What can not be done when they just started to meet?

What can not be done when they just started to meet?

When the relationship only arises, it is very simple to destroy everything with a single careless phrase. Therefore, at the first meetings, while you have not yet recognized each other, weigh your every word.

Each of us wants to see, first of all, a reliable friend who will never betray and support in difficult times. It is for this very reason that both men and women consciously, and sometimes unconsciously, carry out “testing” of a potential partner. Try not to take reckless steps during the first dates, so that later it is bitter to regret the lost opportunity to build a strong relationship with the person you like. No need to study on other people's mistakes, it is better not to make your own. And how to avoid them, you will learn from this material.

What can not be said by a woman when they just started to meet?

  • A woman, through her careful questioning, usually tries to predict whether this particular man will be a good husband and father for her future children (here is his character and financial situation).
  • The stronger sex has even more requirements for their second half, therefore there will be more “test” questions for the chosen one. Therefore, be prepared for everything, arouse patience and control your behavior and words during the first dates. And let these careful questions not annoy you. Since the partner is interested in information about you, then you are interested in him. And you have the right not to answer some questions uncomfortable for you, in such cases it is worth unnoticed and tactfully transfer the conversation in another direction.

So that your reaction when communicating with a potential partner does not work against you, try to behave in such a way that he does not suspect you that you are frivolous, not far, mercenary or hysterical person. The man will certainly become a check for you, and it depends on you whether he will run away immediately after the first date.

  • Each of them will want to clarify the moments painful for him, and if you successfully pass this “testing”, then this is half the age, further relations can be long and happy. With a correctly built conversation, you can get around all the “pitfalls”, because the most important thing is not to show the man of his “dark” sides. As you know, almost every person has “skeletons in the closet”, but it is not necessary to tell someone about them at all.

Errors that should not be made when they just started to meet:

  1. Talk about the wedding:
  • At the very beginning of the relationship, you do not need to declare that you will meet only with the person who will lead you to the registry office. Such a statement will frighten any representative of the strong half of humanity to the limit.
  • You still do not know each other, so what serious intentions can you talk about? If he sets your dates, then he became interested in you, he liked you, and maybe he is already experiencing some love for you.
  • It must pass for some time so that you are used to each other, falling out to grow into real feelings - then you can already talk about the wedding. But do not try to drag him down the aisle during the first dates, since after such statements you will most likely never see him anymore.
  1. "Load" him with your problems:
  • There is no need to perceive every new man as a kind of saving circle. To put it mildly, it will be ridiculous to look like an unfamiliar man to a man: “Why didn't you meet me before? I was so bad without you! I can handle it without your help! I have been waiting for you all my whole life! "“Or something else in the same way.”
  • Because of such statements, you will appear before a young man as a little stupid girl who rather needs a father, and not in an equal partner. In addition, not a single man cannot be attracted to his infantility and non -self -control, and the responsibility for someone else’s still for him will simply frighten him.
  • And no matter what chivalrous qualities this guy possesses, he is unlikely to want to deal with your problems and bear responsibility for you. Who does the man see in front of him on the first dates? The girl he liked. But after attempts to shift his problems to his shoulders, he most likely prefers not to see her at all.
Do not load it with your problems
Do not load it with your problems
  1. Make hints about material presentations:
  • For some reason, some of the girls believe that if a man liked her, he must immediately give her gifts. Why did it happen?
  • Perhaps you are doing this camouflaged, in the form of complaints that the telephone was “fucked”, the TV has broken down, there is nothing to pay for the communal apartment, there is no way to go to the sea, tired of pushing in public transport, etc. You can try to give all this “under the sauce” of your constant failures, but ... undoubtedly, if he is a person is not stupid, he will perfectly understand that in this way you expect gifts from him. And he definitely will not like this.
  • Even an absolutely not greedy person is shocking the idea that he is not himself - the hero of your novel, you are simply looking for a source of his material well -being in his face. Are you sure that after such conclusions he will appear on the next date? Of course not!
  1. Discuss the behavior of your former partner:
  • No new partner will sympathize with you if you begin to complain about your ex. Perhaps in words - yes, but not in the soul. Firstly, it will be unpleasant for him to listen to his predecessor, and secondly, to be sophisticated and denigrate a person who cannot refute your accusations is an evil tone.
  • Of course, such a conversation is possible, but by no means at the very beginning of the relationship, since the current young man will begin to “try on” all these accusations on himself. Undoubtedly, he will immediately think: “And she will also begin to“ pour mud ”itself, if we suddenly do not get away”? Most likely, he will be worried and continue to meet with you.
  1. Discuss the behavior of their parents and other family members:
  • Hearing from you how you are in absentia the behavior of your family members, the young man involuntarily thinks about, and what will you say to strangers about your relationship?
  • And is it worth introducing you to your parents, because you certainly will not like his beloved mother, and you will run to discuss her with your friends. Therefore, is it not easier to look for a woman for herself not with such a obstinate character?
  1. Share your far -reaching plans:
  • None of the representatives of strong on earth will perceive your plans to eat a couple of children, quit work and engage in just the arrangement of your nest.
  • Men love self -sufficient women, so they should not report ahead of time that you decided to sit on his neck.
Plan together, do not talk about yourself
Plan together, do not talk about yourself
  1. Make comments about his wardrobe:
  • Not all men have taste, accuracy, follow fashionable trends and follow them. And even if you, without turning to persons, will begin to tell your counterparts that right now “advanced” men wear, he can be offended, perceiving it as a hint of his backwardness or sloppiness.
  • And if you directly tell him that he looks, to put it mildly, not entirely fashionable, then the intelligent person will remain silent, but he will think: "Well, look for yourself a dandy, since I'm not so dressed for you."
  • And he will be right, because imagine the situation that it is for you that someone dares to make a remark about your appearance. What will happen then? Goodbye, calm! Hello, tsunami!
  1. Hide that you have a child:
  • At the beginning of the relationship, you believe that he does not have to know about the existence of your child. And, it would seem, everything is going well for you, relationships go in the way. But then, when he is already used to you and fell in love with you, you suddenly dumbfounds a man with news - you have a child!
  • It is impossible to build a normal relationship on lies, and your young man also understands this perfectly. And even if he believes that children are not a hindrance for a happy life, he is unlikely to want to spend his whole life next to a frank liar. That is why you cannot hide the presence of a child. If a man loves you, then over time he will love him.

What can not be done to a woman when they just started to meet?

We talked about forbidden topics and undesirable secrets. But there are also actions that cannot be done when they just started dating

  • Do not apply too much bright makeup and too openly dress. A bold neckline and a mini-skirt will rather cause a man to drag you to bed, but they will not set him up for a long positive relationship. But the moderation and elegance of your appearance will make him believe that you are a person not only tactful, but also a modest one, having a taste.
Do not create candid images
Do not create candid images
  • If you have a trip to the restaurant, do not try to find in the menu to order the most expensive dishes - Your young man can perceive this as a kind of challenge and checking his solvency. And do not cast oblique glances in his purse when he will calculate with the waiter. If he notices this, he will think that you are thus trying to evaluate his financial capabilities.
  • Do not show too big independence In everything. Let your man open a taxi door for you, hold the cafe doors in front of you, push the chair for you. Now tact and politeness are in fashion again, so give your companion the opportunity to prove yourself with a gallant gentleman. And you do not forget to thank him at the same time.
  • On the first dates you can drink (literally a drop) no more than one glass of champagne or good wine. Be sure to refuse to repeat the proposal to repeat so as not to become a lover of strong drinks in his eyes.
  • And if you smoke, do not immediately get a cigarette and a lighter from the handbag. It is better to carefully scout carefully how he relates to smoking women. If it is transmitted to him, and you want to develop relationships with him further, then it is better to refrain from this bad habit.
  • There is no need to cast even fleeting views on other men, and even more so - dance or flirt with them, as your companion can consider you a windy and unreliable woman. Pay attention only to him alone, look only in his eyes so that he has confidence that he is the only and unique for you.

What can not be said by a man when they just started to meet?

  • Men also sometimes find themselves in the role of abandoned, their courtship can be rejected, and another failed romance can make them suffer. They can experience exactly the same emotional experiences as women.
  • But still, it is more difficult for representatives of the strong half of humanity to cope with all this. Indeed, in accordance with existing unwritten laws, a real man it should not cry, roll up tantrums or complain about the cruel girlfriend who left him.
  • It may seem that a man whom someone constantly throws is haunting some kind of evil rock. And he himself does not even think that he is to blame for his love failures.

Do not think that since the statistics of men are fewer, then each of them is easy to find a couple. But some of them need to get rid of those features of character, habits and statements that literally repel women from themselves.

What can not be done by a man when they just started to meet?

  1. Be indecisive:
  • So it happened since ancient times that it is the man who should take the first step to develop relationships. On the first dates, you need to make it clear to the woman that you are fascinated by her, that you are good with her, and you hope to continue the relationship. You can’t be silent and embarrassed - tell her about your feelings.
  • And in general, communicate with her on all sorts of abstract topics, because she comes to your dates not at all in order to shut up next to you somewhere on a bench. With an indecisive silent woman, the woman will soon become boring, and she simply will not come for the next date.
  • No need to be afraid that they can reject you, do not be silent, talk about yourself, ask it. The main thing is to arouse in a woman an interest in herself, to show initiative, to gain confidence, and many women will consider for the happiness to be near you.
  1. Show your jealousy:
  • When people just started meeting, every woman tries to look beautiful and elegant, and it may seem to the man that he does not correspond to her. No need to look at your companion with a heavy jealous look, if someone compliments or invites her to dance with you.
  • And do not try to blame her for anything! The fears that you will turn her further life into a real nightmare with your groundless jealousy, can make her quickly escape from you.
  1. Be boring and dull:
  • It does not happen that a person is always lucky for a person. Of course, everyone has ups, but there are falls. And even if these “falls” were too often from you, your girlfriend does not have to know about all this.
  • You just have a relationship, so better show yourself on the profitable side, be witty and cheerful. Do not allow the girl to get bored next to you because of your grumbling and endless complaints about the injustice of the world. Every woman expects from a new relationship of carelessness and happiness, so leave all your negativity somewhere on the sidelines.
Do not be dull
Do not be dull
  1. Talk a lot about your mother:
  • Of course, mom is sacred, and many men simply idolize their mothers. But is it necessary to remember her at your first dates?
  • If you really liked the woman, then she will still have time to get to know your mother, and it is still unknown how this acquaintance will end. But if you too often mention her in your conversations, then the girl can decide that you are “Mamenkin Son”, whom it is better not to contact.
  1. Talk only about yourself:
  • So that the woman immediately reached you, do not talk only about yourself to your beloved, but show more interest in your chosen one.
  • Girls instinctively understand that they will not be happy near the daffodil. Therefore, despite all your external charm, many women will try to find another pair as soon as possible.
  • After all, they all want to feel a strong male shoulder beside themselves, and not admire the narcissistic handsome pavin.

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