Children's riddles about air - the best selection of 60 riddles

Children's riddles about air - the best selection of 60 riddles

A selection of riddles about air for preschool children and schoolchildren.

If your child does not represent his life without verbal puzzles, then we offer you an interesting selection of riddles about the air. In our article you will find very simple puzzles that do not require connecting the baby’s knowledge, and more complex, requiring a little concentration from the child.

Riddles about air - the best selection

Riddles about the air

IMPORTANT: This article presents riddles on one topic, and therefore there will be one answer in all without exception - AIR.

Riddles about air:

  1. He is invisible, and yet, we cannot live without him. Neither drink nor drink nor speak.
    And even, frankly, you can’t light a fire.
  2. There are paper and firewood, branches, brushwood and grass, there are matches, but without me not to kindle fire to you. Who am I?
  3. He is around, invisible it, only everyone needs: people, balls and tires, diver, under water. A bird, a fish, and cars, here is a mysterious.
  4. For breathing, it is needed, with the wind, the blizzard is very friendly. Surrounds us with you
    Do not catch him with your hand!
  5. We do not notice him, we are not talking about him. We just inhale him - he needs him ...
  6. It always surrounds us, we breathe it without difficulty, it is without smell, without color. Guess what is it?
  7. Birds cut in heaven - along it, the plane flies in the mountains - along it. Our oxygen enters the body "on it", without it we have no life - nobody.
  8. They breathe animals, birds, people, without him we will not get fire, without him there is no life anywhere -
    Even those who live in water.
  9. Peas scattered on seventy roads, no one to collect - neither the priests, nor the clerks, nor us, fools.
  10. Without it, you cannot live either to eat, nor drink, or speak. Without it, your existence will quickly stop!

Riddles about air for preschoolers

Riddles about air for preschoolers

Riddles about air for preschool children:

  1. He enters our window, with him he breathes easily. He is transparent, he does not smell. Without it, everything is going into the haste.
  2. He is in the forest thick, fragrant as a healing infusion. It smells of freshness of tar, smells of oak and pine ... What is it?
  3. Everyone breathes on a huge planet, neither adults nor children can live without it.
  4. No one notices him, no one says aloud about him. One we know for sure
    That we inhale him, and all of us is very necessary for us.
  5. Without it, fire does not burn and the fish in the water do not live. What is this transparent substance?
  6. He is a transparent invisible, light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf.
  7. I am an insidious arsonist, you want fire - Nate! I am an omnipotent oxidizing agent, if you give firewood.
  8. He goes through the nose into the chest and the opposite keeps the way. He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him.
  9. For breathing it is needed, in the summer sultry or in a cold. It is everywhere: in cities, in the field or in villages.
  10. We live with him all our lives, but have never seen.

Riddles about air for children of grade 1-2

Riddles about air for children of grade 1-2

Riddles about air for grade 1-2:

  1. The wind quietly shakes the maple to the right and left. Once a slope, two slopes - he rustled with foliage. What helps the wind?
  2. What has no weight, color and figure?
  3. What invisible surrounds people, animals and nature?
  4. A person is always next to this invisible, but could never see her.
  5. Constantly in the field. Everyone thinks - this is a horse, but it is not him. It flies in the sky like a tit, but this is not a bird.
  6. Fish cannot live without water, but a person without what?
  7. He does not leave us anywhere. In any weather, at any time of the year he is next to us, and it helps us to live.
  8. Everyone can hear him, but no one will see.
  9. Invisibility sits on his shoulder and blows into the nose.
  10. They should not be stock up or borrow for a while. If he disappears, then a living creature will die in 10 minutes.

Riddle about air for grade 3 with answers

Riddle about air for grade 3 with answers

Riddle about air for grade 3 with answers:

  1. What are the processes of oxidation without?
  2. What does sound in space? There is no - no sound.
  3. Where is nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, also carbon dioxide, and all this around us?
  4. I will catch him with my nose, but I can catch it with a pump, I will swim to the depths - he will not let him go to the bottom.
  5. What is easier than oil, but can break the house?
  6. What can you feel only in motion when you or it move?
  7. Invisibility walks around, runs - the blizzard will conquer.
  8. It brings rain and snow and a tear sharpens from the age.
  9. He brings sound and light, without it there is no breath.
  10. For fire, he is the desired gas, but he does not see for us.

Short puzzles about air

Short puzzles about air

Short puzzles about the air:

  1. Around the nose flies, but does not fall into the hands.
  2. It does not burn in the fire, it does not sink in the water.
  3. Steam and wind are filled with them, he is more transparent in the world.
  4. You can neither drink nor eat, has neither taste, no smell, nor color.
  5. Inaudible, invisible, but so necessary for everyone. And man, and an animal, and a plant.
  6. It is lighter than water, but heavier than the clouds.
  7. We do not see it, but we inflate the ball.
  8. He is completely invisible, and not to inflate his cheeks without him.
  9. In the summer it is warm and cold in winter.
  10. In the forest is always fresh, but you can’t collect it in a basket.

Russian folk riddles about air

Russian folk riddles about the air:

  1. If he is transparent, the sun will look into your window. If it moves, then the wind will fly through the white light.
  2. There is land, fire, water - it is always with them.
  3. What do we breathe, see and hear through it?
  4. He enters our window, with him he breathes easily.
  5. There are no legs, but it is not worth it, there is a bed, but does not sleep,
  6. Not the sea, not the earth, the ships do not swim, and you can’t walk on it.
  7. What can be imagined, but you can’t touch your hands?
  8. Maybe he would blow a little bit, stirring the grass. If it becomes a lot to blow, I will call a whirlwind.
  9. You will feel on your face if you only run.
  10. Why don't you breathe in the reserve?

Video: riddles for children

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Comments K. article

  1. Keep as a gift to everyone about the air for children in verses
    He is for life on earth
    He is everywhere and everywhere
    Only there is no it on the stars, of course it is ... .. ..
    they still need to breathe
    You can inflate the ball
    They still fly on it
    They pump the wheels
    you can still dive with it
    And inflate the mattress
    You can play their hands
    Slop the laughter laugh
    And don't breathe a little
    He will calm the nervous
    If it's clean ……….

    If I need to come up with order not expensive, 😜

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