Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for healing, losing weight and longevity: benefits and harm, contraindications, reviews, results, consequences. 5 minute morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed for women: a set of exercises

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for healing, losing weight and longevity: benefits and harm, contraindications, reviews, results, consequences. 5 minute morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed for women: a set of exercises

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics will help to improve the body and prolong youth.

The secret of Tibetan monks, consisting in long -lived and good health, was transferred more than 30 years ago to Soviet specialists who allegedly conducted electricity in the Tibeta mountains. For their work, experts received gratitude in the form of revealing the secret of maintaining health and prolonging life. This is evidenced by the history of the origin of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

  • Modern people connect the fact of good health and longevity of Tibetan monks with an ascetic way of life, mountain climate, pure air and proper nutrition.
  • But supporters of eastern hormonal gymnastics are assigned to her the main role in long -lived.
  • The set of exercises is simple. He is credited with miraculous properties that help to additionally live 20-30 years.
  • Such gymnastics was known many years ago, but attracted attention only now.
  • Remember that any gymnastics, physical exercises and even banal charging has contraindications. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is no exception. Below the article will describe the benefits and harm, as well as various sets of exercises that you can perform every day and heal.

What gives Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics, charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity: benefit and harm

What gives Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics, charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity: benefit and harm
What gives Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics, charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity: benefit and harm

The monks are sure that for longevity, external attractiveness and good health, the correct functioning of energy centers plays an important role. For their stimulation, eastern hormonal gymnastics is used. But what does Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics give? The benefits of charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity are in such factors:

  • the correct functioning of all body systems;
  • increasing the acuteness of hearing and vision;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background (important for women);
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improvement of memory;
  • stimulating the work of the digestive tract;
  • removal of psycho -emotional stress and chronic fatigue;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • increased life explosion;
  • the return of elasticity by blood vessels;
  • improvement of the outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • strengthening muscles, joints, getting rid of pain;
  • increasing skin tone, getting rid of excess weight and cellulite;
  • alignment of the oval of the face, a tightening of the chin and getting rid of wrinkles;
  • charging vigor and good mood for the whole day.
What gives Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics, charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity
What gives Tibetan oriental hormonal gymnastics, charging Tibetan monks for healing and longevity

The harm from Eastern Tibetan gymnastics will be if you have contraindications. These include the following states:

  • 6-12 months after surgery;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • hypotension;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases associated with the spine and joints, especially during the period of exacerbation.

Each case is individual and only a doctor can allow classes. In one case, the doctor will recommend to do oriental exercises in a particular disease, and in the other, on the contrary, a complete ban.

Important: before starting the exercises, be sure to consult a doctor!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss: Contraindications

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss: Contraindications
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss: Contraindications

If a woman wants to lose weight, then she tries different diets, is engaged in fitness and even goes to the gym. But not everyone is able to achieve the desired result. If you can restore the functioning of energy centers, then the process of losing weight will go much faster. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss consists of 5 exercises:

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss: Exercises
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss: Exercises

Perform such exercises every day from 6 to 8 in the morning. In a week you will notice that the weight begins to leave. But do not forget about proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air and a good mood. Smile more, because experts have noticed that when a person smiles during exercise, he additionally loses up to 200 calories.

Contraindications to the performance of such exercises are the following conditions and diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • violations of the functionality of the heart in the acute stage;
  • stomach ulcer and acute intestinal inflammation;
  • vertebral hernia and other pathologies associated with the spine;
  • postoperative period;
  • return up to 16 years;
  • arthritis in acute form.

If you have any chronic diseases or diseases in acute form, then before starting classes, consult your doctor.

Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini: description of 5 minute morning charging in bed for women

Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini: description of 5 minute morning charging in bed for women
Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini: description of 5 minute morning charging in bed for women

It is very convenient that oriental hormonal gymnastics is demonstrated not by coaches with a pumped body, but by ordinary women. Video with gymnastics Olga Orlova helps everyone to do the exercise correctly. This technique is called the Kalpashvini method (this is the second surname of Olga Orlova). Such a technique is distributed on the network and is accompanied by positive reviews, because with its help you can achieve longevity and increase your life for 30 years without illness and in their right mind.

This gymnastics should be carried out at dawn (from 4 to 6 in the morning), daily. The implementation of such a rule is mandatory, since several reasons are associated with it:

  • Daily classes are a habit and increase effectiveness. Thanks to this, a person works for the result.
  • To defeat laziness and daily get out of bed at 4 in the morning to perform exercises, this is the primary task that a person should put in front of himself if he wants to improve his heal. Lazier prevents us from achieving your goals, so determination should be among your character qualities, if you need to achieve a good result.
  • Stimulation of the correct order of awakening - with the sunrise, the process of wakefulness in the human body starts. The functional rhythms of the body are configured for healing. Tibetan monks and Vedic sages carried out gymnastics with the first rays of the sun.

Description of the miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini:

Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini
Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Kalpashvini

The video tells in detail and shows how to do each exercise.

Video: hormonal gymnastics 5 minutes a day from all diseases! Kalpashvini

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya: Description

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya: Description
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya: Description

With the help of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, a person wakes up quickly, without pain and fatigue. The miraculous 5 -minute methodology of oriental gymnastics was described above. According to the methodology, Shishatsky gymnastics will be more expanded and effective. All exercises are performed a certain number of times, with an accurate sequence, one after another.

  • The effect occurs according to the points of the glands - from top to bottom: the pineal gland, the pituitary gland in the head, the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck.
  • The thymus gland is in the chest. The pancreas at the top of the abdomen, the adrenal glands on the back. Women's and male sex glands (ovaries and testicles) in the lower abdomen, and the tailbone (kundalini - “sleeping snake”) behind, but also below.
  • The skin is the largest organ and gland. Using special exercises, we act on it with rubbing movements, as well as on internal organs and glands.
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya

Description of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Neli Shishatskaya:

  1. Get your palmsPut them on the eyes and press them 30 times.
  2. Pull your palms again and attach to your ears. Press 30 times.
  3. Massage the ear of the ear. Pull the earlobes, let go - so do it several times.
  4. Fingers, folded in a fist, massage the chin - 30 times.
  5. With the index finger Drive up and down the nose - 30 times.
  6. Put the right palm on the forehead, and the palm of the left hand on top of the right hand. Massage the frontal part of the head 30 times.
  7. Turn the roller towel Or sew a soft roller. Put it under his back and lie on the roller on the roller so that his head touches, but does not lie on it. Combine your hands and put on the floor above your head. Raise your arms up and lower it to the floor, as if opening the chest. Move the movement 30 times.
  8. Hands in the same position. Glide your hands on the floor, leaning to the sides - 30 times.
  9. Put your hands on the throat: The right lies on the thyroid gland, and the left moves along the body to the navel - 30 times.
  10. Remove the roller. The back should lie on the floor. Put both hands vertically, as if in a navel. Feel the pulsation and count 30 times.
  11. Right hand on the navel, left from above. Make rotation with your hands around the navel - 30 times.
  12. Put your hands in the area under the right edgePress and feel the internal organs a little.
  13. Do the same at the top of the abdomenListening to your feelings.
  14. On the left side, do the sameas in the previous two exercises.
  15. Knead below to hip seeds To the right and left, reaching the pubis and in the center up the stomach. The movements should be smooth and painless.
  16. Repeat the last exercise again.
  17. Rub the area in the lower abdomen The lateral part of the palms is 30 times.
  18. Cross your feet in the feet and raise up. Perform the legs from side to side - 30 times.
  19. Straighten your legs, stretch your arms up and squeeze your fingers and legs at the same time - 50 times.
  20. Raise your legs up. If it is difficult to hold your legs, put the roller under the buttocks. Rotate your palms and feet first clockwise, then in the opposite direction - 10 times.
  21. Stay in the starting position And now make light vibration with your body, arms and legs - 2 minutes. Such an exercise for capillaries will help keep the vessels in tone.
  22. Then massage the feet, and the legs themselves from the bottom up - 30 times.

These basic exercises will help launch the work of all glands in the body. Watch in more detail in the video.

Video: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Alena Berdnik: Description

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Alena Berdnik: Description
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Alena Berdnik: Description

Alena Berdnik is a famous psychologist. She tells how to do oriental gymnastics correctly, but without a visual demonstration of each exercise. If you do not like to repeat after someone, but I just want to listen to how it is performed, this or that exercise, and then do everything in its own way, then Tibetan hormonal gymnastics from Alena Berdnik is perfect for you. The description of each position is in the video:

Video: hormonal gymnastics from Alena Berdnik

Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women

Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women

The health of the genitourinary system of women directly depends on the tone of the muscles of the perineum. With age and conducting an incorrect lifestyle (few movements, excess weight), the muscles become weak, and this provokes the development of various inflammations.

Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women will help return the tone to the muscles that protect the female organs from the ingress of microbes and inflammation. Try to perform these exercises daily.

Starting position (in the future I.P.) - sit on the floor, stretch and spread your legs. With your hands, focus on the back. Now perform such exercises:

Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - exercises
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - exercises
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - continuation
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - continuation
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - the last part
Hormonal gymnastics for the organs of the small pelvis of women - the last part

The pace of execution of each exercise is average, with the exception of those positions where it is indicated that the pace should be slow and the breath is even. In addition to this gymnastics, try to walk a lot in the fresh air. This will help restore metabolism, get rid of excess weight and restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes, for the face: exercise, massage

Tibetan monks knew how not only to heal the body, but also to rejuvenate the face. Exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes and for the skin of the face are simple. They need to be done every morning, spending only 4 minutes a day. After a few days, you will feel how your skin is improved, vision is restored.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes, for the face: exercise, massage
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes, for the face: exercise, massage

So, the exercises of oriental gymnastics for rejuvenation of the skin of the face:

  • Warming the palms. Extend your hands and rub your palms against each other. With this exercise, every complex of oriental gymnastics begins. Warm hands help to open energy channels.
  • Press the eye slightly. Press your palms to your eyes and spend light presses. Eyes should be closed. Do it 8 times. The interval between each press of 1 second.
  • Press on your ears. Press your palms to your ears. The fingers should lie on the back of the head. Press 8 times.
  • Face massage. Clutch your hands into a fist, take your thumb to the side, and attach to the earlobes. Then do neat massage on the skin of the face, moving from nose to ears. Pay attention to rubbing the nasal sinuses and the area between the eyebrows.
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead. Open your palms, and put your right hand on the frontal part of the head, and the left hand on top of the right palm. Make circular movements from one temple to another.
  • Contact massage. Put a roller or a folded towel under the neck. The open palms lie on each other. Move your hands from the crown to the forehead, but at a distance of 5 cm from the surface of the skin. Make 8 movements. Rest for 1 minute, and repeat movements from ear to ear.
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes, for the face
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for the eyes, for the face

Now that the muscles of the face are warmed up, and the body is configured to replenish the energy balance, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Stand straight, take your fingers in the middle of the eyebrows. Make your movements with your hands, as if outlining the lines up and left-right.
  2. Place your hands at the corners of the eyes. Pick the large fingers from the corners of the eyes to the temporal part of the head. Do this 8 times.
  3. Rub the palms of each other. Attach your hands to the cheeks. Take your hands down in the cheekbones - 8 times.
  4. Put your hands on your nose and mouth So that the thumbs are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hollows on the cheeks, and the nasal index on both sides of the nose. Open your mouth and stick your tongue, then hide it. Do this 8 times.
  5. Hands in the same position. Make rotational movements with a tongue in your mouth - 8 times. Catch your tongue from the inside along the lower and upper lip.
  6. Hands are in the previous position. Pull the lips with a tube. Rotate them left and right - 8 times.
  7. Now rub your hand in hand. When the palms are heated, make palpating movements with your fingers in the mouth, chin, cheekbones and forehead.
  8. Pour your fingers in the form of a comb. Put your hand on your forehead and start combing your hair, touching the scalp with your fingers - from the forehead to the back of the head. Do this 8 times.

In detail each exercise is shown in the video, which is located below.

Video: Facial gymnastics. Face exercises (face rejuvenation). Feylifting

Does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics help with a snore?

Does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics help with a snore?
Does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics help with a snore?

Eastern gymnastics helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes, rejuvenate the body. Thanks to special exercises that the monks performed every day, they lived for a long time and were healthy, with good vision, hearing and memory until the end of life. But does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics help with a snore?

  • This question is asked by many modern people.
  • Eastern gymnastics helps relieve tension and helps to get rid of diseases of the respiratory system.
  • If snoring occurs as a result of a violation of respiratory function during sleep, or due to poor blood circulation in the nasal sinuses (curvature of the nasal septum and more), then Tibetan gymnastics helps restore blood circulation, relax muscles and improve the operation of the respiratory system.

Accordingly, with its help you can get rid of snoring.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in oncology

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in oncology
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in oncology

Eastern gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. Eating cells, outflow of lymph, internal organs begin to work without interruption. But is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in oncology used?

This question is better to ask your doctor. After all, only he knows about problems and malfunctions in the body, and will be able to answer. It all depends on which organ has a disease and at what stage.

The consequences of hormonal gymnastics: can there be memory problems after hormonal gymnastics?

The consequences of hormonal gymnastics: can there be memory problems after hormonal gymnastics?
The consequences of hormonal gymnastics: can there be memory problems after hormonal gymnastics?

Activation of points at the bioenergy level helps to improve vision, hearing, and rejuvenate the body. But what are the consequences of hormonal gymnastics? Can there be memory problems after hormonal gymnastics? Such questions often arise in people who are just beginning to master the methodology of exercises from Tibet monks.

Eastern gymnastics helps to remove such phenomena as frequent fatigue, poor memory and forgetfulness, removes stagnant processes in the lymph. Exercises will help improve memory and blood circulation in the brain. The experience of many people shows that memory improves, as well as hearing and vision. Read in detail about this in the reviews.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: results, reviews

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: results, reviews
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: results, reviews

To achieve good results after performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, you need to wake up at dawn and start doing exercises after rubbing the palms. Thanks to this action, the energy is focused in the area of \u200b\u200bthe palms and then transmitted to the energy channels with which you work in the process of performing the exercise.

Read about the results of oriental gymnastics in the reviews of people who are engaged in this methodology:

Irina, 26 years old

I had bronchial asthma since childhood. I accidentally heard about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics from a former classmate. She has been fulfilling it for several years. I was surprised when I saw her - a positive, beautiful, slender and fit girl. At school, she was half -dead, forever with a bad mood. I have been doing this gymnastics for two years. I completely got rid of bronchial asthma. The disease began to leave after a year of class. At first it was hard, I wanted to quit, but I always remembered a classmate and realized that only patience would help to achieve real results. Thanks to the monks who revealed the secret of health.

Anna Nikolaevna, 50 years old

She began to perform Tibetan gymnastics exercises two months ago. During the first two weeks, symptoms of chronic diseases appeared (kidney and throat problems). But I knew that it was impossible to stop doing exercises, no matter how hard it was. Gradually, the symptoms of diseases began to pass. The condition improved. I felt the body rejuvenated, a feeling of vigor appears. In addition, memory and vision were restored. I am very glad that I found such exercises. Now it is with this gymnastics that my morning begins.

Julia, 32 years old

Despite the fact that I am still young, problems with female health began for a long time. After childbirth, malfunctions began in the hormonal system, and inflammation of the ovaries constantly occurred. I had to drink severe antibiotics, injections. I am tired of all this and I began to look for literature on the medical part to help myself improve health. In one bookstore, the seller offered me a book describing Tibetan gymnastics. I bought it out of interest. But then I realized that this book is my salvation. The exercises began to do the next day. Ten days later, the lower abdomen began to hurt, slight weakness appeared and even twice the temperature rose to 37.2 degrees. But I continued to do exercises, and after a week all the symptoms passed. If you want to be healthy, do Tibetan hormonal gymnastics!

Video: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

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Comments K. article

  1. Very powerful tools! Thank you for the article!

  2. Few people heard about her, but my doctor recommended to practice her when my menopause began)) And you know, the effect really is, I feel absolutely healthy, no symptoms are worried, and I feel for 30 years)) Of course, of course,)) In addition to her, I also take cyclic and a decoction of viburnum bark, this is also on the advice of a doctor) I think such complex therapy and gives positive results)

  3. Thank you, a very interesting and informative article.

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