What can and cannot be done on Thursday: signs. How best to spend Thursday: tips

What can and cannot be done on Thursday: signs. How best to spend Thursday: tips

Thursday is already a small Friday, so spend it with benefit. Our tips will help you with this.

Thursday is primarily associated with the word "clean." And he, according to signs, light and foreshadowing good luck. Jupiter patronizing Thursday fills this day with wisdom and adds judgment. And what else does this day prepare for us that do on Thursday, what to postpone until Friday?

What cannot be done on Thursday: signs

AT Thursday is not recommended:

  • To share the content of dreams, especially if they are bad, alarming. Since it is on Thursday that dreams are used to come true.
  • To voice any negative thoughts, forebodings, wishes. It is very highly likely that your every word will really be embodied in reality.
  • Cooking kvass is prohibited do on Thursday.
You can’t cook
You can’t cook
  • Plant potatoes. For some reason, it is precisely the potato planted on Thursday that never succeeds. So do not waste time and time.
  • Harvest the drain and prepare from them. Either the purple Jupiter does not like plum shades of color and taste, or for some other reasons, but you should not take on the plums on Thursday.

What can be done on Thursday: signs

Thursday is favorable for:

  • Start of new undertakings. Start on this day all the business planned in advance, and then they will successfully come to life. Feel free to hit the road, change your place of residence, make large purchases.
  • Producing new ideas. All, even the most incredible thoughts and plans that will visit you on Thursday, have every chance of becoming successful, because a thorough Jupiter will follow the quality of their embodiment.
  • Foreigned beauty. The girl just needs to get water on Wednesday evening and put silver rings or spoons in it, and wash her face with this water in the morning of Thursday. It will be especially useful to wash on a pure Thursday - it will protect against envious and dashing eyes throughout the year. Therefore, old people are advised by all means to wash children's faces on such a day.
We gain beauty
We gain beauty
  • District return. Having returned the money lent earlier, you will receive incomparably more, which is why this is necessary do on Thursday.
  • Any financial transactions, including opening and closing accounts, checking payments and in general for any accounting department. And it’s good just to swim in money in the literal sense of the word: throw a couple of coins into a filled bath.
  • Putting order in the apartment - the result will surpass all expectations.

How best to spend Thursday: tips

  • The day is favorable for socially significant achievements, because it is not without reason that it is on Thursday that many lawyers, politicians, and leaders of all ranks were born. Therefore, the laws, decisions, orders and other directives adopted on this day are reasonable and successful - this is necessary do on Thursday.
  • Do not be stingy on this day. If you share with the suffering at the command of the soul - the good will be rewarded with a hundredfold, and the given - will return in full.
  • So that your affairs, including financial, go in a way, decorate the house with a bouquet of red carnations.
In the house
In the house
  • On Thursday, refuse pink in clothes, giving preference to the dark shades of blue, green and purple.

Sapphires, agates, opals, as well as lapis lazuli are relevant from stones on Thursday. Thursday metals are represented by a noble platinum and zinc.

What should be done on a clean Thursday?

  • Swim to sunrise. It is better to do this under the streams of shower, and not lying in the bath, so that the water washes and carry your sins and illnesses. And necessarily subject to complete silence.
  • Carry out the whole house to clean it to clean its energy as much as possible.
  • Conduct a calculation of all cash, and then three times, then money will be in the house at any time - this is definitely necessary do on Thursday.
Cash calculation
Cash calculation
  • Go to three yards and take each a handful of salt in each. Moreover, do not take with subsequent return, namely irrevocably. Thursday salt has healing qualities and helps even to those who are seriously ill.
  • Draw a ritual, throwing into the water, which you will wash the windows of windows and doors in the room, several coins and pronouncing "Our Father" three times. At the same time, you need to think about increasing your well -being, praise the money that will help you with this. Having finished cleaning, hide the coins away from the eyes, and pour water under a tree.

Video: On business in pure Thursday

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