Decor from cones for the New Year-how and what can be done: instructions, master class step by step

Decor from cones for the New Year-how and what can be done: instructions, master class step by step

Making a stylish decor from cones for the New Year is simple. Step -by -step instructions are published in the article.

To the meeting New Year It is customary to prepare in advance. Outside the window is only a late golden autumn, although until the first snow is not far away. And people are already making plans for how to turn the upcoming holiday into real magic.

Read another article on our website, in which there are also many crafts from cones. You can make animals, small Christmas trees and other objects.

The corresponding mood will give an unusual decoration of the house, apartments, rooms. The necessary jewelry can be bought in advance in the store, since now the shelves are delighted with abundance and a variety of toys, tinsel, and garlands. But much more warmer and more sincere jewelry made by yourself will look. This will help the most ordinary fir cones. There are a lot of them in our forests now. There are almost no material costs, but a real work of art will be made. Below you will find many master classes on making decor from cones-original and beautiful. Read further.

How to prepare material for the creation of decor: how to paint cones for the New Year?

Cones to create decor for the New Year
Cones to create decor for the New Year

The manufacture of crafts from cones begins with the preparation of the material for work to create a decor. This is what it is:

  • In order not to spoil the holiday with an unpleasant odor, cones are needed dry. Therefore, it is necessary to collect fruits that have already fallen to the ground. Completed both completely open and dense.
  • Do not use the collected cones immediately. Firstly, we must get rid of the resin. Alcohol solution and cotton sticks will help this. Secondly, remove insects that hid inside. All bugs are afraid of vinegar. Therefore, it is enough to dilute vinegar with water in equal shares and lower the material for half an hour.
  • Then, properly dry them at room temperature.

If the room has high humidity, you can use everyday ways:

  1. The easiest way is to weld cones 30 minutes And dry.
  2. Drying in the oven will take more time. On the foil in one layer, place spruce fruits loosely to each other. Heat the oven to the maximum temperature and hold them for an hour. Do not close the door so that the moisture does not linger inside.
  3. The fastest way is drying in the microwave. On a paper towel, carefully lay out the material. Select the highest power and dry one minute.

If you need dense unwritten cones, then carpentry, silicate or casein glue will come in handy. Dip them for a few seconds and dry them, holding vertically.

A few more tips:

Fit paint to create decor for the New Year
Fit paint to create decor for the New Year

How to paint cones for the New Year - stainede In colors:

  • The natural color of cones is suitable for the manufacture of toys, but multi -colored fruits will make crafts bizarre and exclusive.
  • An even color will turn out when stained with spray paints. The main thing is to observe security measures.
  • The material can be painted with acrylic paints or gouache.
  • So that later the cones do not smash your hands, apply a layer of varnish on top of the paint.
  • And if after that lower the fetus into a container with paint, you get an original color.


  • Shiny cones will make toys elegant.
  • For this, the fruits are treated with hair spray and generously sprinkled with gloss from all sides.
  • The effect will increase if these actions are repeated several times.
  • Even easier - add water to PVA glue and pour sparkles.
  • Lower the bump, take out and dry.
  • Then you can slightly adjust the brush and additional sparkles.

Decoration with ordinary salt:

  • Apply PVA glue to the bump, pour small salt and dry.
  • So that the salt does not crumble, can be sprayed with hair spray onto the fetus.
  • Salt grains will create the effect of “snowiness”.


  • You can whiten cones using "White".
  • Soak them in the product at 18 hoursRinse and dry. So do it several times.
  • But after processing chlorine, the bump can sprinkle quickly.

Form correction:

  • If the shape of the cone is not quite suitable, it can be a little adjusted.
  • To do this, soak the natural material in water, and then tie the thread.
  • After drying, the shape of the fetus will become what is required.

Do not forget about the tools with which toys are made:

  • These are a variety of brushes and lips.
  • Scissors are needed of different sizes and different types. To cut out small parts and for curly cutting.
  • You can’t do without pliers and nippers.
  • You can glue the details using a heat -milestone pistol - it is small and convenient. It is convenient to use it, since the glue will not spread through the product.

When everything is ready, you need to think about how to decorate the room, window, Christmas tree. What crafts are needed? How will they look? It is necessary to think about what additional materials will be needed. Jewelry from cones is an unlimited field for fantasy. Read further.

Master class: how to paint cones 3 ways? Crafts from cones to the New Year

Christmas wreath of spruce cones for the New Year: Master class of decoration step by step

Christmas wreath of spruce cones for the New Year
Christmas wreath of spruce cones for the New Year

The simplest thing you can do is the Christmas wreath. If you create several such jewelry, then they will be beautifully hanging over each door. It is easy to make a Christmas wreath from unnecessary newspapers and spruce cones for the New Year. Here is a master class of decor step by step:

  • A few pieces in doubt and twist a circle from them. Cut up with strong threads.
  • The resulting frame should be wrapped with a nylon fabric.
  • Start the tinsel similar to the Christmas branches on top.
  • Then glue the cones.
  • Complete the composition with everything that is found in the house: ribbons, unusual buttons, beads, dried or paper leaves.

Also, for the basis of the wreath, you can use foam preparation:

  • Paint the ring with acrylic paint.
  • After it dries, glue cones, nuts of nuts, paper flowers. As fantasy will tell.

A little more difficult to make the basis for a wreath from a metal hanger:

  • Spin the usual hanger-sticks.
  • Then bend the circle.
  • Put the wire rings to the cones.
  • Put on the circle as tightly as possible to each other.
  • Twist the end of the hanger in place.
  • Wrap the hook with paper or a wide ribbon.

Video: Christmas wreath of cones with your own hands. How to make a New Year wreath? The basis for the wreath

Garland from cones to the New Year: instructions for making decor step by step

Garland from cones to the New Year
Garland from cones to the New Year

You can decorate the room for the New Year with a garland From cones. You can combine it with LED garland or hang it like an independent decor. It will turn out beautifully and on the New Year in any case. Here are the instructions for making decor step by step:

Garland from cones to the New Year
Garland from cones to the New Year
  • Put the rings from the wire to the prepared cones, cut the rope or jute of the desired length.
  • Attach the fruits to it at an equal distance from each other. It is better to alternate them in color if they are colored.
  • A garland will look interesting if you add Christmas toys between the cones.

The garland will be romantic if it is intertwined, as mentioned above, with a factory electric one.

Video: Girlyand from cones with your own hands for the New Year

Decor with cones for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree: Instructions step by step

Decor with cones for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree
Decor with cones for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree

Mandatory attribute of the New Year is a Christmas tree. If there is no way to purchase ordinary spruce, then it can be made of cones. It will turn out a great decor for the New Year. Such a symbol of the holiday can be placed anywhere: on the closet, on the set table. Dress the Christmas tree from spruce fruits with tinsel, ribbons, balls, bows, etc. So, we get to work - the instruction step by step:

  • The basis of the Christmas tree will be a cone made of dense cardboard.
  • Starting from the lower edge, cones tightly glued to each other in one layer.
  • When the glue dries, you can decorate the Christmas tree.

If you need a small souvenir spruce, then one bump will be enough. Glue the base of the spruce fruit to a suitable stand of wood, foam or cardboard. Color the decor in green and decorate with beads or beads.

Original composition of cones for the New Year - decorative star: step -by -step instructions with photos

Original composition of cones for the New Year - Decorative Star
Original composition of cones for the New Year - Decorative Star

Since ancient times, it is customary to put a decorative star on the top of the Christmas tree for the top of the Christmas tree. It can also be made of cones. You will get a beautiful and original composition. Here are the instructions step by step with photo:

Original composition of cones for the New Year - Decorative Star: Instructions
Original composition of cones for the New Year - Decorative Star: Instructions
  • First you need to make a frame out of the wire.
  • At it, attach cones in any way. It is better to use large and small fruits.
  • The simplest thing is to twist a five -pointed star from the wire.
  • Then string long cones to the ends of the wire. Closer to the middle, large, small at the edges. They can be alternated with nuts of nuts or ribbons.

Add with decoration - cotton balls, large beads. Make white cardboard stars and glue it on this decor. Bake everything with artificial snow - ready.

Also, according to the principle of a five -pointed wire star, you can make an eight -pointed frame. Stroke bumps on the rays, alternating open and unsolved. Paint with white paint or sprinkle with sparkles. It will turn out a snowflake or a modern star. Attach the loop and you can hang on the Christmas tree.

Interesting: If you fasten several of these small snowflakes, you will get a complex large snowflake that can be hung on the window.

New Year's toys from cones for the New Year - how to make jewelry, decor for a Christmas tree?

New Year's toys from cones for the New Year
New Year's toys from cones for the New Year

You can decorate a forest or artificial Christmas tree for the New Year with just hanging cones. Make such original Christmas tree toys or pendants from cones. To make such a decoration, decor for the New Year tree:

  • It is enough to glue nylon or satin bows and loops from threads or thin ropes to colored or shiny cones.
  • You can attach a bead or button to the bow.

You can make such a decor as in the photo below. Glue mini-dears, beads and bows from thin tape to snowy cones. Do not forget to attach a bright or shiny thread so that the “toy” can be hung on a Christmas tree.

New Year's toys from cones for the New Year
New Year's toys from cones for the New Year

How to arrange cones for the New Year: Decor with a New Year's ball

Decor with the New Year's ball
Decor with the New Year's ball

What a beautiful decoration for a Christmas tree for the New Year from cones and New Year's ball. Such a decor looks natural and elegant. How to arrange?

  • You will need pine cones and small metal hooks.
  • Even for this composition you will need a beautiful New Year's ball.
  • The cones can be painted with white paint, but you can leave it in a natural state.
  • When the paint dries, you should twist small hooks into the base of the cone.
  • Pass the long rope through the first bump and tie the knot.
  • Add the second bump by tying it nearby. Fasten the traditional knot.
  • Add the last, third bump. Tie a knot.
  • Then attach the New Year's ball.

You can also add spruce branches, dried berries or beads.

New Year's pendants on the Christmas tree: step -by -step instructions for decor manufacturing

New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree
New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree

Purchased Christmas toys can be easily replaced with cones. If you freeze a little, you will get original New Year's pendants on the Christmas tree. Here is a step -by -step instructions for the manufacture of decor, how to make:

New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree
New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree
  • In a wide part of the cone, screw the wire hook.
  • Tie a satin ribbon.
  • Such pendants can be attached not only to the Christmas tree, but also to the handles of cabinets or windows.
  • The suspension will look unusual if you glue small pompoms to the scales of cones.
  • To the base of the cone attach a long loop from a beautiful cord.
  • You will get a decoration that is suitable for a chandelier or lamp.
New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree
New Year's pendants on a Christmas tree

A bump for decorating a New Year's table: what can be done?

Cone for decorating the New Year's table
Cone for decorating the New Year's table

Bills can serve as elements of the decoration of the New Year's table. What can be done:

  • Festivities will add leaflet holders for seedlings of guests.
  • You can decorate converters from tissue napkins with cones.
  • Such a decor is suitable for laying into fruit plates.
Cone for decorating the New Year's table
Cone for decorating the New Year's table
  • Various New Year's compositions from cones will help decorate the table, shelves, window sills.
  • Put spruce fruits on a flat dish or tray. You can brilliant, "snow -capped" or painted in different colors. Add spruce twigs, nuts, acorns, sweets. A romantic composition will turn out if you put candles of different sizes or glasses for champagne on this dish.

Below a few more options for decor from spruce fruits. Read further.

DIY conveyors from cones: Instructions

DIY Climbers from cones
DIY Climbers from cones

Bumps can also be used for the manufacture of candlesticks with your own hands. Using these fruits, it will be possible to stylize the factory candlestick according to the New Year:

  • Glue cones of different sizes and colors along the edges, decorate with leaves or twigs ate.
  • The basis of the candlestick can be cut out of cardboard.
  • In the center of the workpiece, you need to make a hole in size of the candle. Install and fix.

Here is another version of the candlestick with your own hands - instructions:

  • Pour salt into a glass jar. She will depict snow.
  • Put a candle there steadily.
  • Wrap the neck with a thick rope and decorate with cones.
DIY Climbers from cones
DIY Climbers from cones

The lump itself can be a candlestick:

  • To do this, remove the upper part of the fetus.
  • Using the glue, install and fix the candle.

The main thing is not to leave a candle with such a candlestick unattended.

Stylish jewelry of cones for the New Year: what decor can be done?

Stylish jewelry of cones for the New Year
Stylish jewelry of cones for the New Year

You can do it new Year's stylish decor - jewelry in the form of cones, covered with snow. You can simply apply a small amount of artificial snow with sparkles on the tips of scales. Leave to dry for a day. When the cones dry, you can use them as you like:

  • Tie in a bundle, add spruce branches and make a very simple, but beautiful composition.

Crafts from cones are so original that they can be used to decorate any interior. For example:

Stylish jewelry of cones for the New Year
Stylish jewelry of cones for the New Year
  • Put in a large bowl
  • Add to a garland
  • Make a New Year's composition with candles

Show imagination and do something of your own and original. In any case, it will turn out beautifully and interesting.

Video: 5 simple and beautiful New Year's crafts from cones

Video: Girlyand from cones with your own hands for the New Year

Video: You will be delighted with these crafts! Everyone can!

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