What does the status of the parcel on Aliexpress Waiting for Pick up: translation into Russian. For a long time there is a package status with Aliexpress Waiting for Pick Up: What to do?

What does the status of the parcel on Aliexpress Waiting for Pick up: translation into Russian. For a long time there is a package status with Aliexpress Waiting for Pick Up: What to do?

We understand what one of the most mysterious statuses means Aliexpress: Waiting for pick up.

What does the status of the parcel on Aliexpress Waiting for Pick Up mean: translation into Russian

So, registration for Aliexpress Successfully passed. Decor and payment The first order remained in the past. The case is small: wait for your order from China. And then the most interesting begins.

The customer receives a track, by which it can track your parcel, and the order is assigned the status Waiting for Pick Up.

Waiting for Pick Up status on Aliexpress
Waiting for Pick Up status on Aliexpress

The literal translation of status means: Waiting for receipt.

This means that the seller processed your order, paid for its delivery to the carrier, received a track from the carrier for the parcel, but the parcel has not yet arrived at the carrier. As soon as the carrier receives the parcel, the status of the order will change to Accepted by Carrier.

For a long time there is a package status with Aliexpress Waiting for Pick Up: What to do?

Unfortunately, the customer has a track for the quick receipt of the ordered.

The main reasons for the delay in sending your order:

  • the product is out of stock;
  • holidays and weekends;
  • post festive period;
  • the period of large sales, etc.

If the status of the parcel remains unchanged during the long period, contact the seller and try to find out the reason for the delay.

Do not forget to take screenshots:

  • windows with status,
  • correspondence with the seller.

If the seller’s answer has not satisfied you, you can open a dispute. Information on the procedure for opening a dispute on Aliexpress is located link.

Video: new tracking of ALIEXPRES

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