10 signs that a man perceives you seriously

10 signs that a man perceives you seriously

When a woman and a man begin to meet, they must experience emotional attachment to each other. Without it, there will be no attraction and love at a spiritual level. But, if a woman is always sure of her feelings, then it’s always difficult to say something about a man. How to understand that he perceives his soul mate seriously?

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Why do young girls like older men?". You will learn about psychology, the pros and cons of marriages and relationships in which a man is older.

From this article you will learn about the signs that help to understand whether your man perceives you seriously or not. Read further.

The man is interested in you: signs

A man who is in love is interested in you - does not take his eyes, watches your behavior, constantly looks at, as if he is studying. The look becomes long, enthusiastic, joyful and glowing. But only by these signs can you understand that you just drive him crazy, interesting and attracting something. But how to understand that a man takes you seriously? Below we will describe the signs. Read further.

10 signs that a man perceives you seriously

A man perceives a woman seriously
A man perceives a woman seriously

The relationship between a man and a woman does not always develop as we would like. You need to cross a lot of frogs to find the very guy with whom you will be truly happy. Here are 10 signs that a man treats you seriously:

  • Maintains constant contact with you and finds time for you

You probably know men who communicate so rarely that you almost forgot about their existence. If you see him less often than, for example, a colleague living abroad, then something is wrong. A guy who does not care regularly maintains a connection, and when he has free time, he can find a minute to meet. In the end, you do it too. If you need to meet a colleague, girlfriend, etc., you just call and agree on a meeting. If you want something, then do everything possible to achieve the goal. It is clear that sometimes there is a bustle time at work, but then you can always send a text message. It literally takes a few seconds. So a man, if you are interested in him, then he will always write or find time to meet.

  • He tells with pleasure about his life

The guy to whom you are really not indifferent will want you to recognize him better. To do this, he is happy to tell about himself, his work, interests, problems with the car. If he is silent and you have to forcefully pull any information out of him, be on the alert. Most likely, he is not interested in serious relationships. Perhaps he met you because he was bored or because he just wanted sexual relations. You are not interested in him, and he does not feel the need for more close relationships. For this person, it is better to just leave everything as it is.

  • Does not meet in parallel with other women and does not consist with them in relations that are not related to work

The fact that he has colleagues-women is a completely normal phenomenon. It is much worse when a man dates back to other women and consists in relations that are different from business. It is better to let go of such a guy right away. Let him carry out casting for the best partner, but without your participation. Agree to such a relationship is the same as floundering in a puddle.

  • He cares about you

A man to whom you are not indifferent will definitely take care of you. When you get sick, he will call to ask how you feel, buy a medicine for temperature, help move the cabinet in the living room, etc. If you see that he protects you, this is a good sign. A man who really takes care of a woman will not refuse to help her in various situations associated with everyday life. He also leads you home in the evening. Therefore, you do not have to rummage nervously in a purse, after the onset of darkness, in search of a pepper spray against aggressive types returning from the party.

  • Does not hide you from friends

Do you have the impression that no one from his environment knows about your meetings and that this is the most carefully guarded secret? He always leads you to low -level places on the outskirts of the city, and when he accidentally meets on the street, pretends that you are barely familiar? In addition, do you know anything about his friends, friends and relatives? He does not even tell you which part of the city lives in? Beware, its mystery is not normal. For there is a significant difference between ordinary human caution and secret life. Since he keeps you all a secret, there is a high probability that he has another woman whom he changes, meeting you behind her.

  • He is gallant and cultural

A man who takes care of a woman tries to be well -educated in her society. He is cultural, does not swear, as if drinking beer with friends, lets you forward and behaves gallantly. If you doubt whether we are talking about a meeting aimed at establishing a relationship between a man and a woman, or about a conversation with friends on the corner of the street, this means that you are not as important to the guy as you would like.

  • Rarely late

A man who really takes care of a woman will try not to be late. Of course, such a case can happen, but it is definitely not a rule. If you are the one who is waiting for him forever, and he is almost always late, then you probably interest him little. In short, you are just a way to kill time and dispel evening boredom, and there is no talk of a serious relationship.

  • Does everything so as not to offend you

When a man takes care of a woman, he tries to control his behavior so as not to cause her unnecessary suffering. If he does not care at all about how he communicates and behaves, and you are wondering what you are doing here, this is a sign that you should finish the date and go home or spend an evening with a girlfriend.

  • He is empathic

An interested guy who is important in a serious relationship is empathized. He is trying to understand that today you feel lousy because of a quarrel with the boss, tonsillitis, etc. He is always ready to listen to you to feel better. If he completely ignores your experiences and well -being, then you mean little for him. Of course, this does not mean that you are not worth anything, he just cannot appreciate you. Fortunately, not all men are the same.

  • Does not strive only for sexual relations

A man who is interested in something more than an adventure for one night will not immediately achieve sexual relations. On the other hand, if he is completely not interested in anything else, except for a speedy return home, and you do not like such a situation, leave it alone. Even if you have been familiar for a long time, but meetings come down mainly to sexual relations, after which you should return to your home, such a relationship has no chance of moving on. If the guy strives only for sex, and this does not suit you, look for a man who corresponds to your expectations. It makes no sense to get stuck in relationships that do not satisfy you and bring you more suffering than joy.

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