How to apologize to the man, without humiliating: apologies for the guy in his own words, in verses

How to apologize to the man, without humiliating: apologies for the guy in his own words, in verses

No matter how hard you try to build an idyllic relationship with your partner, but still quarrels and misunderstandings will happen in your life. And in such everyday "storms" only guys are not always guilty.

Sometimes the discord in the relationship - free or involuntarily - provoke the girls themselves. And the male floor happens, oh, how offensive! Sometimes, because of the words that were not spoken in time, even the family collapses, what can we say about just in love pairs. And in such cases, excessive pride is a bad adviser. If you feel that you are wrong in something, learn to say the words of remorse and regret for your own good. After all, you can furnish all this so that at the same time you will not feel humiliated at all, and at the same time you will definitely be forgiven by your man.

What to do if a man is offended: how to apologize correctly, words, examples depending on the reason for the resentment of a man

  • It is possible to cause pain to a person both in words and actions, and everyone experiences it in their own way-she can hurt some of the stronger sex. And since no one can foresee in advance what exactly can offend your young man, the mistakes in the stage of “grinding” are inevitable to each other.
  • But everything is fixable! The most important thing is to take advantage of the right words of sincere apologies, and in the future to avoid such irritants, so that the guy is less offended and negative emotions do not accumulate.
Next, you recognize the most detailed words of the apology in front of a man
Next, you will learn the most detailed words of the apology in front of a man

Insult with friends

  • It is very important for each man to maintain a reputation that he has already developed among loved ones and friends. And when they encroach on her (even if a beloved girl does it), it becomes a significant cause for bitter grievances and disappointments. If a girl treats her chosen one without any respect for him and offends him with friends, then this becomes a powerful reason for resentment and conflicts.
  • If you strongly touched the guy with his rash words, you will have to try hard to believe that you are very love, appreciate and respect. The smaller thing you have to do in such a situation is to ask for forgiveness among the same friends who were present during the conflict. And here the main thing is not even that the girl will receive forgiveness from her beloved.
  • It is important for him that his friends are convinced that the woman with whom he meets respects him as a person, and the last episode is just an annoying misunderstanding. This will help him not fall in the eyes of his friends, but to stay at the same height.
  • It is not possible to come up with such words that a man to fully believe in your sincerity and repentance. It will require the presence of a beautiful text, where each word will be thought out and balanced - the only way you can touch on the male soul. Both author’s short text and template phrases are suitable, on the basis of which you can make your letter.

How to apologize to the man, without humiliating, an example:

“You are most expensive for me in the world. I can not imagine life without you, because you are my true and only love. After you settled in my soul, I gained the real meaning of life. Every morning I meet with a smile, because I know: today I will see you again. But, despite the fact that I just idolize you, I made a mistake, and because of this I am so bad in my soul ... I pray for forgiveness, because I understand that it hurts you, but I didn’t want it at all-all this It turned out by accident. As if some eclipse found me, and I, completely not wanting that, offended you with witnesses with my rash words. But I give you a promise that this will not happen again, forgive me my stupid trick. I will surely make up for my guilt with my great sincere love that I feel for you, and everyone around will understand: for me you are the best man around the world! ”

If you complement the template phrases with your warm words that you used among yourself in your happiest period, then all this will sound even more sincerely. It is rare that a man can resist without trembling, before such words of love and repentance.

Examples of apology
Examples of apology

Unreasonable jealousy

  • If you excessively jealous - Try to moderate your ardent jealous nature. Jealous to be jealous without any reasons is the redest way to break the relationship, because this means that you absolutely do not trust your chosen one.
  • Therefore, tell me “no” to your pathological jealousy, carrying irreparable destruction with you. Men cannot stand constant reproaches, because of which protracted conflicts usually arise. In the end, such a moment may come when he closes in himself and moves away.
  • And then you will need a maximum of fantasy to find words that would convince him that you are ready to change, get rid of jealousy, if only he was next to you.

How to apologize to the man, without humiliating, an example:

“My beloved, forgive me! Forgive me for my stupid jealousy, for my behavior. Understand, I'm so afraid to lose you that in every girl I see my opponent. But, I assure you, all this is already in the past. I learned to control and restrain myself, and now, instead of jealousy scenes, you will receive only smiles, kisses and words of love from me. I have changed, and all this is only for you, my dear, my only! You are offended by me, I know, but I beg you, forget about all past insults. Believe me: I became wiser and realized that there is nothing more valuable in this world than our relationship with you. Forgive me, stupid and unrestrained, my most expensive person! ”

Suspicion of treason

  • If the girl decided to adulter, and the guy suspects this, then ordinary words about forgiveness will certainly not be enough. And if some women are ready to forgive their wrong halves in order to maintain relationships, then men usually behave categorically in this matter.
  • They equate the girl's betrayal to a complete gap, therefore, do not hope that he can quickly forgive and forget everything. If the girl realized that the deceived guy was very dear to her, then you need to try to return her lost love, and the words of sincere repentance will help you in this best.
  • In any case, to lose hope on restoring relationships Not worth it. Write to him, talk about your feelings, and it is quite possible that his heart will tremble!

Speaking to the guy in your own words:

"My favorite! My most expensive person in the world! All this time I cannot forget your offended gaze, your sad eyes, filled with despair and pain. I can’t forgive myself everything that I did! But you are so noble, so condescending you will forgive me? I pray to you, throw off the excessively heavy burden of my guilt from my soul, revive me to life with your forgiveness! Only you alone are able to bring me back to life - because I do not live now, when there is no you nearby. I beg you, hear me! If you only knew how great my despair and repentance of what happened, then you would have sorry me and returned to me. I know that you are not cruel and you will understand me: there is nothing more sad than to drag this heavy burden on yourself. Let's tear out everything bad from you with you, and we will open our souls to all the good. After all, all the best we have ahead, isn't it? When you left, you also took my soul with you. Return, I beg you, - I can’t live without a soul! ”

Examples of apology
Examples of apology
Examples of apology
Examples of apology
Examples of apology
Examples of apology

Rejection of flirting

  • Not a single man will tolerate an opponent next to him, namely, in this capacity he will consider all male individuals if his girlfriend is flirting with them. Consequently - a whole emotional storm mixed with jealousy and indignation.
  • Do not immediately ask for forgiveness, having previously not recognized from your partner what so upset him. If he directly answers you that you are wounding his vanity with your flirtation, you should say goodbye to your habit, even innocently, flirt with other men.
  • But this is not enough - you will have to restoration of harmony Also forgiveness to ask your lover.

Speaking to the guy in your own words:

“Forgive me, my only! Believe me, for me there is no person closer and more expensive in this world than you. You alone are able to give love and happiness for me, everyone else simply does not exist! Forgive me my little prank - I suddenly wanted you to at least do a little tearing me. But I did not assume that this would cause you such a storm of indignation. I live and breathe only for you, and everyone else remains “behind brackets”. I am ready to completely change in order to return joy and harmony to our relationship. I pay from the mere thought that we could part because of my stupid trick. With my own hands, I could destroy our happiness, and it hurts me very much from this in my soul. Am I really not eager for forgiveness? After all, we were so good together! Let's forget everything, as if there was nothing, and we’ll start all first. ”

Mixing weaknesses

  • Men are usually angry if they are made comments. But if someone allows himself to make fun of some unpleasant character traits or appearance, then it hurts their pride greatly. And this is all the more unpleasant if her beloved girl speaks about this. But do not rush to apologize until the intensity of the passions is cut, and he can already hear you without excessive emotions.
  • Let it take a little time, and only then be sure to ask him forgiveness for their incontinence And convince your partner in the warmth to him, tell him that you accept him as he is - with all his shortcomings and advantages.

How to apologize to the man, without humiliating, an example:

“My beloved, forgive me! In our last meeting, I was unrestrained, and now I bit bitterly in this. Since then, I can’t calm down and forgive myself for my behavior. But, my dear, believe me, that this will never happen again, because I realized my mistake and again I want to tell you "I'm sorry!" You were right then in everything, but I am wrong, I am not embarrassed to admit it, but for what I am really embarrassing- it is for my behavior. Sorry for saying a lot of things that you unpleasant for you in a fever, but you forget about them, because I don’t think so at all. Let's return the magic of our love back, from which the head is so sweet. I promise to give you my love, tenderness and affection and never again deliver unpleasant moments. Only joy awaits us ahead! ”

Passionate habits

  • If the girl has a set of pernicious (according to her partner) habits with which he does not want to humble himself, one should try to get rid of them in order to avoid all kinds of incidents in the future. Some habits can indeed be destructive - for example, a desire to often participate in hoppy parties, smoking, laziness and unwillingness to develop as a person.
  • Even his own non -launching It is quite possible to cause negative emotions in the partner. Surprises and small cute gifts - that’s how to “propitiate” your “Lord” in this case. Surprise it with a romantic dinner or an intimate gift (striptease, for example), thrown by an anonymous letter, in which you touchingly ask for forgiveness for your little weaknesses.
  • And there is another effective way: just to talk with him, telling him how hard it is to fight with your habits that he does not like in you. To complete the conversation is a request for support and forgiveness. If it is inconvenient to say all this out loud, you can just write him a letter.

Example of apology:

“I am in a dream and in reality, I have been dreaming that everything returned back, then I would not allow everything that happened between us. My dear! I do not want to believe that our last quarrel forever moved us from each other. My mind refuses to understand this, and my heart hopes that you will forgive me. After all, I have completely changed from the day of our last meeting. I will become the way you want to see me, I will be a faithful and reliable girlfriend for you. And you always and in everything can rely on me. You just give me your forgiveness, and next to me you will suddenly understand that the world is beautiful! ”

Words of apology
Words of apology
How to apologize
How to apologize
Words for apology
Words for apology
An example of an apology
An example of an apology
An apology to the guy
An apology to the guy

Interrupted pregnancy

  • If the guy was offended that his girlfriend had an abortion, having previously not noted him about it, then he can be angry with her for this for a very long time. It will be very difficult to earn forgiveness for his act because it is simply impossible to correct everything.
  • A man must cool down, as it were, “get sick” with the awareness of the idea that the child is not born to him will never be born. His stormy reaction to this news suggests that he has serious plans for you, and he wants to build his future with you, dreams that you will have a family with him in which children will appear.
  • You will have to convince him that you took this step based on very serious reasons, and it was not easy for you. With your proper behavior, his psychological trauma will be healed after time, and the way will be restored in your relationship.

How to apologize to a man, an example of the text:

“My dear, forgive me for this step. Believe me, he was difficult for me, and now I can’t fall asleep at night, I think that I have lost not only the child, but also you. And to lose you, beloved, like death - after all, now I do not live, but simply exist. The world has lost all the colors for me on the day you left me. And I continue to sit by the window and wait for you - but you are still not ... Come back, love, sorry and return, because when you are not nearby, life becomes just unbearable. Believe me, I begin to experience physical pain from the realization that you decided to become a stranger for me. I will never reconcile with such a loss, because even the inquisitors did not come up with more brutal torture. Pity me, beloved. "

Non -partuality and optionality

  • If the girl is non -launched, and this non -poetry has already become her “second nature”, then this character trait can irritate some men. Such a stereotype has developed in society that only men should be punctual. But, dear women, you are very mistaken! Mature men who are ready for serious relationships want to have a responsible and conscious girlfriend who can provide himself with his “rear”.
  • BUT punctuality - This is one of the components proving that such a girl is reliable, and at a crucial moment she will not let him down. The constant delays and optionality of the girl in fulfilling her promises can lead to rather serious conflicts, even to the fact that a man will decide to break the relationship. He can forgive you your behavior only if you learn to plan your time correctly and do everything that you promised him.
  • The fact that you decided to change should be informed - orally or in writing.

Example of apology:

“If only I knew, my dear, my loved one, how I scold myself for optional and ecstaticity! But I am ready to change, completely rebuild my life for you, my only and unique. I admit that in all our quarrels, only I am to blame, you only forgive me, and you will see how I changed internally. It’s so hard for me without you that for the sake of your return I am ready to curtail, do everything possible and impossible for our love. I ask you, put an end to these torments, return to me, tackle, smile and say that you forgave me, and now everything will be fine with us. If you only knew how I need you now! ”

Lack of attention

  • The active lifestyle has many advantages, however, there are also disadvantages. One of them is a catastrophic lack of time, because after a career, study, frequent meetings with numerous friends, etc. The girl does not always manage to pay due attention to her chosen one.
  • And he may be offended on this subject, rightly believing that he has the right to spend more time with you alone. Well, in such a situation, the relationship will have to be restored to you - to meet with your loved one in an intimate environment (for example, dinner, candles, quiet music, and no one else is near) and make your efforts so that he needs it: you need it And you love him very much.

Example of the text of the apology:

“When I see you, the world floats out from under my feet, and my heart melts. Our meetings are priceless for me, because only next to you I feel happy and beloved. Forgive me for the fact that such meetings are rare, but the more expensive they are for me. I believe that a cloudless joint future awaits us ahead of us, because I do not need no one except you. So do not torment my heart with your coldness, let's make peace once and for all. Forget about disagreements, I believe that we can always find a common language with you, and our love will help us in this. ”


  • Speaking of a deliberate lie, the girl risks undermining the basis of the foundations on which, in fact, the relationship is based - trust. Not true can give rise to rather serious problems, but if love exists between a woman and a man, then a mistake can be corrected.
  • Correctly apologize to the man, without humiliating, while explaining his soul mate to the background of what made you resort to lies and give an oath promise that such a misunderstanding arose between you for the first and last time - only such effective methods will help you restore your previous relationship . And, of course, to convince him of his love and devotion.

How to apologize to the man for a lie:

“I apologize to you, my dear, for my mistake. Tell me how I can fix it. Believe me, I didn't want to hurt you at all. I completely felt my guilt, and I swear to you that this will never happen again - you just forgive me and give me the opportunity to prove to you how dear our love is for me. Among all the people of this world for me you are the most dear, dear and close. I will smell all the pain that I was caused by, give me only the opportunity to do it. I want to remain in your life forever and in your heart. I feel bad from the mere thought that with my mistake I could destroy everything that is so expensive for me. From now on - only one true, and nothing but the truth! They didn’t get angry with me anymore, it is better to give me the opportunity to prove to you all the power of your love for you. And also - Bespornic devotion. "

Apology in front of a man, words
Apology in front of a man, words
Apology to the guy, words
Apology to the guy, words

How to apologize to the man without humiliating in verses?

  • If you felt that your relationship has cracked and it is time to restore harmony, a complete reconciliation between you will need. If you do not want to lose the guy you like, you should analyze the situation and realize: who is to blame for the misunderstanding between you?
  • And if you understand that at least part of the guilt lies with you, then you should apologize to the man correctly so that the guy believes: you are sincere in his repentance, and are ready to “curb” your nature for him, change for the better.
  • It is important that you will soon confirm your words with deeds - they stop plainly jealous of him, or, conversely, flirt with his friends, tell him offensive words, etc. That is, you need to try to get rid of the source of irritation of your boyfriend so that he feels comfortable and relaxed near you.
  • If your chosen one has a creative nature, then it will be easier for his soul to reach rhymed lines. An apology in the form of verses will help to melt the ice in a relationship, and you will have a real chance to get forgiveness from him. You can shift the lines yourself, or you can use our quatrains.

Everything in this world has become unsteady,

I disappear without you ...

I need your smile so much.

I want to live, loving you.


Nothing will go back, I know.

I stumbled - I wear this cross with me,

But I will redeem all sins with love

Forgive me, my dear, I beg you!


Sorry! You just get back ...

Come back and you will find out

What has been waiting for you all my life,

And you ... And you don't notice me.


In verse
In verse
Poetic apologies
Poetic apologies

How to apologize to the man without humiliating in SMS?

  • It may happen that seriously the offended guy will avoid meetings with you. But you should not give up, since he does not want to meet with you, you need to "starve" it. Send him SMS with a request for forgiveness, and his heart will certainly tremble.
  • In this matter, it is important not to put it on, since due to lost time you can lose your previous relationship. You need to think carefully at what phrases you can quickly reach your chosen one and achieve his forgiveness.

But if nothing comes to mind quickly, you can take advantage of the ready-made option for SMS messages to correctly apologize to the man without humiliating:

  • “I made a mistake, but it is characteristic of absolutely everyone, because there are no ideal people. I understand perfectly well that I did not care about you, but believe me that I am bitterly regretting it. The most important thing for me now is to know that you have forgiven me and continue to love me.
  • I tell you a thousand times: “I'm sorry”, let me correct my mistakes, because for me the most expensive, even priceless, is our relationship with you. I am ready for anything for you to forget about my misconduct as soon as possible, but I can never forgive myself - let it serve as a life lesson for me. I love you and wait for your forgiveness and return. ”
  • However, moderation is needed here-do not “bombard” your boyfriend with endless SMS, in the end, this may begin to annoy him. To begin with, send one message, and then wait for his reaction. Believe me, she will soon follow, and the young man will certainly express a desire to meet with you.

How to apologize to the man without humiliating: creative methods

In general, it is possible to apologize to the man correctly, without humiliating in different ways - for such purposes, all means are good.

You can use social networks for apology:

  • Send your chosen one video with a request to forgive you;
  • To please him beautiful postcardin which a touching text will be placed;
  • Beautiful song or clip, sent to a loved one as attention and forgiveness, will also not be superfluous;
  • You can write under the windows of your lover with chalk, the words of the apology or surprise him with a voice message recorded on a musical postcard, which the courier service will deliver to his house;
  • You can also introduce your friends and friends to the device flash mob;
  • Give your beloved souvenirinside which you can hide your message with words of repentance;
  • Make an order for manufacturing billboardon which your request for forgiveness will be placed.

It is not at all difficult to pronounce a word that appropriate for the occasion in order to be forgiven. But this will require your courage, determination and preliminary preparation. In time, the said “sorry me” will help to avoid a break and save your love.

We will also talk about such words:

Video: How the forgiveness of men and women ask is the difference

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