Criticism from the mouth of a beloved man, husband: how to react?

Criticism from the mouth of a beloved man, husband: how to react?

We all love to criticize others-someone more, others-less. But in relations with a man, criticism is especially painful.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs of a real man". You will find out what they are doing and what will not allow themselves to do truly loving men in relation to a woman.

Criticism is also a dangerous signal, which says that you are not value for a partner, he wants to remake you under his ideals or gradually turn you into some other person, for example, in which he has long and secretly in love.

What can criticism of a man lead to?

Criticism of a man
Criticism of a man

Usually, a lover of criticizing for a long time does not hide and that you came across just such a guy, you will find out in the first week of dates. But due to the fact that during the period of falling in love, girls are not inclined to analyze everything meticulously, they can enjoy changing their own personality and appearance, wanting to please their beloved. The girl is trying to be better for him, because no one doubts the sincerity of his intentions and that a loved one wishes us only all the best.

But, if you succumb to persuasion only a few times, then over the years the situation will deteriorate, and after a few years you will notice that you not only have lost themselves, but also have become a completely different person. It is important not only your reaction, but so that you see the problem. Thanks to this, it will be possible to solve everything and you will not allow yourself to mock yourself if you understand that this is really bullying, and not a given.

What should you pay attention to and what to do? Read further.

Criticism from the mouth of a beloved man, husband

If you think about why your beloved man or husband criticizes you, then this is already a problem. But, before solving it, it is worthwhile to understand why he does this. Only then can you give a reaction and add your goal. So, what criticism most often sounds from the lips of your favorite men?


Such a guy just loves to go shopping. Moreover, he considers himself a model of taste and style. He easily chooses those things for his girlfriend or wife, who he likes exclusively and urges him to try on them. Most often, these are catchy dresses and blouses that are vulgar and unmarried. He likes them precisely because he had already seen them on other ladies.

  • In fact, such a guy does not understand the style and does not leaf through the freedom fashion magazines. It’s just that in his head there is a clear image and her concepts about how exactly a woman should look.
  • You are very lucky if you are an ideal one of his former, because very often men want his girlfriend to dress in the same style as his mother.
  • It is worth sounding the alarm if he begins to offer you monophonic things of basic flowers, peas, large flowers. Usually this is what women who are slightly in forty love to dress. It is especially disappointing if you yourself have a great taste and your own style, but you have to forget about it.
  • Doubly more offensive, if this is just your boyfriend who does not provide you and in stores you spend your hard -earned.

It happens that the guy prefers his girlfriend to dress gray, boring and dull, but he offers such things hidden jealous. The guy who loves criticism often sincerely wants his girlfriend to look perfect, so he is inclined to choose template things that emphasize femininity. These are ultra -short skirts in which it is inconvenient to walk, it is necessary for tights and high -heeled shoes, even if he does not have a car and the girl is forced to get to work by public transport.

He also loves that everyone turns around and envies his girlfriend, so be prepared to wear bright colors and elegant dresses, which are not entirely appropriate for everyday wear. Such a guy is not particularly important that a thing may not be of very good quality or it is difficult and expensive to care for it. These guys despise blue and green colors, believing that a girl should choose only red or pink things. Doubly more offensive if she is used to the sports style and organically feels in it. Understand that you are just trying to make another person of you.

  • HAIR

Very often all kinds of criticism is associated with hair. For example, the guy wants the girl to be reproaching the blonde, to begin to grow long hair, although the girl herself does not want to spend extra money and time to care for them.

  • All kinds of prohibitions

Such guys simply love to ban. It can be anything, starting from communication with a certain person, ending with prohibitions regarding various body modifications. Pierk your ears, make tattoos, dye your hair, can be anything, depending on the modern guy and his personal aesthetic taste.

  • When the first prohibitions appear, the girl may want to break the relationship. But when you sincerely love a person and the relationship switched to a certain level of seriousness, it is not so simple to do it.
  • Doubly more offensive, if the girl used to ban too strict parents or there were no unnecessary finances for various experiments with their appearance.
  • Then such a girl grew up, a certain freedom and money appeared in order to dye her hair in various colors, experiment and find her own style. But there was also a guy who sits again in a cage and prohibits everything.

Of course, we can say that the human body is his business, but such a guy can be so dissatisfied that his ban was violated, which will easily tear off the relationship even because of a small tattoo made secretly.

  • Criticism of dreams and life goals

At first, the guy has long been imposed on the girl’s dream. Then he criticizes her and gradually ensures that she dreams of the same thing as he. In family relationships, this is expressed in the fact that he persuades his wife to save money for his dreams, for example, to buy an expensive car, completely ignoring her interests. Remember your interests and dreams, and do not forget to remind the guy about it.

Of course, the longer you read this article, the more you begin to think about what kind of person it is. Perhaps just a “monster”, but you should look around and you will see that most of your friends live with such men.

  • Criticism of weight

This has already become a classic of the genre. They especially like to criticize the weight of a man who themselves do not have an ideal figure. They can also explain with excess weight the appearance of their impotence. Indicate its shortcomings as well. After all, for sure, he is imperfect.

Criticism of a man
Criticism of a man
  • PAST

Usually the girl understands that she contacted a guy who criticizes her personality. Therefore, she has enough wisdom not to spread about her past. If she did not think about it in advance and honestly told everything, then at the slightest quarrel, she could regret it. This can also appear during regular instructive conversations. The guy who loves to criticize everything and imagines himself a psychologist will carefully sort out the girl’s past, trying to find the reasons for why she became just like that in past actions.


Such guys believe that a girl should be devoid of childhood and after lessons at a musical, art, sports school and engage in ballroom dancing. It is such a girl that will worthy of him. But because You can’t change the past, the guy offers all his free time to spend on his improvement, especially in arts. Do not do it and do not indulge him. You are what you are, and they love not for any achievements, but just like that.

The idea that in order to achieve something worthy, you need to spend years, simply does not visit his head. Like the idea that most Soviet children who visited all kinds of circles did not become outstanding, and in order to achieve something you need to have talent. Typically, such a boy was brought up by a housewife, who, in order to show the value of her stay at home, and not at work, constantly drove the child in all kinds of sections. Of course, he is very proud that he received a musical education, even if even one melody can not play purely now. It is especially funny when a man who turned up to incredible size is proud that in childhood he was a candidate for a master of some kind of sport.


The girl can tell the guy about her hobby. With the good intention that the girl achieves certain heights in him, such a guy will want her to develop both in him and begin to control him. Or, so that she tries even more, she will begin to say that she doesn’t succeed at all and he strongly recommends that she necessarily learn.

The same goes for work. Despite the fact that the girl has a diploma and she is appreciated at work, he believes that such an easy job can do a fool, and she must be studied in her free time to find herself in another, more paid area. He also criticizes her free time. In their free time, other people are engaged in all kinds of needlework, they make their nails and paint her brides, why not bring an extra penny to her house.


At first, he is happy to spend time with the girlfriend's friends. Then he prefers to get at least some benefit from them. In the future, he begins to criticize them, frankly laugh from his friends and assure the girl that they are not friends at all. As normal people can be friends with her at all - the same losers as she did. Gradually, this destroys the psyche of the girl, because the guy who loves to criticize is a real tyrant, but simply does not show it. From such a young man you need to run.

  • Parents and family

Parents and family are also criticized, and it is strictly forbidden to criticize his own parents. If the girl begins to do this, then this will inevitably lead to a break.

Tips on how to respond to his criticism

Criticism of a man can lead to discord
Criticism of a man can lead to discord

Of course, usually the guy does not criticize everything at once, he has his own favorite spheres. But discussing even one of them, he selects the right to a person and his own life from a girl, replacing his concepts. Usually such a guy is not in love at all, but begins to change the girl only because she does not see anyone better on the horizon, she is just a nonsense of their famous proverb for him. Here are the advice, what you need to remember and how to respond to his criticism:

  • More often in the network of such guys there are girls who themselves do not see their own value and believe that they need to improve and change something in them.
  • They forget that the requirements for internal and external changes will constantly increase.
  • At first, the guy will want you to remove some of your cosmetic flaws, for example, vascular stars, in the future, small plastic surgery will go.
  • This is not you like that - this is just a guy of such a feature of the psyche. He has increased craving for all new, self -knowledge and training, only he wants to simply reap the fruits, observing the growth of another person.
  • He feels the unrealized ambitions of a coach that wants to change for the better of the life of other people.
  • It is possible that at first you will like it, you will find a constant desire to change in yourself. But believe this is only one option of life.

It may not be better not to constantly change the various areas of activity, looking for yourself, but to improve in one - to buy things that you like, spend free money on travel, and after work do not engage in another profitable hobby, but simply wallow on the bed in the arms of a loved one. Perhaps you will have fewer diplomas and extreme impressions, but more happiness?

Video: Why do men criticize women | How to respond to criticism

Video: Women's Self -esteem: what does a man want when he criticizes and how to answer him

Video: 6 types of men from whom you need to run. What kind of men should not build relationships with

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