Can pregnant women fly by plane? Flight of pregnant women on an airplane: Rules

Can pregnant women fly by plane? Flight of pregnant women on an airplane: Rules

Rules and recommendations for the flight of pregnant women. Possible risks, at what periods of pregnancy can I make air travel?

Is a pregnant woman in the plane flights in the right to deny herself? Can this affect the health of the baby? What are the warnings and rules for moving in aircraft for expectant mothers? Let's try to figure it out.

Are pregnant women on the plane, do you need a certificate?

  • Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of a future mother. All women undergo significant changes in their body.
  • Hormonal restructuring and literally weekly changes in the female body are associated with the established work of all organs for bearing the baby and prosperous births at the appointed time.
  • Can air travel somehow affect the well-being of the future mother and her baby? Indeed, often during pregnancy, a woman has to choose between all types of movement, often preferring an air flight.
Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman's life
Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman's life

Movement in aircraft is not always comfortable tolerated by some categories of people of different ages. It is all the more difficult to assume how the woman’s body will react in an “interesting position” to movement in the airspace.

Important: pregnant women can fly on airplanes in the event of a normal leakage of the pregnancy scenario, well -being and resolution of the doctor on the eve of the upcoming flight.

According to the rules of many airlines on board the aircraft, pregnant women are allowed if there is a medical certificate about the health status of the future mother at the moment and the gestational age.

When registering for a flight, pregnant women may require a medical certificate
When registering for a flight, pregnant women may require a medical certificate
  • Rules often stipulate the deadlines in which pregnant women may not be allowed on a plane when registering without an appropriate document.
  • And if you do not fit in the permit for the flight and do not have a medical confirmation, you may not be allowed to be flight.
  • Therefore, before the flight, you should find out in advance from air carriers that implement tickets, whether a medical document is needed for the flight of pregnant women and at what time.
Air transformations require a medical certificate from about 28 weeks of pregnancy
Air transformations require a medical certificate from about 28 weeks of pregnancy

Each airline has its own requirements and rules. Typically, a medical certificate about the condition of the woman is required, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, which the doctor prescribes no later than 7 days before the flight.

On the sites of air carriers, you can find examples of paperwork that a pregnant woman should take with you.

Important: you should know that for women with bicompass or multiple pregnancy there are more stringent rules and requirements for flights. Future mothers expecting more than one child are more susceptible to various risk factors when moving in aircraft.

Pregnant women do not always tolerate flights well
Pregnant women do not always tolerate flights well

Rules for pregnant women on an airplane

To feel comfortable during the flight, pregnant Some recommendations should be followed.

  • Before the flight, analyze your condition. If you experience excitement and fear, it is good on the eve of the flight to contact your gynecologist for advice. The appointment of homeopathic drugs will help reduce the stressful situation and most importantly, taking such drugs will not affect the health of the future mother and her baby.
  • If you are at such a period of pregnancy that the tummy is already visible, be prepared that when registering you may require a medical certificate of pregnancy and its course. Therefore, find out in advance which medical document should be provided by the carrier-carrier and draw it up on the eve of the flight.
Pregnant women should fly accompanied by native people
Pregnant women should fly accompanied by native people
  • The expectant mother is desirable to fly accompanied by a loved one. A pregnant woman will be calmer in flight, and in case of unforeseen complications, she will be able to rely on her accompanying person.
  • When buying a ticket, choose a convenient and spacious place, preferably not far near the toilet room. Choose places in a comfort or business class with an enlarged space between the seats.
  • Take warm clothes and a comfortable pillow to maintain the cervical spine in the aircraft salon. It is advisable to have a small pillow for the lower back. Thus, the load on the back will decrease and it will be less tired of the seat.
  • Take a bottle of thermal water to spray the face in the cabin.
  • For safety reasons, do not forget to capture the safety mask from a viral infection.
During the flight, swelling of the legs may occur
During the flight, swelling of the legs may occur
  • During the flight, you should periodically bend and unbend your knees in order to avoid swelling of the legs. If possible, walk around the cabin. For a flight, use comfortable shoes that can be easily removed for your feet.
  • Do not forget about compression linen. Before the flight, put on suitable stockings, golfs, tights with the desired degree of compression. This will help reduce the risk of thrombosis and prevent swelling of the legs during a trip.
  • Choose clothes in which you are comfortable on the road. It should be made of natural fabrics and not constrain movements.
  • Try to use mineral non -carbonated water during the flight, so you will protect yourself from dehydration.
  • The safety belt should be fastened under the stomach at the level of the hips, and not in the center of the abdomen. In the case of an air hole, you can protect your stomach from random injuries.
  • You should not move aircraft often. Pregnant women are recommended at least a weekly adaptation in a new place after the flight.
  • At the slightest deterioration in the plane, you should seek help from the stewardess. Feel free, you will not be left in trouble and will always help.

Is it dangerous for pregnant women to fly by plane?

Pregnant women can not always use air transport
Pregnant women can not always use air transport
  • Good health, lack of complications and various pathologies during pregnancy are the main criteria for air travel.
  • It should be caused by air movements in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. The most favorable period for this type of movement is the second trimester.
  • But there are a number of medical complications that forbid the air flight to expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

Contraindications in which pregnant women cannot fly by plane

  • anemia
  • pregnancy with artificial fertilization
  • multiple pregnancy
  • placental abnormalities
  • preeclampsia
  • thrombophlebitis
  • hypertonus of the uterus
  • toxicosis associated with frequent vomiting
  • late complicated toxicosis
  • chronic heart and pulmonary diseases
  • inflammatory processes of paranasal hollows, chronic rhinitis and ear diseases
  • allergic manifestations
  • colds
  • increased blood pressure
  • swelling

Can pregnant women fly on an airplane in the early stages, in the first trimester?

I trimester of pregnancy is undesirable for flights
I trimester of pregnancy is undesirable for flights
  • Many women experience uncomfortable states at different stages of pregnancy. This is especially felt by women in the first weeks of an “interesting situation”.
  • Malaise in the form of fatigue, irritability, tearfulness, nausea, etc. Almost all pregnant women experience. Therefore, the air flight can provoke and strengthen these symptoms.
  • Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women fly with airplanes in the early stages of pregnancy. The first trimester is often accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus, and therefore the risk for miscarriage increases.
  • The uterine hypertonicity can be caused by a pressure drop when taking up and planting the aircraft, this factor should be taken into account by pregnant women who have already encountered such a complication.

Is it possible to fly to pregnant women in the second trimester?

The second trimester of pregnancy is the best period for flights
The second trimester of pregnancy is the best period for flights
  • The second trimester of pregnancy (14-27 weeks) is considered the most favorable period for flights. During this period, a woman gets used to her state of pregnancy.
  • The abdomen has not yet reached large sizes, by this time, as a rule, the initial toxicosis in the form of nausea and vomiting, weakness and unstable mood passes.
  • Therefore, movement on the aircraft is much better tolerated at this gestational age. Future mothers relatively safely endure short flights at 3-4 hours at this stage.

Important: a pregnant woman should pat on the documents on the eve of the air transmission: a certificate from a doctor, an insurance policy and a phone number of a local maternity hospital and ambulance.

Is the flight of pregnant women on a plane in the late stages possible?

Late pregnancy is undesirable for travel
Late pregnancy is undesirable for travel
  • Traveling by air in the last weeks of pregnancy is undesirable and should be abandoned if possible.
  • This period is often accompanied by edema, high pressure, excessive fatigue. Late toxicosis may also occur in the third trimester.
  • Therefore, doctors recommend refraining from flights during this period. In addition, noise, shaking, stuffy and dry air in the cabin of the aircraft, excess excitement and tension can add additional discomfort and adversely affect well -being.
  • At 30-33 weeks of pregnancy, most airlines refuse to flight to pregnant women, as there is a risk of premature birth and complications at the birth of a child and the health of the mother.

Until what month, until how many weeks of pregnancy can you fly by plane?

Late months of pregnancy are a contraindication for air flights
Late months of pregnancy are a contraindication for air flights
  • If you decide to make air movement, try to find out in advance from the selected airline the rules of the flight for pregnant women.
  • Typically, air carriers can refuse the flight of a pregnant woman, whose pregnancy period exceeds 34 weeks with a single pregnancy and 32 weeks with multiple.
  • If a woman is in the last 4 weeks before childbirth, most airlines require a written resolution of a doctor to a flight with confirmation that pregnancy takes place without complications and pathologies. The term of pregnancy and the approximate date of childbirth are indicated.
  • Any discrepancy with the standards of registration of medical documents may serve as a reason for refusing an air travel pregnant woman.

What to do if a pregnant woman is sick on an airplane?

Food on the plane
Food on the plane

Nausea, and often vomiting often accompany a pregnant woman, especially at the early stage of pregnancy. It is possible that on the plane, nausea attacks can cause great discomfort to the expectant mother.

We give several recommendations that will help to avoid or significantly reduce the manifestation kinetosis During the flight.

  • You should not have breakfast or lunch tightly before the flight. A day before the trip, you should sit on a light diet.
  • If the rules of the airline allow, take the usual home food with you on the road. In flight, ask the stewardess to warm up your lunch in the microwave. Otherwise, use the diet menu, which, as a rule, have all airlines on board their aircraft.
  • At the first signs of ailment, try to focus your gaze in a straight line at one point. At the same time, breathe deeply with your mouth.
Set of products on an airplane
Set of products on an airplane
  • A slight dizziness will help remove a small cup of coffee. But it should be remembered that in your position only one dose of caffeine is acceptable, since it is able to greatly dehydrate the body.
  • It is best to tune in to good thoughts, calm down and not indulge in anxiety. Pour the magazine, listen to calm music, and best of all - relax and try to doze off. Just do not take sleeping pills during the flight. This can negatively affect your well -being and health of the baby.

Pregnant about the plane: reviews

Reviews about flights in pregnant women are diverse
Reviews about flights in pregnant women are diverse

Reviews about the flight in the plane of pregnant women are the most diverse.

  • Most expectant mothers normally suffered a flight, which did not affect further pregnancy. This concerned women who are approximately in the second trimester of pregnancy and tolerate their condition well.
  • Some women deliberately refused flights, as they were afraid for the inability to predict how they could transfer the flight. Many preferred trips in railway or road transport.
  • A small percentage of women negatively speaks of their sensations during the flight and would not want to experience such sensations again.
  • Many pregnant women believe that it is still better to refrain from flights and trips in the early and late pregnancy, it is better to postpone travel until better times after the birth of the baby. And when registering tourist tours, do not forget to draw up an insurance policy.

Airlines for pregnant women, video

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