What you need to know if the traffic police officer asks to open the trunk?

What you need to know if the traffic police officer asks to open the trunk?

In this article, we will consider what the driver needs to know when the traffic police ask the trunk to open.

The traffic police inspectors are far from the most welcome guests that can be found on the road at any time. You can rarely guess the true reasons for the car stopping. For a driver who is not aware in all laws, such a stop may not turn into the best way. How to story yourself, if the inspector of the road service requires open the trunk or completely inspect the car interior, we will talk in this topic.

What does the driver know if the traffic police inspector insists to open the trunk?

Unfortunately, ignorance of certain laws does not exempt from punishment for their actions or inaction. In general, this can also be attributed to how correctly you talked with road inspectors who require immediately open the trunk, as well as provide access to the car interior for inspection. Often these requirements of the traffic police officers are causeless and not supported by anything.

It should be understood the difference between inspection and inspection
It should be understood the difference between inspection and inspection
  • In order to correctly tell yourself and correctly answer, you need to understand elementary concepts. It is important to understand the difference between the car inspection and its inspection.
    • In the second case (it is for inspection) The traffic police officer has the right to inspect the car exclusively from the outside, and in some cases it is allowed to look into the car window.
    • The first scenario, that is, surfacing, provides for the real verification to control the existing contents in the car.

In order not to become a hostage of the situation, it is important to understand in which cases the traffic police inspector has the right to inspect the machine:

  • during the implementation of a special operation by traffic police;
  • to verify the license plate of the car with documents;
  • in situations where this or that problem is possible in the car;
  • if the load indicated in the documents does not correspond to the existing weight.

Important: If the inspector demands to open the trunk from you, you should not leave the car - this action can be made from the car. Also, in the case when license plates are stained with dirt and are poorly read, you should not get out of the car and wipe them. This can be done by the traffic police inspector.

Do not immediately grab them to show them your things
Do not immediately grab them to show them your things

Often the inspector ceases to feel the face of what is permitted and passes all available boundaries. Each driver should know about the three main features that distinguish inspection from the inspection.

  • Inspection takes place in a voluntary form and with the consent of the owner of the machine. Inspection of transport should occur with two witnesses. If there are no one, then replaces their video camera.
  • For inspection, the inspector’s phrase “seemed” will be more than enough, but for the inspection, good reasons will be required.
  • Also, after the usual inspection of the machine, no documents are required, while after inspection a protocol is required.

Important: You should not be kept on the inspector’s demand to open the trunk if the inspection is carried out without witnesses and there is no video shooting - this is an illegal action. Often, employees, due to excess red tape with papers, leave the inspection for inspection. Therefore, be careful! Also remember that the inspector does not have the right to check when examining personal belongings, so do not rush to open bags, suitcases, bags and show their component.

The employee has no right to independently check your trunk
The employee does not have the right to independently check your trunk upon examination
  • It is worth mentioning a few words, about the face of what is permitted. The employee should not touch your things himself! He can only ask you to move or raise some thing.
  • In no case should the inspector just check your pockets. This already applies to another verification - a personal search, and only employees of the same gender with an inspection person can be carried out. Moreover, witnesses also cannot be the opposite gender.

Forced inspection of the car by inspectors of the road service is carried out if:

  • there is a orientation from another road service or law enforcement;
  • search for weapons, explosives and prohibited substances;
  • the inspector’s assumption, backed up by the document, about the transportation of a particular gun that can cause a crime.

And finally it is worth generalizing. If we talk about how the transportation of transport should be carried out correctly, then it should take place exclusively with two witnesses that are not car passengers or other traffic police officers. Inspection is carried out exclusively in the presence of the driver and removed on the video camera. Also, the traffic police inspector is obliged to draw up a protocol and write a report with which the transport driver to familiarize themselves.

Video: What you need to know when the traffic police inspector asks to open the trunk?

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