Girlands for the New Year - how to make it with your own hands: from cones, felt, papers, on the wall, on the windows, house

Girlands for the New Year - how to make it with your own hands: from cones, felt, papers, on the wall, on the windows, house

It is difficult to imagine the decor of the premises for the New Year without garlands. And what coziness they will bring if they are made with their own hands!

Absolutely everyone awaits the New Year - both adults and children. For this holiday I want to prepare thoroughly, and hang various jewelry and garlands throughout the house. All this can be done with your own hands.

In another article on our website you will find, how to make Christmas tree toys for the New Year from paper, napkins, cones, sweets and other materials.

This article contains master classes on the manufacture of beautiful and original garlands for the New Year. Repeat, especially since it is very simple, and decorate the house for the New Year. Read further.

What types of garlands can be done with your own hands for the New Year?

There are different types of garlands for the New Year, which can be done with your own hands:

You can list the types of garlands endlessly. Make several types, and you will understand the technique of execution, and you can come up with your ideas and implement. We start with the most simple. Read further.

Garland for the New Year - paper Christmas trees: simple idea, master class

Garland for the New Year - paper Christmas trees
Garland for the New Year - paper Christmas trees

Performing such a garland for the New Year is very simple. You should prepare a stencil, cut and hang on a thread around the house. Such a simplest idea is available for the embodiment of both parents and even children. Here is a master class of paper Christmas trees:

  • Cut templates from colored paper, old newspapers or cards.
Fir -tree garland templates
Fir -tree garland templates
  • Pass the thread into each Christmas tree.
  • Spread the garland in the room.

It will turn out beautifully if you cut the Christmas trees different in size. So that the thread does not slip, stretch it through the hole twice. It is better to make holes with a special hole punch, and use the thread decorative.

Corrugated paper brushes: a master class of an interesting garland for the New Year

Corrugated paper brushes
Corrugated paper brushes

For this interesting garland, a little corrugated paper of different colors, an adhesive base and a beautiful braid will need a little garland. You can combine paper brushes with foil. It will turn out very beautifully and original. So, another simplest master class from corrugation brushes:

Instructions on how to make corrugated paper brushes
Instructions on how to make corrugated paper brushes
  • Cut the rectangle with sizes 45x15 cm.
  • Turn it in half in length.
  • Perform the ribbons with cuts with scissors from the edge to the inside. The cut step is 1 centimeter, do not carry 5 centimeters to the middle.
  • Expand the resulting product. The strips should be from all sides.
  • Twist the center in a well -twisted flagella. Make a loop circle out of it, wrap it with a paper tape and make fixation with glue.
Glue the twisted end of the brush
Glue the twisted end of the brush

Collect all the brushes in one decoration and hang in the room. It turned out colorfully and festive.

Beautiful New Year's garland made of paper tartlets on a Christmas tree: an interesting idea, master class

Beautiful New Year's garland made of paper tartlets on a Christmas tree
Beautiful New Year's garland made of paper tartlets on a Christmas tree

On such a New Year's garland, you can’t immediately say what it is made of. It seems that it was performed by a professional, since she is very stylish, but in fact everything is simple. Here is a description of this interesting idea and a master class on performing decorations on a Christmas tree made of paper tartlets:

Here's what will come in handy:

Materials for New Year's garland made of paper tartlets
Materials for New Year's garland made of paper tartlets

Do the jewelry like this:

  • Turn the paper product four times. It should turn out a square with three corners.
  • L tam the corners of the 2 such squares of the adhesive base.
  • Put 3 squares on each other, forming a Christmas tree. Glue the details.
  • So make the right number of Christmas trees that is necessary for the product.
  • Decorating the Christmas trees with shiny sequins. If they are not, then cut out the decor from the cent. Papers.
  • Now glue the Christmas trees with a ribbon at a distance from each other. Decor is ready.
It turned out such a garland
It turned out such a garland

Such a decoration can be decorated with spruce, walls or simply hung in the middle of the room.

Beautiful paper stars on the wall: Master class garlands for the New Year

Beautiful paper stars on the wall
Beautiful paper stars on the wall

Such paper stars are very stylish and tender. They will look great on the wall or ate. Here is a master class of such a garland for the New Year:

The following materials will be needed:

  • Tsv. ribbons cut
  • Scissors, needle, thread

Perform the following:

  • Cut col. Paper on the ribbons. The parameters of one tape 1x30 cm. You can perform stars and larger, only consider that the length of one strip should be thirty times greater than the width.
  • Then perform the stars, starting to turn the strip from the corner, straightening your fingers so that the product turns out to be voluminous.
Beautiful paper stars on the wall: Instruction
Beautiful paper stars on the wall: Instruction
  • Now with the help of a needle, string all the stars on the thread, and spread the garland in the room.

Look in the video how to turn the strip correctly so that such a beautiful star is obtained.

Video: Origami Lucky Star Tutorial

In the same way, you can make a cellophane stars. See how gently and interesting they look.

Beautiful stars on the wall of cellophane
Beautiful stars on the wall of cellophane

Girland for the New Year with your own hands from felt: Master class

Girland for the New Year with your own hands from felt
Girland for the New Year with your own hands from felt

Such "pigtails" from felt strips are very colorful and festive. This jewelry will be bright and perfectly decorate the room for the New Year. This garland is performed simply and quickly with your own hands from felt. Here is a master class:

What will be needed:

What will be needed for decoration
What will be needed for decoration

Make a felt decoration like this:

Fixing two felt strips and make a hole
Fixing two felt strips and make a hole
  • Cut 2 strips from felt fabric - white and red.
  • Now put one strip on the other and fasten at the edges with needles.
  • Close in the middle, as in the photo above. The distance between the cuts should be the same.
  • If you want to create a jewelry more authentic, then cut the fabric gradually: immediately make no more than 5 cuts, after that weave, and then cut again. So it will be easier for you and you will not confuse the tape during weaving.
  • Weave a two -tone pigtail using the tip of the tip into the first hole. Then tighten tight, otherwise the strips will break up. Then pass the tape into all other holes.

It should turn out like this:

Start making pigtails
Start making pigtails
It will turn out like this
It will turn out like this

When finished work, cut and stitch the ends of the tape to each other. Combine different shades of felt fabric to get colorful and in a festive.

New Year's garland for the New Year from paper glasses: original idea

New Year's garland for the New Year from paper glasses
New Year's garland for the New Year from paper glasses

If you have an obsolete New Year's garland and you are already tired of it, you can update it using ordinary paper glasses. To realize this original idea, and make a decoration for the New Year, you will need such accessories:

New Year's garland for the New Year from paper glasses: Materials
New Year's garland for the New Year from paper glasses: Materials

Now follow the following stages:

  • First you need to perform a “clothing” for “plafones” so that they look interesting and festive. Cut one cup, cut the bottom and edge. Put on col. Paper, draw a pencil and cut it out.
  • Make such wrappers as much as you need glasses.
  • Wrap the glasses of the new “clothing” and glue with glue or bilateral tape.
  • On the bottom of each glass, perform sections as shown in the photo above.
  • Insert electric lamps from the old garland into these cuts. Ready.

In order not to cut and not glue the “clothing”, you can buy ready -made glasses in bright color in any store - grocery or for crafts.

Garland from balls for the New Year: a simple idea

Garland from balls for the new year
Garland from balls for the new year

To make such a garland from balls for the New Year, you can use a special device for scrapbooking. He looks like a stapler. If it is not, then use a regular cup or glass. Make circles of various shade and parameter. Thanks to this technique, it will turn out stylishly and beautifully. Here's how to make such a decoration:

  • First cut the templates - circles of various shades and sizes.
  • Take two identical details, pave the thread between them and glue it.
  • Each subsequent ball attach fifteen centimeters from the first, etc.

When one thread with the circles is collected, you can hang in the room. Make the rest of the jewelry and also hang the decor in your place.

House decoration for the New Year with garlands: Bchehevka balls

House decoration for the New Year with garlands
House decoration for the New Year with garlands

Such a garland looks really in a festive one. As if snow lumps are melting right on your Christmas tree. This decoration of the house for the New Year is not difficult to do. If you do not have twine, then you can use the threads of the "ten" (No. 10) or even yarn.

The following materials will be needed:

You will need such materials for balls from twine
You will need such materials for balls from twine

Do the jewelry like this:

  • Inflate balloons. They must be identical.
  • Make them abundantly with vaseline ointment. This is necessary so that the thread does not stick to them.
  • In a bowl, mix the adhesive base, starch and liquid. The mixture should not be thick. You can pour more water. It is important that the twine is well soaked in the mixture.
  • Now soak the thread in this mixture and wrap it evenly on the ball.
Wrap the thread into the balloon
Wrap the thread into the balloon
  • The more you wrap the threads, the denser the ball will be. If you want the light to be visible well through the ball, then do not wash many threads.
  • Leave the balls to dry for 7-8 hours.
  • Then pierce the needle and pull the rubber ball through the hole between the threads.
Pierce the ball with a needle
Pierce the ball with a needle
  • Now insert the bulbs from the garland into the balls.
Insert a bulb from the garland into the ball
Insert a bulb from the garland into the ball

If the ball came out dense, then make small incisions.

Girland on windows: Interesting decoration for the New Year

Garland on the windows
Garland on the windows

To make such a garland on the windows, you will need a cardboard workpiece or thick paper - a cardstock. It can be purchased in a special shop for creativity. Here's how to do this interesting decoration for the New Year:

Prepare such accessories:

Materials for garlands on windows
Materials for garlands on windows

Perform the product like this:

  • First, cut the gray sheets with stripes of 3x10 centimeters.
  • From the remaining paper of a different color scheme, cut the stripes with parameters of 2.5x20 cm. The longer you want to perform the jewelry, the more color and gray stripes you need.
  • Fold the gray tapes with eight-angles and make holes with a hole punch. Through them we will spread the thread.
Make an octagon
Make an octagon
  • Glue the edges of eight-angles.
  • Now we will perform color "lamps". Turn the long strip in half.
  • Keep her by the edges, and press it a little to the hand. When you let go, the strip will be in shape, like a light bulb.
Fold the strips in half and press to your palm
Fold the strips in half and press to your palm
  • At the ends of the strip folded in half, make a hole for the thread with a hole -cutting rod.
  • Now take the thread into the hole of the octagon, then - the future “light bulb”.
Pull the twine
Pull the twine

Do this with all the jewelry. It turned out a garland.

The garland is ready
The garland is ready

Girland for the New Year: how to make a stylish decoration?

Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year

A similar garland for the New Year is made of ordinary beige cardboard. The decoration is colored sparkles. Here's how to make such a stylish decor for the holiday:

The following will need:

Materials for garlands for the new year
Materials for garlands for the new year

Perform the following:

  • First cut the stencil.
Template for garlands
Template for garlands
  • Bend the details on the dotted ones.
Bend the part on the dashed lines
Bend the part of the dashed
  • Small the triangles through one with an adhesive base and sprinkle with sparkles.
Lubricate the part with glue and sprinkle with sparkles
Lubricate the part with glue and sprinkle with sparkles
  • Then smear the semicircular parts with the adhesive base and glue the parts of the garland.
  • Pull the thread through the figures and hang the decor in the room.

If you worry that you will not work through the finished figure to stretch the thread, then do it at the folding stage. First make holes, and then glue it.

Girland for a new year's house: Master class

Girlynda at home for the New Year
Girlynda at home for the New Year

If you live in an individual house, then you can make decor on the walls or door. It will turn out very festive and stylish. Almost every house has cuts of bright fabric or burlap. Use it to create a garland at home for the New Year. Here is a master class:

Spend a piece of fabric in the middle
Spend a piece of fabric in the middle
  • The easiest option is to sew in the middle of a strip of burlap or other fabric and pull the thread.
  • You can cut out different figures from the fabric in 2 details, sew and make a garland, extending the thread.
Sew the details and stretch through the twine
Sew the details and stretch through the twine
  • It will look stylish if you attach the details of the decor to the ribbon with the help of clothespins.
You can simply attach clothespins to the tape
You can simply attach clothespins to the tape

Girlyanda-toy for the New Year: how to do it?

Garland-toy for the new year
Garland-toy for the new year

To perform such a garland, you first need to cut stencils of paper, then transfer them to pieces of felt fabric. Then glue the details or sew, sew the thread and collect the group-toy together. In another article on our website there are many patterns and templates of different felt toys. It has many templates and descriptions-descriptions. How to make such a decor for the New Year now you know. So, prepare materials in the form of different cuts of felt, beads and other decor.

Then cut the stencils of toys from paper, then parts from felt. Sew them, glue the decor and thread to hang the toys on the twine. The garland is ready.

Girland from cones to the New Year: how to do it?

Garland from cones to the New Year
Garland from cones to the New Year

Bills are associated with a new year. Therefore, the garland of them will be appropriate, both in the interior of the house and for decorating on the street. To make such a decor is very simple. Follow the instructions to make it beautiful.

Necessary materials
Necessary materials

You will need such accessories and tools:

Necessary materials
Necessary materials

Make the jewelry according to these stages:

  • Clean the cones from dust and dirt. If necessary, wash them with water and let it dry.
  • If you use the sweaty (expensive material), then you will need a special glue. You can replace it with foil material, which is cheaper and sold in needlework stores.
Lubricate the bump with glue
Lubricate the bump with glue
  • Link cones with glue and put them to dry in a tray from under the eggs.
  • Paint the hooks in the golden color with a spray-painting.
  • Now take the bump and wrap it with completely foil. Then, using a brush, walk on the surface of the foil. In those places where there is no glue, it will crumble.
  • Apply these fallen “rags” of foil to other cones. Where there is glue, it will stick.
Wrap the lump with foil and remove the excess
Wrap the lump with foil and remove the excess
  • This method of gilding makes every detail of decoration more textured. It seems as if golden snow had fallen on cones. Of course, you can use sleep painting, but the effect will be different.
  • When the cones with gilding is slightly dried, they need to be sprayed with a spray-metering.
Screw the hook
Screw the hook
  • Scroll through the hook with pliers.
  • Now string every bump on a rope or tape.
Hang cones on a rope
Hang cones on a rope
  • In order for the jewelry to hold well on the rope, you can fix it with a knot.
  • You can string, starting from the middle and then make alternation in groups of 2-3 and single cones. It will turn out very interesting and stylish.
The garland is ready
The garland is ready

You can attach bows or other jewelry to the rope - to hooks or cones.

Quilling snowflakes: how to decorate with garlands for the New Year?

Snowflakes using Quilling technique
Snowflakes using Quilling technique

To perform snowflakes in the quilling technique, you will need a special line with different holes. With their help, the workpieces will take different shape. So, we decorate the interior with original garlands for the New Year.

Here are the materials that are necessary:

Necessary materials and tools
Necessary materials and tools

Make snowflakes like this:

  • Cut strips 25x3 mm in size.
  • Now you need to wind one paper strip on a toothpick.
  • Gently remove the resulting spiral. So that it does not turn around, glue the end of the strip.
  • Put a spiral in a mold.
Twist the spiral and put in place
Twist the spiral and put in place
  • Make a few spirals of different shapes.
  • Then fold the snowflake and glue the necessary details.

It turned out a beautiful decoration. Make several such snowflakes and collect them in a spectacular garland.

Garland for the New Year: photos of interesting ideas

Above, we presented many different master classes for the manufacture of garlands for the New Year. Also below you will find many photos of interesting ideas for creating stylish jewelry. All of them are simply fulfilled. You can spend a minimum of time and create such a unique beauty:

  • Romantic decoration of Christmas trees made of fabric.
Garland for the New Year: photos of interesting ideas
Garland for the New Year: photos of interesting ideas
  • Previously, at school we made a garland of paper rings.
  • You can make exactly the same, but from fabric.
  • Look how interesting and brightly it looks.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Girlynda from bows. Just tie the felt nodules on the twine - the decoration is ready.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Decoration of cones, walnuts and other natural materials.
  • If you attach cinnamon sticks or vanilla flowers, then such a decor will also issue pleasant smells.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Stylish snowmen from white paper circles.
  • Cut, fold in half and glue in the place of fold.
  • Decorate the garland also snowflakes and bows.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Hearts from colored stripes.
  • Cut three strips of different lengths and glue at the ends.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Cute snowmen in bright vests and scarves.
  • Cut the snowmen according to the template, glue and paint.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Another beautiful garland in Quilling technique.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • Decoration of Christmas trees that simply cut out of paper.
  • First, cut the Christmas tree along the stencil, then make the cuts, without cutting to the end of 3-4 mm.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year
  • More Christmas trees from paper.
  • Cut the strips and put from from a thick wire, shifting between a layer of paper - beads.
  • Then attach such Christmas trees to the rope - the decoration is ready.
Garland for the new year
Garland for the new year

Video: How to make a garland of snowmen for the New Year with your own hands from A4 paper?

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