What can be prepared from the residues of salty, fresh herring: a stomach recipe, cutlets, sandwiches, canapes, greens

What can be prepared from the residues of salty, fresh herring: a stomach recipe, cutlets, sandwiches, canapes, greens

Do not know what to cook from the residues of salted herring? Look for recipes in the article.

Each housewife wants to make her table delicious and healthy. It is necessary to buy products in the right amount so that no one remains hungry. Among the large list of products purchased for the festive table, you can highlight the salty salted. But what to do if it was possible to buy it with excess?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if the herring is very overdated?". You will learn how and in how to soak the salted herring quickly, and how to soak the herring from salt in milk, water, and tea. It also tells what to soak the stale, damaged salted herring.

There are many recipes to help use the remains of salted herring with benefit. Read further.

Salting herring of weakly salted, spicy salted at home: Recipe

Salting herring of weakly salted, spicy salted at home
Salting herring of weakly salted, spicy salted at home

In the post -Soviet space, every holiday, whether it is a birthday or New Year can not do without herring. It turns out especially tasty at home with a spicy stain. Here is the prescription:

The following ingredients are needed for salting herring of a slightly salted, spicy ambassador:

  • Herring
  • Mustard
  • Allspice
  • Pepper peas
  • Coriander
  • Lavrushka
  • Carnation
  • Salt, sugar

Cook like this:

  1. Before cooking, herring must be prepared in advance. Each carcass of gills must be removed. Otherwise, they can give bitterness to the future dish.
  2. Then spread the fish with mustard and leave in this form.

Then we proceed to the preparation of the marinade:

  1. To prepare the marinade, use a liter of water.
  2. Pour into a pan and pour spices according to the list of ingredients: fragrant pepper, coriander, peppercorns, bay leaf and cloves.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the pan.
  4. We put on fire, bring to a boil and set aside until the marinade cooled to room temperature.
  5. Then we fill the fish and press it with a heavy object for 3 hours.
  6. It is recommended to turn the fish in the process of salting.
  7. After 3 hours Take into the refrigerator for three days.

The herring is ready. You can serve to the table or cook holiday dishes.

Video: a cunning trick, how to clean a herring in 10 seconds

What to cook from the remains of the herring of salt: the list

From the remnants of the herring, you can make a lot of beautiful and healthy dishes. Almost all of them are easy to prepare and will not take much time. You can distinguish the most popular - list:

  • Vinaigrette with herring
  • Salad "Herring under a fur coat"
  • Forshmak from herring with potatoes
  • Various snacks
  • Smalls for sandwiches
  • Hollow oil

Herring has a large number of vitamins: B1, B2, B6. The composition also contains vitamins A and D.. The use of herring reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and improves the functioning of the heart. Herring is a source of fatty acids.

Video: try, and you will be stunned by how tasty! Salad-Zakuska from herring in Korean

Herring under a fur coat: preparation from the remains, layers

Herring under a fur coat
Herring under a fur coat

The most common salad in the composition that is a herring is a “fur coat”. For most people, there is not even a festive table without this delicious dish. To prepare a traditional herring under a fur coat, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of laying layers. The salad consists of six layers:

  1. Potato
  2. Herring
  3. Onion
  4. Boiled eggs
  5. Carrot
  6. Beet

You can cook this dish from the remnants of salt fish, only the portion will be small - on a small plate. The process of making salad is not fast, but it is worth it:

  1. Boil vegetables and eggs.
  2. Do not cook onions.
  3. After beets and carrots, we rub on a coarse grater, and rub the eggs and potatoes on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the herring into cubes. It must be separated from the bones.
  5. Finely chop on onions.

Last layers we lay out the finished ingredients on the dish:

  1. A layer of boiled potatoes
  2. Cuttled herring
  3. Onion chopped onions
  4. Boiled finely grated eggs
  5. Coarsely grated carrots
  6. Coarsely grated beets

We smear each layer with a mesh of mayonnaise and the entire “pie” is also plentifully filled with mayonnaise. You can decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Forshmak from the residues of salt herring: classic recipe

Forshmak from the residues of salt herring
Forshmak from the residues of salt herring

Forshmak translated - a snack. This dish is common in many European countries, as well as in Jewish cuisine. The dish can act as a cold or hot snack. The most common and well -known Forshmak was invented by Jews. The recipe for this people requires a minimum of additional products in the recipe. It is believed that excessive ingredients can interrupt the classic taste of this dish. Here is a recipe from the remnants of herring Salt:

Composition of products:

  • The remnants of a small herbal herring
  • Baton
  • Bulb
  • 250-280 g of butter
  • Five spoons of refined oil
  • Vinegar - a little
  • Soda - a little

The preparation of the force according to the classic Jewish recipe is the following actions:

  1. Herring must be divided into file parts. Separate the bones and skin.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into several equal parts.
  4. The pulp of the loaf must be sprayed with the minimum amount of vinegar, but not more than two tablespoons.
  5. Next, twist through a meat grinder, and preferably twice, a flesh, herring and onions.
  6. Put the resulting mass in a bowl and add butter. It should stand at room temperature.
  7. Add one tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir.
  8. Let stand for five minutes.
  9. Pour the residues of vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly again.
  10. Throw a pinch of soda and beat everything to the air consistency.

Put on a dish and decorate with greens and mayonnaise.

Odessa force made of salted herring residues: recipe

Odessa Fores from the residues of salted herring
Odessa Fores from the residues of salted herring

The second classic recipe for this dish is Odessa Forshmak. Let's make it from the residues of the salted herring The secret of the Odessa recipe is the addition of eggs and apples, they will taste more tender, and the air appetizer itself. The apple variety should be sour. Suitable: Welsey, Antonovka, Renet Semerenko, white bulk. Well, herring for the Odessa method should be very fat. Here is the prescription:

Composition of products for cooking:

  • Large herring (fat) - remains
  • Bulb
  • The apple is sour
  • Two boiled eggs
  • Lemon juice
  • 80 g of butter
  • Black pepper - a little

Do this:

  • Prepare the remainder of herring - it must be divided into file parts. Separate the bones and skin.
  • Peel the apple and remove the core. Cut into large cubes and moisten them abundantly lemon juice. This is necessary to prevent the darkening of the apple, which can ruin the color of the dish and its aesthetic appearance.
  • Cut the onion too.
  • In a blender or meat grinder, cross all the blanks to a paste mass.
  • For boiled eggs, separate the protein from the yolk. Add the protein to the total mass and again cross everything to the final paste consistency.
  • Add ground black pepper to taste.

Put the finished product on the container and send it to the refrigerator for one night.

Classic vinaigrette with the remains of herring: recipe

Classic vinaigrette with the remains of herring
Classic vinaigrette with the remains of herring

A classic vinaigrette from the remains of herring is an excellent cold appetizer. There are many modifications of this dish. Consider the most common. Here is the prescription:

Products for vinaigrette with herring:

  • 1 PC. herring fillet
  • 2 pcs. The beets are large
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 2-3 pcs. Potatoes
  • 1-2 pcs. pickles
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 100 gr. Politables are canned

For refueling:

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Vinegar - a little
  • Ground black pepper - a little
  • Salt - to taste

Cook like this:

  1. The beets for the vinaigrette need to be washed with running water, lower it into a pan. Pour in water completely and put on the fire.
  2. After boiling water, put on a small fire and bring it to readiness for about an hour.
  3. With potatoes and carrots, perform the same actions, only cook on low heat after a boil about 30 minutes.
  4. Prepare peas and cut on onions.
  5. Cut the cooked vegetables of small cubes.
  6. Chop the cucumbers and mix everything.
  7. After add the herring to pieces.

Let's make a refueling:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and vinegar.
  2. Add salt and ground black pepper.
  3. Add to the bowl to the main dish and mix everything well again.

Ready. Put the salad on the dish and decorate with herbs and herring pieces, if any.

Fresh herring baked in foil: recipe

Fresh herring baked in foil
Fresh herring baked in foil

In case of lack of time, there are two ways to prepare a snack in a few minutes. If you have herring remains in the refrigerator, then prepare a fresh herring in foil. Here is the prescription:


  • The remains of fresh herring
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Greens
  • Vegetable oil

Do this:

  1. Dry herring.
  2. Make transverse cuts on the back.
  3. Season the fish with lemon juice with salt and herbs.
  4. Lubricate on both sides with vegetable oil and fry over low heat.
  5. For greater juiciness, fish can be frying by wrapping in foil.

Also, fish can be baked in foil. It will turn out tasty. Here is the prescription:


  • The herring is fresh
  • Lemon zest
  • Lemon
  • Greens of dill
  • Thyme
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

Do this:

  1. Wash herring, clean, gut.
  2. Add a little salt and ground pepper.
  3. On the back of the fish, make oblique cuts.
  4. Sprinkle them with green dill mixed with lemon zest.
  5. You can lay lemon slices inside.
  6. Wrap in foil and leave in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Serve hot with a side dish or just with vegetables.

Fresh herring residues: recipe

Fresh herring residues
Fresh herring residues

When a fresh herring remained in the refrigerator, and all the usual recipes were already fed up, an interesting dish will come to the rescue. Herring cutlets are the best alternative to fried fish. True, you have to tinker a little. Here is the prescription:


  • The remains of herring are half the fish or a little more
  • 1 table. l. potato starch
  • 0.5 pcs. onion
  • 1 PC. egg
  • Breadcrumbs - a little
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Do this:

  1. The herring must be gutted and divided on the fillet.
  2. Grind the pieces of fillet in a meat grinder and add onions.
  3. Add the egg and starch to the resulting mass.
  4. Beat everything well and add salt and pepper.
  5. Roll up the balls and roll in breading crackers.
  6. Put them in a pan with warmed oil.
  7. Fry on both sides and cover with a lid.
  8. When the starch swells, the dish will become magnificent and will have a delicious look.

A side dish of potatoes or vegetables is better for such a dish.

Sandwriters with salted herring: recipe

Sandwords with salted herring remains
Sandwords with salted herring remains

When there is an urgent need to set the table, then the first thing that comes to mind is sandwiches. And if a herring, which they did not manage to capitalize, then sandwiches were a great option. There are a huge number of different options for cooking such an appetizer - on black bread, on a loaf, croutons, breads, etc. We will make on black bread. Here is the prescription:


  • Black bread
  • Butter
  • Pickles
  • Herring
  • Onion
  • Dill

Do this:

  1. Cut brown bread with large slices. Any variety of bread is suitable.
  2. Clean onions from the husk and cut into even rings.
  3. Cut the cucumber obliquely.
  4. Pill pieces of bread with oil, having previously taken it out of the refrigerator. On average, one teaspoon will go on one slice.
  5. Put the cucumber and onion on the butter.
  6. For each sandwich, lay out 1-2 slices of herring.

It turned out appetizing and delicious sandwiches - a great appetizer for any table.

Canapes with herring remains and black bread on skewers: Recipe

Canapes with herring remains and black bread on skewers
Canapes with herring remains and black bread on skewers  

Another type of delicious and mouth -watering sandwiches is a canap with the remains of herring and black bread on skewers. Here is the prescription:


  • Black bread
  • The remains of the herring
  • Apples
  • Mustard
  • Dill
  • Butter
  • Maslins

Do this:

  1. Canapes are best made from a crumb of black bread, so you need to cut off the crust and cut into the slices of bread with square pieces.
  2. Pour mustard on the squares of bread. It is important not to lose bitterness. It is better to take sweet mustard.
  3. Finely chop the washed dill and mix with butter.
  4. Lnge the resulting mass on top of the mustard.
  5. After cut the apple with slices, and herring in small pieces.
  6. First we make an apple, then herring.
  7. We stick a skewer or toothpick into each canapes and string the half of the olives.
  8. Take into the refrigerator for one hour.

Instead of an apple, you can use cucumber or kiwi.

Grands with eggs and herbs: recipe

Cerens with eggs and herbs of herring
Cerens with eggs and herbs of herring

Sands with fried bread are very tasty and appetizing. Such croutons with eggs and herring can be supplied for breakfast or a snack. So, if you have the remains of salt fish, then make such sandwiches. They will like all households. Here is the prescription:


  • Black bread - half a roll or slightly larger (depends on how much you have a herring)
  • The remains of the herring
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • Green onions - several feathers
  • Salt is a little
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - a little
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cook like this:

  1. Cut the bread into slices and fry in a pan. You need to fry on one side.
  2. Put the bread on paper towels and wait until the oil is absorbed.
  3. Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Add onions, salt, pepper to them and pour in mayonnaise. Move everything well.
  5. Distribute the resulting mass to the fried slices of bread, and lay a thinly chopped herring on top.

It turned out a delicious and tasty snack. Great for a side dish from potatoes.

Sanding sandwiches with tomatoes and residues of the herring of salted: Recipe

Sandwheel sandwiches with tomatoes and residues of salted herring
Sandwheel sandwiches with tomatoes and residues of salted herring  

Suitable for a feast. An excellent snack from the residues of salt herring and tomatoes. Such open sandwiches are beautiful and appetizing. Try to make them and surprise your guests with a unique taste. Here is the prescription:


  • Black bread - 0.5 rolls
  • The remains of the herring
  • Butter - a little
  • Salad Latuk-several leaves
  • Tomatoes - a couple of pieces
  • Mayonnaise - a little

Cook like this:

  1. Cut the bread with uniform pieces. You can use a loaf, not brown bread.
  2. Lubricate well with oil.
  3. We put the salad leaves up.
  4. Next, cut pieces of tomato and herring.
  5. Season with mayonnaise and the appetizer is ready.

The combination of bright colors of products and herring makes such a dish very appetizing. These sandwiches shift from the table instantly.

Simple snack sandwiches with salted herring remains: Recipe

Simple snack sandwiches with salted herring remains
Simple snack sandwiches with salted herring remains

Such sandwiches are more satisfying thanks to the use of eggs and melted cheese. They are made simply and quickly. So, if you have the remains of a salt herring, then proceed. Here is a recipe for simple snack sandwiches:


  • The remains of the herring
  • Egg - a couple of pieces
  • Book
  • Butter or flooded cheese - a little
  • Tomatoes or fresh cucumbers-1-2 pcs.
  • Parsley

Do this:

  1. Cut the roll or brown bread with slices.
  2. Lubricate pieces of bread with butter.
  3. Put in pre -cooked chicken eggs on top of butter with rings around which lay pieces of fish.
  4. Cover everything with a large sliced \u200b\u200btomato or a circle of cucumber. You can change the sequence of layers.
  5. Finely chop parsley and sprinkle sandwiches to give an appetizing appearance.
  6. Instead of butter, you can use the cheese melted.

The culinary world is diverse and this is far from the whole list that will help to use herring, which is stuck in the excess in your refrigerator. Any recipe each person must adjust to himself and his taste. The recipe is like a template of endless possibilities of embodying thoughts and fantasies in the preparation of culinary masterpieces. Therefore, invent something new, add other ingredients and surprise your guests and households with a unique taste. Enjoy your meal!

Video: herring. Recipes are always tasty!

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Video: Salad with herring, tastier than “Herring under the fur coat”!

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