Ovulation and pregnancy: when to do a test? When does conception occur after ovulation?

Ovulation and pregnancy: when to do a test? When does conception occur after ovulation?

The article in a simple language tells what a woman should know about ovulation and how this information will help her become pregnant.

Almost any girl who wants to become pregnant at some point comes to questions about ovulation. Understanding the essence and importance of ovulation, you can influence your pregnancy.

What is ovulation in women?

Since the article is designed for women who do not have special knowledge in this area, the concept of ovulation will be disclosed in a simple and affordable language.

Ovulation In a woman, this is a period of time when the egg ready for fertilization leaves the ovary to the phallopievo pipe, i.e. Moving towards the sperm.

Even more simple language ovulation is the clock in which spermatozoa can meet with a ripened egg, and as a result, conception may occur. There is an ovulation on the onset of pregnancy - this is a prerequisite.

Therefore, knowledge of the time of ovulation can allow a woman to influence 3 situations:

  • She can get pregnant faster if she wants. Read more about when pregnancy can occur, read below
  • It can thus exclude pregnancy. That is, to exclude unprotected sexual acts during ovulation. But this method is very dubious, since all methods of determining ovulation do not allow you to determine the exact time of the beginning and end of ovulation. And besides, spermatozoa can penetrate the cavity before ovulation and live there for a short time before ovulation. The investigation is pregnancy
  • Plan the gender of the child. This is not confirmed by science method of planning the sex of the child. But, nevertheless, many sources say that on the day of ovulation you can conceive a boy. And a day or two before ovulation, you can conceive a girl

Important: understanding of the ovulation process can be very useful for a woman. How to determine the day of ovulation read in articles When does a woman have ovulation? How to determine ovulation at basal temperature? and All about ovulation tests. How to do ovulation test correctly?

How many days before ovulation can you get pregnant?

  • This question can often be found on forums. But I immediately want to say that either the question is incorrect, or you can give an unambiguous answer to it
  • It is impossible to get pregnant before ovulation, since pregnancy without an egg is impossible
  • It will be more correct to say that sexual intercourse can be done before ovulation and pregnancy may occur
  • The essence The fact that spermatozoa remains viable for 2 to 7 days. This term is purely individual. So, if sexual intercourse is made before ovulation in 3 days, then the sperm continues to live, waiting for the egg. And three days later, when ovulation occurs and the egg goes into the phallopievo pipe, a viable sperm fertilizes the egg

To answer, for how many days, effective sexual intercourse can be made, you need to know how much a sperm will live. And you cannot know this for sure. But according to statistics, the sperm life expectancy of a sperm from 3 to 5 days ranges on average.

Important: hence the conclusion-it is most realistic to get pregnant if sexual intercourse is performed 3-5 days before ovulation. The day before ovulation is a chance to get pregnant 31 %, in two days - 27 %. The sooner ovulation is committed sexual intercourse, the less chance to get pregnant

Since the activity of spermatozoa in men is different, for the greatest probability you can make an attempt to conceive a child 3 days before ovulation, then on the day of ovulation. So, if spermatozoa that fell into the pipe 3 days before ovulation will die, then spermatozoa will be engaged in fertilization, which fell into the cavity of the pipe on the day of ovulation. And if they do not die, then the chance of fertilization of the egg increases by 2 times, since sperm also differs from each other in functions.

The probability of getting pregnant after ovulation

Doctors answer this question definitely: you cannot get pregnant after ovulation. There is a clear explanation for this:

  • The egg lives 24-48 hours, after which it dies
  • The dead egg cannot be fertilized by itself

Important: but you can get pregnant after the directly exiting the egg into the pipe cavity during the life of the egg, i.e. On average of the first 24-48 hours

How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant?

The answer to the question is disclosed briefly and clear in the previous section.

How many days does the egg live after ovulation?

Immediately after the egg enters the pipe to the phallopiev, it can continue its life for 24-48 hours.

All numbers are exclusively individual. But she cannot live for more than 48 hours.

There is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur: reasons

The reasons for the lack of pregnancy can be divided into two groups:

  • Health problems
  • Psychological problems

Female health problems:

  • The obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This is a situation when the phallopiev’s pipe was sticking together in a simple tongue. The ripened egg comes out to meet the sperm. The sperm moves into the phallopiev pipe. But their meeting does not occur due to the lack of a passage. This situation is the reason for not the onset of pregnancy in 30 % of women. This can be found out at the appropriate examination by the doctor. The situation is fixable, although it requires a small surgical intervention
  • Endometriosis. Another common reason for not the onset of pregnancy, which is also fixable. Its essence is that the endometrium (this is the wall to which the fertilized egg should attach) is too thin, unable to attach an egg to yourself. This is often solved by taking hormonal drugs, which as a result thicken the endometrium and pregnancy occurs

Attractive young woman at a doctor’s appointment in the clinic

Male health problems:

  • Spermatozoa is not active enough. This is the most common situation. A spermogram can confirm or refute suspicions. The situation is corrected by taking drugs
  • Insufficient amount of active sperm. The spermogram will also help to identify violations. And the doctor will help to conduct appropriate treatment
  • The presence of serious sexual infections

Important: if there are health problems, it is obvious that you should find an experienced doctor who will prescribe effective treatment

Psychological problems.

When a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, she begins to look for reasons in her health, do a bunch of tests, buy ovulation tests, and measure the basal temperature daily in anticipation of ovulation.

All this leads it to nervousness, which is often the cause of a long absence of pregnancy. Sexual intercourse is not a source of pleasure and close contact with his beloved husband, but by an obligatory ritual surrounded on all sides by thermometers and tests.

On the forums you can find many stories about how a woman was able to get pregnant only when she dropped her hands and let everything on his own.

Important: relax. You are a woman who is good with health. So - you will become pregnant. Make pleasure in contact with your husband. Stop leading sexual life according to the schedule of ovulation. Stop taking tests again and again. You will see, having released the situation, pregnancy will come faster than you thought

When to do a pregnancy test after ovulation?

  • Pregnancy tests are based on determining the hormone hormone in the body of a woman. This hormone begins to be produced 6-8 days after conception. This means that earlier 6 days after conception of meaning to do no test
  • On the 7-8 day, you can already do a blood test for the hCG level in the blood
  • Starting from 6-8 days after conception, the hormone hCG begins to grow exponentially every 24-48 hours
  • Whether the test will show pregnancy these days depends on the chosen dough. Tests differ in their sensitivity. For more expensive tests, the concentration of the hormone in the blood of 10 mm/ml is sufficient. And for others you need a concentration of 25 mma/ml

Thus, through mathematical calculations, you can roughly determine what day your test will show the result:

  • On the 8th day after conception, the hCG level reaches 2 mma/ml
  • On 10 days - 4 mm/ml
  • On the 12th day - 8 mm/ml
  • On the 14th day - 16 mm/ml
  • On the 16th day - 32 mm/ml

The most sensitive test will show the cherished, although weak strip for 13 days. Less sensitive - on the 15th day.

Important: the body of each woman is individual. Therefore, the calculations above are quite arbitrary. In this regard, it will be most reliable to make a sensitive test on the first day of delay. Why force yourself to be nervous, because you may be pregnant

What will the test for ovulation during pregnancy show?

In the presence of pregnancy, the ovulation test can only be negative. This is due to the laws of nature. When pregnancy occurs, the egg does not ripen anymore, which means that the corresponding hormone is no longer produced, which means that the test cannot determine it.

Although in practice there are cases when the test showed a positive result. This may happen for several reasons:

  • The woman confused the ovulation test and for pregnancy
  • A woman takes some drugs that can affect the test results
  • The test turned out to be defective

Important: in any case, a positive test for ovulation during pregnancy should not scare you

Basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization occurred

  • To understand the essence, it should be noted that the basal temperature depends on the level of progesterone in the body
  • Before ovulation, the temperature will be up to 37 s (the exact values \u200b\u200bare individual). On the day of ovulation and after progesterone, it increases, which means the basal temperature grows by 0.4 - 0.6 C
  • The first 6-8 days after conception in the woman’s body, the following process occurs: the fertilized egg moves into the uterine cavity and attaches to its walls already as an embryo. During this period, nothing special happens to the body, that is, the body does not yet know about pregnancy
  • In this regard, the body produces less progesterone, which leads to a decrease in basal temperature. This is called in the science "implantation of trap." And after 6-8 days, when hCG begins to be produced, the level of progesterone grows again. And the basal temperature rises again and almost the entire pregnancy remains

To draw the right conclusions:

  • Make your schedule of basal temperature: write the values \u200b\u200bto ovulation, during and after
  • Compare the indicators with those obtained after the alleged conception
  • If you find a decrease after ovulation for several days, and then an increase - most likely you are pregnant
  • If the fever lasts longer than usual, then you are pregnant

Important: so that the basal temperature does not mislead you, it must be measured correctly. Read more about the basal temperature during pregnancy in the article When does a woman have ovulation? How to determine ovulation at basal temperature?

Owning information about ovulation, you can get pregnant faster.

Video on the topic: ovulation. How is fertilization

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