus. 

Antiviral candles for children: reviews

Such candles can worsen your own immunity. As a result, the body will practically not be able to fight viruses. Accordingly, such a tool is given only if the child is ill with the flu, and very poorly tolerates the disease. It is best to introduce candles that stimulate the production of your own interferon. Homeopathic preparations will also not be superfluous.

Antiviral candles for children, reviews:

Elena, 28 years old. My child at the age of 3 in the garden picked up a virus. The pediatrician appointed Viferon. She introduced candles for 5 days as the doctor appointed. The son quickly recovered, and a week later he was able to visit the garden again. I did not see any contraindications and side effects. 

Oksana, 33 years old. I have three children, so SARS and colds are a frequent satellite. Laferobion candles used the candles several times in a row. I am sure that such drugs worsen the body's resistance to infections, and do more harm than good. Therefore, I try to temper children, in the summer to send them to the village to my grandmother so that they ate more fruits and drink natural milk. 

Svetlana, 25 years old. I have the first child, now he is one and a half years old. In a year, he fell ill with a strong influenza virus, which picked up somewhere on the street. Immediately at the first symptoms and with an increase in temperature to 39, I called the doctor. We were appointed Laferobion candles. I consider them very effective. In just four days, the virus has passed. I introduced candles for 7 days, since it was such a period of treatment that the doctor prescribed. I think that this is not the last disease, I will use these candles. 


As you can see, all antiviral candles are quite effective, but they should not be used for prevention. In most cases, almost all candles for children are created on the basis of human interferon. The abuse of such drugs can cause a deterioration in your own immunity. 

Video: Antiviral candles for children


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