Cycloferon - instructions for adults and children for the prevention of influenza and flu, acute respiratory viral infections and colds. Is it possible to use cycloferon to pregnant women and at temperatures?

Cycloferon - instructions for adults and children for the prevention of influenza and flu, acute respiratory viral infections and colds. Is it possible to use cycloferon to pregnant women and at temperatures?

Detailed instructions for the use of an antiviral drug with immunostimulating activity - cycloferon. Doses and treatment regimen for children and adults.

Cycloferon is often prescribed by doctors with the aim of immune -correction for preventive and therapeutic purposes for many viral and microbial diseases. We will tell you how to properly use the medicine in children's practice and in adults. Who is contraindicated in the treatment with cycloferon and what complications can be after the use of the medicine.

Cycloferon: Indications for the use of injections, tablets, syrup, a drop in the nose, ointment, candles, inhalations

The human immune system serves as a barrier from many viral and microbial infections
The human immune system serves as a barrier from many viral and microbial infections
  • Cycloferon Refers to the pharmacological group of drugs that are interferon inducers. That is, this medicine stimulates the production of its own interferons in the cellular tissues of the intestines, lungs, spleen, liver.
  • In its turn interferons - Specific proteins of a person that protect the body during the invasion of viruses and many pathogenic organisms.
  • The active acting substance of the cycloferone is the salt of acridonux acid - Meglumin acridonacetate.

How cycloferon acts

  • The medicine effectively suppresses viruses of a variety of nature (various types of influenza, herpes, hepatitis of all types, cytomegalovirus, papillomovirus, human immunodeficiency virus and many others).
  • The drug has an antimicrobial effect on many infections (with pneumonia, bronchitis, neuroinfections, surgical abscesses, urogenital infections, chlamydia).
  • The medicine increases the non -specific stability (resistance) of the human body to viruses and many microorganisms.
  • Cycloferon has an effective interferon -inducing mechanism and contributes to the synthesis of interferon in the body.
  • Cycloferon is able to relieve pain and inflammatory processes for rheumatic and autoimmune diseases of the connective tissues.
Cycloferon blocks viruses and enhances immunity
Cycloferon blocks viruses and enhances immunity
  • The medicine is involved in the formation of the three most important types of immune cells: α-, β-, and γ-interferons.
  • Cycloferon is usually prescribed by immunologists in cases of insufficient and weakened own immunity with complex viral and microbial intoxications.

Important: cycloferon affects viruses in twin: the drug stimulates the production of immune cells and blocks the life support of young viral structures.

Cycloferon In the pharmaceutical market, it is represented by a variety of dosage forms: in the form of tablets of 150 mg, ampoules with a solution (250 mg/2 ml No. 5) and in the form of 5% of the line (liquid ointment). Products are produced by the production of Polisans of the NTFF LLC in the Russian Federation.

Important: cycloferon in the form of syrup, candles, drops or spraying in the nose is not produced at this time. Therefore, if someone offers you a medicine in the form of these dosage forms, most likely is a fake.

Cycloferon solution for \\ c and \\ m administration of 125 mg/ml 2 ml No. 5

Interferon in ampoules
Interferon in ampoules
  • Injection cycloferon is used only according to the doctor’s prescription for intramuscular or intravenous administration.
  • The parenteral use of the drug is indicated for extensive herpes, meningococcal infection, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus and many seriously leaving viral and infectious processes.
  • Injections with cycloferon have a rapid effect on the body. The drug quickly falls directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In bronchial and leakage diseases, inhalation with cycloferon have indications. The medicine combines antiviral and anti -inflammatory properties, so the cycloferone solution copes well with the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
Inhalation with a nebulizer
Inhalation with a nebulizer
  • Inhalations with cycloferon are also used for complications after the flu: bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrhal rhinitis, etc.
  • For inhalations, a special medical device is used - a nebulizer. Such an inhaler is capable of the smallest spraying of the drug and delivering it to the smallest alveoli of the lungs.
  • The specialized dosage form for inhalations with cycloferon is not performed, therefore, for these purposes, an injection solution of drugs in ampoules is used.

Cycloferon tablets covered with an intestinal shell 150 mg No. 10, 20 or 50

Cycloferon: Packaging with pills
Cycloferon: Packaging with pills
  • For preventive purposes and for the treatment of respiratory organs, cycloferon is most often used in the form of tablets. The medicine enters the bloodstream about 30 minutes after taking after passing through the entire digestive tract.
  • At the same time, part of the active component is lost, so the tablet form of cycloferone has less therapeutic activity compared to injection.
  • To strengthen the effect of the pills and deliver the active component of the medicine to the bloodstream as much as possible, the instructions include drinking the medicine on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • To reduce the loss of the medicine, the tablets are covered with a special intestinal composition, which prevents the breakdown of the medicine with gastric juice.
  • In this regard, tablets should be swallowed entirely, without chewing without dividing into separate segments.

Cycloferon liniment 5% vials 5 ml No. 5 or 30 ml in a tube complete with vaginal applicators

Cycloferon in the form of 5% liniment
Cycloferon in the form of 5% liniment

Cycloferon in the form of liquid 5% linification is intended for external purposes.

  • The ointment is applied to bubble herpes rashes several times a day.
  • The medicine is prescribed locally, and is also used in the form of urethral and intravaginal instillations for the treatment of urogenital infections of different nature.
  • In dentistry, liquid ointment is prescribed for chronic periodontitis.
Cycloferon is on guard of immunity
Cycloferon is on guard of immunity

IMPORTANT: unlike other immun models, cycloferon does not contain foreign proteins and is not a drug of modern bioengineering.

As a result, cycloferon does not have such side properties characteristic of artificial proteins: depression, diarrhea, symptomic flu -like states.

From what age can children be for children?

Cycloferon in children's practice
Cycloferon in children's practice

Instructions for the use of cycloferon strictly regulates the use of the drug in children's practice from 4 years of age.

Cycloferon - Instructions for use for children and dosage

Cycloferon is prescribed to children according to the instructions and the instruction of an immunologist. The algorithm for taking the medicine depends on the age of the child, the nature of a viral or microbial disease, the severity and timing of the disease.

Dosage of cycloferon tablets for children

  • Children from 4 years old to 7 years old-1 tablet per day (150 mg).
  • Children from 7 years to 11 years old - 2 tablets per day per appointment (2x150 mg), only 300 mg.
  • Children from 12 years old and older - 3 tablets per day per dose (3x150 mg), only 450 mg.

Another course of treatment is possible after 2-3 weeks according to medical indication.

The course of treatment with cycloferon is prescribed by a doctor
The course of treatment with cycloferon is prescribed by a doctor

Treatment of herpetic infection, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, all forms of hepatitis, acute intestinal and HIV infections are taking place according to the basic cycloferon intake schemes of taking by days, which must be strictly adhered to.

How to use an injection solution of cycloferon to children?

  • Complex viral pathologies require parenteral administration of the drug intramuscularly or intravenously. Cycloferon is introduced to children once a day in a dosage of 6-10 mg/kg of body weight.
  • Different viral diseases have their basic destination schemes, which must be strictly observed. The course of treatment in the form of injections is determined by the doctor.

Cycloferon - Instructions for adults and dosage

Cycloferon dosages for adults differ from children's doses
Cycloferon dosages for adults differ from children's doses

Doses and course of treatment with cycloferon in adult tablets depend on the diagnosis of viral infection and the severity of the disease. The drug is prescribed once a day at the required dose.

How to take cycloferon in adult tablets?

  • Intestinal infections - 2 tablets per reception (2x150 mg), only 300 mg.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis types B and C, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, neuroinfections, HIV infection, herpetic infection-4 tablets for reception (4x150 mg), only 600 mg.

In this case, the basic treatment regimen and the course of taking a cycloferon for each disease are established.

Parenteral use of cycloferon for adults

  • Cycloferon is administered to adults in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections according to the type of viral infection, the severity of the disease and certain basic schemes.
  • Instructions for use recommends parenteral administration of the drug once a day of 250 m-500 mg, depending on the diagnosis. The course of treatment and the basic diagram of the administration of the medicine are determined by the attending physician.

Treatment courses for parenteral administration of cycloferon with different diseases

  • neuroinfection-250-500 mg (12 injections)
  • herpetic, chlamydial and cytomegalovirus infections of 250 mg (10 injections), 2.5 g per course
  • sharp viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed types - 500 mg (10 injections), 5.0 g per course
  • HIV infection-500 mg (10 injections), 5.0 g per course

How often to take cycloferon for the prevention of adults and children for a long time?

Interferon is prescribed to enhance immunity for many diseases and for preventive purposes
Interferon is prescribed to enhance immunity for many diseases and for preventive purposes

For preventive purposes, cycloferon is prescribed in cases of direct contact of a sick person with healthy people and the threat of intoxication.

The drug is used only when the disease poses a serious threat to human life with weak immunity. Such diseases are:

  • viral hepatitis of all varieties
  • viral influenza infections
  • viral herpes
  • cytomegalovirus
  • enterovirus
  • chlamydial infection
  • neuroinfection (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • wind Ospop in adults
How to protect yourself from influenza
How to protect yourself from influenza
  • Cycloferon quickly penetrates any biological fluids and lingers there. Most of all, the drug is in lymphoid tissue (up to 72 hours). It is here that the development of their own interferons takes place.
  • In the bloodstream, cycloferon spreads and delays to a less long period of time - up to 48 hours.
  • Given these factors, the recommended intake of cycloferon is determined according to the scheme: 1 time in two days. The drug should be taken or injected at the same time to provide a constant therapeutic amount of medicine in the bloodstream. The success of curing depends on this.

Important: you should strictly adhere to the chosen treatment scheme for an immunologist. The slightest deviations from the selected treatment standards can affect the course of the disease in a negative direction.

How often and for a long time to take cycloferon to adults and children with colds and influenza?

Prevention of influenza pills
Prevention of influenza pills
  • The effect of cycloferon on viruses in the first hours of intoxication is especially effective. During this period, the synthesis of viral DNA blocks almost completely the medicine.
  • The later the beginning of treatment with cycloferon, the effectiveness of the drug on the viruses slows down. We have to deal not only with new viruses, but also to resist the old.
  • Therefore, with later prescriptions of the drug, treatment can be delayed for an indefinite time.

Important: Cycloferon is a powerful antiviral drug, which inhibits the reproduction of the virus, especially in the early stages of the disease (the first 1-2 days).

Cycloferon reception scheme for influenza and SARS
Cycloferon reception scheme for influenza and SARS
  • During the treatment of SARS and flu Instructions for the use of cycloferon recommends a working scheme for taking tablets for adults and children according to the age dosage: on the 1st, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days in the first hours of the disease. The course of treatment is 20 tablets with a dosage of 150 mg.
  • In severe cases of influenza viral infection, it is allowed to immediately take 6 tablets of cycloferon once a day.
  • With concomitant high temperature, muscle pain, inflammation of the nasopharynx, complications from the broncho-Legal paths, a combination of cycloferon with other medicines is possible: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, expectorant, painkillers.

Is it possible to take cycloferon for prevention every day?

Cycloferon is used according to the prescription of the attending physician
Cycloferon is used according to the prescription of the attending physician

The intake of cycloferon for preventive and therapeutic purposes should be carried out strictly according to the recommended basic diagrams of medication. It is not recommended to use the drug in therapeutic doses daily. Let us explain why.

  • Cycloferon is delayed in biological fluids for a certain time and creates the necessary depot of active substance for this period of time.
  • The lymphoid tissue, on which the effect of cycloferone is directed and where natural interferons are produced, should periodically “rest”.
  • You should also remove the load from the liver and kidneys that suffer under the influence of cycloferon. The drug is independently excreted by the excretory system through the kidneys for 24 hours.

Can cycloferon be pregnant?

Pregnant and cycloferon
Pregnant and cycloferon

Instructions for the use of cycloferon strictly stipulates that pregnant And breastfeeding women are not recommended for treatment with the drug due to the toxic effects of the drug on the fetus and the children's body.

How to use cycloferon at temperatures?

Cycloferon is important to use in the first hours and a day from the onset of the disease even at high temperatures. Moreover, let's say an integrated approach to the treatment of influenza using antipyretic agents at a temperature above 38.5 °.

How to use cycloferon for chickenpox, herpes?

Cycloferon - smart medicine
Cycloferon - smart medicine
  • In nature, 8 types of herpesviruses are known, causing some specific viral infections with characteristic symptoms. Herpes can manifest itself not only in the form of bubbles with liquid contents on the mucous membrane of the lips, eyes, genitals, as well as cause a childhood disease as chickenpox or chickenpox.
  • According to WHO, almost all people (90%) are carriers of herpesviruses. When this virus enters the human body, it remains in it forever. When herpesvirus “sleeps”, it does not cause a danger to human health, as it is suppressed by our immune system.
  • As soon as our immunity fails and weakens, the herpes virus can manifest itself in all its glory and manifest itself in the form of a cold on the mucous membranes.
  • To increase the operation of the immune system and to suppress the virus, doctors prescribe treatment courses by cycloferon using basic diagrams of taking the drug.
  • Two hours after the start of treatment with Cycloferon, the patient begins the synthesis of his own interferons, which resist the viral infection.
  • The basic diagram of taking a cycloferon in the tablets is given below in dosages corresponding to this disease and age.
Herpes treatment scheme
Herpes treatment scheme
  • With chickenpox in adults and herpes of the mucous membranes, cycloferon is additionally prescribed in the form of 5% linification for local use. Suns are lubricated with watery bubbles 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.
  • Thanks to the structure of the ointment, the active component of the drug quickly penetrates the skin epidermis and effectively begins to work on recovery.

Analogs and substitutes of cycloferon

Analogs of cycloferon
Analogs of cycloferon

Cycloferon, like its analogues, refers to interferogenes, substances that stimulate the production of interferons natural for the human body.

Cycloferon refers to expensive drugs, so sometimes you have to make a choice in the direction of cheaper analogues and substitutes for the medicine. We will call the most common drugs with antiviral and immunomodulating activity.

Analogs and substitutes of cycloferon

Echinacea Tincture 25, 40, 50, or 100 ml - the cheapest immunostimulator of plant origin.

Anaferon Resorption tablets for children and adults - a homeopathic drug that activates antiviral immunity.

Amiksin Tablets covered with a film shell in a dosage of 60 and 125 mg for children and adults. Contains the active substance - Tiloron. Tablets are used as an antiviral drug and an interferon synthesis inductor.

Arbidol Tablets covered with a film shell in a dosage of 50 and 100 mg for children and adults with an active substance - umifenovir. Tablets are used as an antiviral and immunostimulating agent.

Galavit In the form of sublingual tablets 25 mg, suppositories and powder 100 mg for preparing a solution for injection. The active component of the drug is sodium aminodihydhydhydrophtalazindion. The medicine is an immunomodulator and anti -inflammatory drug. It is used to treat viral infections in adults and children over 12 years old.

Cycloferon substitutes
Cycloferon substitutes

Lavomax Tablets covered with a shell in a dosage of 125 mg with a active substance - Tiloron. The medicine has an antiviral effect and is also used as an interferon production stimulator. Tablets are prescribed for treatment and prevention of viral infections In adults and adolescents after 18 years.

Ingavirin Capsules with a dosage of 30, 60 and 90 mg. Contains an active acting substance - imidazoliemidamide of pentary acid. It has antiviral effectiveness and is also used as an immunostimulating agent in children (from 7 to 17 years old) and in adults.

Oscillococcinum - French homeopathic drug used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections of mild and moderate severity.

Is it possible to take cycloferon with antibiotics and combine with alcohol?

Modern treatment standards imply in some cases the joint use of antibiotics and cycloferon
Modern treatment standards imply in some cases the joint use of antibiotics and cycloferon
  • In some bacterial infections, treatment standards prescribe the simultaneous prescription of cycloferon with antibiotics. It should be remembered that such a comprehensive use of drugs should take place as prescribed by a doctor and not have an independent decision.
  • It is recommended to understand that cycloferon is not an antibiotic drug and is not able to overcome a bacterial infection and completely replace antibiotic therapy.
  • Instructions for the use of the drug states that the joint use of antibiotics with cycloferon is potentced to the mutual effect of drugs.
  • Doctors categorically against the use of alcoholic beverages in the drug treatment of viral and microbial infections. As a rule, alcohol is not compatible with drugs.
  • And although the instructions are not directly said about this, Cycloferon is also no exception. The negative effect on the kidneys and the liver of medicine can appear even more when drinking alcohol. So it is better to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages during treatment with cycloferon.

Contraindications and side effects of cycloferon

Cycloferon has contraindications
Cycloferon has contraindications

Despite the high immunological and antiviral effectiveness, the drug Cycloferon has a number of contraindications and side effects.

  • Toxicity for the fetus and child's body is a serious contraindication when using a cycloferon by children up to 4 years, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys are the basis for contraindications in the appointment of cycloferon.
  • Thyroid diseases can provoke undesirable reactions when using a cycloferone and require treatment under the control of an endocrinologist.
  • 5% cycloferon liniment is contraindicated for children and adolescents who have not reached the age of 18 due to the lack of clinical observations and tests.

Important: cycloferon can cause allergic manifestations in the form of redness, itching, rash, edema at the place of injection of the drug. People prone to allergic manifestations should take into account this fact and inform the doctor.

Cycloferon - reviews

Prevention of colds is the main way not to get sick
Prevention of colds is the main way to not get sick

According to numerous reviews on the use of cycloferon, the following conclusions can be drawn.

  • Cycloferon works much more effective in the first hours of infection infection.
  • A cycloferon must be prescribed by an immunologist, according to the disease, the severity of his course and age. You should also strictly refer to the prescribed scheme for taking cycloferon and follow it.
  • It is not recommended to independently treat antibiotics in combination with cycloferon. Only a doctor should make such appointments. In addition, viruses are resistant to antibiotics, and simultaneous use with cycloferon can hide the real picture of the disease.

Frequent colds: runny nose, sore throat, cough, fatigue and apathy often haunt us in the autumn-winter period. The body painfully reacts to the lack of sunlight, fresh vegetables and fruits, and physical activity.

Rules for strengthening immunity
Rules for strengthening immunity

To increase your immunity, it is not necessary to use medicinal immunomodulators, it is much easier and pleasant to follow our tips.

Very simple rules of life: how not to get sick?

  • The habit of eating varied, fully and balancedly strengthen the body and immunity.
  • Follow your weight and do not overeat! Increase the amount of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables in the diet. Remember, if you eat only one apple 15 minutes before the main meal, then the body will learn 200 calories less.
  • Live in harmony with yourself and nature. Build plans, fantasize. Wake up and fall asleep with a smile - a stable and balanced nervous system walks in the leg with the immune.
  • You can strengthen immunity with the help of drugs. But, it is important to remember, a decisive word in the correct choice of an immunity, dosage and an algorithm for its use, should remain with an immunologist. Self -medication can harm your health.

All about cycloferon, video

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Comments K. article

  1. She took a cycloferon as prescribed by a doctor, strictly according to a confused scheme, but did not see from any side of his action. Neither Herpes passed, nor colds have decreased, why prescribed what he gave me - it is incomprehensible. It is not for nothing that they do not recognize any antivirals abroad, and those who migrated to our pharmacy from veterinary are all the more double doubt. Ineffectiveness checked on itself.

  2. Thanks for the useful article, now it has become even more clear how Cycloferon acts! I saw his effectiveness on personal experience. I accept with a cold and give my son (5 years). We recover much faster with him. As it is correctly written, you need to take it right away, at the initial stage of the disease. And the fact that he came from veterinary medicine once again proves its effectiveness. The quality indicator is that he successfully passed the tests, including animals. The reception scheme is simple and comfortable - you drink 4 tablets in the morning and that’s it. Then on the trail. Day, every other day and so on. I always keep this drug in a home medicine cabinet. In the fall, during the flu, only he helps me out. But the whole family is healthy and happy!

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