Vitamin face injections - what is the name of the procedure: stages of conduct, consequences, reviews. When and how often to make vitamin face injections? How much do vitamin face injections cost: price

Vitamin face injections - what is the name of the procedure: stages of conduct, consequences, reviews. When and how often to make vitamin face injections? How much do vitamin face injections cost: price

In this article, we will talk to whom you can make vitamin face injections when they are contraindicated, and we will also understand the features of this procedure.

Injection cosmetology became popular not so long ago, literally in the early 2000s. At the same time, its popularity is constantly growing even despite the fact that it is not very pleasant and associated with some risk. But is it true that vitamin injections give a really good result? Let's find out.

The vitamin complex of face injections - what is the name of the procedure?

Facial vitamin
Facial vitamin

Some do not accept any injections at all, and someone constantly puts vitamin face injections or mesotherapy, as it is also called. At the same time, cosmetologists are actively advising this tool for rejuvenation and even solving skin problems. What is the secret?

Of course, vitamin face injections are useful. Some may think that you can just buy quality complexes and cook the mask itself. But she is not able to solve problems as it should. The fact is that some substances, for example, are the same ascorbic acid, cannot break through the hydrolipid barrier themselves and get into the deep layers of the skin. Well, most work only in the upper layers of the skin. So to choose a complex that will work deeply is quite difficult.

But with subcutaneous injections, some specific vitamins, or their mixture, are delivered to the right place. In addition, microtraumas from injections force immunity to be activated. That is, when the doctor makes an injection, the immunity first falls, and then increases sharply. Accordingly, more blood rushes to damaged areas and cells are actively working. This ultimately helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve its structure.

When you can and cannot be made of vitamin injections: readings and contraindications

When can you make vitamin injections?
When can you make vitamin injections?

Vitamin face injections that are used for mesotherapy have not only a rejuvenating effect. They are also able to affect other parts of the body, but in general they do not act on the body. In other words, they have a local impact, only on the place where they were made.

This procedure is not shown for every girl and woman. As a rule, it is required in the following cases:

  • When the skin is very dry and thin. Thanks to the injections, the skin is strengthened and peeling disappears from it
  • With skin loss of elasticity and natural color. Beauty injections activate the functioning of cells and the production of collagen, and therefore the skin is noticeably tightened and becomes more elastic
  • Reducing the protective functions of the skin. Due to the effects of vitamins, the immunity of the skin is strengthened
  • The appearance of bags under the eyes. Vitamin injections are actively fighting with the appearance of circles
  • Small wrinkles. They are smoothed under the influence of useful substances. This is due to the fact that the functioning of the cells is activated

Vitamin cocktails can also significantly improve the condition with too high fat content or dryness. A certain complex is selected for each skin. This is what allows you to make the procedure most effective.

However, do not forget that the procedure has certain contraindications. They are as follows:

  • Allergy and too high sensitivity to certain components of drugs
  • The presence of inflammation or viral manifestations in the acute phase
  • The presence of oncological diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Disorders of the nervous system

It is important to take into account that it is forbidden to put vitamin injections during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

Vitamin cocktails for the face: Features

Facial vitamin cocktails
Facial vitamin cocktails

In some cases, cosmetologists use vitamin face injections, but not one specific vitamin, but entire cocktails. This allows them to cope with any problems, even the most serious and unpleasant.

In fact, this applies to skin diseases. To combat them, such cocktails as:

  • Dihydroergotamine. This complex allows you to improve blood flow to the skin of the face, as well as cure rosacea on the face
  • Tiotic acid. This is a vitamin -like drug. It is distinguished by antioxidant properties
  • L-carnitine. It is used to improve metabolic processes under the skin. The composition of somewhat resembles vitamins of group B

Of course, after using such drugs, unpleasant consequences can occur, and they also have a lot of side effects. But, those who have already tried the procedure claim that this happens extremely rarely.

What drugs are used for vitamin injections: the list of the best

It is important to understand that it is impossible to put vitamin injections for the face yourself in any case, and even more so to select drugs just in the pharmacy. If this advice is neglected, then this may turn out to be deplorable.

So trust a specialist. First of all, he will evaluate the state of your skin, and will be convinced of the absence of contraindications. Moreover, he understands which problem you need to cope with first and which to eliminate later. Accordingly, he will select a suitable drug and make the right injections. It is important not only to know what, but also how to use.

Today, professional cosmetology is able to offer a huge number of drugs to choose from. Such cocktails as:

  1. Innoesthetics. This brand produces fillers and vitamin preparations. The composition includes everything necessary for the skin so that it is not only healthy, but also younger
  2. Clarena. It produces not only drugs for injection, but also serum used under dermaroller. There are in the list of sentences and pure vitamin C, as well as complex effects.
  3. Christina. Releases professional cosmetics. The manufacturer immediately offers a series of vitamin preparations, which includes plant components and minerals.
  4. Mesoderm. It also produces professional tools. They have established themselves among cosmetologists around the world.
  5. Mesoestetic. This company is loved for the fact that its funds have an excellent ratio in price and quality. That is why professional cosmetologists love them so much.

By the way, ordering cocktails on the Internet is not recommended. This can be done if you trust the supplier and he is already proven. This is due to the fact that inside the obtained ampoules it may not be at all what you need and, as a result, at least strong allergies are provided to you. In the best case, there will be no effect.

Vitamin face injections - How the procedure is carried out: Technique

Injections of vitamins how to do?
Injections of vitamins how to do?

From the outside it may seem that vitamin face injections are a very simple procedure. However, it only seems. Some of the injections are really easy to do, but only a doctor can work with syringes. Moreover, the patient must follow the recommendations during the rehabilitation period in order to get the maximum effect. So, let's analyze the procedure in detail.

First of all, you should know that the administration of drugs is carried out in several ways:

  • Classical way. Its doctor does manually using a syringe with a thin needle. Of course, such a procedure will take more time, and the depth of administration will be different. Despite this, the doctor is able to regulate the depth in different areas of the skin. An experienced cosmetologist minimally injures the face, but the result is excellent.
  • Air gun. The needle and ampoule of the drug are fixed on a special device. The tool is introduced by pressing the button, and the cosmetologist exposes depth himself. This allows you to drive the procedure much faster. However, the cost of the session is increasing, since the equipment is very expensive.
  • Fractional mesotherapy. It is done using a small machine. A cartridge with thin needles is attached to a special holder. The speed and depth of punctures can be adjusted. A very great advantage is the sterility and speed of the procedure. However, the globing density increases, and if the cosmetologist incorrectly configures the speed, then wounds may appear.
  • Dermaroller. Previously, cosmetologists often used this method, but now it is used at home. Vitamins are inserted under the skin with a special roller on the handle with a large number of needles. They can be from 360 to 720. The cost of the device is low and it can be used 5-6 procedures. But here no one guarantees you sterility, and you can still not set the length of the needle. Moreover, hard -to -reach areas are difficult to process with high quality.

Regardless of which methodology you have chosen, the general scheme will be the same. It looks as follows:

  • First, the face is thoroughly cleaned - remove all cosmetics, as well as other contaminants
  • Wash your face with foam or gel for deep cleaning to remove the maximum pollution
  • Remove the remaining water with a napkin and apply an antiseptic to the face
  • Further, the glorification is carried out directly. If you have chosen a dermaroller or fractional mesotherapy, then apply a cocktail on your face and insert it under the skin
  • When the procedure is completed, the face is once again treated with an antiseptic solution
  • To calm the skin, apply a special mask. You can also use foam with panthenol
  • After 15 minutes, remove the remaining substances with a napkin or rinse carefully

The procedure will be completed on this. Often girls to disturb the question about the soreness of the procedure. In this case, everything is strictly individually, because the sensitivity of everyone is different. Some need the use of funds with anesthetics, but they slightly reduce the effect. This must also be taken into account.

Remember the need for proper skin care after the procedure. The most important thing is that the infection does not get into the wounds. So the first two days it is strictly forbidden to wash with running water, use cosmetics, sweat and tear crusts. Moreover, other skin care procedures cannot be done. In general, try to minimally touch the skin even with your hands. And do not forget to apply an antiseptic twice a day. If the skin is strongly tightened, you can use a moisturizer.

After that, you can return to ordinary life, but keep in mind that the full restoration occurs four weeks later, and for the best effect 3-5 sessions with a gap of two weeks are required.

At what age can vitamin face injections be made?

When is it better to make vitamin face injections?
When is it better to make vitamin face injections?

Vitamin face injections are not useful in every age. To be more precise, up to 25 should not even resort to them at all. Ideally, it is better to postpone the procedures up to 35 years.

The thing is that at the age of 25 the body is still able to develop in sufficient quantities collagen and elastin. But after this age, the process is somewhat slowed down, but cells are still able to maintain the desired level of substances.

At the same time, after 30 collagen, he begins to disastrically lack and therefore the skin requires an additional incentive to develop them. So vitamin injections allow you to adjust this drawback.

How often to make vitamin face injections?

Many are also interested in how often you need to make vitamin face injections. This is determined by several factors. First of all, this, of course, is age. The condition of the skin is also taken into account. No less important is the purpose of the procedure. That is, if it is just aimed at reciting the skin, then it often makes no sense to do it. Well, the drug itself also affects the frequency of repeating the procedure.

In general, if you need rejuvenation of a face, then it is advisable to do the procedure once a year. If a long -term action is not required, then injections can be put once every half a year.

How much do vitamin face injections cost: price

Vitamin face injections - price
Vitamin face injections - price

You must understand that vitamin face injections cannot be cheap a priori. The procedures are quite expensive. This is due to the fact that the drugs have a high cost, and the qualification of a specialist plays an important role. So if you decide to make yourself injections, then be prepared to fork out.

On average, the cost of the procedures is as follows:

  • Mesotherapy - from 3,000 rubles
  • Biorevitalization - from 6,000 rubles
  • Fillers - from 9,000 rubles
  • Botox - from 500 rubles per unit

Vitamin face injections - consequences: complications

Despite the fact that vitamin face injections collect a huge number of positive reviews, they do not always give good results. Sometimes, you have to deal with very unpleasant consequences, such as allergies, pain in processed areas or swelling.

Although it is very unpleasant, it is easily eliminated. As a rule, all this goes on its own and no effect on the part of the doctor or patient is required.

At the same time, there are also such consequences that can be a danger to health:

  • Hematoma formation in treated areas
  • Necrosis of soft tissues when cells die. The reason for this is too deep the introduction of the needle or drug in the wrong place
  • Infection

One of the most dangerous consequences is the failure in the work of the cardiovascular system. It can be recognized by a decrease in pressure, bradycardia, pale and cooling of the arms and legs. This all appears rarely, but quite possible. So, in order not to encounter unpleasant consequences, before the procedure, you must definitely make sure the safety of the drug using the test.

Vitamin face injections - effect: photo before and after

Each girl is interested in what effect vitamin face injections give. But how to do this if you do not look at the photo? We bring to your attention several photos of girls who have made this procedure:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 5

Vitamin face injections: reviews

As we have already said, vitamin face injections always collect a huge number of good reviews. However, there are those who are dissatisfied with the procedure. In any case, it is really effective, and if side effects are manifested, then this is mainly due to unprofessionalism of the master. So you need to choose a clinic for the procedures very carefully.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Mesotherapy of the face. Wrinkles. Beauty injections. MEO and biorevitalization - when to start?

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Comments K. article

  1. I also would like to make vitamin injections, but scary. Therefore, I take vitamin-mineral complexes inside and use Radevit ointment, which saturates the skin with the necessary vitamins, and is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.

  2. God, what they won’t come up with ... but honestly .. I would never go to this. And so I'm afraid of injections. As for me, there are much more reliable means, and safer. I just make masks in the cabin and I will definitely drink the Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid in courses, it moisturizes the skin well, and this is precisely the key to youth. I look good, ugh pah))

  3. And I definitely take Palmitate retinol courses, because It is vitamin A “responsible” for the condition of our skin, and in the form of retinol of palmitate, he is best absorbed. As a result, the skin is always healthy and fit, and no beauty injections are needed.

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