Is it possible to vaccinate from influenza for children, pregnant women, nursing women, with a runny nose, cough, sick, cancer patients? Is it possible to refuse flu vaccination?

Is it possible to vaccinate from influenza for children, pregnant women, nursing women, with a runny nose, cough, sick, cancer patients? Is it possible to refuse flu vaccination?

Find out in an article who can be vaccinated against influenza, and to whom it is undesirable. Also read information about where such vaccinations are made for free.

During the cold period, there is a high probability of catching a disease that is dangerous with its complications - flu. In order not to get sick, doctors recommend vaccination against this disease. After all, the course of this disease occurs in everyone else.

One patient is enough for seven to ten days for a complete recovery, and the other is not enough for the other. In addition, flu is dangerous for its complications. There are many different opinions about the benefits of vaccination. Next, we learn, details about flu vaccinations.

Where can you make a free and paid flu vaccine?

The flu vaccination can be both free and paid. Free vaccinations are laid for these categories of citizens:

  • Older people over 60 years old
  • Preschoolers and schoolchildren
  • Medical workers
  • Teachers
Free flu vaccinations for children
Free flu vaccinations for children

IMPORTANT: Free flu vaccination is usually carried out in the clinic at the place of residence. Many more enterprises purchase such vaccinations to their employees and make them in vain.

A paid flu vaccination can be done in any clinic. The main thing is that the patient does not have an allergenic reaction to chicken protein. The protective action will begin in one to two weeks and will last a whole year.

Is it possible to vaccinate from influenza for children?

People with chronic pathologies, weakened immunity and children are most affected by this virus. Kids are especially susceptible to the disease due to the fact that they have not yet endured many forms of this ailment. And if the child goes to school or kindergarten, then it is enough to get one and the infection will spread to everyone. That is why it is recommended to vaccinate to children.

Do you need to vaccinate kids?
Do you need to vaccinate kids?

It is children who should be injected from influenza, because they are difficult to tolerate influenza infection. Thanks to her, your child will not hurt the flu with a strain of influenza in this period, or transfer him to a mild form.

IMPORTANT: Before the injection, the doctor must establish if the baby has an allergy to vaccination, and evaluate the child’s health status.

Is it possible to be a feeding flu vaccine?

If mommy does not have pathologies of the heart, lungs, liver, circulatory system, then vaccination should be abandoned. Although vaccination is considered safe for mothers who feed the baby breast.

Injections from influenza for nursing mothers
Injections from influenza for nursing mothers

Can you get pregnant with influenza vaccination?

The future woman in labor, before making an injection, should consult your doctor and evaluate benefits and vaccination disadvantages.

According to experts:

  • Vaccines are thoroughly controlled and do not have, practically, harmful effects on the mother’s body or the body of the embryo.
  • If the future woman in labor is vaccinated, then it will develop antibodies to this form of infection. Then, through the placenta, they penetrate the fruit and the baby will also have immunity to this flu strain.
  • Influenza during pregnancy carries a great danger. Moreover, not only mommy can suffer from the consequences, but also the baby.
  • Vaccination from this disease is required for expectant mothers: with diseases of the heart, nervous system, diabetes, lungs, kidneys, liver.
Should I injure the influenza during the epidemic?
Should I injure the influenza during the epidemic?

The disadvantages of the vaccine:

  • After injection, complications are possible.
  • Vaccination does not give 100% confidence that you will not get sick.
  • Influenza from influenza is a medicine. And this medicine has contraindications that can negatively affect the further development of the fetus.

Is it possible to get a flu vaccination with coughing, runny nose or when are you?

If you feel malaise, then it is best to postpone the vaccine.
And increasing body temperature is a contraindication to vaccination.

Do I need to injure the influenza with signs of colds?
Do I need to injure the influenza with signs of colds?

Can I get a flu vaccine after surgery?

After surgery, it is better to refuse vaccination. After vaccination, there is the possibility of a mild degree of influenza infection with malaise and headaches. And for patients who underwent surgery, such consequences are undesirable.

Vaccination after surgery
Vaccination after surgery

Can you get the flu vaccination with cancer patients?

If chemotherapy does not undergo oncomal in this period, and it has no contraindications for vaccination, then the vaccination to the patient will not harm the patient. In addition, such patients need injection so as not to get a severe form of influenza.

If you get a flu vaccine, is it possible to get infected and get sick from it?

If the patient has weakened the immune system, then a person can get sick after vaccination. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some patients endure a slight malaise, others suffer for several days without complications.

After the flu vaccine, a feeling of malaise
After the flu vaccine, a feeling of malaise

Can I take antiviral after vaccination against influenza?

Antiviral drugs are needed only during the period of flu epidemics, against the reproduction of the virus in the human body. In all other cases, they are not effective.

Injections from influenza are the following types:

  1. Inactivated (with a murdered virus)
  2. Living (with a weakened virus)
The effects of antiviral on immunity after vaccination against influenza
The effects of antiviral on immunity after vaccination against influenza
  • If you take antiviral drugs after injection of the vaccine from flu C dead virus, then your immunity will also act practically 12 months Against the virus of this flu strain. And the use of the antiviral drug will not bring any harm or benefit.
  • And in the second case, antiviral drugs will prevent your immune system from producing immunity against influenza infection. And the duration of the effect of vaccination will be significantly reduced.

Is it possible to wet a flu vaccine and when you can swim after it, go to the bathhouse, pool?

Medical experts do not recommend swimming and getting vaccinated for one day. Then you can safely visit the pool, swim in the bathroom and go to the bathhouse with normal well -being.

The flu vaccination. When can I swim?
The flu vaccination. When can I swim?

Influenza from influenza: can you drink alcohol?

Alcohol negatively affects the human immune system. Therefore, doctors advise to refrain from using strong drinks for two weeks after vaccination during the formation of immunity against the influenza virus.

Are alcohol and flu vaccination compatible?
Are alcohol and flu vaccination compatible?

After vaccination from influenza, is it possible to play sports?

Physical activity is useful for a healthy organism, and they strengthen immunity. You can play sports after injection, of course, only in a sparing mode. Doctors warn that on the next day after vaccination there may be a feeling of weakness. If you are slightly unwell, postpone the workout the next day.

Playing sports after injection against influenza
Playing sports after injection against influenza

Influenza from influenza: how much can you get pregnant?

If you are planning a pregnancy, then refuse vaccination with a nasal spray. Other forms of flu vaccinations are not prohibited. It is better to conceive the baby 15-20 days after the injection.

When to plan a pregnancy after injection from influenza?
When to plan a pregnancy after injection from influenza?

Can you refuse flu vaccination?

Any citizen has the right to refuse vaccination against influenza. If you do not want a child at a school or kindergarten to be vaccinated, then you have the right to abandon it. To do this, fill out the written form of the application in the institution where your son or daughter is located. In addition, make sure that the application is with the signature of the person who accepted the document, and he is registered in the book. Here you can download: Refusal of flu vaccination

Refusal of vaccination
Refusal of vaccination

Video: flu vaccination

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