What are aliexpress coupons, what do they give, what are they needed for? How to get and use the seller’s coupon for Aliexpress?

What are aliexpress coupons, what do they give, what are they needed for? How to get and use the seller’s coupon for Aliexpress?

Purchase goods on Aliexpress It is possible at all at a ridiculous price, because in addition to various discounts, the trading platform offers coupons for various amounts.

Aliexpress - The global trading platform on the Internet, which has long gone beyond the network and gained popularity around the world. Daily Hundreds of thousands of buyers And sellers delight each other with numerous purchases and a variety of goods at funny and affordable for each price.

Wherein you can buy your favorite thing even cheaper, after all, Aliexpress has coupons that give a significant discount on the goods.

To make the first order for Aliexpress, read the instructions for registration, searching for goods, payment and delivery on the official website here Or read the article on our website " The first order for Aliexpress».

What are aliexpress coupons, why are they needed?

Copons on Aliexpress - This is a great opportunity to save your budget and purchase your favorite thing. At the same time, you should not fulfill any conditions at all, or make a purchase for a ner amount-you can get a coupon just often looking at the site.

There are many ways to obtain coupons for aliexpress
There are many ways to obtain coupons for aliexpress

The use of coupons is not attached to a particular dateTherefore, you can get a discount on any day on the thing you like.

At least once in your life, but you saw coupons from retail stores of products, household chemicals and other goods. Coupons from online stores they are no different From the above:

  • You also get a discount on the specified amount;
  • You can spend a coupon on any product among the proposed;
  • The action of the coupon is also limited in time;
  • The number of discount coupons is also limited;
Discounts on goods can be very significant
Discounts on goods can be very significant

The main reason for the distribution of coupons by the seller is p opening the level of sales And attracting a new audience. For us, this is a way to save and save your money on purchases. Aliexpress makes it possible to get a discount on two types of coupons:

  • From the seller

The action of such coupons extends exclusively to the assortment of the same manufacturer. They can be found on a page with goods.

  • From the Internet site itself

Such coupons are used to make a discount on all products without exception.

How to find discount dome aliexpress on the site?

At the end of a certain season, when there is a need to sell residual or hanging goods in the warehouse, sellers sell goods with coupons. In this case, discounts are simply huge, the main thing for you to go under the distribution. The amount of the discount is displayed on the product page.

You can not worry if you did not have time to get a discount from one seller. Another will give no less discountsince competition on Aliexpresscrazy, and sellers want to sell their goods.

Copons from Aliexpress get in several ways:

  • Discounts for the most active users. Information about discounts for such users is sent to them to an electronic box, which already indicates the amount they can count on. Only the owner of the account can use them.
  • When placing an order for a certain amount. These coupons are issued as prizes with participation in flash games, promotions and competitions on the website of Aliexpress. Discounts are provided only for one account.
Coupons Aliexpress
Coupons Aliexpress
  • Promo codes give out on the eve of some kind of holiday Or events in advance. Typically, these discounts act only on the day of sales dedicated to the holiday. They are global, that is, anyone can get them if it has time to fulfill the necessary conditions before distributing coupons.
  • Copons of a particular store can also be bought on this site page And use when buying in the period indicated on it.
  • You can also get it Special sciences for Aliexpress. How to get and use special cins on our website is devoted to the article " How to get and use special coupons for Aliexpress: Rules.«
  • Use the service Cashback Sita. Too high competition among sellers led to the fact that the sales themselves are ready to pay those sites that will attract new customers to them. This is where Cashbek's work is based.

Where can I find Aliexpress coupons?

Few people know, but there is a site itself the catalog of all coupons. This page, unfortunately, is not translated into Russian, but everything is clear there. The "Couple" section provides all the information about the discounts currently on the site. We remind you that the number of coupons is limited!

Copons can be found or exchanged for coins
Copons can be found or exchanged for coins

You can find coupons even without any action. Often those who are actively studying the site and like to view new products just a coupon is awarded. Others have to make purchases and wait for special festive dates when the issuance of coupons is activated.

How to get a discount from other sources?

Discount coupons can be obtained from partners Aliexpress:

  • Bank Tinkoff it has long been cooperating with this sales site and provides the owner of credit kar for large discounts and bonuses.
  • Mobile app Aliexpress. Download this program on your smartphone and you will immediately receive a coupon for a few dollars. And playing in the application and earning bonuses, you will get the opportunity to exchange them for coupons.
  • Purchases from the corn card they return to you bonuses for $ 5.
You can get a discount on the coupon from partners Aliexpress
you can get a discount on the coupon from partners Aliexpress
  • Improving machine translation Site from English to Russian, you can get coupons in gratitude for the help.
  • The competition is held every week for fans Aliexpress. Winners receive a $ 50 coupon.
  • Each product has buttons with social networks icons. Reposts Links in these services also bring coupons.

How to use a coupon from a seller for Aliexpress?

You can get a discount from the seller by clicking on the icon with the amount of the discount on the product page.

Such discounts act only on the assortment of one seller. Also, just bargaining with the seller Aliexpressyou can knock yourself a good discount out of the blue.

So, instructions to get a discount:

  • On the page of the selected product, press the icon at a discount.
  • Having selected the characteristics of the goods, go to the section " Your basket».
  • Select the icon " Get a seller’s coupon».
  • Select the discount of interest and place an order.

How to pay for the purchase by the Aliexpress coupon?

In order to use the resulting coupon on Aliexpress, you need to follow a simple instructions:

  1. Choose an interesting thing;
  2. Add to the basket;
  3. Go to the design of the first order page if necessary;
  4. When confirming the information, put a checkplace in the square and choose a coupon from all you have;
  5. Next, it remains only to pay for the order and wait for his arrival.

It is important to remember that in order to use the coupon, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements. It can be:

  • The purchase price. The main condition for using coupons is the total purchase price. For example, a $ 5 coupon is valid when buying from $ 50. That is, you must buy goods for $ 50 to pay $ 45.
  • Time. Some coupons are limited by the time of use until a certain date. At the end of the deadline, you will no longer be able to use them.
  • The purpose of the coupon. The coupon can be tied to a certain section in the online store, that is, the coupon for the purchase of underwear, outerwear, jewelry.

Do coupons return when the purchase for Aliexpress?

Sometimes you can’t use the coupon because of the wrong and rash actions on the site. One of them is the refusal to buy, on which the coupon was issued. To avoid misunderstandings and not lose the desired discount, do not forget that:

  • In case of refusal of part of the goods coupon Aliexpress does not return;
  • If you refuse the entire order, the coupon will return to the account;
  • Sellers do not return their coupons under any pretext.
Be careful, because by canceling the purchase, you can lose the discount on the coupon
Be careful, because by canceling the purchase, you can lose the discount on the coupon

How to use a coupon if the order amount is less than the required?

Suppose, let's to use the coupon At $ 40, you need to get purchases for $ 200, and you need a thing only for 150 evergreen. It is realistic to make a purchase in this situation, for this it is only necessary follow such points:

  • Throw the goods into the basket;
  • Choose another product for the missing amount;
  • Make a common purchase;
  • Apply a coupon and place an order;
  • By going to the "Orders" section you will find two separate orders requiring payment. Moreover, the discount is divided between orders in proportion: the product for $ 200 costs now 170, and the second $ 40;
  • We cancel the second order and pay for the first. Thus, the discount amounted to $ 30 with $ 150 for buying the necessary thing.

Copons on Aliexpress - This is a pleasant addition to a variety of shopping, which will allow significantly protect money. Show activity on the site, do not forget to visit your beloved Ali during holidays and various sales and you will definitely be lucky get a discount coupon In Aliexpress.

Video: Life hack: How to get free coupons for Aliexpress?

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