What is a session at a university and when does it begin? Installation session at the institute - what is it?

What is a session at a university and when does it begin? Installation session at the institute - what is it?

In this article we will discuss what a session is and how many times in the academic year it is held.

The session is one of the complex and expected periods for all students, when teachers check whether the knowledge has learned what students have learned and so on. A lot depends on the successful passing of the exams - whether the study will continue, whether it will be possible to get a budget place, whether the scholarship will be paid and so on.

What is a session at the institute, technical school?

The session refers to the time of passing exams in subjects that were studied throughout the entire semester. The main goal is to verify the knowledge gained, whether they actually fixed and whether the students learned something new. If the student successfully undergoes all exams and tests, then he is given the right to continue training.

If the student is studying at the daytime department, then he passes two sessions in the year - in winter and summer. The number of exams is determined according to the training plan, but basically there are no more than six. For each exam, three days are given for preparation.

How long does the session last?

How long does the session last?
How long does the session last?

On average, the session can last 20 days and it is installed directly in the educational institution. The specific date of the beginning and completion of all classes is determined by the same principle. In most cases, the first session begins in December, and the second in June.

Before the session period comes, the test week is first held, when various tests, abstracts, practice reports and other projects are surrendered. Only those who do not have debts are left to the exams.

If not all objects are handed over the first time, then the student is given time for retaking. Three attempts are usually given for one discipline. When everything is handed over, then the student goes on vacation, and if the student has lost the exams, then he is expelled.

How do the session handle students pass?

Session of the correspondence
Session of the correspondence

For students studying at the correspondence department, the regulations of the session are different. Its beginning is determined by the educational institution and largely depends on what the curriculum will be. As a rule, this is January-February and spring-April.

Freshmen usually begin the session earlier and the date is approximately at the end of November or early December. The terms when the exams should be taken strictly not determined, it depends on the course, the number of students and other factors.

What is an installation session?

Installation session
Installation session

Students-home students undergo different sessions. At the beginning of the year, installation is carried out and it lasts one to two weeks. During this period, students learn what subjects they will study, they are given the basic knowledge of what they have to study, literature for reading, tasks, control and so on. By the end of the session, small tests are held on the knowledge gained during these two weeks.

Next is a break, after which the examination session occurs. It can last 2-6 months. If the student does not close all the objects during the session, then he is given the opportunity for retake. It is assigned during a break. To obtain admission to the exams, all tails must be handed over. Often, the installation session before the start of the new semester takes place immediately after passing the exams.

As a rule, the test week, or rather its duration and current, are set by each educational institution on their own. You can see the training plan in most cases in advance. It is given in hand or laid out on the university website.

You should not look for such concepts as “installation” or “pre -premium week” because there are no such concepts in legislation. In addition, the transfer of disciplines, as well as the delivery of control and so on, are combined under such a term as “intermediate certification”.

Each student must take all the tests and exams on time - this is the key to successful training in any educational institution. However, it is not always possible to meet the permissible time, but do not be upset, because there are opportunities for retake, and you can also take academic leave and then continue training.

Video: What is a session? Tricks. Ballen-rating system

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