What to visit in Moscow: museums, exhibition halls, theaters, temples and monasteries, walking places. What to visit in Moscow with children?

What to visit in Moscow: museums, exhibition halls, theaters, temples and monasteries, walking places. What to visit in Moscow with children?

In this article, we will give a guide to the action for tourists who want to visit Moscow.

"And I'm walking, walking around Moscow!" - We all remember these words from the song, which the character of Nikita Mikhalkov hummed with enthusiasm in one of the films. Where to stride the guests and residents of the capital who want to see its most interesting places? Let's try to find out.

Museums in Moscow: Description, photo

Fans of history are required to visit the first thing State Historical Museum, located on the Red Square. In 1990, it was made along with the very square in the list of heritage, the organization of UNESCO. The museum still arose in 1872 On the initiative of Alexander II. Even today he has earned status one of the largest museums in the world. About 5 million items collected in more than 30 halls. Each hall, by the way, is dedicated to a certain period and is designed corresponding to. From ancient times to the 20th century - the whole story in order will flash before the eyes of visitors.

Important: to familiarize yourself with this place, it is worth highlighting at least 4 hours.

The architecture of the State Historical Museum in Moscow is unique in itself
The architecture of the State Historical Museum in Moscow is unique in itself
  • State Tretyakov Gallery will become a find for connoisseurs of painting. More than 180 thousand paintings, engravings, icons.Initially, the meeting was owned by the merchant Pavel Tretyakov, who bequeathed after his death to convey the results of many years of collecting to the state.
  • Vereshchagin, Surikov, Serov, Repin - The creations of these famous artists, like many others, can be seen firstly. Even the famous "Trinity" Rublev, which is stored in a special cabinet with a special microclimate.

Tretyakov Gallery - an ideal museum in Moscow for connoisseurs of painting
Tretyakov Gallery - an ideal museum in Moscow for connoisseurs of painting

Armouries - Another passion of historians. Museum-shredder, keeping the objects of the treasury. They were made in workshops under the Kremlin or accepted as a gift from ambassadors. Incomparable ceremonial dresses, inspiring awe regalia of the monarchs, Amazingly elegant gold and silver productsImpressive work of weapons masters - From all this diversity, the eyes run up. Samples are also presented horse harness And, in fact, themselves crews.

Armory room in Moscow
Armory room in Moscow

The Kremlin Diamond Foundation - the place in which stunning in their luxury are stored decorations From the royal treasury. Unique are concentrated here jewelry, Extremely beautiful order, royal regalia. Also in the fund are stunning nuggets, Not tied to any decoration. These are diamonds, diamonds, bars of gold, platinum, etc.

Important: those interested in jewelry will be delighted with the ways of cutting stones presented in the halls of the museum.

The Diamond Fund is the Museum of Moscow, which is required to visit fans of jewelry skills
The Diamond Fund is the Museum of Moscow, which is required to visit fans of jewelry skills

Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin It is one the largest Russian museums. You should start with the fact that the building itself is already a work of art. It is noteworthy that an architect-school was engaged in internal layout! What can you see inside? Whatever the soul wants: archaeological monuments, numismatics masterpieces, works of painting, sculpture. The period is covered by the widest - from ancient times to the last century. The geographical binding is also quite wide. These are Egypt of ancient eras, ancient Rome and Greece, Latin America, Indian Peninsula, Asia, etc. Picasso, Van Gogh, Boticelli, Gauguin, Matisse, Ribdt -If these names say something to the reader, he certainly needs to add this museum to the traveler's notebook. As employees admit, visitors are especially popular with visitors Greek courtyardrecreating necropolis from Athens, and Italian courtyardBarjelo depicting the Palace.

Important: even if the reader was in this museum, we strongly recommend visiting it again. Not all exhibits can be seen immediately - they are constantly updated.

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow amazes with its appearance
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow amazes with its appearance

Moscow Exhibition Halls: Photo, Description

The central house of the artist It is a kind of unique place. It is here that creative personalities since the 60s They are used to meeting, exchanging experience, sharing achievements and discussing prospects. In the halls you can observe works of art of various genres, directions. It is in them that there is a chance to get to know the work of artists personally from any corners of the planet. Here you can also be purchased for book Fair Literature to your liking.

In the central house of an artist in Moscow, you can familiarize yourself with the work of a wide variety of artists
In the central house of an artist in Moscow, you can familiarize yourself with the work of a wide variety of artists

Manege rightfully wears the title of one of the most interesting Moscow objects. What was not in it! In the first years after construction in 1817 There was a place for military exercises, then already - a platform for exhibitions and creative meetings.

Important: in addition to artwork, in this place you can familiarize yourself with the lectures of creative people, become a member of educational events.

Manege in Moscow is an exhibition hall that knows how to surprise
Manege in Moscow is an exhibition hall that knows how to surprise

Crocus Expo - This is one of the most significant sites of this order in Eastern Europe. Near 100 exhibitions Various caliber every year! Many halls with all possible amenities Like reference services, service centers, dressing rooms, cafes. Anyone can not only admire the exhibits, but also personally take part in master classes.

Crocus Expo - a complex of exhibition halls in Moscow, which will probably be interested in visiting
Crocus Expo - a complex of exhibition halls in Moscow, which will probably be interested in visiting

"Chekhov's House" - So called memorial Museum and Exhibition Hall memory of the great classic. It was in this cozy two -story outbuilding that the writer created his famous "Sakhalin island"as well as no less well -known "Chamber No. 6". This place seemed to Anton Pavlovich insanely comfortable. There he created, and spent there friendly meetings. The latter often grown into real creative evenings.

Important: unfortunately, it was the writer’s household items that were not preserved. But in these historical walls there are no less exciting exhibitions on other creative units.

Chekhov’s house is a small, but insanely cozy exhibition hall of Moscow
Chekhov’s house is a small, but insanely cozy exhibition hall of Moscow

Walking places in Moscow: photos, description

The Red Square - Of course, it is difficult not to recall one of the symbols of the city, its heart. Despite the fact that she still arose at the end of the XV century, The area received its current name after several centuries. The word "red" at that time meant literally "beautiful". And indeed, on this poured cobblestone the square is nice to take a walk among historical monuments. Tourists are surprised to note that in photographs and video chronicles it looks more extensive than in fact. However, during the celebrations there is enough space for parades, and for performances of artists,and for large rink.

Red Square - a place in Moscow, which every tourist is obliged to visit
Red Square - a place in Moscow, which every tourist is obliged to visit

Tsaritsino reserve-museum You can find in the south of Moscow. He was built in XVIII century. The occupied area exceeds 100 hectares - There is definitely where to walk around! I once based here residencyi am kings. Currently, Tsaritsino is placed exhibition pavilions, greenhouses, concert halls, museums. There is even the so -called Bread houseIn which you can get acquainted with the confectionery creations of the era of Catherine II. Because of unusually beautiful landscape Fans of photo shoots fell in love with this place.

Important: this estate is the only style in Europe called the Russian Gothic.

It is not surprising why the palace and park ensemble of Tsaritsyno attracts many tourists in Moscow - it is really magnificent
It is not surprising why the palace and park ensemble of Tsaritsyno attracts many tourists in Moscow-it is really magnificent

The estate is Kuskovo Very loved by both the inhabitants of the capital and its guests. The park is considered the most ancient in Moscow - The very first references to him can be found again in the 16th century! And in the XVIII century he was also the largest. For a better illustration of this fact, it is worth noting that 30 thousand invited could simultaneously gather for lush techniques in Kuskovo. Palace, Ponds, Hunting House, Pavilions and Gazebo, greenhouse -the whole variety! There were even their own grotto, menagerie and Kunstkamera. There is also the only one in Russia museum dedicated to ceramics. The park itself is the only one that has been preserved in the capital since the 18th century.

On the territory of the Kuskovo estate in Moscow, you can walk for hours
On the territory of the Kuskovo estate in Moscow, you can walk for hours

Sparrow Hills - An ideal place for those who want to see the city from a height. Is The main observation deck of the capital. Skyscrapers, Luzhniki, Domes, Stalinist skyscrapers, Moscow River-all this opens before the eyes of the walks. They got used to it get inspiration Writers and artists, athletes new records. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Karamzin, Blok, Bulgakov, Lermontov admired the view of the mountains at one time. Of course, the view was slightly different, but now it is picturesque.

Vorobyev Mountain observation deck - Favorite place of romantics
Vorobyev Mountain observation deck - favorite place of romantics

Old Arbat - A real outlet for lovers to plunge into a creative atmosphere. Walking around this boulevard among beautiful mansions left eras, you can enjoy performances of artists, admire work of artists. If desired, you can have a bite In cafes and restaurants, visit the Vakhtangov Theater. Museum fans have a chance to go into unique houses-museums of Tsvetaeva, Okudzhava, Lermontov, Pushkin. There is a legend that it was the once happy Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova who walked along the old Arbat.

Important: it is on Arbat that you can buy extremely interesting souvenirs.

Old Arbat is a boulevard, according to which Moscow guests certainly need to take a walk
Old Arbat is a boulevard, according to which Moscow guests certainly need to take a walk

Temples and monasteries in Moscow: photos, description

St. Basil's Cathedral - One of the hallmark of the capital. Domes that resemble a carrot or plush will find out everyone. But he was not always like that, but only Since the XVIII century After the fire. Prior to this, the view was less original-red and white walls and gold domes. Many are interested in the person in whose honor the temple got its name. It is noteworthy that they were not a saint and not a statesman, but a blessed one who raised money for construction and handed it over to the monarch. This architectural monument was erected as A sign of gratitude to God for the successful capture of Kazan.

Blessed Vasily Temple stands out from such buildings of Moscow
Blessed Vasily Temple stands out from such buildings of Moscow

Cathedral of Christ the Savior He was erected in honor of victory, but already in 1812. Not everyone knows, but they built it more than 40 years! True, later the buildings were blown up, and gained a new life only in 1997. However, the architects achieved maximum similarity with the original. Therefore, we can say that visitors have the opportunity to see the temple of the beginning of the 19th century. It is the largest building of this plan among Russian Orthodox churches. According to estimates, the temple is able to accommodate at the same time 10,000 people!

Important: the interior of the temple is famous for painting. Surikov, Vereshchagin, worked on her at one time. The restoration was engaged in a number of painters under the leadership of Honored Artist Mukhin.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow looks exactly the same as it looked several centuries ago
The Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow looks exactly the same as it looked several centuries ago

Novodevichy Monastery is The oldest The convent of Moscow. Tradition says that it was in this place during the Golden Horde that girls were selected for theft into slavery. In order to prevent this terrible event from being forgotten, Vasily III and erected here the monastery in the 16th century. This place has become a haven for a large number of young ladies from wealthy families. They even met among them royal persons. Since in the vast majority of cases the tonsure did not pass at the request of the women themselves, the monastery is at the same time and fortress.

The Novodevichy Monastery of Moscow fascinates with its beauty
The Novodevichy Monastery of Moscow fascinates with its beauty

Ascension Church On the territory of the park in Kolomensky is a representative of unique architecture. I mean septress architecture, during the construction of which was used stone. The height of the bell tower is 62 meters, And each side depicts part of the cross. The church was erected in the 16th century Master from Italy.

Ascension Church is one of the most unusual in Moscow
Ascension Church is one of the most unusual in Moscow

Moscow theaters: Description, photo

big theater It is a dream of admirers of theatrical art. He is considered one of the best in the world And deserves the laurels Opera Theater No. 1 in Russia. He was erected At the beginning of the XIX century, But in the entire history of its existence he underwent more than one reconstruction for various reasons. Amaze how the appearance of the theater, so his inner decoration. What are the impressive columns at the entrance and a magnificent chandelier in the historical hall! In fact, this scene is not the only one: the audience is ready to please the Beethoven hall and the new scene located in the same theater.

IMPORTANT: Historical scene It will interest those who are interested in seeing the hall of the beginning of the century before last. But Beethoven hall Fans of pompous interiors in the spirit of Louis XV is suitable - chamber or solo concerts are held in it. New scene It simply demonstrates the performances of Russian and foreign troupes.

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow is the main goal of theater tourists
The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow is the main goal of theater tourists

"Contemporary" - One of the cult theaters. It is noteworthy that he was one of the first, created close -up a group of like -minded people. I laid it on Oleg Efremov. For the entire time of its existence, the theater was able to find a recognizable person not only for Moscow, but for all of Russia and even for abroad.

Theater Contemporary deserved the love of the theaters in Moscow and not only
Theater Contemporary deserved the love of the theaters in Moscow and not only

Taganka Theater - A place with its own style. Vladimir Vysotsky, Valery Zolotukhin, Semyon Farada, Veniamin Smekhov, Leonid Filatov And many other worthy actors were able to leave a piece of themselves in the images in these walls. "Theater of the intelligentsia", As it is also called, demonstrates smart game, openness, freedom of love. In this place they love originality. It was here that they refused to use the curtain, which gave some chamber. Here they welcome a pantomime, a game with shadows, an unusual choice of musical accompaniment.

Taganka Theater is the place of Moscow, which has a highlight
Theater on Taganka is the place of Moscow, which has a twist

"Helicon-Opera"- the place in which you can invariably observe More than 200 productions per year. And everywhere full house! The novelty, bright vocal parties, amazing drama - this is what every viewer will receive. The orchestra is selected with pickiness - it only includes the best graduate musicians.

Important: will delight the theater and lovers of architecture. It is equipped in the former estate of the Shakhovsky-Gleb-Strashnye. In order to get acquainted with her, you can order an excursion.

As a place for this theater, one of the estates of Moscow is used
As a place for this theater, one of the estates of Moscow is used

What to visit with children in Moscow: description of places, photos

Circus Nikulin, located On color boulevard, More than one generation of children is pleasing. He was built in 1880 Thanks to the investments of the merchant Danilov. From the very first days, they tried to attract exclusively to cooperation the best artists.Nikulin's name was assigned to the circus in 1996. The head of the great actor was chosen as the leader at that time. The capacity of the circus is large - approximately 2000 places. Spectators admit that all numbers are visible literally in one breath. This is not surprising, given the fact that the artists are still the best of the best.

Circus named after Yuri Nikulin - the best place for children in Moscow
Circus named after Yuri Nikulin - the best place for children in Moscow

Planetarium - A great choice when creating an entertainment and educational children's program. Counts one of the oldest planetaries in Russia. And the largest - The dome reaches as much as 25 meters! In addition to traditional admiring the starry sky, children and adults are waiting A lot of other pleasant surprises. For example, they have the opportunity to feel the power of the moon attraction, launch small missiles, and find out better about the mechanism of the occurrence of mysterious black holes. Many will probably be interested to know how much they weigh on Venus.

Important: high -quality German equipment is specially purchased for the planetarium, which will definitely not let you down.

Moscow planetarium is a place where children will be able to find out a lot of useful
Moscow planetarium is a place where children will be able to find out a lot of useful

Zoo - Moscow is considered One of the oldest in Russia. He retains rare types of fauna, and conducts educational work. The history of the zoo began in 1864, And today, under his trusteeship, is more than 1000 types of individuals. For children, it is provided not only to view pets, but also by various useful events. For example, mugs of young biologists or lectures with scientists, expedition participants.

Moscow zoo - that children will certainly please
Moscow zoo - that children will certainly please

"Petrushkina Sloboda" - The theater center, which charms everyone from small to great. Listening to folk epics and fairy tales Acquaintance with the inhabitants contact zoo, View performance And even the direct participation in it - what could be more interesting? Chases that every detail of the interior of the environment has been created manually. From furniture to napkins.

Important: it will also be useful for children to master the basics of folk crafts, which can be comprehended right there, in the settlement. To make a rug or casket, cure the pot or weave bark barking every baby.

Petrushkina Sloboda - a place in Moscow, where children will be interested
Petrushkina Sloboda - a place in Moscow, where children will be interested

Do you know that Moscow is one of the world's largest megacities? Of course, visiting such a huge city, it is no wonder to get lost. But I really want to visit the most interesting places! We hope that our selection will help in this.

Small video about the sights of Moscow:

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