Herring in Korean: a simple recipe, with carrots, in tomato sauce with herbs, with sweet pepper, in a sweet and sour marinade, in soy marinade-useful preparation tips at home

Herring in Korean: a simple recipe, with carrots, in tomato sauce with herbs, with sweet pepper, in a sweet and sour marinade, in soy marinade-useful preparation tips at home

You will learn recipes for delicious herring in Korean from our material.

Herring is a very familiar fish for our table. Most often, we eat such fish in salty, however, this is far from the only way to prepare this useful and affordable product.

Clood in Korean is a quick in preparation, an affordable and very unusual dish that will like even the most fastidious gourmets.

Herring in Korean: Simple recipe

You can cook fish in a variety of ways. All of them differ among themselves by certain ingredients, preparation time, complexity, etc. But it is important that there are abusive salts (to taste), vinegar and sunflower oil (they will be required about 100 ml).

We recommend that this incredibly tasty snack we recommend starting with the simplest recipe for its preparation.

  • Freak -free herring - 800 g
  • Violet onion - 270 g
  • Apple vinegar - 130 ml
  • Gorky pepper
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml
  • Cisial seeds, dried greens, white pepper, rosemary
  • The most difficult thing is to prepare such a yummy is fish cutting. Since herring in our stores can only be found in ice cream, its preparation should be started with defrosting. Herring, like any other fish, seafood, must be defrost only in a natural way, that is, not to be lowered in boiling water, not put in a microwave, etc. If the process of defrosting needs to be accelerated, put in the warmest place in the house.
  • Cars that are completely defrosted are ready for further manipulations. We clean the product, just as we do in the case of salty fish, that is, cut off the head and tail, take out the insides and, of course, wash it under cold water. We need to use fillet according to this recipe, so we finish the peeled fish. To do this, we do a sharp incision along the ridge with a sharp knife and pull out the ridge, and after the rest of the bones. We cut the finished fillet in any way, put in a container that will not oxidize from vinegar.
  • The first thing to do with vegetables should be washed and prepare them for further use, that is, clean. Next, cut onions and pepper into thin pieces. Do not forget that bitter pepper is an “aggressive” product that can burn the skin, so you need to work with it carefully and in gloves.
  • As for the number of these vegetables, which is indicated in the recipe, it can be changed based on their taste preferences. So, for example, pickled onion with herring is very tasty, so you can even lay it 500 g.
  • Pieces of herring with splees with lemon juice, it will give them a pleasant aroma, add onions, a little salt, sugar, mix.
  • Spery the oil and add bitter pepper, spices to it.
  • Pour the oil, and then vinegar to the main ingredient and mix the products.
  • You can tast the fish after 12-24 hours. After pickling.
  • It turns out the herring is very delicate, greasy with a pleasant spicy taste and aroma.

Herring in Korean with carrots

The herring in Korean with carrots is incredibly aromatic with a sweet taste that an orange vegetable gives it. It is important to note that we will cook such fish with carrots in Korean, which you can buy ready-made or do it yourself.

  • Freak -free herring - 800 g
  • Fresh carrots - 230 g
  • Violet onion - 120 g
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml
  • Dijon mustard - 10 g
  • Pepper Gorky
  • A mixture of spices for the preparation of carrots in Korean, the penny of ground, rosemary, cilantro seeds
With carrots
With carrots
  • We defrost the fish in a natural way, that is, without resorting to the help of boiling water, microwaves, etc. We begin to clean it, removing the head, tail, insides, skin. After that, we make a shallow incision on the back, remove the ridge and small bones. We cut the finished fillet with medium pieces and put in enameled or glass containers.
  • We recommend cooking carrots in Korean on our own. To do this, select a beautiful, juicy and sweet carrots, clean it, wash and rub it on a coarse grater or grater designed to make carrots in Korean. Combine the vegetable with a half mixture for the preparation of “Korean” carrots, mix and leave for half an hour.
  • Peel and chop the onion.
  • Finely chop chili pepper, the number of acute ingredients is adjusted based on your own preferences. Work with such a product only in gloves.
  • Combine fish with onions, carrots, pepper, lemon juice, mustard grains, vinegar and all spices. Do not forget about salt, sugar.
  • Spery the oil and add to the container with fish and vegetables.
  • Put a container with herring in a cold place for 12 hours.
  • After this time, try a piece of fish, if suddenly some ingredient is missing, add it and leave the product for another 1 hour.

Herring in Korean in tomato sauce with herbs

The herring prepared according to such a recipe is obtained with a special taste that gives her greens and specific spices.

The peculiarity of this recipe is that we will pickle herring without grinding it into pieces.

  • Freeze herring - 400 g
  • Tomato - 80 g
  • Tomato sauce - 30 ml
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Onions - 70 g
  • Parsley, dill, cilantro - 15 g
  • Chilli
  • A mixture of spices for the preparation of carrots in Korean, caraway seeds, anise
  • Pre -lay out the fish from the freezer and defrost at room temperature. After we remove the insides from it, and also remove the tail, head. Find the herring, choosing small bones as much as possible. By the way, you can do this with ordinary tweezers. As mentioned earlier, we will not cut fish into pieces, so we leave whole fillets.
  • Wash the tomato and clean the skin. To do this, cut its skin and lower the vegetable into boiling water for several minutes, remove the skin.
  • Peel and cut the garlic.
  • Peel and chop the onion in small pieces.
  • Use greens at your discretion. Wash and chop it.
  • Chile peppers must be finely chopped, however, this needs to be done only in gloves.
  • Chop the tomato with garlic in a blender.
  • Speuse the oil, pour mashed potatoes into the stewpan from tomato and garlic.
  • After a couple of min. Add onions and acute pepper with tomato sauce to the container.
  • After 5 min. Bring the mixture in the saucepan salt, sugar and all the other spices and spices indicated in the recipe, add greens.
  • Add vinegar to the hot mixture, cool the contents of the stewpan a little.
  • Pour the dressing into the fish and leave it to pickle for a day.
  • After this time, try the fillet to taste. If any ingredient is missing, add and wait another 1 hour.

Herring in Korean with sweet pepper

Herring, pickled with vegetables always turns out to be very delicate and tasty, especially if you use vegetables with a sweet taste. Bulgarian pepper is an excellent addition to such fish.

  • Fox herring - 800 g
  • Onion purple, sweet pepper - 120 g
  • Pepper Gorky
  • Honey - 20 g
  • Spices for herring
  • Remove fish carcasses from the freezer and let them defrost. Remove the head, tail and insides. After that, put the fish on the fillet and cut it in any way. Place the pieces in a container that does not oxidize from vinegar essence.
  • Next, start working with vegetables. Wash them thoroughly and, if necessary, clean them. Grind all the vegetables into strips.
  • Lubricate the pieces of fish with honey.
  • Add all vegetables to the herring container to the herring.
  • In a saucepan, heat the oil and pour spices into it, then pour in vinegar essence.
  • Pour the resulting mixture to the main ingredient.
  • You can tast the fish after a day. Evaluate the taste of the appetizer and if something is missing-add, let stand for a little more.

Herring in Korean in a sweet and sour marinade

Many can assume that a sweet and sour sauce is suitable only for meat and products from it, however, in fact, this is not so. The specific sweet and sour taste of the sauce complements the taste of herring in Korean.

  • Fox herring - 800 g
  • Mustard in grains - 30 g
  • Liquid honey - 55 g
  • Onions - 45 g
  • Carrots - 70 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • A mixture of spices for the preparation of carrots in Korean, dried greens.
  • We defrost the herring at room temperature, remove the head, tail, skin and insides.
  • Next, we filter the fish, removing not only the ridge, but all the small bones. According to this recipe, the fillet can be cut or left whole. We will prefer the last option and we will pickle a herring in the form of fillets from fillets.
  • Salt and twist each fillet into a roll, if necessary, tie them with a thread so that they do not break up. Form the rolls in such a way that there is a place for vegetable filling inside.
  • Wash the vegetables and, if necessary, clean. Next, grind all the vegetables except carrots in any way, and rub the orange vegetable with a grater.
  • The vegetable mixture is marinated in a spicy mixture for half an hour.
  • In another container, combine mustard, honey, vinegar and oil. Add spices and spices at your discretion.
  • Pick the pickled mixture in the middle of the roll.
  • Pour the herring with liquid marinade and leave for 10 hours.
  • After this time, try the fillet and, if necessary, add the missing ingredients, for example, pepper, salt, etc.

Herring in Korean in soy marinade

Soy marinade is very often used for pickling fish and meat, since it gives the dish a special taste and aroma. A herring in a brown-cooked in such a marinade is unusually delicate, moderately salty and very fragrant.

  • Freeze carcass of herring - 2 pcs.
  • Onion purple, carrots - 80 g
  • Soy sauce - 80 ml
  • Garlic - 7 cloves
  • Parsley - 25 g
  • Spices for herring, red ground pepper
In Korean
In Korean
  • Pre -defrost the fish in the way that was mentioned earlier. Next, start cutting it, cut the tail, head, take out the insides and wash the carcass. After cut the herring on the fillet and cut it in any convenient way. Place pieces of fish in a container that does not oxidize from vinegar.
  • Wash and clean all the vegetables thoroughly. Grind the carrots with a grater, chop the onion, chop the garlic.
  • Wash the parsley, cut it off. If desired, you can just tear it with your hands.
  • Add vegetables to the main ingredient. Subure the ingredients with salt and all the indicated spices, gently mix the products.
  • Now connect the liquid ingredients and add parsley to them. Pour this mixture to fish with vegetables.
  • 24 hours later. Get the resulting treat if any ingredient is missing-add and wait another 1 hour.

Herring is one of the most affordable fish for us. Despite this, her taste is not inferior to many other seafood.

Herring in Korean is a delicious snack that can be prepared for every day and for the holiday. Try to add different spices and ingredients to the fish, so you will receive a new taste of the dish every time.

Video: Preparation of herring in Korean

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