What does mercy mean: an example, how to learn mercy?

What does mercy mean: an example, how to learn mercy?

In the word “mercy” there are two roots - “sweet” and “heart”. Initially, this was a religious concept talking about love for his neighbor. Each person has a spark of God, but only one who is endowed with a virtue and he is able to love people in the same way as the Lord God himself.

According to religion, not only friends, relatives and colleagues, but all of humanity, should be considered their close people. We all descended from Adam and Eve, and, therefore, all people are relatives, and therefore love for each other is originally embedded in us by nature itself. We are not here about the deep love that we habitually surround our children and parents - it is simply impossible to love all people so much, because there will not be enough any mental resources for this, but each of us can respect them, understand and accept them such, What are they. If you show goodwill, provide assistance to those who need it, and not refuse to commit good deeds, then, of course, this world will become cleaner and more beautiful.

What does mercy mean?

About mercy
About mercy
  • What is mercy in your own words? By mercy means the ability of empathy, sympathy, when someone else's pain is perceived as if it is your personal.
  • And this should not be simple sympathy in words, mercy should manifest itself in actions - in the disinterested help of those in need of this, when the altruist is not considered either with his time, nor with money, or with health.
  • A merciful person is able to compasse and provide assistance not only to people, but also to other living beings inhabiting our world. Excluding others, we show our spiritual wealth in this.

Love and mercy as a step in human development

  • Speaking of mercy, we mean kindness, tolerance, benevolence, care, disinterestedness, but not pity.
Kindness is the basis of mercy
Kindness is the basis of mercy
  • Here the principle of respect for a person who recognizes him all his rights should be valid. At the same time, it is unacceptable to show arrogance to it, which often accompanies a sense of pity.
  • Mercy is arranged in a completely different principle, and it is impossible to reveal all its fullness with words - you need to feel this feeling within yourself. And to understand that you help others first of all for yourself, and then your life will fundamentally change, and there will be no return to the previous one.
  • But one should not neglect yourself - mercy does not require self -sacrifice at all. It is impossible to perceive someone else's grief too painfully - it, seasoned with your anxiety and depression, will only aggravate to the limit.
  • With the only right approach, it is worth it to interpret the events: "All this is actually very sad, but the situation could be even more tragic for this person." With this view of what is happening, you will not be demoralized by the dramatic moment, which means you can bring the real benefit of a person who got into trouble. And at the same time, you will give you the opportunity to fill your life with a new meaning, new sensations and an understanding that you are doing the right, charitable deed.
Do not forget to show mercy to loved ones
Do not forget to show mercy to loved ones

Examples of mercy

  • The brightest representatives of merciful service to people became doctors: Nikolai Pirogov, Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Sergey Botkin, Ivan Pavlovwho, having devoted themselves to science, at the same time saved a lot of human lives and facilitated people with suffering.
Examples of mercy in history
Examples of mercy in history
  • Henri Dunan A world organization that helps the suffering was founded - this far from poor Nobel Prize winner transferred all his monetary savings to charity organizations, and he went into a shelter at sunset.
  • Mother Teresa It took care of sick and poor people day and night, nursed abandoned children. She often visited wars and in places of natural and technogenic cataclysms, where she supported people in every possible way and raised her prayer for them. She said that a huge sin is not a manifestation of anger, but an indifferent attitude to the pain and misfortunes of others.
  • From the middle of the XX century, he began to function The Order of Mercy, and he is the only religious order that cannot accommodate everyone who wants to serve in it.
  • Hospices also need to be credited to people in the category of a merciful attitude. Here, unlike ordinary medical institutions, human bodies do not “doctor”, but are treated with patients as personalities.
Mercy in the hospice
Mercy in the hospice
  • Hospices are by no means the center of silence and hopelessness, as it would seem. Their doors are hospitable for many volunteers, musicians, famous actors, writers and relatives who often come to support sick.
  • The most important thing in the hospice is souliness and sensitivity People working in it, and by no means diapers and droppers.
  • Here, relatives are taught to properly care for the patient so that his dignity is not humiliated, and physical pain retreats. The sisters of mercy are nearby here, and in case of need they are always ready to provide any help and support, without demanding any gratitude for this.
Mercy - literary examples
Mercy - literary examples, an example of mercy from history

How to learn mercy?

There are different manifestations of empathy, but all of them are united by one, voluntarily to take on part of other people's suffering. To begin with, you do not need to rush to the clinic to lonely seriously ill, or to give with all your cash of some poor detailed person.

Mercy must be learned gradually:

  • helping to get to your feet slippery person;
  • paying a cup of coffee to a visitor who has there was no sufficient amount for this;
  • consolation a friend who was upset due to some minor troubles;
  • having belonged on the eve of winter a set of warm things in a shelter for homeless;
  • entering honorary donor ranks -This will help save someone's life;
  • paying a grocery set for an elderly person in the supermarket;
  • feeding homeless animal;
  • helping in a new place for people who will become your neighbors;
  • having called your closest relatives (grandparents, etc.) just in order to ask their affairs and health - they will be very pleased with such your attention;
  • leaving in a book from the library a leaf on which to leave good wishes for subsequent readers of the book you like;
  • having rushed forward in line woman with a small child;
  • talking about life with an elderly neighbor;
  • helping a weak old woman Cross the street with a lively movement of vehicles I.D.

All these, and many other good deeds can be started without delay, because for this you will not have to spend a lot of money or time.

  • And when you get comfortable with these "basics" of good deeds, you can further develop altruism.
  • The main thing is not to be afraid of this, because not everyone is able to spend their time and money on others without selfish motives. Only a noble person, ready for compassion, is capable of this. Personal benefit is not about mercy!
  • When doing good deeds, think at this moment not about yourself, but about those people for whom you make them. If you decide to give something, give it without regrets, not expecting a response from a person. Let the main reward will be smiles and gratitude to those people that you helped.
  • Learn to forgive the insults inflicted on you and provide assistance to your offenders, if it suddenly needs it, because in the arsenal of mercy there is no hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, anger. Just at this moment, imagine that people who once offended you once were mistaken in your account, and mentally forgive them.
  • It is not easy to learn to hear another person, but it is worth doing if your the soul is ready to let in mercy. There are cases when people feel lonely in this world and suffer because of this. For such a person, it is very important that he is listened to? So do this, regardless of your time!
  • Easy to part with your money with donations. After all, you can give funds to a good deed that will be completely insignificant for you. So, for example, no one will impoverish if it gives out for an operation to the sick person of any 100 rubles. There are a lot of people, as they say, “with the world along the thread”-and someone's life will be saved.

Select the time to, for example, in an orphanage to give children toys and play with them. In the nursing home to talk with the elderly, treating them to something tasty. Help the house of the lonely elderly old woman or even your grandmother, whom you rarely see because of daily employment.

  • Mercy is actually not at all difficult to show, for this you just need your desire. Looking around, you will see many people for whom your support and participation will become simply an invaluable gift.
  • Remember the story of Maxim Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”, where Danko, tearing his heart out of his chest, lit up the road to walking people. Such self -sacrifice is not required of us. But all of us with our good deeds can illuminate this world with the good and warmth of our hearts.

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Video: Mercy - what is it?

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