What can and cannot be given to housewarming? Housewarming: signs, traditions, gifts

What can and cannot be given to housewarming? Housewarming: signs, traditions, gifts

The list of signs, customs and gifts for housewarming.

Housewarming is a reverent event that the owners of new housing are faced. This is a holiday, since a person acquires his corner, where he can build a homemade cozy nest. In this article we will tell you what gifts it is best to give for a housewarming line, and signs related to this. 

Folk signs of the housewarming

The cat should penetrate the room before everyone else. You need not only to let the predator forward, you should hold it all night at yourself.

Folk signs of the housewarming:

  • To do this, feed the pet with something tasty, offer to spend the night in the purchased apartment.
  • If the animal behaves calmly after the night, you can safely settled in it. If the cat constantly meow, scared, asks him to release, it is worthwhile to conduct a cleansing ceremony before being posted.
  • Animals feel the presence of demonic entities, so they behave inadequately. Invite the clergyman to carry out consecration. Next, you can repeat manipulations with a cat.

Housewarming: Russian traditions

Buy a talisman and hang it above the door. The best option for the amulet is a branch of mountain ash, Thursday salt, as well as horseshoe. The owner needs to go into the house with bread, salt, and images of saints. Similar manipulations are carried out if the room is uninhabited, this is a new building.

Housewarming, Russian traditions:

  • There were rites in Russia. After building the house, the resettlement in it was called "VSZHINA". They began not in the morning, but late at night. It was necessary to wait for the singing of roosters, and only after that to transfer things, transport cattle to a new barn, a house.
  • The first roosters drive the demons, evil spirits, all of it disappears. If you move late at night, after singing roosters, this will help to make life happier.
  • Most of us remember that it is necessary to launch a four -legged friend in the purchased apartment, who will help clean the house from negativity. However, initially, in ancient Russia, not a cat was allowed into the hut. It could be a rooster, or heterosexual rabbits.
  • A acquired family nest to cleanse and get rid of demons should take a sacrifice. That is why they did not let people into the house, but launched animals. The animal may die before everyone else. The house chooses a victim and helps the residents live happily.

How to invite a brownie household?

If you bought an apartment in the secondary market, then you should not lure the house.

How to invite a brownie to the housewarming:

  • To grab the old housekeeper, in housing from the secondary market, you need to put a plate with milk at night.
  • Cook porridge on Thursdays and leave sweat in an accessible place. Treat him as the owner of the housing.
  • Take an empty knapsuit and put cookies or sweets into it. Tell me what you want the brownie to go with you.
  • Manipulation is needed only if you move into a room in which no one lived.
  • The old room, during the resettlement to the purchased apartment, cannot be left just like that. After you endure all things, it is worth washing the house and taking out the garbage, and it is best to do this near the purchased apartment.

Signs for housewarming in a new apartment

Please note that the holiday should celebrate on the day of the transport of all things. Therefore, prepare goodies in advance, or order food prepared in a restaurant in the delivery of food.

Signs for housewarming in a new apartment:

  • To make life well, before everyone else, older people were allowed into housing. Previously, there was a belief, give God the first to God who will go to the house earlier. Accordingly, the most mature people were chosen. However, later the traditions changed, and the first to let the cat go into the house. 
  • To choose a place for the bed, you need to start the cat and see where it lay down. These animals feel negative, so the place on which they go to rest are falling asleep is the cleanest in the house. It is here that you need to put a marital bed. 
  • To make life in the purchased apartment well, the household does not quarrel, it is worth washing the whole house, having carried out general cleaning, using salt water. Salt absorbs the negative, and helps to clean housing. 
  • A few centuries ago, after cleaning, all the corners of the house were coated with honey. The life of the household will be sweet. The room was cleaned using special herbs. They were dried, set fire to, and the dug up the housing with the smoke. In this case, it was necessary to readprayer Our Father. Over the entrance, amulets were attached. 
A family
A family

How to note a housewarming in a new apartment?

Remember that the former nest cannot be ignored. After you take out all the garbage, you need to wash the house. It is necessary that the man is the first to enter the purchased apartment. He brings with him joy and luck.

How to note a housewarming in a new apartment:

  • Regarding alcohol, you need to clearly regulate its amount. It is impossible for the guests to get drunk. You need to purchase a tablecloth, flowers and fruits. The design of the table is of great importance. In the old days, it was necessary to lay a rushnik with embroidery, on which bread with salt, or decorated with berries, was placed. It is worth recalling only the good during the celebration and drive all negative emotions, as well as thoughts.
  • It is worth organizing a festive table, calling all relatives and friends. Moreover, each of the guests should prepare wishes for the new settlers. One of the good signs is the web.

It is necessary to bring a spider with a pot or can from a family nest, and release in a purchased house. If the next morning the insect weave the web, then life in the purchased apartment will be happy and carefree. Usually, a can with a spider was put on the windowsill in the largest room. 

Good mood
Good mood

What they bring to the housewarming: signs

Tell the guests that everyone who comes must bring bread, salt and coins with them.

What are brought to the housewarming, signs:

  • When all guests are just gathering in the house, they must throw a coin through the threshold.
  • Only after that you can come in.
  • During farewell to the owners, guests should say: “Peace to your home.”

What to give for a housewarming line: signs

As a gift, it is best to choose objects that are useful in the household. It can be breadbaskets, bedding, kettle, and household utensils.

What to give for housewarming, signs:

  • Basically, gifts that give, belong to domestic things. They should come in handy on the farm and ennoble the apartment. That is why dishes, technology were considered the best gift.
  • Such presentations improve the well -being of people, and also bring comfort to the house. Often they give coffee tables or small tables to serve. A good gift is the horseshoe that is attached above the door.
  • It must be directed up. A great present - a bedspread, a tablecloth made of natural wool or cotton. Usually they promise wealth and prosperity. You cannot give bedding, since it is chosen exclusively by homeowners.
  • You can please the owners of housing with lamps, fireplace and candles. Fen- talismans have proven themselves wellshui. It can be a fat woman, a frog-god, pyramids. Such accessories symbolize wealth. 

What cannot be given to housewarming: signs

Remember that cutting and stitching items cannot be given. Refrain from the presentation of forks, knives.

What cannot be given to housewarming, signs:

  • The most common gift is money. The acquisition of a family nest is not the best reason for their presentation. Regarding the presentation of money, there are several opinions.Some believe that this is a bad sign, and money cannot be handed, since it will contribute to the deterioration of the financial situation.Such housing can be robbed. Others think that money is the best gift, because a person himself can choose the necessary present. 
  • Cutting items. This will stimulate enmity in the purchased apartment, so the owner of the housing, upon receipt of such gifts, must give appropriate combination in the form of coins or bills. 
  • Clock and mirrors. These are also undesirable gifts, but if you need such products, you ordered them to friends, you should give a small combination. Before you come to the holiday, ask the owners of housing that they need. Thus, you will not acquire unnecessary things. 
Keys from new housing
Keys from new housing

Happy Brush on Feng Shui

Now few people listen to for example, but it is quite popular.shui. Very often on the hair dryershui They try to arrange purchased furniture, things, and organize a workplace. Indeed, adherents of this culture give their advice so that the settlement is prosperous. 

Happy Happy Feng Shui:

  • Even before the transportation of things, you should choose a date. For this, the Chinese lunar calendar is used. All things need to be transported to the current housing in just one day, respectively, you need to start the process in the morning.
  • Remember that on feng shui furniture, all things from the sold premises should be carried out by hired workers, that is, movers. But the owners should install furniture in the purchased house. Therefore, call all family members so that they take part in the arrangement of things. 
  • Immediately after purchasing an apartment, do not enter it empty -handed. It is worth taking some little thing, and transport it to a new place. It can be any inventory for cleaning, or a figurine. It is put in a purchased apartment so that housing gets used to the current owners. 

How to organize a housewarming and moving?

At the very beginning, the most expensive things come to the house, whichit will help improve the financial situation and wealth of residents of housing. Women do not recommend moving in a position.

How to organize a housewarming and moving:

  • If possible, it is best to check after the birth of a child. If you need to urgently move, then the woman should not help assembly of things.
  • Before checking into the purchased apartment, in the sold house you need to wash the floor. Do not leave Bedlam. If there are broken things, they should be repaired.
  • The purchased apartment should also be washed. This is necessary so that clean and positive energy enters the acquired housing. It is worth opening the windows and doors during cleaning so that clean air comes in.
  • It is also recommended to open water in the bathroom and in the kitchen, turn on the light. After that, a kettle is placed on the stove to organize a tea party. You can also relax, to pleasant music. The house will get used to the current residents. 
Cleaning the house
Cleaning the house

Do I need to celebrate a housewarming line?

In the old days, two parties were organized. At the beginning of the celebration, exclusively relatives were invited. The simplest dishes were placed on the table and a bottle of champagne was purchased.

Is it necessary to celebrate the housewarming:

  • She was opened the very first, even before eating. The next day, guests and acquaintances who brought gifts were invited. A good mood of the guests will bring happiness to the purchased apartment. They invited guests with children, this helped to appease the house. 
  • On the second day, when friends and acquaintances are invited, you should put good, various dishes on the table. 
  • Despite the fact that on the first day this is not fundamentally, the second day of celebration should be magnificent. The richer the table will be, the higher the level of prosperity awaits the family.

Housewarming: signs, customs

To get a good job in a new place, you need to say goodbye to the abandoned house. You need to thank him for a good service, and comfort. You need to stand with your back to the door and bow to the house to the waist.

Housewarming, signs, customs:

  • It is worth scattering coins on the floor in a sold house. Take a small part with you, and leave the rest of the coins. Thus, you will give prosperity the current owner, and fate will thank you for the generosity.
  • It is worth lighting a church candle and walking throughout the house. This will help to protect yourself from curses that current owners can send the old. During eviction, you can not take the trash with you and spoiled things.
  • Everything related, old shoes that are not used, be sure to throw it away. Take care of things and amulets, do not leave them in an abandoned house.
Happy family
Happy family

Novoselia signs: reviews

Migration is a large -scale business, so you can miss important points. Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who recently acquired their own housing.

Novoselia signs, reviews:

Veronica. I purchased an apartment, not in a new building, but in the secondary market. With the collection of things and the eviction of the old residents, there were problems. They could not find an apartment for themselves for a very long time, so they did not leave for about a month. When we left, they left part of the things. I had to take them out. We live in a small apartment for 6 months. The holiday of settlement itself was celebrated very modestly, in the family circle. No customs adhered to.

Elena. This apartment can hardly be called new, but it is such for our family. I inherited, for a long time we cleaned, threw things in the former owners. Now we live. They celebrated settlement according to all the rules. A very cozy apartment, nothing breaks, unlike our old.

Olga. I do not believe in signs, so the settlement was not celebrated. We stopped not in one day, for several. After all, there was no way to carry out things all day. Perhaps therefore, something breaks in the room often. Most likely, the matter is our negligence. It was necessary to do everything before you settle.

Many interesting articles about relocation can be found on our website:

The most dangerous day for relocation is Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Therefore, the best day is Tuesday and Thursday. It is worth preparing in advance the move, it is these days. The best day for settlement is September 14th.  

Video: Housewarming, signs, customs

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Comments K. article

  1. It is a pity that the author does not write about the house, but only about moving from an apartment to an apartment. And the situation when the city is in the city, and the house is built in the country, completely different - neither the transport of all things, nor the abandonment of the old apartment to other owners. But during the construction, both the owners and the cat, the owners do something, paint something, remove the garbage for the builders, the electricians have already hung lamps-and these are also our things. And the windows are still not completed in the house, the staircase, the porch will have to be redone ... And when to throw the coin over the threshold - when they made the threshold or when the roof and windows?
    And what does the phrase mean: "When all guests are only gathering in the house, they must throw a coin over the threshold." Through which threshold - they are already in the house. Out of the house? Or through the threshold of the room in the hallway or neighboring room?

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