Is there a strawberry to pregnant women, will there be allergies? The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy: vitamins in strawberries for pregnant women

Is there a strawberry to pregnant women, will there be allergies? The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy: vitamins in strawberries for pregnant women

The benefits and harm of strawberries during pregnancy. Is it possible to use strawberries to pregnant women?

Everyone loves strawberries: from small to great. A pleasant aroma, extraordinary taste and beauty of berries attract lovers of this delicacy. The benefits of strawberries are undeniable, but is “juicy vitamin” so safe for everyone? What pitfalls can be found during the strawberry season? Can pregnant women enjoy the berry? We will set out all the pros and cons of this article.

Can pregnant women have strawberries?

The period of pregnancy is very important for the future mother. You should adhere to proper and balanced diet, which will favorably affect the health of the baby, and the pregnancy itself is easier to endure.

Nutrition of pregnant women
Nutrition of pregnant women
  • In the season of berries, fruits and fresh vegetables, many women waiting for a baby stubbornly “lean” on natural vitamins. However, when using an uncontrolled amount of delicious fruits, pregnant often encounter allergic reactions and other undesirable manifestations in well -being
  • Strawberries are one of these products, use that is unsafe for the health of a pregnant woman. There is no unequivocal answer to the question: "Can pregnant women have strawberries?"
  • It all depends on the individual intolerance of the berry and how the pregnancy passes. If before the woman did not have any allergic manifestations, then a small portion of berries will not cause harm, but only enrich the body of the future mother with vitamins

The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy

  • A huge storehouse of vitamins, mineral salts and other nutrients is contained in aromatic berry - strawberries. They say that during the season it is necessary to eat a bucket of strawberries to update blood
  • So this is either a myth, but folic acid strawberries actively affects the process of hematopoiesis and increases hemoglobin. The positive effect of folic acid on the nervous system has been proved
  • Pectins and a large amount of fiber affect metabolism, eliminate constipation and slagging of the body. Strawberries helps to normalize weight and helps remove extra pounds
  • The use of berries increases immunity, eliminates vitamin deficiency, levels blood pressure and removes excess fluid
  • Strawberries stimulates appetite and improves sleep
Strawberries contain a huge arsenal of vitamins
Strawberries contain a huge arsenal of vitamins

Vitamins in strawberries for pregnant women

  • Red juicy berries strawberries Very tasty and healthy. According to the content of ascorbic acid, strawberries are leading among many berries and fruits. So strawberries are inferior only to black currant in terms of vitamin C. And in five strawberry berries it contains as much as in large orange
  • B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system, eliminate stress and anxious state
  • Rutin strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity
  • Calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, present in the berry are the necessary elements for laying the vital organs of the child
Strawberries can provoke an exacerbation of many diseases in pregnant women
Strawberries can provoke an exacerbation of many diseases in pregnant women

Why can't strawberries with pregnant women?

  • Pregnant women are characterized by a change in taste preferences and craving for something tasty. Almost every future mother wants strawberries at all stages of pregnancy
  • Strawberries tend to cause allergic manifestations during pregnancy. In addition, the berry can cause increased uterine tone, which can even provoke a miscarriage
  • Strawberry berries contain oxalic acid capable of binding calcium necessary for the formation of bone tissue of the crumbs. Calcium compounds with oxalic acid - oxalates can provoke an exacerbation of urolithiasis, or aggravate the process of caries
  • Strawberries can cause an exacerbation of diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Why should strawberries be limited during pregnancy, video

Allergic reaction to strawberries
Allergic reaction to strawberries

Strawberry allergies during pregnancy

  • Strawberries leads in the top among all berries that can cause allergies. There is an opinion that red strawberry pigment provokes an allergic reaction. Even a small amount of strawberries can cause an itching rash and more serious dermatological processes
  • Doctors recommend: when pregnancy, you should protect yourself as much as possible from the use of fresh strawberry berries, and if you tend to food allergies and if there are allergies in the family, it is necessary to completely remove strawberries from the diet. Strawberries, as a strong allergen, tend to convey the intolerance reaction of the product genetically
  • The risk of allergies that has not yet been born a baby is very high. This threatens the manifestations of diathesis immediately after the birth of a child in the form of itchy red spots on the body and face, as well as wet crusts on the head

Important: an allergic reaction in the form of itching and redness can appear during pregnancy even in women who have not previously responded to strawberries.

Not born babies prone to the manifestation of allergic reactions
Not born babies are prone to manifest allergic reactions if mother was enjoyed during pregnancy strawberries

Strawberries during pregnancy in the late stages, in 3 trimester

Pregnancy is a condition that requires special attention to nutrition at all terms, especially in later ones. Gynecologists strongly recommend not consuming strawberries after 22 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the baby’s immune system reacts most acutely to different allergens.

Important: in the last periods of pregnancy, strawberries from the diet should be excluded, replacing it with delicious and healthy berries and fruits, allowed doctors to nutrition of pregnant women: apples, kiwi, pears, pears, blueberries, blueberries, dried fruits.

Frozen strawberries
Frozen strawberries

Frozen strawberries during pregnancy

You can extend strawberries in winter, having previously frozen, your favorite berry in the freezer. This follows:

  1. sort out strawberries, selecting berries for freezing without damage
  2. gently rinse the berries in several waters and dry on the fabric
  3. remove green stipes
  4. put the berries on the tray and freeze in the "quick freezing" mode
  5. lay frozen berries according to portions in packages or plastic containers. Back in the freezer

This technique is good in that the berries do not stick together when freezing, but freeze in a separate berry. This makes it possible to use the right amount of strawberries without defrosting a whole portion.

Mask with strawberries
Mask with strawberries that a pregnant woman can afford

And finally, we will give some recommendations on how to properly use strawberries to women in an interesting position.

  1. There is no total ban on a treat of strawberries during pregnancy. There is individual intolerance to the berry and an allergic predisposition. You should listen to your body, know the measure in the use of a delicious berry and monitor the reaction of your body
  2. It is better to enjoy strawberries from their own beds, where there is confidence that the berries are grown without harmful chemistry. Do not buy strawberries in supermarkets in winter. As a rule, it has a beautiful look, but there is no benefit. Typically, such strawberries are stuffed with a large dose of fertilizers and chemicals. In winter, it is better to use frozen berry of your own freezing
  3. Carefully choose berries for food: the fruits should be dry, have a beautiful presentation without damage and rot. Fresh berry should tightly wrap the green stream
  4. Before use, wash the berries thoroughly in several waters. Do not try strawberries in the markets due to risk to catch the gastrointestinal infection
  5. Turn your skin with a vitamin mask of strawberry berries. Who said pregnant women should not support beauty? Mash a few strawberries with a fork and apply to a clean face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Velvety and delicate skin is provided to you. In addition, the strawberry mask whits face well and removes acne
A combination of strawberries with dairy products will preserve CA in the body
A combination of strawberries with dairy products will preserve CA in the body

Important: eat strawberries with dairy products (cottage cheese, dairy cocktails). This will prevent leaching of calcium from the body.

Video: How to freeze strawberries correctly?

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