How to properly breed and mix paint with an oxidizing agent: selection criteria, proportion, sequence, common errors

How to properly breed and mix paint with an oxidizing agent: selection criteria, proportion, sequence, common errors

In this article, we will talk about the rules and proportions of mixing the oxidizing agent and coloring pigment in hair dyes.

Hair dyeing is always a difficult and time -consuming process that requires great attentiveness and perseverance. You can achieve the desired color on your own only if you use professional tools in staining. But it is not so simple to get the desired shade, because it is necessary to mix the oxidizing agent and pigment itself with each other. But we will talk about the necessary proportion and the rules of mixing in this material.

Before mixing paint and oxidizing agent, you need to choose them correctly

To begin with, the oxidizing agent is simply necessary when dyeing hair. Let's just say this is the necessary catalyst that activates the pigment and helps it penetrate the hair structure. But here they are divided into several types.

  • The oxidizing agent itself has many names. For example, it is also called oxygen, oxide, developer or activator. However, all of them are quite justified about his work. After all, note that the paint begins to change color only when it reacts with the oxidizing agent.
  • The main and active substance is peroxide. By the way, even during the Soviet fashion, hair lightened just from the pharmacy analogue. But do not scare, with bright blondes you get only with a large dose of hydrogen.
  • Its main task is to remove or discolor the natural pigment from the hair so that the paint can delve into the structure itself and paint them. That is, like honeycombs, a chemical pigment penetrates into almost empty hair, filling the cells.

Important: The higher the percentage of oxide, the more H2O2 (chemical formula of hydrogen). So, the hair will be more preneprined and better succumbed to staining. After all, the hair will be almost empty. The smallest percentage, on the contrary, is only to bring the coloring substance itself into the active regime, but it changes the hair weakly.

The larger the percentage, the stronger the effect
The larger the percentage, the stronger the effect
  • So, consider the possible options for oxygen and their characteristics:
    • let's start with a small position of 1.2-1.9 %. It is him and more often that is simply called an activator. Most often, only a certain darkening with a pigment or staining tone in tone occurs. More suitable for light representatives, but with gray hair it is worth excluding it. Also note that the lack of ammonia in the paint will generally create an inconspicuous picture after staining;
    • next, there is immediately a jump from 2.7 to 3 %, which sometimes goes to 10 Vols. For natural hair of light shades, a small change in 1 tone is possible. And then, only in ammonia analogues. For painted and, especially, gray hair in any case, it will pass almost imperceptibly;
    • after which there is a 6 percent developer or 20 vol. On some brands, which will help change the hair color by 2 tones. Although it is rarely used. Basically, to obtain bright or red shades. For gray hair, it is very weak, therefore it is allowed only in the initial stages;
    • and here is 9 % or 30 vol. It will already help to highlight the hair up to 3 shades, which significantly expands the choice of paint. Suitable for hard, thick and dark hair, as well as ladies with gray hair;
    • aggressive effect of 12 % or 40 vol. Oxygen is contraindicated for light and thin curls. Yes, and dark -haired beauties with a thicker hair structure need to be neat with such a substance. After all, it will highlight 4-7 tones (depending on the zone and time of contact) and helps to become a blonde even the most burning brunette.
General information about the correct selection oxidize
General information about the correct selection of the oxidizing agent
  • Also, do not forget to consider the palette for the desired color of the curls:
    • the score begins with 1, which means a black tone with a bluish tint;
    • 2.0 already speaks of just black;
    • 3.0 is a brown tone;
    • but 4 is the figure, which indicates the color of the brown -haired man;
    • 5.0 is a light cinnamon shade;
    • 6.0 is slightly lighter and corresponds to a Russoma;
    • its average tone at number 7;
    • but by 8.0 a light blond is meant;
    • 9.0 is already a very bright blond;
    • 10.0 will make you a super-blonde.
The main color palette
The main color palette

How to mix paint and hair oxidizer correctly: select the necessary proportions

The difficulty in independent staining lies not only in the correct choice of paint, but also in the selection of the oxidizing agent. When mixing products, it is important to correctly correlate the proportions.

Important: When choosing an oxidizing agent, pay attention to the manufacturer's brand. Remember - the oxidizing agent should be the same company as the paint. This will make it possible to correctly correlate the proportions, without problems mix everything and achieve the hair shade you need. In the event that the oxidizing agent and paint of different manufacturers may be disturbed by the chemical composition when mixing, which as a result will damage the fragile structure of the hair.

The oxidizing agent contains, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, buffer elements, fragrances, preservatives, catalysts and thickeners. The proportions of mixing paint and the color activator change depending on the hair dyeing method. In addition, the color of the hair, their structure, the degree of hair damage and the desired color affect the ratio of materials.

Paint and oxidizing agent should be only one company
Paint and oxidizing agent should be only one company

Existing proportions for different types of hair dyeing:

  • persistent hair dyeing - The oxidizing agent and paint are mixed in equal proportions of 1: 1. That is, 1 part of the paint + 1 part of the oxidizing agent in equal proportions;
  • saturated hair tinting It is carried out with weak oxygen up to 2 % in the amount of 2 parts per 1 share of paint;
  • weak hair tinting will perform 1 part of the paint + 2 parts of the oxidizing agent with a matting effect and a weak percentage of intensity;
  • slowing gray It should only be in the ratio of 1: 1. Otherwise, a persistent natural pigment will not let a chemical element into the “cell”;
  • clarification of hair or individual strands It will require 1 part of the paint + 2 fraction of oxygen;
  • red shades are also divided in the same ratio with a percentage of at least 6;
  • hair highlights Depends on the time of exposure. For example, for 2 hours (without 10 minutes), you need to add 1.5 parts of the oxidizing agent in 1 share of paint. But for time no more than 1 hour and 40 minutes - 2 doses of oxide per 1 portion of paint;
  • if you spend a hoodie or ombre, then the desired color depends on your taste preferences.

In order to choose the correct dosage of products for staining, it is better to use a special syringe, or weigh the paint and oxidizer on the scales. This will help to avoid errors in the selection of proportions.

Strictly observe mixing proportions
Strictly observe mixing proportions

A few words about safe hair dyeing

There are such colors that they will help you change the color, while without damaging the hair structure itself. And there can be only one answer - for persistent and safe staining, it is worth using paints without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

  • Such paint takes as a basis exclusively a pigment that does not penetrate the hair scales, but lays a surface layer.
  • Hair dyeing with such colors is less persistent and is used only in the color scheme of your natural hair.
  • The paint is completely washed out for also 3-4 weeks, if not earlier. Much depends on your hair structure and their “tenacious grip” to keep the pigment on the surface.
  • The paint without ammonia gives shine to the hair, updates natural color, and also makes it more saturated and in -depth. However, do not forget whatever the hair dyeing method you choose - one hundred percent success and satisfaction of the result depends on the correctly selected proportions of the paint and oxidizer.
The paint without an oxidizing agent acts softly on curls, but does not last long
The paint without an oxidizing agent acts softly on curls, but does not last long

How to mix paint and oxidizer: in what sequence to breed them?

We chose the necessary paint and activator, and also decided on proportions. But that's not all. You also need to be able to mix them.

  • Remember that chemical coloring components should not contact the metal, and any. Only glass, ceramics or plastic/silicone.
  • Oxygen is the first to spill, and only then add the dye to it. And carefully mix everything so that lumps do not form.
  • But do not slow down too much, because the reaction occurs quickly, and after a few minutes there will already be an active process of activation of pigments. And after 30 minutes of contact with air, the paint can surprise with an unexpected result.
Mix components quickly and only in ceramic or plastic dishes
Mix components quickly and only in ceramic or plastic dishes

How to mix paint and oxidizer correctly: common errors

Never forget about the presence of instructions. Indeed, often a deplorable result becomes the consequence of the wrong choice of proportions or non -compliance with elementary requirements.

  • Do not get involved in a too strong oxidizing agent. If you have dark curls, then you can’t light them up for 10 tones. The aggressive effect of oxygen will simply destroy your hair. And in general, always be guided by the rule-it is better to change the tone only for 2-3 shade.
  • Do not pour more oxygen for the same reason. You can just “burn” your hair. That is, they will lose moisture, become brittle and may even begin to fall out. After all, the oxidizing agent also affects the skin.
  • But there should not be few even. No, for hair, perhaps this is better. But for the color, manufacturers will not vouch, and we too. Be prepared that you will take stains or uneven transitions.
  • Also, do not hold the paint longer on the hair than expected. Again, this only damage your hair, but you can not achieve the right color.
  • And once again we repeat that the oxidizing agent and the coloring pigment should be one company. After all, the percentage of perhydrol in different brands may differ, and it may not be enough to activate the pigment. Or, conversely, there is too much. And on the hair this does not affect the best way.

Video: How to mix paint with an oxidizing agent?

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Comments K. article

  1. Decide more precisely what to pour into. One thing in the text is “the first to spill in oxygen, and only then add the dye to it.” The video is different!

  2. You contradict yourself, write that first you need to pour the oxidizing agent, and then add the paint, and in the proposed video on proper mixing, the opposite is true! At least for starters, you will study the process deeper!

  3. Article about how not to do

  4. It does not matter at all what to add first, anyway, you immediately mix it.

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