What is the Win button on the keyboard? Win key on the keyboard: purpose

What is the Win button on the keyboard? Win key on the keyboard: purpose

On the keyboard for a computer there is a button like Win. In our article we will tell you why it is used.

Not every computer user knows why the Win button is required on the keyboard. At the same time, its use usually helps to make everyday tasks easier. Let's talk with you why this key is intended and what are convenient combinations for its use.

Win button on the keyboard - what kind of key: purpose, features, location

Win button
Win button

At first, the Win button was not considered mandatory in the layout at all and it appeared later - when Windows became very popular and began to install it on almost all computers. Thus, Microsoft advertised itself through the keyboard and marked that its system is the most significant.

  • The very first and main purpose of the button is the launch of the Start menu, and if you use it with other buttons, you can even make different commands.
  • At the moment, this key is mandatory for each keyboard. It has already become standard and its presence is not even discussed.
  • The key is always located on the left, and looks like a Windows logo. From this, problems with its search may arise.
  • On old keyboards, such a button may not be at all. Only buying a new keyboard can help here.

In addition, there are no buttons on the keyboards produced by the Apple brand. This is due to the fact that the company's computers use a completely different system called Mac OS. Be sure to remember this and do not try to look for a button where it definitely cannot be.

Claws with Win
Claws with Win

Win button on the keyboard: Useful combinations

  • Win

Starts the Start menu for viewing points for opening programs.

  • Win + b

Allows you to choose icons through a system tray, that is, on the left below, where the clock is located. In addition, it allows you to switch the icons with cursor buttons.

  • Win + D

Suitable for opening the desktop.

  • Win + E

Runes the standard Windows conductor.

  • Win+F

The "Search" menu opens without using the mouse.

  • Win+L.

If you need to block the computer, then use this combination.

  • Win+M

When there are many windows open, sometimes you want to turn them all away. In order not to do this one at a time, thanks to a special combination you can turn everything at once.

  • Win+p

If you use a projector or another screen, then with this combination you can switch between monitors.

  • Win+R

The window opens for the entry and execution of commands.

  • Win+T.

Runes the "Panel of Tasks."

  • Win+U.

Opens the "Center for Special Opportunities."

  • Win+X

Different programs can be launched depending on the version version. So, the center of mobile applications will start in Windows 7, and in Windows 8 it will be the Start menu.

  • Win+PAUSE

Triggers the properties of the system for their configuration.

  • Win+F1

If you have problems with the work of Windows or something is not clear to you, then open a certificate using this combination.

  • Win + Ctrl + 1 + 2 + 3

If one program is open in several windows, then using the presented combination you can switch between them.

  • Win + arrows

If you press the arrow up or down, then the open window will open on the full screen or vice versa. Arrows to the sides can be shifted by windows to the left or to the right.

  • Win+Shift+arrows to the sides

If you use two monitors, then in this way you can move the window from one monitor to another.

  • Win+gap

In the seventh version of the system, such a combination is activated by the desktop, and in the eighth, languages \u200b\u200bswitch.

  • Win + button + or -

Used to change page scale.

Video: Win Key keyboard capabilities

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