What is a monologue and dialogue? How to distinguish a dialogue from a monologue: signs

What is a monologue and dialogue? How to distinguish a dialogue from a monologue: signs

In this article, we will discuss how the monologue differs from the dialogue.

The monologue and dialogue are two different types of speech. Many people do not understand how they are different and we decided to answer this question.

What is a dialogue?


Dialogue is a conversation in which it is involved from two people. A dialogical unity is taken per unit - several replicas that have one common topic are combined. All statements are dependent on each other. There is a special code of relationships, which determines the nature of the dialogue. So, there are three types of interaction - dependence, cooperation and equality.

Each dialogue has a structure. As always - this is the beginning, the middle and the end. The size of the dialogue has no boundaries and can last endlessly. But, as practice shows, there is always an ending.

The dialogue is more popular because it is the initial form of communication and it is used in all types of conversational speech.

Dialogue is considered a spontaneous speech that cannot be prepared in advance. Regardless of the type of speech and even with thorough preparation, the course of dialogue will still not be like that, because you cannot predict the response of the interlocutor and his reaction.

In order for the dialogue to be built, general knowledge of the participants or at least a minimum gap is required. If someone alone is not particularly informative, then this may poorly affect the productivity of dialogue.

Depending on the goals and objectives, several types of dialogue are distinguished - household, business and interviews.

What is a monologue?


A monologue is a speech for which two are not needed. It has two different types. First of all, the monologue is focused, consciously addresses the listeners, and is characteristic of oral speech.

  • In addition, a monologue is even a conversation with himself. This is due to the fact that it is not directed to anyone and it is not required to answer.
  • It is important to note that monologues are prepared and not prepared.
  • Each monologue pursues some goal. He can inform, convince or encourage.
  • The information monologue allows you to transmit knowledge. The speaker should take into account the knowledge and capabilities of the listeners. If we talk about specific examples, then it can be a lecture, report or report.
  • The convincing dialogue is aimed at the emotions of the listeners. And in this case, it is necessary to take into account the susceptibility of the listener. It can be a congratulation, parting words, and so on.
  • The motivating dialogue is aimed at encouraging a person in a person. It can be a political speech, a call for actions or vice versa, protest.

What is the difference between a dialogue and a monologue?

So, we figured out what these two concepts mean and now we can judge their differences. First of all, this is the number of participants. There can not be only one participant in the dialogs to take place, at least two are needed. As for the monologue, it needs only one and it does not require an answer.

It is also important to note that the monologue can be prepared, but the dialogue does not. This is due to the fact that the answers of the interlocutor cannot be predicted, so even with the best preparation the conversation will still do not go as planned.

Video: dialogue and monologue. Video tutorial on the Russian language grade 2

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