That a man should not do when living together with a woman: important rules and tips

That a man should not do when living together with a woman: important rules and tips

Not all couples begin life together exclusively after the wedding, many live so -called civil marriage and, as practice shows, not always such joint accommodation cloudlessly. There are many reasons for this, and today we will consider the most common mistakes that are characteristic of men who have decided to live with your beloved woman under one roof.

So, what should not be done to a man when living together with a woman?

That a man should not do when living together with a woman: TOP valuable tips

1. Build illusions

  • Even a man already having experience of joint living is able to think that quarrels can be avoided with another woman. This is an absolute misconception - Quarrels and a certain misunderstanding from one side or another are inevitable.
  • Moreover, they are even useful for relationships. Psychologists say that if the couple ceases to quarrel, this may well characterize the approaching finish of the relationship, since it indicates indifference to the partner.
  • And on the contrary, expressing resentment or claim, and not suppressing and without silence it, the couple of the most capable of eliminating misunderstanding.

2. To draw up the interior of the apartment exclusively at your discretion

  • Since there is two to live in an apartment, the design of the interior should be collective. Even if a woman moved to a man’s apartment, you should not reject her proposals regarding the arrangement of furniture, the designation of color accents, motivating this with an established habit.
  • If the couple lives together with new housing, then you should agree on the interior together, choosing neutral options that will arrange both.

3. To start a pet without consulting a woman

  • This rule for a man, when living together with a woman, extends to any living creatures: from harmless fish in the aquarium to dogs of fighting breeds. Firstly, a woman may have an allergy to wool, dust, etc. Secondly, perhaps she loves cats more, and she is simply afraid of dogs.
  • In addition, taking an animal into the house, you need to think that you need to take care of it: walk, feed, observing the corresponding diet, regularly change the sand in the tray, water in the aquarium, etc. Will a woman do all this if a man gets ill or goes on a business trip? All such points must be pre -discussed.
  • By the way, the same rule acts in the opposite direction: if a man is categorically against the animal in the house for one reason or another, he should not give in to the woman’s persuasion and agree to make a pet.
About buying any animal, consult a partner
About buying any animal, consult a partner

4. Exchange passwords and logins of their pages on social networks

  • Trust between partnersOf course, important. But situations that do not depend on us can always happen. For example, a man can write an absolutely unfamiliar, but very playful woman who just liked his photo, and she decided to get to know each other in this way.
  • It will be difficult to explain to your second half, what's what. Yes, and the man himself may be in a similar situation, wondering that for “Stas” he sent a message to his girlfriend. Therefore, to do not provoke attacks of unreasonable jealousy, it is better not to open passwords, but simply trust each other.

5. Talk about your past relationship

  • No matter how a man trusts his woman, you should not share with her secret details about all past relationships. Firstly, no one can be sure that love will last forever, and that with a possible subsequent breakdown of relations, such frankness can be used as a “weapon”.
  • And, secondly, sharing this kind of information, you can simply offend a woman who will immediately imagine that in a similar vein, a partner can talk about herself.

6. Break the boundaries of decency

  • There are concepts that can be called intimate. Do not walk completely naked with your girlfriend, unless she herself asks you for it.
  • No need to leave the open door of the toilet or bathroom, being in these rooms.
  • It is unnecessary to talk about opening or emitting gases - No matter how much a woman is in love, in any case it will be unpleasant.

7. Try to adapt to a woman mode

  • If partners belong to different types, then a man does not need to try to become a lark, if he is by the sova, only because his woman rises early.
  • Perhaps, at first, the opportunity to be together for several extra minutes or hours will bring joy, but very soon fatigue, irritation will appear and, as a result, aggression, which is inevitably present in bringing this kind of victim of its essence.

8. Demand that a woman shares his hobbies

  • If a man is sociable by nature, a lover of noisy companies and outdoor activities, then he should not demand from a girlfriend that she goes to the stadium or in a sports bar, if she herself does not express such a desire. As well as insisting on her watching a series on the couch with him, while she herself would prefer to meet a friend with a cafe.
  • All people have various inclinations and characters, and this should be treated with respect and understanding.

9. Dick in her personal things

  • Lingerie, cosmetics, personal hygiene items - All these things belong only to a woman. To rummage in them is a manifestation of an elementary disrespect for his partner, who may not want a man to see that she is taking pills for losing weight, and on her shelf among linen - drawing panties or tights.
  • She wants to be beautiful for her man, and with what methods this is achieved - let him remain a secret for him.

10. Fill the refrigerator with “harmful” food if a woman sits on a diet

  • If a woman decided to lose extra pounds, then this is not done least for her beloved. At such a moment, it is important to demonstrate her support and solidarity to her. It is not at all necessary to switch to salad leaves, but also defiantly eat fried, with a crispy crust, chicken struggle should also not.
  • The decision will be the power outside the house during her diet, and in the evening you can simply arrange a family tea party (of course, without buns and jam).
Do not tempt your beloved
Do not tempt your beloved

11. Make her ask for money

  • Especially when it comes to the amount necessary for conducting a joint farm. To ask - in principle, a very unpleasant process, and, both for the requester and for who they are asked for.
  • The woman to a certain extent is humiliated from the fact that she has to beg to beg for what is necessary not for her alone, but for two.
  • To save her from this feeling, it is better to stipulate at the very beginning of cohabitation, what amount is necessary for home expenses, and do not forget to put it in a agreed place.

12. Swear due to mess

  • If a man sees in a woman first of all housekeeper - He should initially choose Cinderella in his friends. But there are not so many such representatives of the stronger sex, most chosen a woman who is interested in as a person.
  • And if it turns out that the chosen one does not pay attention to the dust that accumulated on a polished surface, that she is not embarrassed by things lying in disorder - then this is not a reason to disappoint in it, and even more so to arrange a scandal.
  • Better inspire it for cleaning with your own example, and if this does not work, hire a housekeeper.

13. Refuse relax

  • Many men do not imagine a situation where their partner goes on vacation alone. And in vain. Psychologists advise from time to time to conduct a vacation separately.
  • So The couple simultaneously rests from the constant presence of another in their life (This is especially true for those who work together) and manage to miss each other, understanding how dear to them their half.
  • If the man suspects that the woman will begin to change him “unattended”, then this is absolutely vain unrest. Women, unlike men, are mostly monogamous and absolutely not tuned to betrayal.

14. Constantly control a woman

  • The following questions one by one “Where are you?”, “When will you come?”, “Why are you not so long?” They are characteristic either for a terrible jealous, or for someone who does not trust his girlfriend.
  • Both that and the other is equally bad. Such behavior will sooner or later give a woman a protest.

15. subject a woman to violence

Here, the explanation is overly - a real man under no circumstances has the right to use violence, both physical and moral.

16. Separate household duties

  • To divide the responsibilities of the house into female and male is a long -forgotten past. Especially if a woman clogs a nail to hang a picture, and the man lies on the couch and commands: “Higher!”, “To the right!”
  • With conscientious residence, doing household chores is appropriate for someone who is free at this time. By the way, the best cooks are men, so you should not consider the preparation of dinner as a purely female duty.
Do all together
Do all together

17. Scatter your things around the apartment

  • And here the matter is not even so much in the unrest created. This is especially true for socks that, after two days of wearing, publish a specific smell. AT
  • whether a woman will like such an “air freshener” as, however, to the man himself. And the time is spent in search of the right clothes.

18. Leave the toilet seat raised

  • A very familiar problem for many couples living together. Perhaps it is not difficult for a woman to lower the seat by going to the toilet, but she may not always notice that it is raised (in a hurry, for example, electricity disappeared in the apartment and simply nothing is visible).
  • And a woman, unlike a man, has to sit on this toilet ...

19. Store unnecessary things

  • Often a man does not throw broken electrical appliances, rusty old nails, wires and other technical trifles.
  • He explains it like this: "It may be needed for repair." And although 90% of them will never repair anything, he will simply buy a new electrical appliance and new nails, the trash continues to accumulate.

20. To linger too often after work

  • Of course, there are different situations, and sometimes circumstances are formed so that you have to linger. But if this becomes a constant phenomenon, then no explanations about an urgent order, about the next meeting or an urgent business meeting will help to force a woman to trust a man.
  • It will be tormented in the unknown and build dozens of betrayal options in my head, which sooner or later will lead to tension in relationships or completely to their gap.
Do not stay at work for too long
Do not stay at work for too long

21. Spend free time lying on the couch or behind computer games.

  • The view of a manally present in the apartment, but actually in his thoughts is somewhere far away, is unpleasant to any woman.
  • Of course, you can relax on the sofa, and play the "tanks", but to do this for hours is unacceptable. A woman immediately has a logical question: do I need here at all?

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