The behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman: model, how to understand when he likes a woman, psychology, advice, gold rules for men

The behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman: model, how to understand when he likes a woman, psychology, advice, gold rules for men

The behavior of a man who deserves respect is special. Read more in the article.

The relationship of men and women is very rarely distinguished by mutual pragmatism. They have much more feelings and emotions than a clear algorithm of action. Since they affect the emotional sphere, and the man and woman are afraid of disappointment. Sometimes a word "No", Uttered in relation to the chosen one or chosen one, can have a huge importance and make a very unpredictable adequate in ordinary life.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male ego: What is it in simple words?". You will learn how to manage a man, male ego according to psychology. You will also find useful tips.

We almost never at the very beginning of our acquaintance are talking about our feelings openly, but try to demonstrate them in various ways. This applies to both men and women equally. Since the perception of reality in men and women is different, the behavior with sympathy for the representative of the opposite sex will be different. What exactly is described in this article. Read further.

What behavior of a man, when he likes a woman: model, how to understand?

Model of a man's behavior when he likes a woman
Model of a man's behavior when he likes a woman

The man, first of all, seeks to satisfy the expectations of a woman. Moreover, the weaker sex openly expresses its wishes for the chosen ones:

  • Reliability
  • Ability to make important decisions
  • Take responsibility
  • Society
  • The ability to independently solve complex life issues
  • The appearance is of considerable importance, and not just natural data, but the ability to take care of oneself

So, what is the model of a man’s behavior when he likes a woman? How to understand? If a man liked a person of the opposite sex and he began to experience a certain sympathy for her, then this can definitely be determined by his behavior:

  • He will try to have visual contact with his chosen one as often as possible. It is not for nothing that they say that a man loves his eyes. Of course, if people work in one room, this problem is solved by itself, but in this case you can clearly define the presence of sympathy. As they say, "do not take the eye."
  • Very often a man, as if inaccurately looking for the opportunity to see his chosen one, and especially creative, even create artificially similar situations.
  • Changes appear in the appearance of a man. Suddenly, for everyone, the sweater and jeans can be replaced by a business suit, and in the morning you can catch the smell of expensive cologne.
  • Another obvious feature is the man’s desire to learn as much as possible about his chosen one. He is literally interested in everyone - what dishes prefers, what films and books he likes, whether there is a hobby and so on. Some men can even participate in ordinary female gossows under any pretext.

Well, it is natural that a man will pay increased attention to the woman he like. This can be expressed both in ordinary everyday actions - let go ahead, open the door, etc., and in more active actions - small gifts, invitation to lunch or coffee.

What are the features of the behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman: Psychology

Features of the behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman
Features of the behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman

But what of this all of the above set of signs deserves respect for a woman? What are the features of the behavior of a man who deserves the respect of a woman, according to psychology? Several points can be distinguished:

  • The man himself strives to develop relationships, and does not wait for the chosen one to do this

Of course, it is naive to think that if a woman herself does not show signs of sympathy, then the man will continue to seek her in all possible ways. You can not enter the closed door on which the barn lock hangs. But at the same time, it is the man, according to women, should take the most important and responsible steps in relationships. It so historically happened that it was he who should invite the chosen one to marry, and not vice versa.

  • He must prove the attitude of his actions, and not just words

This second moment, one might say, stems smoothly from the first. After all, it is by actions that you can determine whether a man has the qualities that a woman wants to see in him. Just words can only temporarily create such an illusion, but long -term relationships will be based on actions.

  • A young guy always thinks about his development

After all, it was the ladies that were always an incentive for the most important achievements in the life of a man. With such a person, not only interesting in life, but also very reliable.

  • He tries to surround the woman with care

It is not for nothing that they say that a woman marries, that is, for a man. Not in front of him, not somewhere on the side, but behind him. That is, a man is a wall that protects against all adversity. He must be able to make decisions and take responsibility, try to solve the problems that arise, not be petty and greedy. After all, when you love a person, you always try to do something pleasant for him, and absolutely disinterestedly, money in this case does not matter.

  • The guy should not be windy and do all any

Another very important point is thoroughness. At all times, a woman appreciated exactly a thorough man whose actions, whether it was a small repair, or the choice of expensive household appliances, was made well and carefully thought out. This is a very significant indicator for future relations or family life. Thus, a man’s behavior can tell a lot of the woman he liked. Of course, there is love at first sight, but much more often love grows out of a sense of respect for each other.

What should be a man’s behavior if he likes a woman: tips and gold rules for men

Men's behavior if he likes a woman
Men's behavior if he likes a woman

A lot of relationships suffer a fiasco because of the so-called "Halo effect". Each person mentally creates the image of his second half and, as a rule, he includes only positive qualities. But, unfortunately, ideal people do not exist and all of us have their own shortcomings. We are all in different ways, although there are still similar features.

What should be a man’s behavior if he likes a woman? Below are the tips and gold rules for men, as well as the norms of behavior that every woman wants to see in her chosen one. These include:

  • The ability to calmly and without a scream solve all issues in relationships

Any increase in voice in our minds is initially perceived as danger or aggression, so determined by nature. Animals thus try to scare the enemy, nature warns of natural disasters. Therefore, it is important for a man to be able to restrain his emotions and not to switch to a scream.

  • Adequate response to various difficult situations, namely the lack of pettiness

This applies not only to financial issues. The use of serious resources to solve a petty problem raises a completely reasonable question - what will happen if the problem is more difficult, and does a man have the strength to solve her on his own?

  • Envy

Unfortunately, neither a man nor a woman can get rid of this feeling. At the same time, it is very important how it manifests itself. If it pours into verbal insults, constant grumbling or scandals, then this is very bad. In an ideal version, envy should become, first of all, an incentive to achieve high results, and even better to get ahead of the opponent. At the same time, it should not be accompanied by verbal eruptions, but only responsible actions in accordance with the developed plan of action.

  • Do not judge your neighbor

Conviction, and open, this action is akin to envy. But you should not judge a person, because the circumstances of his act can be completely different, and it is not known how the condemning himself would have acted in a similar situation. It is not for nothing that they say - in order to judge a person, it is necessary to go in his boots to go his way.

  • Ability to recognize your mistakes

This can be not only an independent analysis of the situation, but also the criticism of others. On how a person reacts to comments from the side, his assessment depends not only the opposite sex, but also of society as a whole. This is very important when there really is a mistake, but a person persistently denies it. This moment and self -improvement of a man does not contribute.

  • Pity is a bad feeling

This is especially important for a man. He is not helpless as a kitten and can solve problems on his own. Yes, sometimes I really want to regret myself, but you need to do this exclusively in your mind and in no case do not voice other people. This behavior will rather push the woman than make her sympathize with the man.

  • The presence of significant skills and skills

In our society, and in general, the mentality, the opinion has long been rooted that a man should be able to score and fry the nail. It doesn’t matter what he will do, knit or cut it down, the main thing is that he does it very well. After all, professionalism is always highly valued not only by employers. The presence of such skills will tell a woman about the thoroughness of a man.

  • The ability to express their opinion

This is especially true for relations with a woman, because they are very emotional creatures and sometimes do not know what they are doing. The man’s ability to correctly respond to aggressive behavior, or some nastiness made by quietly, will help not only to maintain relationships, but also to interrupt them at the very beginning, if it is already clear that with a person is not along the way. No need to torment yourself or others.

  • He must behave like a man

No need to lick and portray a small child. Yes, maybe someone can like such behavioral roles from early childhood. But making them the basis of a relationship is wrong. At least from the outside it looks very ridiculous. Moreover, this behavior is expected primarily from a woman, and not from a person who should be a wall and support. In some situations, you can play along with a woman and make her pleasant, but behaving so unacceptable.

  •   Respect for your chosen one - do not allow humiliation in her respect

Any person, regardless of the floor, perceives humiliation extremely negatively. The reaction can be completely different - and patience, and response aggression, and the desire to get rid of the source of humiliation as soon as possible. In any case, it is extremely stupid to expect a positive reaction to humiliation. This may indicate mental disorders. Therefore, a man in no case should allow himself to humiliate his woman, and not allow other people to do it. He must become a real defender for his lady.

A man with a woman must behave with dignity
A man with a woman must behave with dignity
  • Any man imagines himself Casanova, but just do not need to do it in the eyes of his beloved

In no case should you tell the lady about his past love relationships, and especially about their intimate details. After all, subconsciously, any person will compare himself with the object of such stories. And not always in their favor. And who knows how such a comparison can affect the psyche and the attitude of a woman to a man.

  • A man should always help a woman

Moreover, this should go from a pure heart and without reminders. For a woman, this is very important, because it is precisely such behavior that she regards not only as help actually, but also as attention to herself, as a loved one.

  • Respect yourself

It is very difficult to respect a person who refers to himself connivocally and does not show self -esteem. There are a lot of such people: they love themselves, cherish, pity - anything, just do not respect. Since they know exactly: there is nothing. Or they simply cannot find in themselves the qualities for which you can respect yourself. By the way, respecting yourself does not mean talking about yourself in the third person with respectful aspiration, or as they say in everyday life - "we are Nicholas the Second."

To respect yourself, it is enough to observe only two rules:

  1. Do not commit actions that you yourself evaluate as dishonest, even if everyone does it and it is convenient, safe and pleasant.
  2. If you know that doing something will be right, do it, even if you do not want it and still no one will appreciate it.

Когда в самом начале отношений человек сталкивается с недостатками своего избранника, именно тогда, из-за "Halo effect", which was written above, can comprehend terrible disappointments. In other words, a person in his mind created himself the ideal of his chosen one, but in real life he cannot find him in any way.

In order to build a happy relationship or a strong family, one must try to adequately perceive the shortcomings of your chosen one and correct them together. At the same time, it is very important to observe the beat and caution. Indeed, adults, held people are already entering the relationship. A rough attempt to re-educate someone by force, most likely, will cause a response negative reaction. But in any case, not sweet words, namely, the behavior of a man will quickly cause a response in the woman he liked. Good luck!

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