How to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and crosses in a bucket with sand or in water for the New Year? How to choose a live Christmas tree in a Christmas tree: tips. How much can you put a Christmas tree at home on Feng Shui and in what place in the house, apartment?

How to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and crosses in a bucket with sand or in water for the New Year? How to choose a live Christmas tree in a Christmas tree: tips. How much can you put a Christmas tree at home on Feng Shui and in what place in the house, apartment?

Installation of the New Year tree.

New Year is considered an excellent family holiday. Before the celebration of the New Year, everyone is striving to purchase delicious products and cook unusual dishes. An integral attribute of the holiday is a Christmas tree. This New Year tree will help decorate the house, as well as make the holiday true for real.

Which Christmas tree is better to install for the New Year: real or artificial?

Of course, every family has its own traditions regarding the New Year tree. Someone prefers artificial, but for someone there is no holiday without a living beauty of the forest. Therefore, they acquire live Christmas trees. Most often they buy pine trees or Christmas spruce in the markets. Parents of young children believe that the Christmas tree smells well and only a living tree should be at home on New Year's holidays.

In fact, the Christmas tree improves mood, and also helps to calm the nerves. In addition, the smell of pine and spruce improves the condition of the respiratory system and helps to reduce the manifestation of bronchitis.

Advantages of a living Christmas tree:

  • Good smell
  • Low price
  • The ability to calm the nerves and create a New Year's mood

Many prefer not to fool their heads every year and therefore they buy an artificial tree. This is also a good tradition and is perfect for those who have an allergy to the smell of spruce. Therefore, to parents who have children of asthmatics, or they have atopic dermatitis, allergies, it is better to purchase an artificial Christmas tree. With proper care, it does not cause allergies.

Christmas tree
Christmas tree

How to choose a live Christmas tree in the Christmas tree bazaar: Tips

Please note that a living Christmas tree serves you long enough, you need to make the right choice. To do this, you do not need to purchase a Christmas tree in advance, that is, it makes no sense to purchase a New Year tree earlier than two weeks before the New Year.


  • It is best to purchase trees on the eve of the holidays. Pay attention to the appearance and condition of the tree.
  • It is necessary that the entire barrel is covered with needles. In addition, when compressing needles, they must be elastic and not break.
  • Pay attention to the bark, it should not be broken, crumble or lag behind the barrel.
  • The Christmas tree needles should not be brown, yellow. Otherwise, such a tree will dry quickly and needles.
Beautiful tree
Beautiful tree

How much can you put a Christmas tree at home on Feng Shui and in what place in the house, apartment?

A lot of attention of the New Year tree is given to Feng Shui. The fact is that with the help of this New Year tree, you can significantly correct your life. You can, using a Christmas tree and the place of its installation, attract a certain event in your life in the new year. It is better to put a Christmas tree on December 30-31.


  • If you want children to appear in the house, you need to install a Christmas tree in the right corner at the end of the room.
  • If you want your financial situation to improve, then you need to install the Christmas tree directly opposite the entrance to the room.
  • Are you planning to promote the service? In this case, install the Christmas tree in the far left corner.
  • If you want love and meet your soul mate, install the New Year tree in the right far corner of the room.
Christmas tree in Feng Shui
Christmas tree in Feng Shui

What is it better to put a live Christmas tree at home if there is no stand, crosses?

Many people want to purchase a live New Year tree. But they are stopped by the absence of a cross. In fact, now at many points and New Year's bazaars Christmas trees are sold from the New Year's cross. If you do not want to overpay, you can not purchase them.

There are several ways to install a Christmas tree without a cross:

  • Installation in buckets with sand. The easiest, effective and reliable way. The New Year's beauty will not be able to fall out of the bucket and will not turn over.
  • A bucket with clay or with the ground.
  • If you do not want to water, get dirty or you do not have the opportunity to dial a bucket of sand, take a regular bucket and install three plastic bottles filled with water in it. In the middle of these 3 bottles, fix the New Year's beauty. Most often, in the bucket, there is so much space to install a tree trunk between these bottles.

There are still many diverse interesting ways to install a Christmas tree without a cross. Watch the video in more detail.

Video: Installation of a Christmas tree without a cross

Where to put a live Christmas tree so as not to show off: installing a living Christmas tree in the apartment: tips

Of course, the best and best option for installing the Christmas tree is a bucket of sand. The fact is that with constant moisture of sand, the New Year's beauty will spin a long time.


  • To do this, sand is typed in a bucket, watered with water, a Christmas tree is installed.
  • In addition to choosing a container for installation, it is also important where you put a tree. The best place is the corner at the very beginning of the room.
  • It is necessary to try to install the New Year's beauty away from heating sources, drafts and from the front door.
  • Choose places where there is no draft is not very hot, quite high humidity and cool.
Christmas tree in the apartment
Christmas tree in the apartment

How to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand in a bucket with sand for the New Year?

In order to put a living Christmas tree at home without a stand in a bucket with sand, you will need a large bucket. It can be plastic or metal. Sand, water, Christmas tree and assistant will also be required. Before installation, pour a little sand to the bottom of the container. Fill it for about one third. After that, slightly moisturize the sand, set the Christmas tree and ask the assistant to hold the barrel.

Let your assistant align the New Year tree. At this time, take dry sand and fill the bucket to the very top. After that, fill the sand abundantly with water and slightly put it on. Thus, your tree will be tightly fixed.

In order to extend the life of the Christmas tree, you can use some tips:

  • Before watering the sand in which there is a Christmas tree, it is necessary to dissolve 2 aspirin tablets and a tablespoon of sugar in a liter of water.
  • It is with this solution that the sand should be watered. In addition, in order for the tree to stand longer, the bark from the bottom of the tree is best cut.
  • This can be done with a small ax or knife. Such manipulation improves the nutrition of the tree and it will simple a lot longer. The barrel will better absorb water.
Christmas tree on the stand
Christmas tree on the stand

Do I need to put a live Christmas tree in the apartment in the apartment?

Another good way to install a Christmas tree is the use of water. Very often, water is poured directly into the cross. It is worth noting that this method is not the best, since mold and putrefactive bacteria can be started in water. Therefore, the most optimal option is to use a bucket of sand, earth or clay.

How to put a Christmas tree if a small child is at home: tips

In order to protect yourself and your children as much as possible, it is necessary to install a Christmas tree in the right place and follow our advice. If the house has small children who are quite active, they can turn the Christmas tree over themselves and break New Year's toys. This is not only fraught with sad consequences, but also because the child can be injured.


  • If you still decide to purchase a Christmas tree, give preference to artificial, it is much easier. If she falls, then the child will not be able to injure.
  • Another good advice is the acquisition of non -beating toys. It is best if it is balls made of plastic or foam. Also a lot is now on sale of felt toys. They are very beautiful and bright.
  • If you still decide to purchase a living New Year's beauty and install it in a bucket of sand, take care of the reliability of its consolidation. To do this, you can tie a Christmas tree using ropes to a battery or some hard support.
  • Thus, if the child even pulls the Christmas tree by the branch, it will not fall on it. Also, a good option is to put a small Christmas tree on the nightstand so that the child does not get it. But look and make sure that the baby can not reach the branch with his hand and pull the Christmas tree from the nightstand.
  • Try not to hang New Year's garlands and dangerous toys with sharp edges on the Christmas tree. It is forbidden to hang on a Christmas tree easily beating glass toys. This can cause a child’s cut.
Christmas tree for the New Year
Christmas tree for the New Year

How to fix a living Christmas tree at home so that it does not fall: tips

There are several ways to fix a live Christmas tree at home. Many advise to tie the top to the cornice with wire. But this option is not suitable if you have a ceiling cornice and an expensive plasterboard ceiling with fabric inserts, or a stretch ceiling with photo printing. Therefore, if you worry that the child can pull the Christmas tree and tear it together with the cornice, it is better not to do this. The best consolidation option is the installation in a bucket of sand.

Moreover, the bucket should be taken not 10-liter, but a 20-liter. With this volume, the bucket is quite heavy. The child is unlikely to be able to turn such a heavy bucket. Another good option is to tie a Christmas tree to the battery.

Is it possible to put a Christmas tree to Muslims?

For the first time, the decoration of the Christmas tree appeared in the ancient German people. It was they who went to the forest by Christmas, picked up the beautiful forest and brought home. They adorned her with a variety of pieces of felt, with candles. In Islam, it is not customary to decorate the New Year tree, while it is believed that the implementation of manipulations that are adopted in other religions is unacceptable.

It is believed that all those who install the Christmas tree at the holiday are sinners. After all, the one who is likened to some people becomes one of them. Therefore, Muslims are not recommended to install a Christmas tree.

Muslim Christmas tree
Muslim Christmas tree

As you can see, a lot of beliefs and signs are connected with the New Year beauty. Not all peoples approve and perceive the New Year tree, as a symbol of holidays. In some countries and religions, this tree is prohibited.

Video: New Year tree

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