What does it mean when a man hugs you tightly: the types of men's hugs, additional actions

What does it mean when a man hugs you tightly: the types of men's hugs, additional actions

The man hugs firmly not only when he loves. It can even be dangerous for a girl.

One of the most common ways of non -verbal communication is hugs. Thanks to them, a person expresses affection for a friend or relative, shows gratitude and gratitude. In relations, hugs also play an important role. The man reaches for his lover at a subconscious level, wanting to become closer with her.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs of a real man". You will find out what they are doing and what will not allow themselves to do truly loving men in relation to a woman.

Hugs are considered an important factor for building reliable and close relationships. However, not all of them are the same - each is used to manifest various emotions. It is curious that, according to the slightest details, you can immediately guess what status a man attributes to - it is enough to hold your hand for a few seconds longer.

The meaning of the strong embrace of a man in a relationship

Strong hugs of a man in a relationship
Strong hugs of a man in a relationship

When the relationship is just beginning, the young man only seeks to slightly touch the girl who interests him. So he shows his indifference and the desire to get to know each other better. If the object of sympathy does not repel it, this gives the guy an incentive to continue the relationship. Girls, entering into physical contact, feel protected and necessary. Married couples hug much less often, because for them this is a way of supporting and a silent expression of love and care.

Strong hugs in relationships are important for both men and women. During them, endorphin and oxytocin are released in the body. The first affects joy and pleasure, the second - on a sense of security. This has a beneficial effect on the physical and psychological health of both sexes. Hugging, both partners make it clear that they are ready to let the beloved into the comfort zone and trust him. This is of great importance for both. They experience:

  • Feeling of comfort and security
  • A surge of strength
  • Joy and satisfaction
  • Calm and lightness

Of course, frequent and long hugs do not testify to ideal relationships. Sometimes couples can quarrel, but such a way of expressing feelings helps to easily cope with problems and come to a compromise. Psychologists have proven that hugs lasting more than 20 seconds - strengthen the trust of the couple several times.

Types of men's hugs: what do they mean?

The type of male embrace allows you to determine what feelings the guy and the girl are experiencing to each other. Below are the most common of them and what they mean.

  • The guy holds the girl's hand in his

Let this be not quite a hug, but such a gesture can say a lot about the man. With thoughts, he is not here and hovers in the clouds, dreaming of imminent care or plans. To lower it from heaven to earth, you can touch it and remind you of yourself.

Men's arms from the back
Men's arms from the back
  • Hugs from the back

They talk about strong feelings from a man. So he wants to convey to his lover his deep and sincere love, and also involuntarily expresses the desire to protect the girl.

At the initial stage, such embrace speaks of a man’s desire to become closer, subconsciously protecting himself from refusal. It seems to him that with visual contact, he will see a refusal on the woman’s face. And in this way he makes it clear that he is ready to wait if she is not ready for a new stage of relations. If, hugging from the back, the guy begins to dissolve his hands, he is heavy and can perceive the girl as his property.

  • A man presses a woman to his waist

Such embrace expresses the desire of a man to enter into an intimate connection, especially if the relationship is just beginning. Therefore, if in this way a practical unfamiliar man hugs, you should behave more carefully.

When lovers hug this way, the partner expresses warm feelings and willingness to help and make sacrifices for the well -being of the second half. Such a partner has a deep sympathy and respect for his beloved. If the heads of partners are in contact, then he sees in this something more than the usual satisfaction of physiological needs. The young man wants to know the girl better, because he has deep feelings for her. Perhaps he even hopes for marriage. However, if a man does not look in the eye, then this speaks of interest only in an intimate connection.

  • Hugs by the shoulders

Showing such a gesture, people usually seek to encourage or console a person. If a man only touches the girl’s shoulders and leaves free space, then this is more considered a sign of respect or greeting.

  • Long and strong hugs

So the guy makes it clear that he appreciates every time spent together. He values \u200b\u200bthis relationship and does not want to lose his lover. Such a partner is very reliable, and with him you can consider building long relations. The family will reign peace, harmony, mutual respect and support.

  • Face to face

A symbol of deep and sincere feelings. A man openly shows the seriousness of intentions and fear of part. However, he is absolutely sure that sympathy is mutual. He likes to see in the eyes of his partner a reaction to his touch, words and gestures. During such embrace, the guy seeks understanding and support from a woman and is considered her opinion.

  • The man hugs the side with one hand

The meaning of such a gesture depends on how the guy holds the girl. Basically, hugs with one hand show the desire to help and support. Touching the shoulders indicates the desire to protect from troubles. The hand at the waist indicates the intention to get closer. When the girl puts her head on his shoulder, she completely trusts her partner.

The man hugs tightly
The man hugs tightly
  • Bear hug

During them, the partner is tightly pressed against a loved one, literally pressing him into himself. Although it is more common among women, men also use it, expressing that he really missed or glad to see his beloved. At the same time, they hug more tenderly and sensually.

  • Hugs by the neck

In this way, a man shows the desire to dominate the relationship, and the partner must obey him. However, you should not judge the inclinations of the young man by the first arms, because such behavior can be spontaneous. It is better to observe other, no less important things.

  • Figurative hug

In this case, the guy and the girl barely come into contact with each other with the upper part of the body. The letter “A” or “wigwam” is called it differently. As a rule, such a gesture is a pure formality or is used by people who first welcome each other. Sometimes this is done by closer people who have not seen a long time and still have a love for a partner.

Additional actions accompanied by hugs

Partners seek to express their feelings brighter, therefore resort to additional gestures. For example, kisses convey the spiritual state of a person and show how partners love each other or missed after a long separation. These are the additional actions accompanied by hugs:

  • Patting on the back -It is interpreted differently. If a man does this in public, then he sees a girl as a good friend, and it is unlikely that he will ever change his point of view. Also, a man can try to hint that he does not consider himself an burdened relationship and still considers himself free. When the hugs occur in private, the man is either dissatisfied with the actions of the girl, or does not consider her as a potential second half.
  • Massage during hugs Gives romance in a man. He loves physical contact, stroking and touching. It can also talk about a bad mood of a man. In this case, it will be a great idea to ask what worries him. He will definitely appreciate this gesture.
  • Sometimes a man spreads his hands, trying to hug a girl. In this way, he insists on switching to a new level of relationship. When the partners are barely familiar, this is an alarming signal - the guy does not respect his beloved or simply wants to use it.

If the relationship is long and stable, then his zealous harassment to her speaks of a rebellious passion in a couple.

The embrace of a man in a dream: what do you mean?

Men's hugs in a dream
Men's hugs in a dream

In pair, feelings are shown not only during the day, but also during sleep. When a man is pressed against a partner, he needs her presence and expresses his affection and trust. Psychologists identify several types of such embrace. Here's what they mean:

  • The woman’s head lies on his chest, and the man’s hand is on her shoulder.A man feels like a defender and head of the family, shows the desire to protect his beloved from adversity and provide a comfortable dream.
  • The man is pressed tightly against the partner.This speaks of complete trust in the girl. The guy perceives them as a whole, considering his beloved his real soulmate, and wants to continue to build relationships with her.
  • The man leans against a woman and holds her hand.He sees a reliable partner in the companion and expresses the desire to be always there.
  • The guy and the girl are intertwined.This indicates a strong emotional connection between partners. He sees in his beloved not only a soul mate, but also a devoted friend.
  • Back to back.Usually, partners who are in the relationship for a long time are sleeping. Despite the time, the connection between them is still strong, and feelings did not fade away.
  • "A spoon".In this pose, a man presses the girl, occupying a protecting position. A large spoon seeks to calm a loved one. A small spoon wants to feel safe and needs additional support.

If hugs in a relationship are a rare phenomenon, do not panic. This may be due to the child’s childhood. His environment did not enter into tactile contact with him, so he was not used to expressing his feelings in this way. Acts and care can speak for their love. The guy can also have a timid character or other perception of the world. Then it is worth conducting an experiment and taking the initiative into your own hands, prompting it to action.

Do not be afraid to discuss the status of your relationship with a guy and express dissatisfaction. The main thing is to talk about your wishes in a soft form and it is available to explain the importance of hugs to the partner. If a man really nourishes warm feelings for his beloved, he will listen to her request and improve.

Video: a hug test - what will they tell about you?

Video: 6 types of hugs and from value

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